Ronan unwrapped a piece of chocolate frog and put it in his mouth to savor it carefully.

After chewing it for a few times, an intoxicated expression appeared on his face,”Tsk, tsk, this tastes really good.”

Then, he skillfully took out the picture of the chocolate frog and carefully kept it.

While chewing slowly, Ronan chatted:”By the way, have you met Twilight Sparkle in the Forbidden Forest recently?”

“Bain, the fiancée who ran away from marriage?”

Ye Ting was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses and shook his head.

“I haven’t seen her. You centaurs travel through the Forbidden Forest all day long and know the art of divination. Even you can’t find her, so how can I have the chance to meet her?”

“By the way, why did you mention her suddenly? Did something happen?” The boy asked curiously.

Ronan sighed and said,”Last time we found Twilight Sparkle near the tribe, and we were close to catching her, but unfortunately she escaped in the end.”

“Now the tribe has made a decision to officially label Twilight Sparkle a traitor. If we meet Twilight Sparkle again, we will not show mercy and will kill her on the spot.”

He carefully put away the package and reminded:”You often come to the Forbidden Forest. If you meet Twilight Sparkle one day, remember to remind her to be careful.”

Ye Ting hugged his arms in front of his chest, turned over and jumped onto the back of the unicorn, and said calmly:”I don’t want to interfere in the internal affairs of your centaurs.” Ronan sighed again, he looked up at the sky, and murmured:”The nebula tonight is dim, as if it is foreshadowing something. Goodbye, Ye Ting, may good luck always be with you.”

After saying that, Ronan turned and left, presumably to find a hidden place to hide the food.

After all, bringing chocolate frogs back to the tribe like this would inevitably attract attention.

Ye Ting rode on the unicorn and hurriedly ran away, galloping towards the unicorn’s new habitat.

In this way, Ye Ting rode on the unicorn and shuttled through the forbidden forest like the wind. They bypassed the winding mountain roads and finally arrived at a giant tree forest composed of towering trees 20 to 30 meters high.

Ye Ting lightly snapped his fingers 10, and golden ripples spread out, spraying out clockwork beetles, which flew in all directions.

These beetles will help him search for the traces of unicorns.

Unicorns are social creatures, usually They live together in small groups. Their groups vary in size, ranging from five or six to more than ten, and they like to live by picturesque lakes.

When unicorns act in groups, no one usually wants to provoke them, but perhaps because they have no natural enemies, unicorns forage alone in most cases, and only return to their common habitats to rest. The unicorn under Ye Ting fell into the clutches of Voldemort because of this habit.

After returning to the group, as long as it is careful and tries to stay with its members, it should not be in danger again.

In the giant tree forest, the dense leaves blocked the moonlight, causing darkness under the treetops.

Suddenly, a voice came from the darkness. A burst of hurried horse hoof sounds broke the silence of the night. Ye Ting looked in the direction of the sound in surprise, with doubts in his heart.

Could it be that the unicorn took the initiative to find him?

However, the unicorn under his crotch did not show any special reaction… From this point of view, it should not be a unicorn.

So, where did the sound of horse hooves come from?

In the Forbidden Forest, the only ones who can make the sound of horse hooves are centaurs besides unicorns.

Ronan just met him at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and this centaur could not be him.

However, except for Ronan, most centaurs are hostile to wizards.

The last time Ye Ting met Bain, the other party pointed his bow and arrow at Zhang Qiu’s head shortly after they met.

With the lessons learned from the past , when Ye Ting heard the sound of horse hooves again, he had to be extra careful.

He jumped off the unicorn’s back, signaled it to stay where it was, and then sneaked towards the source of the mysterious sound like a ghost.

Although Linnet was not around, Ye Ting was not without the [Disillusionment Spell].

Amber’s Divine Eye also gave him excellent stealth skills.

However, he still underestimated the keen intuition of those top centaur hunters.

The centaur’s ears moved slightly, as if it caught a faint disturbance in the air, and immediately alerted that someone was approaching quietly from behind.

She turned around abruptly, with the bow and arrow already in her hand, and an exquisite feather arrow was instantly strung.

Seeing this, Ye Ting knew that he could not hide it anymore, so he simply strode forward and waved his left hand:

“Dazzling light trick!”

Ye Ting didn’t want to kill the opponent on the spot, so he kept a hand when using Linni’s fighting skills.

The fire elements gathered instantly, as if a thermite bomb exploded in front of the centaur’s eyes. The blazing flames suddenly bloomed in the darkness with a dazzling flash.

The centaur only felt that her eyes were stinging, and the white light made her eyes blind. Tears flowed involuntarily.

But relying on the hunter’s intuition, she still loosened her fingers, and the bowstring was loosened, banging, and the feather arrow shot towards the enemy like a meteor. At such a close distance, an arrow piercing the heart is almost a foregone conclusion, enough to make the opponent lose combat effectiveness instantly.

However, Ye Ting was not afraid. He clenched his right hand and condensed a blade made of running water out of thin air.

Then, he swung his hand casually, and the blade accurately hit the flying arrow. The arrow was deflected by the water blade and inserted obliquely into the mud.


Ye Ting shouted in a low voice, and the flowing water changed again, turning into ropes, and suddenly wrapped around the centaur in front of him like a spirit snake.

The centaur’s eyes were stimulated by the strong light and could hardly open, and he could only rely on the whistling wind in his ears to judge the enemy’s situation.

She quickly drew a short knife from her waist and slashed fiercely in the direction of the perceived threat.

Unfortunately, the water will flow faster if the knife is cut off.

The moment the rope was touched by the blade, it turned into liquid again, and was completely unaffected by the blade. When the rope touched the centaur’s body, it instantly regained its due flexibility and binding force. The centaur was shocked to find that his hands were tightly tied and he could not move.

Ye Ting took a step forward, and the whole person suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The next moment, Ye Ting teleported to the side of the centaur and punched the centaur in the chest.

He wanted to This punch can make the opponent lose balance, and then end the fight with a beautiful flying knee.

But unexpectedly, the punch hit the centaur, but it was like hitting soft cotton. The soft and elastic fat completely dissolved the punch.

Damn, this centaur has no martial ethics and actually prepared such a thick breastplate!

Ye Ting had to quickly adjust his strategy and slashed at the centaur’s neck with a sharp hand knife.

There was a muffled”bang” sound, and the centaur fell down and fell unconscious.

It was not until now that Ye Ting could take a closer look at the opponent in front of him.

This is a female centaur. The horse part of the body is a beautiful lavender purple, and the long dark blue, purple and rose red hair and horsetail flutter in the wind.

Because of the horse body, although she has the upper body of a girl, her figure is smaller than ordinary. The woman was much taller.

This did not make her look strong, but rather added a bit of heroic spirit.

Her face was extremely beautiful, but there was an untamed wildness between her eyebrows.

At her throat, a purple gem shone brightly, reflecting a charming light.

Exquisite ornaments hung on her earlobes, swaying gently as Ye Ting tied her up.

In addition, her body was covered with various weapons: sharpened wooden spears, heavy stone hammers, sharp daggers, delicate rope nets, and even a few rusty swords.

In short, the number seemed to be quite a lot, but one by one, they were all garbage.

Centaurs generally don’t like to wear clothes, but this female centaur is an exception.

Her upper body was wrapped in a mesh garment woven from the silk of an eight-eyed giant spider. The plump soft flesh was like a heavy grapefruit, as if As if he could break the rope that bound her at any time.

Ye Ting stared at her intently, and he became very interested in the body structure of the centaurs.

He had studied biology and was full of curiosity about the centaurs, a sub-human race that combined the characteristics of humans and horses.

Logically speaking, the centaurs did not seem to be able to evolve naturally. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In the Hogwarts library, there is a golden section anatomical diagram of the centaurs, which was modeled after the great alchemist Leonardo da Vinci’s”Vitruvian Man”.

In that diagram, the centaurs’ body structure is both wonderful and complex – they have the human chest cavity and the horse’s abdominal cavity, separated by a thick diaphragm.

They have longer lungs and a bloated digestive system, while retaining the 12 pairs of ribs of humans and the 18 pairs of ribs of horses.

What’s more amazing is that they have two hearts and two sets of lactation systems.

But there is only so much information, and wizards’ understanding of the centaurs is really too limited.

This lack of understanding has caused a gap between the two races.

And now, there is a living centaur in front of Ye Ting, and he suddenly has the idea of using her for in-depth research.

Of course, this is really just pure academic research.

He just wants to enhance the wizard’s understanding of centaurs, without any other distractions!

Ye Ting thinks that this is a noble behavior that is beyond vulgarity.

Besides, this centaur attacks him as soon as he meets him… Obviously he is not a good centaur. Obviously not a good guy. So, it is not too much for Ye Ting to do something bad to her?

Just as Ye Ting was struggling and wondering whether to take action, the female centaur gradually woke up from her coma.

After a brief confusion, her eyes quickly became sharp and bright, and then she was surprised to find that she was not blind and her vision had returned to normal. But her body was tightly bound by the ropes condensed by the water flow, and she could not move. At this time, a young wizard riding a unicorn looked her up and down with a look that made her feel uncomfortable.


“You finally woke up?”

Ye Ting took two steps closer, twisted his neck leisurely, and then leaned over to look her in the eye,”Tell me, why did you attack me?”

The female centaur took a deep breath and defended:”I had no intention of attacking you, wizard. My arrow was only aimed at your cloak.”

Hearing this, Ye Ting nodded secretly.

Indeed, when the arrow attacked, he could indeed judge that this arrow would not really hit him.

“I heard that you stopped a dark wizard in the Forbidden Forest before, is that right?”

The centaur continued,”My people all praised you for your extraordinary strength, I just wanted to test your skills. Really, I swear in the name of the leader!”

Ye Ting rolled his eyes in disdain. From her purple fur, he had already seen through her identity.

She is Twilight Sparkle, the female centaur who left the tribe.

You are a guy wanted by the tribe, and now you are swearing in the name of Magorian. What’s the difference between this oath and fart?

But since Twilight Sparkle was the person Ronan asked him to take care of, Ye Ting didn’t intend to really do anything to her.

He waved his hand and cast a magic to bind Twilight Sparkle.

“Don’t attack wizards randomly next time, it’s very dangerous.”Ye Ting warned

“Thank you, you are such a kind and good wizard!” Twilight Sparkle expressed her gratitude sincerely.

“By the way, I heard that some dark wizards would have evil thoughts when they met centaurs and wanted to capture them for research… You didn’t have such thoughts just now, did you?” Thinking of Ye Ting’s weird look just now, Twilight Sparkle asked tentatively.

Ye Ting coughed lightly, his face full of righteousness,”I absolutely don’t have such thoughts. I swear in the name of my best teacher, Tom Riddle, Miss Twilight Sparkle”

“……You know who I am.”Twilight Sparkle suddenly felt embarrassed.

She had been pretending for a long time, but this little wizard knew everything.

“Did Ronan ask you to come here to find me?” Twilight Sparkle suddenly remembered something and asked, staring into Ye Ting’s eyes.

Ye Ting frowned and quickly denied,”I don’t know Ronan.”

“Relax, Ye Ting.”

Twilight Sparkle comforted him softly,”Ronan told me that you were looking for a new habitat for unicorns. He didn’t know the exact location, but I found this area through divination and told him.”

“Did you tell him?”

Ye Ting raised his eyebrows and asked curiously,”What is your relationship with Ronan? Why would he help you so much?”

“We don’t have any special relationship.”

Twilight Sparkle shook her head and said,”Ronan just doesn’t want to see me get into trouble, so he asked me to come to you, hoping to make a deal with you, just like he did with you.”

Ye Ting stared at Twilight Sparkle and said,”Do you know what Ronan and I traded?”

“Although I don’t know the specific content of your transaction, I can assure you that I can do what Ronan can do, and even better.”Twilight Sparkle’s words revealed full of confidence.

Ye Ting asked with interest:”What Ronan wants is the chocolate frog, you are not interested in this too, right?”

“Of course there are more than that.”

Twilight said seriously,”I escaped from the Centaur tribe and brought almost nothing of value. I want to exchange for some practical supplies.”

“Oh? What do you want to change?”Ye Ting asked curiously

“”Weapons and survival supplies!” Twilight Sparkle answered without hesitation.

Ye Ting leaned back slightly, glanced at Twilight Sparkle, frowned slightly:”With your ability, you should be able to survive in this forest with only the bow and arrow in your hand, right?”


Twilight Sparkle smiled, with a heroic arc on the corner of her mouth,”But these alone are not enough for me to hunt centaurs.”

The picture shows Twilight Sparkle.

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