Hagrid was stunned, obviously he didn’t expect to meet a little wizard at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

However, he recognized the boy’s identity at a glance:”Oh, I remember, your name is Ye Ting, right? The lighting magic before school started left a deep impression on me. George and Fred mentioned you to me a few days ago, and they both praised you highly!”

George and Fred also mentioned Hagrid to Ye Ting. In the case of a shortage of medicinal materials, Hagrid was their largest supplier of raw materials.

“Hello, Hagrid.”Ye Ting chuckled,”They are my friends. This is Hermione, whom you met the other day, and this is Susan. They are students from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff respectively. I brought them here to practice flying brooms today. There are few people here, so it is suitable for practice.””

“Hello, little ones, just call me Hagrid.”Hagrid put down his huge bow and said hello to the girls.

“By the way, the name Hermione sounds familiar to me.” He stroked his chin and said thoughtfully,”Harry and the twins’ little brother came to see me yesterday… Ron mentioned you.”

“”Oh?” Hermione raised her eyebrows,”What did he say about me?”

Hagrid scratched his head, his eyes a little vague,”Ah, nothing much, just said that you… study very hard, and are very nice to your classmates… uh, that’s it.””

“Really?” Hermione looked at Hagrid suspiciously, knowing that these were definitely not Ron’s original words.

In fact, the two of them basically ignored each other.

Hagrid also noticed Hermione’s suspicion, but he didn’t dare tell her those bad things about the girl, so he could only avoid her gaze awkwardly.

He immediately changed the subject:”I was wondering why I saw something flying in the sky just now, it turns out that you were riding a flying broom! That speed is faster than any broom I have ever seen!”

Speaking of this, Hagrid’s face was full of envy:”I haven’t touched a broom since I was eight years old. I’m too tall and too strong, and the brooms on the market can’t carry me. I can’t fly even if I want to.” 28″I read in a book that the magic carpets in the Middle East are relatively large, which is just right for you.” Ye Ting suggested.

“I still like Muggle motorcycles.” Hagrid blinked,”I have a super-large motorcycle that has been magically modified and can fly in the sky.”

“Really? I really want to find a chance to see it.”To be honest, Ye Ting is quite interested in the way wizards transform Muggle products.

“Of course, since you are the twins’ friend, you are my friend and you can come to see me anytime.” Hagrid said cheerfully,”Speaking of which, let’s get out of here quickly. The Forbidden Forest is very dangerous recently, so don’t stay too long on the edge of the school.”

Several people packed up and left, and Ye Ting stuffed the broom back into his hat.

Hermione was no longer surprised. She had been looking up books recently to find out what was going on with Ye Ting’s hat.

So far, she still had no clue.

“What’s going on in the Forbidden Forest recently? I heard that there are always animals harassing Professor Sprout’s greenhouse recently.”Ye Ting asked casually as he walked.

“I don’t know, these animals have never been so irritable before.”Hagrid shook his head and sighed,”I heard that a strange guy attacked the unicorns in the Forbidden Forest. The centaurs know who it is, but they just won’t say. This group of self-righteous guys”

“”Are there any unicorns injured?” Ye Ting seemed quite concerned.

Unicorns are mysterious and proud creatures, and usually only allow pure girls to approach them.

Logically, Ye Ting is also an object of rejection by unicorns, but he still cares about this matter.

He has tried to collect the bodies of wizards and werewolves before, and added many attributes to himself.

Now, he wants to try what the consequences of collecting magical creatures will be.

However, the forbidden forest is too big. If a person enters rashly, he may not even be able to tell the directions, let alone find what he wants.

If he can establish friendship with some natives in the forbidden forest, then the problem will be solved.

Rescuing injured unicorns may be a perfect opportunity.

“It’s just a minor injury, don’t worry.”Hagrid didn’t seem to want to talk about it in depth and quickly changed the subject,”By the way, Ye Ting, do you want to come to my house? My house is over there. Come on, come on!”

As a half-giant, Hagrid is not as ferocious as he looks. Instead, he is a warm, honest and emotional guy who believes in his friends.

George and Fred told him that Ye Ting is a good man, so he is willing to make friends with Ye Ting.

Ye Ting actually wanted to go to Hagrid’s place too.

He turned around and looked at the two female companions inquiringly. Hermione and Susan both nodded.

The group followed Hagrid through the woods and came to a small wooden house. In front of the door hung a quaint crossbow and a pair of wear-resistant rubber overshoes – this is Hagrid’s home.

“”Welcome, everyone!” Hagrid pushed open the door enthusiastically and invited them in.”This is the first time this semester that a little wizard has come to visit my home!”

The house looked ordinary from the outside, but it was a different world inside: the space was much larger than it looked from the outside, and it was obviously cast with the [Invisible Extension Charm].

If not, a big guy like Hagrid would have difficulty even turning around if he lived in it.

“Professor Dumbledore made this for me.” Hagrid scratched his head sheepishly.”Not bad, eh?”

The three people who stepped into the hut seemed to be in the land of giants. The daily necessities around them were two or three times larger than those used by ordinary wizards.

Even for Ye Ting’s physique, sitting on the stool felt funny like a child sitting on a big chair, and Hermione and Susan were even more embarrassed. After sitting on the stool, their feet were still a long way from the floor.

Although the hut was cast with the [Untraceable Extension Charm], there was only one room, so it was Hagrid’s living room, bedroom, and kitchen.

Hams and pheasants were hung from the ceiling, revealing a strong breath of life. In the brazier, a copper kettle was boiling water, making a gurgling sound, and the big bed in the corner was covered with a quilt made of rags, simple and warm.

Beside the table, a huge dog was lying lazily. It was Hagrid’s pet-Ya Ya.

This guy looked fierce, but he was actually a coward.

It raised its head and glanced at the three people, as if it felt that they were not a threat, so it lay lazily and continued its sweet dream.

“Come on, everyone, try the tea I brewed.”Hagrid greeted them warmly.

Hagrid poured the boiling water into the huge teapot, and brought a plate of”small” biscuits with peculiar shapes, the size of a small basin, and the shape of rocks.

The appearance of these”small” biscuits is really worthy of the name.

They have a name that sounds like a toothache – rock skin biscuits.

Faced with Hagrid’s enthusiasm, they were really embarrassed to refuse Hagrid’s enthusiasm.

They thought that this was probably the specialty cake of Hagrid’s family, but it was just”a little bigger” like other things, so they each picked up a piece and put it in their mouths.

“”Wow, it’s so hard!”

After taking a bite, the two of them almost broke their back teeth.

It felt like they were not eating cookies, but chewing rocks!

Susan calmly put the rock biscuit back on the plate. Hermione wanted to follow suit, but was caught by Hagrid.

“Are the cookies not to your taste?”

Hagrid’s eyes revealed a little disappointment, as if this rock cake was the best treat his family could offer.


Hermione felt a little sorry, but she didn’t want to hurt her teeth.

She racked her brains, thinking about how to find a suitable reason that would not hurt Hagrid’s heart and allow herself to get rid of this”stone” biscuit.

“”Crack, crack!”

Just then, a crisp sound was heard, as if someone was smashing a stone.

The two girls looked in the direction of the sound and saw Ye Ting grabbing the rock cake, breaking it into pieces, and throwing it into his mouth.

This… (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this moment, the shock in their hearts was simply indescribable.

They had tried to break the rock cake just now, but they all failed. Just like their name, this kind of biscuit is as hard as a stone.

As a result, Ye Ting was not only able to break it into pieces, but also to bite it.

This kind of strength, this kind of teeth, is simply abnormal.[]

“This cookie tastes pretty good, I like it very much.”

Ye Ting slowly finished eating a piece of rock cake, and commented with lingering satisfaction,”Hagrid, your talent for desserts is really good.”

In fact, he didn’t eat the rock cake at all, but after putting the cookie into his mouth, he directly chose to”collect” it.

If the rock cake was not too big and it was too shocking to swallow it raw, he could even”swallow” it as a whole.

When he”ate” a whole rock cake, the system rewarded him with a stone amber.

This is a very precious alchemical material, which is regarded as the essence of rock and has a very high hardness.

I don’t know what the system is hinting at.

But all in all, a rock cake in exchange for a stone amber is really worth it

“Really? I’m so happy.���”

Hagrid was confused and excited like a child when he heard that his dessert received such high praise.

Then, he turned his eyes to Hermione, or more precisely, to the rock cake in her hand that had only a shallow tooth mark left after being bitten.

He longed for more recognition from Hermione.

“Uh… I mean, I’m trying to lose weight recently, and Ye Ting likes this more.”

Hermione reacted quickly, and quickly found an excuse to stuff the rock cake that she had bitten but failed into Ye Ting’s hand.

She should stay away from food that is as hard as stone. As smart as I am.

Ye Ting was not polite, the more amber the better, so he took the rock cake handed to him by Hermione and”ate” it all up.

“”Hmm, this tastes really good!” He praised vaguely, with biscuit crumbs hanging from the corners of his mouth.

Hermione blushed when she heard this, not knowing whether he was praising the biscuits or referring to something else.

Susan saw this and, not willing to be outdone, also handed a piece of rock crust biscuit to Ye Ting, as if she wanted to compete with him.

Of course, Ye Ting accepted it all.

Hagrid saw the tears and was happy in his heart:”I always thought that my cooking was not delicious. At least Harry and Ron didn’t want to eat it, and even Fluffy didn’t like it.……”

“What is Fluffy?” Hermione asked curiously

“Lu Wei——”Speaking of this, Hagrid’s face showed a doting smile,”It’s a cute three-headed… I mean a puppy. I bought it from a Greek in the Leaky Cauldron.”

At this point, Hagrid suddenly shut his mouth as if his throat was strangled.

He almost leaked out the things that Dumbledore asked him to keep secret.

Next, several people sat together and talked about life in Hogwarts, but Hagrid was such a big mouth that he couldn’t stop talking. He talked about his love for magical (fierce) and strange (fierce) animals.

Ye Ting listened with great interest and was full of curiosity about the magical creatures that Hagrid mentioned.

These creatures were all potential collections for him.

Before leaving, Hagrid was still nagging reluctantly:”……That fellow Kettleburn has some fire crabs, and they’re just so beautiful with all the jewels on their backs – but they’re not wild enough. I’ve always wanted to cross them with something else to make something that’s both beautiful and wild.……”

It can be seen that Hagrid has a good impression of Ye Ting. He thinks that this young man is just as good as the twins said. Not only does he like to eat rock biscuits like him, but he also likes magical creatures like him.

In just one afternoon, Hagrid has regarded Ye Ting as a confidant, so he is willing to tell him anything.

When they were about to leave, Hagrid stuffed a big bag of rock biscuits into Ye Ting’s hand as a little token of his appreciation.

They returned to Hogwarts.

Hermione noticed that Ye Ting, who always liked to joke and tease her on weekdays, was unusually quiet this time, as if he was thinking about something important. After dinner, they went to the library as usual.

Ye Ting was still the first to finish.���After finishing his homework, he started reading miscellaneous books. Beside him, the Paradise typewriter was running silently.

As the top student second only to Ye Ting, Hermione had finished her homework before Susan, and then started writing a letter of complaint.

However, this time the complaint was not against Professor Binns, but Professor Quirrell.

If Hermione was still confused by his pitiful appearance during the first class last week, then today, Hermione could no longer stand this professor and could only read the text in class.

After writing the letter, she looked at Ye Ting and asked what happened after Hagrid left.

“What were you thinking about at that time?” the girl asked curiously.

“I’m thinking of Lou Wei……”Ye Ting said,”I heard that Lu Wei is a… well, a very special magical creature. I want to go and see it.”

“Do you know where Hagrid’s Fluffy is?”The little girl became even more curious.

“Of course,” Ye Ting said lightly,”it’s in the abandoned corridor on the fourth floor.”

Ye Ting certainly didn’t just go to see Fluffy.

Hagrid’s mention of Fluffy reminded him of something.

As a classic scene in the first part of the original book, Ye Ting believed that many things in the level under the trapdoor had the potential to become high-quality collections.

He naturally wanted to get some wool.

The gold finger setting was slightly changed, but it did not affect the plot.

In addition, the author is here to ask for flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards, which are really important for new books.

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