On the other side, after fooling Dumbledore, Ye Ting quickly left the corridor and sighed softly.

Through the experience of last night and today, Ye Ting can be regarded as a true understanding of Dumbledore after leaving the original book.

To be honest, this greatest white wizard is not as terrible as various conspiracy theories think.

In addition to being a little too persistent in prophecy and sometimes being too fond of being a good person, overall, Ye Ting still likes this principal very much.

As a white wizard, Dumbledore is indeed practicing his philosophy in person. In most cases, he is indeed tolerant and open-minded.

In this regard, he is different from most victims of conspiracy theories, such as a certain strongest Hokage, but is quite similar to Liu Huangshu.

After all, if a person pretends to be a gentleman all his life and never violates it until his death, then what is the difference between whether he is a pretending gentleman or a real gentleman?

In short, Ye Ting thinks that Dumbledore… is not bad!

The next day was Sunday. After breakfast, the Quidditch selection that the little wizards were looking forward to finally kicked off.

This selection is undoubtedly a grand event for all the little wizards who love flying and Quidditch.

According to the regulations, only wizards in the second grade and above can join the Quidditch team.

However, this did not stop the enthusiasm of the little wizards.

Many first-year kids ran to the side of the court and looked at the Quidditch players on the court with envy and admiration.

Ye Ting was an exception. Because of his amazing performance in the flying class, he was qualified to participate in the Ravenclaw substitute selection.

Professor Flitwick is still an honest man.

He is embarrassed to open a back door for his own college. Although he admired Ye Ting’s ability and quality and felt that he deserved a main position, he still adhered to the principle in the end and only gave Ye Ting a substitute qualification.

Who would have thought that McGonagall’s classroom would be even more crazy to open the back door and directly arrange Harry to serve as the most important seeker, and even exempted him from the selection.

On the day of the selection, the four colleges could only use the venue in turn. After all, Hogwarts only has such a Quidditch field.

Ravenclaw’s selection was to start at 10am.

Ye Ting was a little late. When he arrived, Ravenclaw’s Quidditch selection had already started for a while.

Ye Ting found Hermione and Susan in the audience and sat next to them to watch the selection with them.

But as he watched, Ye Ting’s head nodded little by little, as if he was praising the players for their excellent performance.

“”Ye Ting, you are exaggerating too much, aren’t you?” Susan glanced at him and teased,”Did you sneak out for a night stroll again last night?”

Hermione was sitting next to him writing a letter of complaint. When she heard this, she immediately put down her feather pen and stared at him sharply.

“”Ahaha… don’t joke.” Ye Ting waved his hands quickly and lied innocently,”I didn’t sleep well because I was too excited about the Quidditch trials today.”

Ye Ting was indeed too excited last night, but not for the Quidditch trials, but for studying clockwork machinery.

He stayed in the Room of Requirement yesterday to study this.

The research progress of using magic power to replace Manghuang energy was much smoother than he thought. According to Ye Ting’s estimate, he would be able to complete the preliminary design of the magic power core within a week, and then he could enter the verification phase.

But that’s why he was busy until very late, and he didn’t return to the dormitory until almost four or five in the morning.

After being teased by Susan, Ye Ting could only force himself to be alert.

He thought about it, took off his hat – in order to match his sporty style, he wore a baseball cap today – then took out a thermos cup and drank it. He took a sip.

He didn’t want to do this at first, but in order to maintain a good spirit, he could only endure it…

Sure enough, as the liquid flowed through his tongue into his stomach, Ye Ting felt a strong taste impact, like the thick fallen leaves in the ancient woods swept through his mouth under the wind, deeply penetrating into his taste buds, and drowning it with endless bitterness.

Suddenly, his handsome face wrinkled.

But followed by a feeling of a constant surge of energy, the drowsiness just now was swept away by the bitter wave, and the whole person seemed to come alive.

It is worthy of being the sea dew flower tea specially formulated by Sigwen.

It is really bitter, but the refreshing effect is also really good

“Alas, people still have to endure the hardships of life occasionally.”

Although he said so, Ye Ting did not dare to drink a second sip and put the tea aside.

However, Linnet was attracted by the taste of the tea and took a sip, then meowed curiously, thinking that it was strange that Ye Ting showed such a big reaction.

“(cjcj)……If you like to drink, drink more.”

Should I say that Linnet is worthy of it?

Ye Ting shook his head and turned his eyes to the lively stadium.

At this moment, Ravenclaw College is selecting seekers, which is the most critical position in Quidditch.

In Ravenclaw College, the number of witches accounts for the majority. Therefore, although most participants in Quidditch are men, compared with other colleges, there are more witches in the selection of young wizards in Ravenclaw. This is even more true for the selection of seekers.

After all, seekers are not only the most important position in a team, but also not as rough as batsmen, and do not need to be as strict as chasers and defenders. Like goalkeepers, they need to compete against each other.

In short, this position is both glorious and respectable, and naturally becomes the first choice for witches who like Quidditch.

There are more than a dozen witches who have passed the initial screening and entered the formal selection.

The selection method of the seeker is very direct. To put it bluntly, whoever can catch the golden snitch wins.

On the field, more than a dozen Ravenclaw witches rode on flying brooms, performing a speed and passion in the air, with only the golden snitch as their target.

But not long after, a figure stood out like a meteor.

Ye Ting looked up, and it was Zhang Qiu.

She was riding a Nimbus 1700, speeding on the field, The other players were so far ahead of her that they couldn’t even smell her exhaust. She was almost the most beautiful girl on the entire court.

To be honest, Zhang Qiu usually gave people the impression of being as gentle as water and a very ladylike person.

Who would have thought that she would have such a strong interest in adventure, challenges and sports? It was the first time that Ye Ting saw this side of her during the night tour two days ago, and at this moment, she showed this love even more vividly.

She sat steadily on the broom, the wind whistled past, and her black hair was blown wildly, making her look even more heroic.

Students from several colleges who came to watch the fun were staring at her intently. Looking at Zhang Qiu, Ye Ting also saw Harry among them. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He looked up, infatuatedly staring at her, completely attracted by Zhang Qiu’s charm, and even regretted in his heart why he was not sorted into Ravenclaw.

Hufflepuff’s Seeker Cedric Diggory stared at her intently, as if Zhang Qiu was the only figure left in the whole world.

At this moment, Zhang Qiu undoubtedly became the goddess in everyone’s heart.

There may be one or two girls in Hogwarts whose looks can rival her, but there is probably no other girl like Zhang Qiu who can ride a broomstick and soar into the sky.

This is Zhang Qiu’s greatest charm[]

Beside Ye Ting, Hermione and Susan cheered enthusiastically for Zhang Qiu.

The shared experience of night tour made the relationship between the three girls closer.

Ye Ting noticed that Hermione and Susan actually pulled up a striking banner with a picture of an eagle flying high on it, and Zhang Qiu’s name was written next to it, which looked very impressive.

Suddenly, Zhang Qiu accelerated suddenly, and her figure lightly drew an elegant arc in the air, followed by a sharp turn, and steadily caught the golden snitch.

The whole audience burst into thunderous applause, cheering for her wonderful performance.

Zhang Qiu was successfully elected as the seeker and returned to the audience to sit with Hermione and others.

Next, it was Ye Ting’s turn.

Perhaps she forgot to make a cheering banner for Ye Ting. Before going on stage, Ye Ting saw Hermione hastily scribbled his name on a piece of paper, and then directly used magic to stick it on the previous banner, covering Zhang Qiu’s name, leaving the rest intact. This was considered a banner to cheer for Ye Ting.

Ye Ting was a little speechless. This was too perfunctory.

With the cheers of several people, Ye Ting quickly walked into the court.

He participated in the selection of chasers.

In the sport of Quidditch, each team consists of seven members, each with their own duties.

Among them, the seeker is responsible for chasing the golden snitch. Once caught, he can get 150 points and the game is over.

The three chasers are responsible for passing the quaffle to each other and trying to get it to pass through the opponent’s ring to score points. Every time the quaffle passes through the ring, it can get ten points.

The goalkeeper is the team’s last line of defense, responsible for protecting the team’s three rings from being passed by the quaffle.

The last two beaters are responsible for hitting the bludgers with bats, using the bludgers to attack the opponent’s players and disrupt their games.

Overall, the seven people on the Quidditch field play three games.

The seeker plays a game of racing and chasing, showing speed and passion in the air.

The sports of the chaser and goalkeeper are very similar to a combination of football and basketball, except that they are riding on brooms.

At the same time, all players have to play dodgeball with the batsman.

However, the batsman is the one who hits the ball, and they are the ones who get hit.

How should I put it? In Ye Ting’s eyes, the game of Quidditch is really… weird, a complete hodgepodge, just like holding three different sports games on the same field at the same time, but the three sports venues overlap, and everyone not only has to play seriously, but also has to worry about being disturbed by athletes from other games at any time.

What’s worse is that no one cares about the victory or defeat of a single game, and everyone only cares about the total score of the three games.

It’s simply a chimera in the sports world, just like those Indian movies that are all about sadness, martial arts, singing and dancing.

Well, considering that the wizard population is limited, it is not enough to support too many sports competitions, but wizards have different preferences. In order to satisfy everyone’s preferences, multiple competitions can only be mixed into one game.

This is understandable.

Just like some Bollywood movies, the reason why they are a hodgepodge is that for poor areas, movies are a rare mass entertainment project that needs to satisfy the preferences of different groups of people at the same time.

Soon, Ye Ting stood side by side with other young wizards, preparing for the next selection.

Looking around, he had quite a few competitors, including several experienced old team members – third-year Roger Davis, Jeremy Stratton, and fourth-year Randolph Burrow.

However, Ye Ting did not regard anyone as an opponent, and he must occupy a place.

This confidence comes from Amber’s flying talent, coupled with the werewolf’s enhanced physical fitness, and his modified high-performance flying broom.

With these advantages, his goal is not just to become an ordinary team member, he is here to be the core of the team.

The so-called substitute quota is just a wedge for him to join the team.

Regardless of whether he is a substitute or not, as long as he can show an overwhelming advantage, someone will naturally lift him to the core position.

“”Okay, everyone, we are finally here.”

Captain Becky clapped her hands, focusing everyone’s attention on her.”Then, the selection of chasers will begin now. Let me introduce the rules first. It’s very simple, there are only two tests: the speed test and the pitching test.”

The selection method of the academy has always been straightforward. There are no cumbersome physical data tests such as height, weight, body fat percentage, etc., nor do you need to fly back and forth in half the field, or sprint across three-quarters of the field, and there will be no complicated 7v7 competitions – those are the items that Quidditch clubs only have physical tests.

It is said that in some old clubs, there will be tests for staying up all night.

After all, the end of a Quidditch game depends on the capture of the Golden Snitch. If the Golden Snitch is not caught, it will not end.

Just like last year’s Quidditch World Cup final, the game lasted five days and five nights. The Scottish team was once close to the championship, but in the end, due to lack of energy, the Canadian team counterattacked and won the championship.

It can be seen that the ability to stay up late is also an important test for Quidditch athletes. If you can’t stay up late, you will lose.

This may also be why many Quidditch athletes began to fight hair loss at a young age.

“”First is the speed test,”

Captain Becky explained loudly to the contestants,”Do you see those magic rings in the sky? You need to ride your flying broom and pass through each ring in order. Do you understand? The number of rings you pass through and the time it takes will affect your score. If you have a flying broom, use your own. If you don’t have one, come to me and get the special Sweeping Seven Stars for the test.”

Most of the young wizards who came to take the test did not have their own broomsticks.

This was not only the case for Muggle wizards who lacked Galleons, but also for many half-blood and even pure-blood young wizards.

After all, a brand new broomstick costs hundreds of Galleons. When the Firebolt is launched in the future, the upper limit of the price of a broomstick will directly enter the four-digit range, which is undoubtedly a huge expense for ordinary wizard families with an average annual income of more than 1,000 Galleons.

Of course, second-hand broomsticks are more affordable and are a good choice, but their quality and safety cannot be guaranteed. After long-term use, the decline in performance and safety is an inevitable result. The reason why those old broomsticks at Hogwarts are still usable is thanks to the careful maintenance of Madam Hoch, a professional.

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