After patiently explaining to the friends around her, Hermione turned back excitedly and her eyes fell on the book in Ye Ting’s hand.

After completing the class task, Ye Ting has been reading this book.

“”About the advanced application of runes in alchemy?” she read curiously.

“Yes, I have been studying alchemy recently.”Ye Ting said:”I want to try to use magic to drive Muggle machinery, I hope this book can give me some ideas.”

“Oh, so that’s how it is.”Hermione nodded in understanding. She was not surprised by Ye Ting’s research.

During this period of time, she often saw Ye Ting studying various advanced magical knowledge.

After two months of getting along, Hermione has gradually realized the gap between herself and Ye Ting, and began to try to treat Ye Ting as a little teacher around her.

But this did not prevent her from competing with Ye Ting for the college cup and winning the first place in the grade.

However, she did not want to talk about this today.

“Halloween is coming soon, what are your plans?”

Hermione asked casually,”How about we go to the library to review and do homework together? After all, the exam will be in eight weeks.”

“Why did you start thinking about the exam two months in advance? Generally speaking, shouldn’t you start preparing two weeks before the exam?”

Ye Ting was confused. He didn’t expect Hermione to be so obsessed with the exam.

“Halloween is about doing Halloween things, like dressing up as ghosts and attending parties.”

“So, what do you want to dress up as for Halloween?”Susan also came over curiously and asked.

She had just successfully made the feather fly a short distance, and confirmed that it was not due to the wind, so she happily stopped practicing and joined the group chat.

“I’m not sure yet. I just find it strange, why do wizards celebrate Halloween?”

“Halloween was originally established by druids to communicate with ghosts, goblins and spirits of all things.”Susan explained,”In fact, we also want to know why Muggles also celebrate Halloween.”

She did not continue to delve into this topic, but invited enthusiastically:”How about we go for a walk by the Black Lake tonight? It must be very pleasant to feed the fish in the cool breeze.”

Ye Ting thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

He did not notice that Hermione next to him looked a little ugly, and a trace of loss flashed in her eyes.

At this moment, Harry, who was sitting in the back row, poked Ye Ting’s back with a feather pen, and said in a low voice:”Ye Ting, I have something to ask you.”

Hermione heard Harry’s movement, and as if she had found an excuse, she snorted and turned her head away from them.

Ever since she reminded Harry and Ron not to be fooled by Malfoy’s tricks and not to go out at night, but the two of them didn’t listen and were caught, and they were deducted a lot of points, Hermione has been indifferent to them.

That was a full 100 points, how long would it take her to add it back? As a result, it was all deducted in one night.

Harry was a little embarrassed, but he still bit the bullet and continued to ask:

“Well, Ye Ting, if, I mean if, I want to catch a… um, an animal, how can I catch it without anyone noticing?”

“And it’s best not to let others and that animal see us!” Ron also added.

Ye Ting pondered for a long time before slowly speaking:

“Come on, Harry, are you two in some trouble again? Or you should just turn yourself in.”


Seeing the two of them acting mysterious, Ye Ting knew clearly in his heart that they must be plotting something.

This kind of question reminded Ye Ting of a joke:

A netizen posted a question: When slaughtering a pig at home, there was too much blood and it sprayed onto the wall. What should I do? Another netizen posted a question: There is too much pork at home and stuffed it in the refrigerator. After the refrigerator breaks down, the house is full of stench. What should I do?

Someone else posted a question: Bones at home are accidentally stuck in the sewer and cannot be taken out. What should I do?

How to deal with it?

Of course, I suggest you to turn yourself in!

So Ye Ting would certainly not participate in their conspiracy, let alone give professional advice – what if he is regarded as an accomplice?

After class, Ye Ting, Hermione and Susan walked slowly towards the auditorium together, but were suddenly stopped by Malfoy.

“You two go to the auditorium and reserve your seats first, I will be there soon.” Ye Ting winked at Hermione and Susan, and then followed Malfoy to the corner.

Malfoy came to see Ye Ting, and of course there was only one thing they could talk about:”Mr. Ye Ting, what do you think about the matter at the beginning of the school year? I still say that if we join forces, we will surely sweep Hogwarts.”

“Well, it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I really can’t protect myself now.” Ye Ting shook his head with a bitter face,”Someone reported me to Professor McGonagall, falsely accusing me of night wandering, and Professor McGonagall has been keeping an eye on me.”

Malfoy frowned, recalling that Ye Ting had indeed been very low-key recently, it turned out that he was being targeted

“Who is so bold as to report you?” He immediately volunteered,”I’ll call Goyle and Crabbe to teach him a lesson!”

Ye Ting looked embarrassed,”This guy has a strong backstage, I’m afraid you can’t do anything to him.”

“Strong background?” Malfoy laughed disdainfully,”My father is the school director, is there anything that can’t be dealt with?”

“It’s Professor Snape.”Ye Ting said

“……”Malfoy’s expression froze instantly.

“That’s right, it was Professor Snape who complained about me to Professor McGonagall.” Ye Ting patted Malfoy on the shoulder and said half-jokingly:”If you can deal with him, I will not only return all the Galleons you gave me, but also give you extra money!”

Seeing that Malfoy remained silent, Ye Ting asked tentatively:”Isn’t your father a school director? See if you can kick Snape out of Hogwarts?”


Seeing that Malfoy finally shut up his chattering mouth, Ye Ting secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This little snake came to harass him once or twice a week, and every time he kept nagging about the protection fee, which really annoyed him. What made him laugh and cry the most was that this kid always put on a flattering attitude, so that he couldn’t find a reason to get angry.

In desperation, he could only use this last trick.

It is estimated that in this way, Malfoy will be quiet for a long time and will not bother him again.

When Ye Ting left with a hint of”disappointment”, Malfoy still stood there, his face a little gloomy.

He didn’t expect that his own dean would become a stumbling block to his dominance of Hogwarts.

He was about to step towards the auditorium, and suddenly his eyes lit up and saw a familiar back that he could dream of at night – Harry Potter.

Harry ran towards a corridor stealthily, looking back from time to time, as if he was afraid of being discovered.

Malfoy’s heart moved. The last time he tricked Potter into a duel, he and Weasley were deducted 50 points. This grudge was a big one.

Coupled with that unexpected erotic French kiss, the relationship between the two sides was even more hostile, and they wanted to kill each other.

Now seeing Potter’s mysterious look, Malfoy followed without thinking.

If he found anything unusual, he would certainly not rush up stupidly, but would immediately run to the hall to find Professor Snape.

Now for him, deducting points from Potter was the greatest pleasure!

Seeing Potter turn into the depths of the corridor, Malfoy followed him on tiptoe. He stuck to the corner of the wall, carefully poked his head out, and peeked at the situation ahead.

Then he found that Potter flashed into a bathroom.

Huh? Didn’t he remember that it was a women’s bathroom?

Malfoy’s heart was filled with an indescribable excitement. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Peeping in the women’s bathroom?

Potter is playing too perverted!

This is big news, and it will definitely cause a big uproar if it is made public!

A better idea flashed through Malfoy’s mind: if he rushed over at this moment, locked the door of the women’s bathroom from the outside, and then quickly ran to the auditorium and gathered everyone to watch, wouldn’t Potter lose face? If it really doesn’t work, he can also use this matter to bribe Ye Ting, so that his dream of dominating Hogwarts can be realized.

No matter how you look at it, this is a win-win situation.

Just do it.

Malfoy walked out from the corner and approached the bathroom quietly, taking every step carefully, like an experienced hunter approaching his prey.

However, just as he crossed an intersection, something strange happened!

[] A figure suddenly jumped out from another corridor, holding a hollowed-out pumpkin in his hand, and slammed it towards his head.

Malfoy secretly thought that it was not good and roared:

“Who? Which bastard dared to plot against me!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Harry rushed out of the bathroom and deliberately said in a hoarse voice:”Malfoy, I am the Bloody Baron. You have been too arrogant recently, so I specially asked Pippi to���Come and teach you a lesson.”

Malfoy would not be fooled easily,”You are playing tricks, don’t think I don’t know it’s you, Potter! And that idiot Weasley is here too, right?”

Harry and Ron smiled at each other but didn’t say anything.

Ever since their last night outing, they have been looking for an opportunity to teach Malfoy, the bastard, a profound lesson.

This time, they finally got the chance.

The two of them tacitly clamped Malfoy’s arms, dragged him into the women’s bathroom, and quickly locked the door from the outside – just as Malfoy had imagined.

Malfoy struggled to tear off the big pumpkin on his head, and turned the doorknob angrily, but found that the door was locked from the outside.

His wand was taken away just now, so he had to bang the door hard and threatened loudly:”Potter! Wait and see when I get out!””

However, his shouting was doomed to be in vain.

Because at this moment, all the students have already rushed to the auditorium, and no one will notice the movement here.

The Halloween party is about to begin.

When the little wizards stepped into the restaurant, they were shocked by the scene before their eyes.

Above the auditorium, huge pumpkin lanterns were floating like ghosts, and small bats were resting on the lanterns. They occasionally flapped their wings and danced in the air in groups, causing the little wizards to exclaim again and again.

On the ceiling, layers of dark clouds covered the entire auditorium, making the whole auditorium dark. The faint candlelight burning in the pumpkin lanterns added a bit of weirdness to the party.

After some arrangements, the festive atmosphere was full.

Professor Dumbledore stood up. He first He gave a short speech, and then shared a joke that he had kept in his heart.

Although no one seemed to find the joke funny except himself, everyone still applauded enthusiastically. After all, it meant that his speech was finally over.

The dinner finally began, and dishes of delicious food appeared on golden plates. They were all traditional Halloween delicacies, and the tempting aroma filled the auditorium.

However, in this joyful atmosphere, some people still felt out of place and only felt that the scene was noisy.

Pansy couldn’t find Draco. She looked around anxiously, but still couldn’t find him.

In desperation, she asked everyone Draco knew, and even ran to the Hufflepuff table to ask Ye Ting about Draco’s whereabouts.

“Ye Ting, have you seen Draco?” Pansy asked anxiously,”Crabbe said he came to see you?”

“I didn’t see him.” Ye Ting shook his head.”The last time I saw him was at the entrance of the auditorium, before the dinner 613 started. We chatted for a few words and then separated. Didn’t he come?”

Ye Ting raised his eyebrows slightly, and his eyes unconsciously glanced in the direction of the Gryffindor table.

He probably guessed what was going on.

At this moment, the door of the auditorium was suddenly pushed open, and Professor Quirrell rushed in in dishevel.

His face was flushed and full of fear. He stumbled to Professor Dumbledore’s chair, leaned on the table, and said with a gasp:

“A giant… a giant… in the basement classroom���…I… I thought you should know.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Professor Quirrell fell to the floor, and seemed to have fainted.

The restaurant suddenly fell into chaos, and the young wizards talked about it.

Although everyone boasted that each person could fight ten or eight trolls, when they really heard that there were trolls in the castle, the young wizards immediately panicked.

Professor Dumbledore raised his wand high, and several sharp explosions were emitted in the air, finally restoring order to the scene.

In the chaos, Professor Snape sneaked up to Quirrell, who was lying on the ground, and kicked him hard on the back of the head twice, trying to see if he was really unconscious.

However, Quirrell remained motionless, as if he was really fainted.

Then he was kicked again

“Prefects,” Professor Dumbledore said in a deep and powerful voice,”Immediately lead the students of your house back to the common room and ensure their safety.”

“Professors, follow me to the dungeon, we have to find the troll.”

The young Hufflepuff wizards stood up and followed the prefect to the common room.

They talked a lot, and some even speculated whether the troll was tonight’s special program.

Ye Ting and Susan looked at each other helplessly, and the plan to go for a walk in the Black Lake was ruined.

Suddenly, Ye Ting found two figures – Harry and Ron, they should not be here.

He asked Susan to go back to the dormitory first, then walked over quickly, held Harry and Ron’s shoulders, and asked in a low voice:”How did you two get mixed up in the Ravenclaw team?”

Harry turned his head with horror on his face, and was relieved when he saw that it was Ye Ting.

He hurried forward and said:”Ye Ting, I have something to tell you… but don’t tell anyone else.……”

Ye Ting guessed,”You locked up Malfoy?”

Ron’s eyes widened,”How do you know?”

Ye Ting rolled his eyes. They asked a weird question in the spells class, and Pansy mentioned Malfoy’s disappearance. Putting these clues together, the answer is already obvious.

He just lamented the inertia of history. Hermione obviously made friends with his help, and she would not be so angry that she hid in the bathroom and cried alone. In the end, someone was still blocked in the bathroom.

Is this bathroom a frozen throne? There must be a meow king sitting on it, right?.

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