The group quickly stepped into the next room, but found it empty.

As Ye Ting had analyzed before, many of the levels under the trapdoor were fully arranged.

For example, Professor Flitwick’s key level, in the original book, Harry found the corresponding key while riding a flying broom, but Ye Ting and his group did not see the flying broom when they came.

They continued to move forward and pushed open the next door.

Like the previous room, this room did not have any amazing levels, only a dirty table with seven bottles of various shapes neatly placed on the table. As soon as Ye Ting and his group stepped into this room, a flame suddenly rose from the threshold behind them, blocking their retreat.

This flame was unusual, purple-black.

At the same time, strange black flames also rose from the door in front.

This one after the other trapped them in this room.

Ye Ting glanced at the roiling black fire, turned his head and said to his companions:”Hey, everyone, there is a good news and a bad news now, which one do you want to hear first?”

Zhang Qiu said without hesitation:”Bad news, I like bitter first and sweet later.”

“The bad news is that this kind of fire is called the devil’s fire, or the fierce fire,” Ye Ting nodded slightly, his expression solemn,”This is an extremely vicious black magic. Once ordinary people touch the fierce fire, they will instantly turn into ashes.”

Everyone took a breath of cold air when they heard this.

“What about the good news?”

Ye Ting smiled slightly,”The good news is that the flame seems to be controlled by some force and there is no sign of losing control. We are safe for the time being.”

Zhang Qiu shrugged, with a hint of disappointment on his face:”What good news is this? I thought you could tame this flame.”

Ye Ting rolled his eyes and said unhappily:

“Do you think I look like someone who would touch the dark arts?”

“Like!” Zhang Qiu answered without hesitation, and then chuckled.

“You 27 guys, you are really good at judging people!”

Ye Ting was also amused and shook his head helplessly:”But to be honest, I haven’t studied the black magic yet. But who can say about the future?”

In this magical world, every magic master is basically a master of the black magic.

Even upright people like Dumbledore and Flitwick are no exception.

He continued to comfort everyone,”Although I don’t know the [Fire Curse] and can’t control this ball of devil’s fire, but I believe that since this is a carefully designed level and a test question, Dumbledore will definitely leave us the key to crack it.”

Several people walked to the table, and Hermione grabbed a roll of parchment next to the bottle and read the riddle on it softly:

Danger is in front of you, safety is behind you. Two of us can help you.

Drink them, one will lead you forward, and the other will send you back to where you were.

Two of them are filled with nettle wine, and three are killers waiting in line.

Make your choice, unless you want to be delayed here forever. We also provide four clues to help you choose:

First, no matter how cunningly the poison hides, they are actually standing to the left of the nettle wine; second, the contents of the bottles at the left and right ends are different. If you want to move forward, they will not be useful to you; third, you will find that the bottles are not of equal size. There is no death hidden in giants and dwarfs; fourth, the second on the left and the second on the right, although they look different, taste the same.

After hearing this, Ye Ting smiled contemptuously:”Ha, it’s just a simple logical reasoning question, Professor Snape’s level is no more than that.”

Hermione also smiled,”Many great wizards are helpless in the face of logical reasoning, and as a result, they can only be trapped here. But this puzzle is a piece of cake for us.”

Ye Ting nodded. Muggles’ training in this area is indeed more systematic than that of wizards. Science is based on logical reasoning and experience. Their education method makes them more adept at dealing with such problems.

“In that case,” Hermione suggested,”why don’t we have a competition to see who can solve the puzzle first?”

Ye Ting took out a piece of parchment, held a feather pen, and said with a smile,”You can compete among yourselves. I’ll also leave a small gift for Professor Snape to see if he can solve it.”

Ye Ting pondered for a moment, then quickly wrote on the parchment:

Among the six bottles, only one told the truth, and they were all defending themselves.

The first bottle declared: I am the antidote, and one of the six bottles lied; the second bottle claimed: I am the antidote, and two of the six bottles lied; the third bottle insisted: I am the antidote, and three of the six bottles lied; the fourth bottle argued: I am the antidote, and four of the six bottles lied; the fifth bottle asserted: I am the antidote, and five of the six bottles lied; the sixth bottle said: I am the antidote, but all six bottles lied.

Please find the antidote.

Ye Ting put the written puzzle on the table, and at this time, Hermione had solved Snape’s puzzle first.

She clapped her hands excitedly,”I understand, this smallest bottle of potion is the key to passing through the devil’s fire!”

Ye Ting reached out and picked up the seemingly inconspicuous small bottle, put it close to his nose and sniffed it gently.

A strange smell came to his nose, it was a potion he had never touched before.

He sighed in his heart, Professor Snape is really a genius in potions, he can even develop a potion that can resist the devil’s flames

“Such a small bottle, is it enough for several of us?” Zhang Qiu frowned slightly, a little worried.

Ye Ting took out a dropper directly,”Don’t worry, a few drops per person will be enough.”

Ye Ting passed the dropper and bottle to the girls, and each of them dropped a few drops in their mouths.

At the same time, he took away the remaining poison and nettle wine, and took out six identical flasks, and skillfully injected nettle wine into five of them.

Seeing that several people were looking at him curiously, Ye Ting explained:

“Since these poisons were made by Professor Snape, their toxicity can be imagined. I plan to try to prepare an antidote to challenge myself. You know, according to Gorbarot’s Third Law, the antidote to a mixed poison is stronger than the sum of the antidotes of each single ingredient. We have to select the antidote for each poison, and find an additional ingredient to combine these originally unrelated ingredients through a technique similar to alchemy.……”

Ye Ting began to talk about the theory of potions, and everyone was confused, as if his words were from another world.

This knowledge was originally in the advanced potions textbook, and it would not be covered until the sixth or seventh grade.

Although Hermione was also confused, her eyes flashed with interest, and she seemed to be very curious about the theory Ye Ting said.

Then, Ye Ting carefully collected the remaining half bottle of antidote, leaving only a few drops in an empty flask, just enough for two people.

In this way, his mystery was solved. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“This is a precious potion that can suppress the devil’s flames. I have to study it carefully.”Ye Ting gave another reason,”I hope to analyze its composition.”

“Can this really be researched?” Hermione asked curiously.

“Take your time, it shouldn’t take too long.”Ye Ting answered confidently,”There is a Scapin Apparition spell that can analyze the ingredients of the potion, but it requires repeated attempts and patience.”

As he spoke, he took half of the last bit of antidote and dripped it into his mouth.

A cool feeling instantly permeated his whole body, as if a stream of clear water was flowing through his body.[]

At this moment, a series of names of materials flooded into Ye Ting’s mind like a flash of inspiration:”Fire ash snake egg powder, pus of Babo tuber, dragon serum, fire seed, horn camel horn, mandrake, sarcoma powder……”

Not only did he sense the existence of these herbs, he could also clearly”see” the processing process they had gone through, and even the stewing temperature, time, and proportions of various ingredients all emerged in his consciousness one by one.

“This… could it be the tongue of God?!”

Ye Ting felt an indescribable surprise in his heart,”The tongue of God can actually have this function?”

It seems that he no longer needs the [Scapin Apparition Spell].

He never expected that, in the judgment of the God’s Tongue, the potion was regarded as a special”dish”, so he successfully used the God’s Tongue to identify the medicinal materials and production methods of cooking the potion, and even the flaws in it. Come to think of it

, maybe the potion is really a special kind of hot pot?

This is simply… great!

This means that in the process of boiling the potion, he only needs to rely on his tongue to see through any deficiencies in the production process, so as to continuously improve his skills and boil the perfect potion.

At the same time, he can also become the strongest commercial spy. He can understand other people’s exclusive potion formulas with just a taste, and reverse research is accurate.

The only thing to consider is that potions have many functions, and there are many strange effects. In order to give full play to the power of the God’s Tongue, he may have to pay some”small price”. Let’s get back to the point.

After tasting Snape’s anti-fierce potion, Ye Ting saw three girls standing at the door hesitating, so he walked forward and was the first to step in. into the devil’s flame.

The black flames seemed to have life, gently licking his body, but under the protection of the anti-fire potion, he did not feel the heat at all.

At that moment, his vision was swallowed by darkness, and only the flames jumped in front of his eyes. Then, he successfully passed through the flames and came to the other side, which was the last room.

Referring to the original plot, Ye Ting thought he would see an empty room, at most a large mirror, but everything in front of him was completely different from what he expected.

This is a spacious and gorgeous room, and the circular design adds a bit of elegance. On the table with slender legs, all kinds of strange silverware are rotating, spewing wisps of light smoke.

The walls are covered with portraits, all of which are the old principals of Hogwarts in the past. They are snoring softly in the picture frames.

But Ye Ting keenly caught their slightly raised mouth corners.

They are laughing.

As for who they are laughing at, is there any need to say more? Of course, some idiots who have fallen into the trap.

Although he has never been here, based on the characteristics, Ye Ting recognized this room at first sight

“This… isn’t this the principal’s office?!”

Realizing this, Ye Ting felt himself trembling all over, while Jiu Yuetian was sweating all over, with cold hands and feet. Can this world still be better? Can people still have some trust in each other?

After all this time, it turns out that the real purpose of Dumbledore setting these complicated levels is not to trap Professor Quirrell, but to conduct a fishing enforcement, to test which students will go out for a night tour?!

Isn’t it boring!

However, just as he was about to turn around and leave, Hermione, Zhang Qiu and others could not wait to rush into the room.

Zhang Qiu looked around curiously and asked puzzledly:”Is this the reward after the end of the level? It’s so beautiful here!”

“What a reward!”

Ye Ting interrupted her hastily, lowering his voice and urging,”Let’s go… This is Dumbledore’s office.……”

When everyone heard this, their faces suddenly changed, and they all turned around and prepared to flee.

This”reward” was obviously not something they could afford.

“Now that all the little wizards are here, why don’t you stay for a while and chat with me?”

Professor Dumbledore, wearing a furry purple robe and a nightcap with a small ball on his head, walked out leisurely from behind the door of the office bedroom with a gentle smile on his face.

“I always like to talk to students before bedtime, which helps me understand their inner world more deeply. However, I am more curious about why you leave your warm bed at midnight and appear here?”

Ye Ting stood in the front, pulling the corner of his mouth awkwardly, while Hermione hid behind him, trying to reduce her presence in front of the headmaster.

“I told you we shouldn’t have come!” Hermione screamed in her heart.

If Dumbledore hadn’t been there, she would have blurted out

“Come, children, sit down. Dumbledore invited with a smile.

As he finished speaking, four chairs appeared out of thin air and were placed just behind the four people.

“Would you like something to drink?” Dumbledore thought for a moment and suggested,”How about a glass of milk? A glass of milk before bed is very beneficial to the stomach.”

He waved his wand lightly, and four cups of steaming milk appeared out of thin air on the table.

At this moment, a dissatisfied voice broke the silence:


At this critical moment, Linnet was the only one who dared to raise objections.

Dumbledore smiled and did not take it as an offense. He also prepared a small dish of milk for Linnet.

Then, he sat down leisurely on the chair.

“Well, you have violated a lot of school rules this time,”

Dumbledore said the most dangerous words in the gentlest tone – at least in Hermione’s ears:”How many points should I deduct from you?”

Faced with the headmaster’s ridicule, what else can everyone say?

There are thousands of school rules, and not being caught is the first one.

Now that the fact that they violated the rules has been exposed on the spot by Dumbledore, it is inevitable to deduct points.

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