In fact, Ye Ting is fully capable of selling these equipments by himself. With his connections, it is not difficult to sell all the equipments.

However, it is a waste of time.

His time is precious. He has more than enough time to study and research magic. How can he waste it on such trivial matters?

In fact, Ye Ting also kept a trick about the price of crucibles and beakers.

The real price he paid for the crucible was not three Galleons, which is fifteen pounds.

Fifteen pounds?

That’s just the retail price.

According to the price he negotiated with the store, if he purchased graphite crucibles in large quantities, the unit price could be reduced to ten pounds each, and a set of beakers would cost seven pounds. In other words, his profit was greater than the twins imagined.

The twins exchanged glances and nodded.

“Okay, we did this business.”

“Don’t be so hasty to decide.”Ye Ting waved his hand and slowly put the crucibles and beakers back into his hat one by one.

“You can try using these Muggle equipment first, and see if you really���It’s not too late to consider selling”

“Well, junior is right,” George nodded,”We should indeed see how long the graphite crucible can shorten the time it takes to make the hiccup potion.”

As he spoke, he took out a lot of materials from the cabinet in the classroom and began to make the hiccup potion on the spot.

Beetle eyes, bat wings, daisies, horseradish…

Watching him put all kinds of herbs into the graphite crucible for cooking, Ye Ting suddenly interrupted and said,”Don’t put wormwood juice this time, try mint instead.””

“What?”The two looked at Ye Ting in surprise.

“The role of absinthe juice is to assist specific materials so that the human body can fully absorb the effects of the medicine,”

Ye Ting did not repeat his suggestion, but analyzed it seriously,”but absinthe juice is also the main source of the bitter taste in the hiccup potion… In fact, if it is used to make joke props, then you don’t need such a strong medicinal effect, so absinthe juice can be completely replaced by its mint.”

“……You actually know this? Snape never mentioned this kind of knowledge.”Fred’s eyes widened.

“This is my personal understanding. As a potion class, it is indeed a little unpopular,” Ye Ting shrugged,”Maybe in two years, Professor Snape will teach you these?”

In fact, he himself had never made a hiccup potion, but the combined potion talent from Lisa and Sugar made him as good as a potion master. He could see the mechanism and function of the various materials in the potion at a glance and easily adjusted the formula.

“……You are worthy of it.”George said admiringly.

Although it is indeed surprising that Ye Ting knows so much, it is actually reasonable considering his previous series of performances.

“I think what he said makes sense.” Fred stroked his chin,”We have tried so many times before and failed, so we might as well give it a try this time.”

“Let’s give it a try.” The two brothers discussed it and immediately tried it according to Ye Ting’s suggestion.

“Also, you can increase the firepower a bit more.” Seeing this, Ye Ting continued to remind,”The hiccup potion does not have the restriction of low-temperature cooking, so you should not use the habit of using pewter crucibles on graphite crucibles.”

“I have already increased the firepower, can it be increased further?”

George finally chose to follow Ye Ting’s advice.

“That’s about it. You can check the results in an hour.”

Ye Ting said as he put the last crucible into his tricorn hat and then casually put it on his head.

“Well, I’m going to have lunch first. You can have lunch first and come back to see the situation.”

He waved his hand casually and turned to leave the classroom.

The twins looked at each other. Although they were a little tempted, they finally decided to stay and continue to observe.

After all, this was their first time using a graphite crucible, and they had to adjust the potion formula specially, so it was better to be cautious. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


An hour later, in the auditorium, when Ye Ting was full and ready to go back to the dormitory, he was blocked by the twins again.

“Great… burp… good, Ye Ting… burp… our burp… burp candy is… burp… successful!”

Fred was so excited that he was incoherent, burping while showing the finished product in their hands.

George also added excitedly:”Your… burp… improved… burp… formula is… burp… suitable… There is really… burp… no bitterness… burp… at all in the candy.””

“And…hiccup…and it only takes…hiccup…an hour to…hiccup…make…hiccup…a potion!”

Seeing the two of them talking to each other and burping, Ye Ting shook his head helplessly.

“”Stop the hiccups!”

He took out his wand and pointed it at each of them.

The hiccups stopped suddenly, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief.


“Thank you, junior……”

After sighing for a while, the two looked at Ye Ting with admiration in their eyes.

“Your suggestions are really useful!” Fred couldn’t help but praise,”Also, your potion tools are so useful!”

“We have decided that we will do our best to help you sell crucibles and beakers.” George said excitedly.

Fred even suggested:”Moreover, we want to hire you as our special consultant, what do you think? Are you interested?””

“No problem, as long as I have time.”Ye Ting thought about it for a while, and then readily agreed.

With his talent and ability, this matter is easy for him, and it would be a waste if he didn’t make money.

“Actually, you only need to sell in Gryffindor.” Ye Ting thought for a moment and reminded,”I will find suitable partners to take charge of other colleges.”

The twins agreed at the same time.

Next, Ye Ting found sales staff for other colleges, starting with Ravenclaw. He found the head girl Penelope and talked about distributing potion equipment.

“This is of course a good thing.”Penelope agreed immediately,”This is an opportunity for me to make money, I will not refuse such a good intention.”

As a mixed-blood witch, Penelope’s family situation is not good, and she is usually short of money. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“On the contrary, I should thank you for thinking of me when you have something to do.”

As she said this, she suddenly moved closer to Ye Ting and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

“Don’t think too much, just take it as a thank you.”

After saying that, she smiled playfully and left with a graceful step.

Ye Ting, who was left behind, touched his face and felt like he was being”taken advantage of”.[]

He smiled self-deprecatingly: Sure enough, a handsome boy like me has to protect himself when he goes out.

In fact, Penelope’s help to Ye Ting is not limited to distribution.

Not only did she readily agree to promote these potion equipment within Ravenclaw, she also introduced the female head of Hufflepuff to Ye Ting, thus successfully opening up the Hufflepuff market.

As for Slytherin, Ye Ting gave the task to Malfoy.

As a (ceeh) prestigious family among pure-blood families, the Malfoy family has some face among pure-bloods, which directly led to Malfoy having a lot of connections in Slytherin without having to do anything.

However, Malfoy would never dare to accept payment for helping Ye Ting.

So Ye Ting simply gave him a set of equipment as a reward.

Ye Ting’s previous prediction was indeed accurate.

Not long after, the matter that Ye Ting had made Snape speechless in person, which had been popular last week, was once again a hot topic in the castle this week. In just a few days, the whole Hogwarts was talking about it.

What’s even more interesting is that, because someone stole Snape’s collection on Friday night and splashed a lot of hard-to-remove red paint in the potion classroom, Snape had a gloomy face every day in the past few days, looking at everyone as the culprit, and he would fly into a rage at any time.

The young wizards saw all this.

Because the time was too coincidental, everyone thought that Snape was mad at Ye Ting, and this cognition undoubtedly added fuel to the storm, making the topic even hotter.

With the efforts of many forces, the rumors intensified, and finally became – Ye Ting was able to anger Snape in person, all thanks to the potion equipment he bought in the Muggle world.

Anyone who has the same equipment can do the same thing.

As a result, the Muggle-made graphite crucible became famous in Hogwarts.

Among the four major colleges of Hogwarts, the young wizards of three colleges have long been full of resentment against Snape, and they immediately regarded the graphite crucible as a symbol of resistance to Snape.

The next day, more than a dozen young wizards bought the crucible without hesitation, and Gryffindor students were the most enthusiastic.

On the Slytherin side, the story was slightly adjusted to say that using a graphite crucible could quickly improve potion results, which won the approval of the dean.

As the news spread, even Hermione found Ye Ting:

“I’m afraid all these graphite crucibles came from your hands, right?” The little girl looked like she saw through me.

“How did you know that?” Ye Ting raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“Don’t think I haven’t heard about what you did in Potions class,” the girl said proudly,”Wizards have always looked down upon Muggle stuff, and only you would think of integrating Muggle inventions into the magical world.”

“I’ll take it as a compliment.” Ye Ting crossed his arms.

“Don’t be so conceited, I didn’t praise you!” The girl snorted, then looked at Ye Ting,”Hey, I say, did you sneak out of Hogwarts to buy a cauldron last weekend? Otherwise, how come you were nowhere to be found the whole weekend?”

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Ye Ting’s heart skipped a beat and he quickly denied,”Hogwarts’ security measures are so strict, how could I���Can you sneak out?”

“Who knows what method you used,” Hermione thought,”maybe the Weasley twins helped you… They are always promoting graphite crucibles, so they must be related to this matter.”

This clever girl guessed the truth inadvertently.

Ye Ting, who was exposed, could only bite the bullet and say,”Your imagination is really rich.”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it, I don’t plan to report you anyway.” Hermione shook her head and gave up blaming Ye Ting in this regard,”Since George and Fred’s cauldrons are all from you, then it should be okay for me to buy them directly from you, right?”

“Of course you can,” Ye Ting breathed a sigh of relief,”but it’s only limited to you, don’t tell anyone about this, I don’t want to be surrounded by a group of people buying crucibles, it’s too troublesome”

“Don’t worry, I won’t do that.” Hermione rolled her eyes, then smiled slyly,”Well, as the price for keeping the secret… it shouldn’t be too much for me to buy a graphite crucible from you at cost price?”

“……After all this talk, it’s just for this matter.” Ye Ting shook his head,”Of course, Chenghui three galleons”

“Three Galleons!”Hearing this price, Hermione was shocked,”Harry bought it for six Galleons! You made this money so easily!”

“It’s not that simple.” Ye Ting was a little unhappy,”Sales are like this, consumers just need to pay without thinking, and we sellers have to consider a lot of things… Tell me, besides me, who else can get so many high-quality and low-priced crucibles?”

Hermione was speechless for a moment, but she finally bought a graphite crucible at the”cost price” of three Galleons, and

Ye Ting earned one Galleon with tears in his eyes.

Although Ye Ting had a good impression of Hermione and they were friends, what can he say?

Business is business.

In fact, the popularity of the crucible business far exceeded Ye Ting’s imagination.

In just two days, the crucibles in his hands were sold out. This forced him to teleport back to London quickly through the anchor point to replenish the supply.

In order to facilitate his frequent travel between London and Hogwarts without being discovered by anyone, Ye Ting hid the teleportation anchor point in the storage room of the Room of Requirement. It was not only the crucibles and beakers that were sought after.

According to the feedback from the twins and other salesmen, even the tray balance that Ye Ting used at the time was asked if it could be bought.

What did Ye Ting say? Of course, everything is available.

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