As the night fell, the clock hands had quietly slipped past eleven o’clock, which was the time Ye Ting had agreed to go out for a night tour.

The three roommates who usually fell asleep as soon as they touched the pillows, were like chicken blood tonight. After turning off the lights, they were still chattering on the bed.

Seeing Ye Ting shook his head helplessly, he couldn’t set off until they went to sleep.

He didn’t want his roommates to know about the night tour.

But he had to go now, and he didn’t want to stand up the girl on their first date in the middle of the night.

After hesitating for 0.1 seconds, Ye Ting finally made up his mind.

Roommates, don’t blame me, you forced me to do this

“Sleep well and dream well!”

“Sleep well and dream well!”

“”Sleep well and dream!”

After three skilled silent spells, the dormitory fell into silence.

Next, Ye Ting put on a robe, a boat hat, and walked in front, followed by Linnet.

They passed through the rooms in the tower, spiraled down the spiral staircase, and entered the Ravenclaw common room.

The remaining flames in the fireplace flickered with a faint light. Ye Ting waited for a while, and Zhang Qiu also slipped down quietly.

The two left the lounge one after the other, and Ye Ting led Zhang Qiu to the secret passage that the twins told him.

Their plan was to pick up Susan in the basement first, and then meet Hermione at the door of the Gryffindor lounge.

Looking at the big hole behind the stone guard, Zhang Qiu was very surprised.

“Oh my god, I pass by here every day and never knew there was a secret passage hidden here!”

“This secret passage may have been designed by Ravenclaw for midnight snacks, and it leads directly to the underground floor.”Ye Ting summoned a rose lantern, floated in front to illuminate, and then led the girl into the cave.

The Hufflepuff common room was near the entrance to the kitchen. When Ye Ting arrived, Susan was already waiting there.

Then, the three of them climbed up the stairs.

Since Gryffindor and Ravenclaw belonged to different towers, they had to take such a long detour.

While walking through the lobby on the first floor, Ye Ting’s eyes swept across Filch’s office and happened to see Malfoy, the boy, who was in detention inside, sitting at the table and copying the Hogwarts school rules obediently.

Mrs. Norris was squatting at the door lazily yawning.

This was the first obstacle they encountered.

If they didn’t want to take a long detour, the door of this office was the only way.

Just as the two girls were thinking about what to do, Ye Ting patted Linnet.

“Go ahead, Linnet, get your little brother out of the way.”


Linnet responded, and then walked towards Mrs. Norris in the surprised eyes of the girls.

Then, they saw that the two cats meowed at each other for a while, and Mrs. Norris obediently made way.

Linnet looked back and nodded at them.

“”Okay, we can go through now. Mrs. Norris won’t stop us.”

Zhang Qiu and Susan looked at each other in disbelief. You know, in the eyes of most young wizards, Filch is the most annoying teacher in the whole Hogwarts, and Mrs. Norris is his biggest accomplice.

Such a nasty cat, would actually let them go?

But when Ye Ting led them past Mrs. Norris, the look of Mrs. Norris turning a blind eye made them believe that this was true.

When they arrived safely at the stairs, Susan finally couldn’t help but exclaimed:

“So this is how it was solved? It’s amazing!”

Zhang Qiu squatted down and rubbed Linnet’s little head fiercely,”Thanks to you, little one.”

Linnet hid in Ye Ting’s arms as if escaping.

Next, they came to the eighth floor without any obstacles.

Soon, Hermione also hurried over.

Hermione obviously felt that the robe was too cumbersome, so she changed into a black Muggle outfit, looking like a night walker. She was wearing a pair of light running shoes on her feet, as if she was ready to run away at any time if she was discovered.

As long as she is not the slowest runner, she will definitely not be caught!

Although Hermione changed into a night walk outfit, the anger on her face was still difficult to conceal.

“Ye Ting, you actually came for a night tour?” Hermione’s eyes widened, as if she couldn’t believe it.”I told you so much last night, and you actually……”

“But I didn’t say I couldn’t come.” He spread his hands casually.

“I almost wrote a letter to Headmaster Dumbledore to complain!” Hermione gritted her teeth,”You know, I went to the library this afternoon to look up information about the three-headed dog. Oh my God! Lovely? Cute? Are you sure you know how to write these two words?!”

At this point, Hermione was so angry that her hands and feet were shaking.

“That’s not a husky, nor an Alaskan, nor your Linnet, it’s an extremely ferocious magical creature!”Hermione said as she took out a thick book from her robe.

She quickly turned to a page and pointed at the illustration of a three-headed dog with fear in her eyes.”You will be torn to pieces by it (cgfa). I dare say that all of you combined are not enough for its meal.……”

Hermione almost poked the book in front of Ye Ting’s eyes.

Ye Ting smiled heartlessly and said,”This three-headed dog just looks bigger and has a few more heads, but it’s actually no big deal. Linnet can easily handle it.”

“You’re just bragging,” Hermione turned her head away, trying to find support from Susan and Zhang Qiu,”You don’t think so, do you?”

Susan carefully glanced at the horrible illustration, shrank her neck in fear, but still whispered:”I… I’ll follow Ye Ting, I’ll go wherever he goes.”

Zhang Qiu looked very carefree:”It doesn’t matter, we’ll just go and take a look, and then leave. To be honest, I haven’t seen a real three-headed dog yet.”

“You guys!”

Hermione really couldn’t understand why these two people trusted Ye Ting so much.

She turned her head away unwillingly,”But it’s wrong to wander at night.……”

“As long as you are not discovered, it is not considered a night walk.”

Ye Ting patted Hermione,”Let’s go, don’t linger here, it will be troublesome if someone sees us.”

As he said, he took the lead and walked towards the fourth floor.

Susan and Zhang Qiu followed closely behind

“No, I have to watch you.……”Hermione said no, but her body was honest.

In fact, although she didn’t understand why Zhang Qiu and Susan trusted Ye Ting so much, she actually had similar thoughts in her subconscious.

They walked quickly along the corridor, the moonlight sprinkled through the high window frames, and the mottled light and shadows intertwined on the ground.

“Will we run into Filch and Mrs. Norris?”Hermione looked around and lowered her voice.

When the night tour really started, Hermione quickly accepted it all, feeling both excited and scared.

“I heard from my prefect Percy that Filch will be patrolling around tonight. Will we be caught by him?” she asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry,” Susan comforted,”Linnet has just successfully dealt with Mrs. Norris. Besides, Filch is now guarding the first floor, keeping an eye on Malfoy.”

Soon, they arrived at the abandoned corridor on the fourth floor.

It was the first time for the three girls to go out for an adventure. Tension and anticipation were intertwined in the air, and everyone’s heartbeat quickened.

Zhang Qiu gripped the wand tightly, knocked lightly on the door lock, and whispered the spell:”Alaho Open!”

With a click, the lock bolt opened.

The door slowly opened, revealing a deep and mysterious corridor inside. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

They walked in carefully, and the scene in front of them froze them instantly.

A monster-like dog was squatting, and its huge body almost filled the entire space. It had three hideous heads, and six eyes moved flexibly, with fierce light. The saliva flowing from the corners of its mouth fell like drizzle, dripping on the ground to form a small pool.

Hermione covered her mouth, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes, and she leaned closely against Ye Ting.

In front of this behemoth, only he could give her a sense of security.

Ye Ting squatted down and prepared to let Linnet explore the way[]

However, Hermione held onto his clothes tightly to stop him from doing so.

She was afraid that Linnet would become the big dog’s meal.

Ye Ting gently held Hermione’s hand, gave her a reassuring smile, and then said to the kitten,”Linnet, it’s your turn.”


Linnette responded, and then her whole body gradually became transparent and finally disappeared into the air.

Hermione couldn’t understand it at all. She stammered and asked,”Lin…Linnette, where…where did she go?”

“Of course it’s invisible.”Ye Ting said as if it was a matter of course,”You don’t think that Linnet is an ordinary cat, do you?”

Then, an incredible scene happened.

The three-headed dog Lu Wei in front of him was still baring his teeth and barking, trying to launch a fierce attack on these uninvited guests.

At this moment, a sharp sound of breaking through the air was heard in the air.

Linnet suddenly appeared within one meter in front of Lu Wei, wrapped in a green airflow, and swiftly pounced on the head in the middle of the three-headed dog.


Fluffy was caught off guard and was knocked unconscious by this invisibility-breaking attack.

After that, the whole battle became a cat show for Linnet.

Fluffy’s two heads that still had consciousness kept shaking, and his bloody mouth opened again and again, trying to kill this annoying little guy.

To be honest, with its bloody mouth, it can eat a little wizard one by one, and a mere Linnet is not enough to fill its teeth.

But Linnet was too flexible.

With the blessing of the wind element, she showed amazing jumping ability. She jumped lightly on Fluffy’s three heads, never touching the ground, and nimbly avoided the crazy bites of the three-headed dog.

Several times, the fangs of the three-headed dog almost touched her body – Fluffy’s sharp fangs were like daggers, and poisonous blood kept flowing on them. If they touched her, she would be injured.

But under the protection of the wind element, Linnet was pushed away by the airflow every time, and it seemed as if she had escaped by a hair’s breadth.

While dodging, Linnet was able to hit Lu Wei in return.

The sharp cat claws easily tore through the thick skin of the dog, leaving bloody marks on its big face.

The girls were stunned, staring blankly at Linnet beating the dog’s head.

Lu Wei bit in vain for a long time, but he couldn’t even touch a single hair of Linnet. Instead, he was scratched by Linnet’s sharp claws in many places. After all this, he was out of breath and had to stop to catch his breath.

This gave Linnet a flaw.

Linnet jumped high again, but this time, when she landed, the green light of the wind element flashed between her cat claws.



There was another scream, and Fluffy’s second head fell down.

The other head was still fighting alone, but it couldn’t hold on for long, and was knocked unconscious by Linnet in the same way.

After defeating the enemy, Linnet held her head high and walked proudly to Ye Ting.

Today, she has taken another step forward on the road to becoming the boss of the pet world in Hogwarts.

Ye Ting picked her up with a smile, kissed her, hugged her and held her high as a reward for her.

The three girls were stunned, they still couldn’t believe that the one who dealt with the three-headed dog just now was actually such a cute kitten.

Before, they always regarded Linnet as a soft and cute pet, but they didn’t expect that this soft and cute pet was even stronger than them.

Being the focus of everyone’s attention, Ye Ting felt a little uncomfortable and put Linnet on the ground

“Hey, why are you staring at me?”

Zhang Qiu looked Ye Ting up and down,”Are you the only descendant of a secret pure-blood family? Otherwise, how could you have such a powerful pet?”

Ye Ting couldn’t help rolling his eyes,”Your imagination is comparable to Rita Skeeter’s.”

“Oh, you mean the reporter from the Daily Prophet?” Susan recognized the person.”My aunt said that she was a clown who even dared to slander Dumbledore as an old lunatic.”

“You think too much. I was just lucky to meet Linnet.”Ye Ting waved his hand, walked towards the three-headed dog, then squatted down, took out a bottle and began to collect the three-headed dog’s saliva. The three-headed dog’s saliva is the best poison and a precious material.

In fact, Ye Ting wanted to collect all the three-headed dogs, but this was Hagrid’s pet after all, so he could only reluctantly collect some saliva as compensation.

In order not to suffer a loss, he was ruthless and almost squeezed the three-headed dog’s venom glands dry.

Then, he tried to collect his harvest.

“Ding! The system collects the saliva of the three-headed dog Lu Wei and rewards the host with [God’s Tongue】”

Ye Ting suddenly felt that his tongue had become particularly flexible, and he could make various gestures that could definitely make people feel ecstatic…

Of course, the above were just byproducts. The real function of the [God’s Tongue] was to have an absolute sense of taste. Just by tasting it, he could instantly know what ingredients were used.

“”It’s a pity that I didn’t travel to a food show,” Ye Ting felt a little regretful,”I don’t cook, and the Divine Tongue is of no use except to please girls.”

The only good news is that Ye Ting can be sure that everything in this level may become a collection of the system.

Just a little bit of Fluffy’s saliva can reward [Divine Tongue], so what will the next level reward?

Fluffy is Hagrid’s pet, he is embarrassed to leave, but for other levels…

On the other hand, Hermione is very curious about Linnet’s species:”Ordinary cats definitely can’t have this ability, but catkins don’t have invisibility… Could it be that she has the bloodline of invisible monsters?……”

“I’m not sure about this, but I think she is more likely to have the bloodline of an oriental cat demon.”Ye Ting shook his head,”But then again, these are not important, let’s move on.”

“Keep going? Is there any way to go here? Seeing that the three-headed dog was still dizzy, Susan looked timidly into the abandoned corridor.

“Look, there is the secret passage guarded by the three-headed dog.”

Zhang Qiu was explaining to Hermione what kind of magical creature the cat demon was. Suddenly, she found a new clue.

A hidden trap door appeared on the ground exposed by the three-headed dog.

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