Although Nicolas Flamel still looked old, he was much better than before.

At least… he could do some slightly strenuous activities.

“Rejuvenation… Is this the power of the Philosopher’s Stone?……”

Ye Ting was a little shocked.

Although the so-called rejuvenation effect was a little weak, it only made Nico go from”very old” to”very old” and did not really become young, but it was already amazing to be able to do this~.

In the entire wizarding world, being able to do this is undoubtedly an unprecedented achievement.

After all, Voldemort’s crazy pursuit of immortality was ultimately for this purpose.

And the secret of all this is actually hidden in this small bottle of golden slurry.

This is the elixir of life, the highest masterpiece of the philosopher’s stone, the magical thing that gives new vitality to life

“”Oh? You also know about the Philosopher’s Stone?”

Nicolas Flamel wiped his lips, then slapped his forehead,”Oh, look at my memory, I did mention the Philosopher’s Stone to you in the letter.”

Nicolas Flamel stretched his body, twisted his waist, and while adapting to his new body shape, he complained again and again:”To be honest, every time I break free from that old and frail state, I have to spend a long time recovering. You don’t know, it’s really painful to get old, feeling the physical strength draining away bit by bit, and the magic power slipping away quietly. The bones become like shortbread, and if you accidentally fall, you may have to lie in bed for several days.”

Nicolas Flamel seemed to have a lot of words in his heart. Since he recovered, he has been talking nonstop, like a chatterbox.

“If it weren’t for Albus, I wouldn’t go back to this damn place and stay here like a stupid old man all day long.” Nicolas Flamel shook his head in dissatisfaction.

“I heard that you used to live in seclusion in Devonshire?” Ye Ting asked curiously,”So you returned to France because of Dumbledore?”

“That’s right, Dumbledore wanted to use my baby to help him solve a big enemy, and I didn’t want to be entangled by that kind of enemy, so I went back to France to hide.”

Nico didn’t talk much about Dumbledore, but talked about himself,”Actually, I will move to a different place to live in seclusion every once in a while, and I have left my footprints all over the world… I even visited your hometown.”

“Then you really have a lot of experience.”

Ye Ting couldn’t find the right words to describe this kind of wandering life.

“”When you live long enough, you have to find some fun for yourself, don’t you?”

Nicolas Flamel said with a smile,”To be honest, if it weren’t for the fact that I couldn’t erase Albus’s memory, I would like to stay in England for a few more years. But this place is not bad either, this kind of retro style is something I quite liked more than three hundred years ago.”

Facing Nicolas Flamel’s Versailles, Ye Ting was a little speechless. What does it mean to have a style that he liked more than three hundred years ago?

“I thought you would be more…serious.”

Ye Ting paused, his eyes falling on the exquisite dessert served by the house elf. He obediently enjoyed it. It had a delicate taste, sweet but not greasy.

“Perenelle had asked me to do the same thing before I met Albus. But that kind of life is really boring, isn’t it? The feeling of being old is really bad, the mind is dull and the body is tired. If I can, I would rather welcome death in my current state.”Nicolas Flamel sighed

“But judging from your current state, you don’t seem to be in a hurry to die?” Ye Ting joked

“If that were the case, I would not have insisted on creating the Philosopher’s Stone.”

Nicolas Flamel waved his hand nonchalantly,”If given a choice, who would be willing to embrace death? Albus always said that death is another great adventure, but to be honest, not everyone has the courage to start from scratch.”

“”Albus is getting old too fast,”

Nicolas Flamel sighed.”In the past, I might have thought he was the reincarnation of a powerful wizard. But recently, I read some Muggle books. Although their interpretation of the world is a little different, it has solved a lot of mysteries for me.”

“Oh?” Ye Ting raised his eyebrows, smelling the scent of gossip,”Did you discover something new and interesting?”

“It’s about Albus……”Nicolas Flamel glanced at Ye Ting, seeming a little hesitant.

“It doesn’t matter. Don’t look at me as young as I am. I know everything I should know.”Ye Ting waved his hand with a look of deep interest on his face.

“……I think so too.” Nicolas Flamel nodded and raised his eyebrows at Ye Ting,”According to the letter Albus sent me, you seem to have very close relationships with three or four witches… It’s good to be young…”

“”What are you saying? I don’t understand.”

Ye Ting’s smile suddenly became a little awkward, and he was madly complaining about Dumbledore in his heart.

How could this old and disrespectful guy tell everything to others?

“It doesn’t matter, we are all men, you know. Nicolas Flamel smiled indifferently,”I hope you can be so happy in the future.”

“Well……”Ye Ting was speechless for a moment

“Speaking of this, you may not know that Perenelle……”Nicolas Flamel seemed to want to share more

“Master!” Hepperet suddenly frowned and interrupted him,”The mistress……”

“”Okay, okay, Hyperion, I’m just joking.” Nicolas Flamel raised his hands helplessly,”It’s just a joke between friends, don’t take it seriously.”

“I understand, sir. But Heppolite must also carry out the task given to me by the mistress. Heppolite bowed gracefully, with a serious and earnest expression.

“How about we continue to talk about Dumbledore?” Ye Ting gave Nicolas Flamel a way out at the right time.

“Ah, yes, yes, I almost forgot, it’s all your fault, Hyperion.”

Nicolas Flamel complained, but the elf seemed not to hear and calmly���The teapot pours a cup of fragrant black tea for everyone present.

“Where were we just now? Oh, Albus.”

Nicolas Flamel took a sip of black tea and moistened his throat.”I have read a lot of books by Muggles. Their research on the human body is much more thorough than our wizards. Although they have not yet figured out the essence of life, they are indeed ahead of us in the structure of the body.”

“Take Albus for example, why did he become so stubborn and insufferable? Looking back at his youth, he was a bit of a jerk, but full of courage and drive. After my analysis, it seems that there are some key factors missing in Albus’ life.”

“The key factor?” Ye Ting slapped his thigh fiercely,”You mean… some kind of sex hormone?”

“Yes, you are indeed a little wizard born in Muggles. I didn’t expect you to know this.”

Nicolas Flamel said with a wink,”In order to make people feel happy, the human body must secrete some hormones to stimulate the nerves. These signals of pleasure will be transmitted to the brain, and then have an impact on our souls.”

He changed the subject and continued,”However, speaking of Albus, you should know that he has no offspring.”

Nicolas Flamel smiled easily,”Albus is indeed very powerful. With that wand in hand, there are not many wizards in the world who can surpass him. But no matter how powerful the power is, it cannot fill certain gaps in the heart. So, in this regard, you have done quite well.”

“Well……”Ye Ting���He was speechless and didn’t know how to respond.

He understood what Nicolas Flamel was hinting at, but he felt that this topic was a bit awkward.

Should he pretend that he knew about this or not?

“I think it’s not very polite to talk about Professor Dumbledore’s personal life behind his back.”Ye Ting said solemnly,”If Madam Perenelle knew, I’m afraid she wouldn’t be happy.”

“It doesn’t matter. She’s not here anyway. I estimate it will take her half an hour to come back. She always goes out for a while every week. I have to admit that the taste of Muggle fashion designers is pretty good.”

Nico seemed to think it was inappropriate to talk about this topic with the little wizard, so he decisively talked about his wife.

“”Shopping?” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ye Ting raised his eyebrows slightly. This statement somewhat overturned his cognition.

But when he thought of Nicolas Flamel’s unique mentality, Perenal’s little hobby seemed to become reasonable.

“We have to have some fun,”

Nicolas Flamel chuckled,”We try new styles every few decades, and although French court costumes are also quite charming, Perenelle is troubled by the cumbersome etiquette and all kinds of lace.”

The two chatted easily, and Nicolas Flamel finally brought the topic to the right track,”You mentioned in your previous letter that you have created a clockwork work bigger than a beetle?”

0Please give flowers0

The old man’s eyes flashed with anticipation,”Perenelle hasn’t come back yet, take it out and let me have a sneak peek!”

“”Oh, OK.” Ye Ting smiled and waved his hand.

Golden ripples spread in the air, and Unit-01 slowly appeared in front of Nico.

“I have never seen space magic before, it looks really amazing.”Nico saw this scene and looked at Ye Ting with more appreciation.

If he couldn’t see the source with his knowledge, this kind of magic could only be created by the other party.

Being able to create magic at such a young age, and the most advanced type of space magic, no wonder Dumbledore said that Ye Ting has surpassed him when he was young.

But compared to magic, he is more interested in the results of alchemy.

Therefore, after seeing the appearance of Unit-01, Nico immediately came forward to take a closer look.

“You said in your letter that you had created something even bigger, but I didn’t expect it to be this big.”[]

The old man looked around Unit-01, occasionally dismantling some parts to study the internal structure, just like a little boy who got a toy.

After a while, he nodded with satisfaction and commented:”Your skills in the fusion of magic and machinery have really reached the realm of perfection… At least from my current perspective, I can’t find any flaws.”

At this point, he shook his head helplessly, feeling very emotional.

“Young people today are much more capable than we were back then. I’m afraid Merlin didn’t have this ability when he was young.”.0 0Just when Nico was enthusiastically asking Ye Ting about the specific settings and structure of Unit-01, the door of the room creaked open again.

An old lady who looked quite fashionable came in.

She had big wavy hair, a fashionable dress that was purely handmade, and a wide hat decorated with lace of unknown meaning… Compared with Madame Perenelle, even Neville’s grandmother had to admit defeat.

Seeing her, Ye Ting had a clearer understanding of the Flamel couple.

Compared to being a hermit, Nico and his wife Flamel prefer to devote themselves to the complicated social life in different identities.

This is probably the so-called great hermit hidden in the city.

“”Child, you must be Mr. Ye, right?” The fashionable old lady came up to him warmly and shook hands with Ye Ting.”Nico often mentioned you to me, saying that you are an amazing young man. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you today!”

Ye Ting’s handsome and sunny appearance was obviously very popular with these aunts and grandmothers.

“Hello, Madame Perenelle, nice to meet you. Ye Ting greeted her politely.

Madame Perenelle glanced across the room and finally landed on the tricorn hat that Ye Ting had hung on the rack.

“Oh… you like hats too, right?”

A hint of admiration flashed in her eyes.”There are not many young people like you who have good taste nowadays. They don’t understand that hats are not just decorations, but also a kind of cultural heritage and a display of personality.”

When Madame Perenal talked about hats, she was like a treasure trove, and she talked endlessly.

She was as talkative as Nico, or rather, the years had given them rich experience and endless topics to talk about.

For old people like them, chatting is not only a pastime, but also an attitude towards life.

Ye Ting’s knowledge is broad enough that he can talk about any topic.

The two of them talked happily, from the origin of ancient hats to the fashion evolution of modern hats, which made Madame Perenal happy.

However, half an hour later, Nico finally couldn’t hold back,”Okay, Perenal. Ye Ting came to me to discuss alchemy. We will have a chance to talk about the topic of hats later.”

Then he turned to Ye Ting, with expectation in his eyes,”How about it, are you interested in visiting my study? There are precious books and some of my alchemical products that I have collected over the years.”

“Of course!” Ye Ting’s eyes flashed with excitement.

He came to visit Nicolas Flamel, not only to discuss the alchemy book, but also to pay great attention to the precious knowledge Nicolas had collected over six hundred years.

So next, Flamel couldn’t wait to bring Ye Ting to his study.

Ye Ting finally saw what a six-hundred-year-old alchemist could achieve.

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