Then, Ye Ting began to put the gifts on the table and opened them one by one.

“Chocolate, chocolate, and chocolate again. Why are there so many chocolates?” Furong exclaimed as she flipped through the gifts.

She turned around and asked Ye Ting curiously:”Ye Ting, do you particularly like chocolate?”

“It’s OK.” Ye Ting shrugged and said calmly,”Don’t worry about it. I don’t know most of the people who gave me gifts anyway.”

As he unwrapped more and more chocolates, Ye Ting felt like he had fallen into a chocolate workshop, with endless sweet smells all around.

However, for Ye Ting, it was a big challenge to accurately find the few truly important gifts among this pile of sweet gifts.

Finally, he found a target among the piles of chocolates.

“This is a gift from Hestia Carlo.”Furong came over curiously and read the name on the gift.

Because the two were so close, Ye Ting could even smell the faint fragrance emanating from Furong, which made him a little distracted.

“……Hey, what’s your relationship with the owner of this gift? Why did you look at it for so long?”

Furong shouted for a while before Ye Ting came back to his senses.

“……Oh, oh, I was just thinking about how to reply.” Ye Ting hurriedly explained,”This Hestia is my big client.”

“Big customer? What did she buy from you?” Furong asked curiously.

She had heard about Wanyou Shop in a casual chat before.

“Love potion.”Ye Ting said directly


Furong was speechless. Is this love potion something that students should buy?

What surprised her even more was that one of these two people dared to buy and the other dared to sell.

And judging from this, this Hestia Carlo may have”returned” the love potion to Ye Ting in another way.

“Then why did you insist on replying?” Furong was still a little puzzled.

“Not only do I have to reply, but I also have to give a gift in return,” Ye Ting explained with a smile,”big customers also need to be maintained.”

After that, he continued to rummage through the pile of chocolates and found a few familiar names.

These girls are all his important customers. Others may not send Christmas gifts, but he must prepare gifts for them.

After all, who made them all rich women?

However, there are unexpected events in life, and people are subject to misfortunes at any time.

When Ye Ting unpacked the 127th piece of chocolate of different shapes, he finally touched something different.

It was in the shape of a conical bottle, tightly wrapped in oil paper.

This unique gift came from Severus.

Ye Ting opened the conical bottle carefully.

I saw a piece of fecal stone lying quietly at the bottom of the bottle.

“What does this mean?” Furong’s eyes widened, her face full of confusion,”Giving people fecal stones as Christmas gifts? This is too weird!”

Ye Ting smiled bitterly and explained,”Professor Snape probably meant that if he poisons me one day, this fecal stone will come in handy… It can be regarded as an antidote prepared in advance.”

It’s no wonder that he had such a reaction.

The Christmas gift Ye Ting gave him before was the Potter family’s Super Smooth Shampoo.

The status of this shampoo in the wizarding world is like Head & Shoulders and Rejoice in the Muggle world, and it is a household name.

However, there is a little-known secret: this shampoo was created by Harry Potter’s ancestors.

No wonder Professor Snape always avoids the matter of washing his hair, the inventor of this shampoo comes from his old enemy in his heart – the Potter family.

How can the entanglement and grievances in this be explained in a few words?

Starting from eight o’clock in the evening, Ye Ting plunged into the ocean of gifts. After three hours of hard work, he finally opened all the gifts.

Among the gifts, chocolates accounted for the majority, followed by some greeting cards and pictures.

But in addition to this, there are still some real The valuable gifts all came from his friends and… professors.

Many professors at Hogwarts gave gifts to Ye Ting, their best student.

Professor McGonagall gave a set of exquisite wizard chess.

She seemed to have misunderstood and thought that Ye Ting took the chess pieces in the level purely because of his love for wizard chess.

Professor Flitwick gave him an arm guard made of velvet constant temperature material, which was obviously valuable.

The wand groove in the middle of the forearm was designed just right.

Ye Ting tried it, and the whole process from the wand falling out of his hand to the recovery was as fast as lightning, no more than 0.5 seconds. And the speed at which the wand popped out was amazingly within 0.2 seconds.

This kind of exquisite spell connection and time compression can probably only be done by a spell master like Professor Flitwick.

It’s a pity that Ye Ting used the Eye of God to cast spells, and this arm guard was in his hand. It was a bit of a waste.

Professor Sputlow was much simpler, just some seeds of precious herbs.

For this professor of herbology, choosing a gift for Ye Ting was a piece of cake. She knew exactly what this kid who wanted to take over her greenhouse wanted.

As for Hagrid, his gift was more down-to-earth – a large bag of heavy herbs.

Ye Ting was happy when he saw it. This kind of”plain and unpretentious” gift was simply his favorite!

Madam Hooch was more direct. She stuffed a Quidditch training program into Ye Ting’s hands and praised his outstanding physical fitness. She even promised generously that as long as he was interested, she would be able to help him join the England national team for youth training in a few years.

This made Ye Ting secretly astonished. It seems that in Hogwarts, except for Filch, Mrs. Pince and Trelaw who lived on their salaries, Other professors have their own ways to make extra money!

For these professors, Ye Ting’s return gifts are all clockwork beetles. On the one hand, it is to show his achievements to the professors, and on the other hand, it is also an advertisement for the product. It’s a win-win situation!

Headmaster Dumbledore did not fall behind. He gave Ye Ting a bottle of precious dragon’s blood. Ye Ting gave back a dozen thick wool socks, enough for the principal to use until next Christmas.

Fred and George, these two funny guys, have been addicted to the research and development of joke props since they opened the Wanyou Shop with Ye Ting.

The two of them gave Ye Ting a large box of hardcover toffee, and the four big words”I have a problem” were almost written on the box.

Ye Ting gave them a book”Delicious Potion” in return, which explained in detail how to turn hard-to-swallow potions into delicious drinks and desserts, which is suitable for making various joke props.

Neville was a little surprised that he actually gave Ye Ting a hardcover feather pen. Looking at his appearance, this feather pen might be all his savings.

Ye Ting gave a fully automatic magic garden shovel, which can help dig holes and loosen the soil.

Of course, what satisfied Ye Ting the most was the gift from Nico and his wife.

Madame Perenelle gave him a high-end custom-made men’s bowler hat. This hat borrowed the fashion design from the Muggle world, but the materials are classic magic materials, such as the silk of the giant spider, unicorn hair, etc. It not only feels good, but also has a certain magic resistance.

As for Nico’s gift, it was amazing, it was a golden… Ruyi?

“This Ruyi was a gift from an alchemist when I visited your hometown a few years ago.”

Nico said,”The alchemy skills of that master are simply amazing. I have never seen such an alchemy technique that can see the essence of magic so clearly, so I stayed to have in-depth exchanges with him. This Ruyi is a souvenir he gave me.”

Ye Ting took the Ruyi, which seemed to be carved from pure gold, with intricate patterns engraved on it.

Ye Ting could feel that the patterns were not only beautiful, but also played a role in guiding magic.

“Your Chinese wizards don’t seem to rely on wands to cast magic.”

Nico introduced enthusiastically,”Their weapons are all kinds of strange, and there are many cold weapons. This Ruyi is endowed with a powerful transformation spell, which can be transformed into various weapons at will. It is really a masterpiece of ingenuity.”

In fact, before Nicole elaborated, Ye Ting already knew the origin of this Ruyi. Because the moment he received the gift, the system in his mind had already sounded a crisp prompt:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for collecting magic weapons, gilded Ruyi, and getting rewards, God’s Eye Whale Throne.

If the system’s information is accurate, then the”alchemy method” of the alchemist mentioned by Nicola is not just as simple as touching the essence.

It actually represents the essence of alchemy – or as our peers say – the art of refining. (To read the novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It is the”divine machine hundred refinement”, one of the legendary”eight strange skills”.

The ultimate realm of this refining technique can even achieve a miracle similar to the transformation of a Muggle into a wizard.

If there is still an alchemist in this world who can be compared with Nicolae Flamel or even surpass him, then apart from the future Ye Ting, there is only the person who masters the divine machine hundred refinement.

Ye Ting was surprised that the Chinese”wizard world” actually took on that kind of worldview, but it was reasonable.

After all, in the previous life’s”One Under One Person”, there were also characters who pinched him, Dumbledore and Professor Snape.

However, in the short term, Ye Ting has no plans to return to China for development. At most, he will go back for a trip.

After all, the Ministry of Magic, or the government, is much more powerful there than in the UK. Such a society may be suitable for ordinary wizards, but it is not very friendly to Ye Ting, who is destined to be a big boss in the future.

In short, Nico’s gift was a big surprise for Ye Ting.

And Ye Ting’s return gift was also quite amazing.

What Ye Ting gave to Nico was his long-prepared work: the clockwork mechanism reconnaissance and recording type. The appearance of this mechanism is similar to a large dog, and it can move flexibly like a real dog. Its uniqueness lies in the integration of various monitors, which can detect surrounding intelligence in all directions through optical, sonic, chemical sniffing and other methods.

In terms of intelligence, because it has enough space to accommodate logic units, its intelligence level is far superior to that of the mechanical beetle.

When Madame Maxime and Furong saw Ye Ting take out a clockwork mechanical dog, they were all stunned.

Where have they seen this?

Of course, they have all seen dogs transformed by Transfiguration. []

Admittedly, Transfiguration is not uncommon in the wizarding world. Those skilled Transfiguration masters can transform dogs into lifelike dogs that can run, jump, and stick out their tongues to act cute.

But Transfiguration is Transfiguration after all. It requires wizards to constantly devote their efforts to maintain it. Once their attention is distracted, the transformed creatures will return to their original state.

However, this mechanical dog in front of them, which is driven by magic but seems to have life, undoubtedly exceeds their cognition.

When Nico told them that this clockwork dog – or rather, this clockwork technology, was completely invented by Ye Ting, Madame Maxime was completely silent.

As the headmaster of Beauxbatons, her vision is naturally extraordinary. She can clearly see the infinite possibilities behind this technology.

As the inventor of clockwork magic, Ye Ting has surpassed herself with this technology and has the opportunity to become a big man like Dumbledore and Nico.

At this time, he is just an eleven-year-old child who has entered the gate of Hogwarts for less than a year.

Ye Ting suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the way the tall headmaster looked at him.

What was with that look that seemed to want to eat him? It was true that he could accept driving a big car, but this car was a bit too big… and the appearance was not up to standard…

Of course, Madame Maxime’s idea was much simpler than Ye Ting imagined.

She was just thinking about whether Ye Ting could transfer to Beauxbatons.

It was not that she wanted to poach people from Hogwarts, but she felt that although Hogwarts had always been the top institution in Europe, it was not good at alchemy – didn’t you see that alchemy had been cancelled as an elective course at Hogwarts starting from the third grade?

On the contrary, Beauxbatons, because of Nicole, became the best school for alchemy education, and many great alchemists came from Beauxbatons.

Only in Beauxbatons could Ye Ting’s talents be fully displayed.

When she quietly revealed this idea to Nicole, the old man smiled.

“‘It’s not impossible. But Dumbledore also likes this child very much, so you have to weigh the consequences of Dumbledore’s anger.”

Maxime thought about it, and then shuddered unconsciously.

Although she is also a very powerful wizard, she still has to admit defeat in front of Dumbledore.

Therefore, poaching directly is not an option.

So, she turned her attention to Fleur.

Fleur was admiring the clockwork dog with great interest, and she felt uncomfortable with the sudden look of the principal.

Although Madame Maxime looked at her with unprecedented admiration, she always felt that something was wrong.

After admiring Ye Ting’s Christmas gift, Madame Maxime took Fleur to say goodbye to Nicolas Flamel and his wife

“Ye Ting, how about writing more letters to Furong and helping her practice English?”Madame Maxime found Ye Ting before leaving and suggested a tour with a smile.

She pointed out lightly that this kind of friendship between top students is also very beneficial to the communication between schools.

How could Ye Ting refuse such a request?

Learning a foreign language is not a bad thing no matter how you look at it.

Of course, who is still taking traditional foreign language classes these days?

I won’t write Under One Person.

The plot of Under One Person takes place in 2015, and there is nothing to write about after 25 years.

At most, it can be used as a background board. If you have to write about it, just write about Sister Baoer. Do you hope that the author will add Sister Baoer as the heroine?

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