Ye Ting slid down the tunnel like a stone slide, and it took about a few tens of seconds before he felt the smell of moist soil.

Finally, he slid to the bottom, stumbled and stood firmly.

Ye Ting looked around, it was pitch black.

He chanted a spell and summoned the rose lantern, and the soft light instantly dispelled the darkness around him. He found himself in a narrow and low passage.

He pondered for a moment, and then the whole person turned into a nimble black cat.

In this narrow passage, it is easier to move in the form of a cat.

Linnet was very happy that her master”turned back to her original form” and rubbed the black cat hard, and then the two cats set off like this.

The passage was winding and tortuous, as complicated and difficult to distinguish as a rabbit’s tunnel. If it weren’t in the form of a cat, Ye Ting could hardly imagine how embarrassed he would be in this narrow space.

They walked for a long time, and after about half an hour, the passage began to extend upwards. After walking for less than five minutes, they finally came to a broken stone staircase, and the space around them became spacious.

Ye Ting returned to his original form and breathed a sigh of relief.

The alley just now was too dark and narrow. Even if he passed through it in the form of a cat, he was still covered in dust.

So he lightly snapped his fingers, and the green gem on his collar flashed.

In an instant, a whirlwind suddenly rolled up in the room, sweeping away the dust on him and Linnet.

This magical power came from his newly acquired Eye of God.

【[Eye of God in Aquarius]

Sugar’s Eye of God in Aquarius was an unexpected surprise that Ye Ting got last night.

The reason why the twins waited so long for Ye Ting to leave the Potions classroom was because Ye Ting suddenly remembered that there was a potential collection hidden in the Potions classroom -“Advanced Potion Making” by the Half-Blood Prince.

This book was actually the textbook used by Snape when he was young.”030″

As the future master of potions, Snape showed his talent in potions at a young age, and he improved many of the formulas given in the book. He also wrote down some of the spells he invented in the blank spaces of the book, such as [God of War】、【Fuchsia】、【[Lock the tongue and seal the throat] and [Close the ears and block the ears].

After Snape became the professor of potions, he left this book in the storage cabinet.

In the original book, Harry found this book in this storage cabinet, and because of it, his potions performance improved by leaps and bounds.

It can be said that this book is a very important prop in the original book, and it has great potential as a collection.

After getting this book, the system really gave feedback and rewarded Sucrose’s God’s Eye.

This God’s Eye, like Lisa’s God’s Eye, contains many abilities that are common in the magic world.

As an alchemist, Sucrose is particularly good at biological alchemy. Her Flask God’s Eye focuses on alchemy and potion knowledge.

Although Lisa’s God’s Eye also covers some of these abilities, she has brought Ye Ting a more comprehensive understanding of magic.

Sucrose’s God’s Eye is a deep exploration of alchemy and potion science.

With the combination of the two, Ye Ting can proudly say that his talent in the field of potion science has surpassed Professor Snape.

This was the second Eye of God that Ye Ting had obtained, which was very helpful for his magic research.

He couldn’t help but start to yearn for it. If he could get Albedo’s Eye of God again, what level would his alchemy and potion attainments reach?

Perhaps, it was not impossible to surpass the legendary alchemist Nicolas Flamel.

After cleaning himself, Ye Ting began to climb up with Linnet.

The stone steps meandered upwards and stretched to a place that could not be seen.

After climbing about three or four hundred steps, he finally saw a trap door.

He guessed that behind this door was Honeydukes’ warehouse.

Ye Ting approached the trap door carefully, listened attentively, and after confirming that there was no movement above, he carefully pushed open the door panel and secretly peeked out.

Sure enough, above the trap door was a place similar to a cellar, surrounded by wooden chairs and wooden boxes.

He climbed out of the trap door and gently closed it – this door was integrated with the dusty floor, and it was really hard to tell that there was such a door on the floor.

Then, he held Linnet in his arms and slowly climbed toward the wooden staircase leading upstairs.

He could hear a lot of noise coming from outside the staircase: people talking, bells ringing, doors opening and closing, etc.

Just as Ye Ting was about to go out, he suddenly heard a door open nearby, and someone was about to go downstairs.

“Get another box of jelly slugs, honey,” a woman’s voice came over.”We’re running low on stock on the shelves.……”

“Linnet!” He reminded in a low voice.

The white cat immediately understood, so it activated the combat skill [Mysterious Hidden Body Skill] and took its owner into the shadows.

The door opened, and the owner of Honeydukes came down to move the boxes. Ye Ting seized the opportunity and got out of the open cellar door.

Outside the door was the Honeydukes candy store, the favorite of the little wizards of Hogwarts.

On the shelves, there were a variety of colorful candies: milky yellow cream almond candy, as tempting as solidified fat; pink coconut ice cream, crystal clear; honey-colored toffee, exuding a sweet aroma; a wide variety of chocolates, neatly arranged… and barrels of Bibi Multi-Flavored Beans, which made people eager to try.

It’s a pity that Hogwarts has just started school, and it’s not the time for Hogsmeade Open Day, so the store seems a little deserted.

While others were opening the door, Ye Ting got out of Honeydukes and came to Hogsmeade.

This was his first time in Hogsmeade. As the only remaining pure wizarding village in the UK, Hogsmeade is also a well-known tourist attraction.

Perhaps in order to deliberately create that quaint and mysterious feeling, most of the buildings in the village are medieval cottages with white walls and black tiles. The height is not too high, and few are more than three stories high.

To put it nicely, this design is called classical, and to put it bluntly, it is conservative and unwilling to embrace modernization.

But all this has nothing to do with Ye Ting, because he was just passing by here today.

He went directly to the Three Broomsticks, borrowed the fireplace there, and came to the Leaky Cauldron through the Floo powder, and then returned to London.

During the whole process, Ye Ting was in the posture of Linnet’s [Mysterious Figure Thief], so in the eyes of others, the fireplace suddenly turned green, and then suddenly turned green again. It returned to normal, as if it was haunted.

The next task was very simple.

Ye Ting bought a graphite crucible in the Muggle world.

Considering that he might need it, he bought a dozen crucibles this time, as well as a batch of beakers, test tubes and other experimental equipment.

Since the Weasley twins would think of asking him to buy it for them after seeing the benefits of the graphite crucible, maybe other little wizards would be willing to spend a few Galleons to improve their performance in Potions class?

Whether it was the paper and ink needed for the Paradise typewriter, or the materials he usually consumed for potions and alchemy experiments, they were all golden Galleons.

Although he was able to exchange Galleons for gold by collecting pounds, the pounds he had saved in the past few years were limited and could not withstand his consumption.

The landlord’s family did not have any surplus food.

If he wanted to replenish the consumption in time, the little wizards would have to suffer.

And then , he went to Diagon Alley again, bought all the remaining materials for making a teleportation anchor, and prepared to go home to make a teleportation anchor.

Before going home, Ye Ting transformed himself into a mysterious and powerful man and returned to his loyal Knockturn Alley.

This time, he bought a vanishing cabinet from Borgin and Burke.

After going to the collection room of the Room of Requirement, Ye Ting suddenly remembered that there was this thing in the castle that was worth collecting.

Vanishing cabinets exist in pairs, and their functions are somewhat similar to portals. Enter one of the vanishing cabinets and you can come out of the other cabinet.

The other end of this vanishing cabinet in Borgin and Burke’s is at Hogwarts.

However, because the vanishing cabinet at the other end was damaged, the vanishing cabinet in Borgin and Burke’s became a complete waste, so Ye Ting bought it at a very cheap price, just over a hundred Galleons, and bought it completely as a simple antique cabinet.

But Ye Ting knew in his heart that this thing was not a waste, it could be repaired.

In the original book, Draco Malfoy once repaired the Vanishing Cabinet, and then a group of Death Eaters used this secret passage to successfully bypass the castle’s blockade of [Apparition] and sneak into Hogwarts, causing quite a stir and even indirectly leading to Dumbledore’s death.

Since Malfoy in the original book could do it, there is no reason why Ye Ting can’t do it. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The moment he bought the Vanishing Cabinet, the system popped up a prompt-this collection is not complete, and you need to find the other half to match it in order to get the system reward.

It seems that he has to take the Vanishing Cabinet in the school as well.

However, there is no rush for this matter, and he will slowly plan it when he returns to school.

Now, Ye Ting has a more important task: to complete the production of the teleportation anchor before the end of the weekend.

In this way, he can set up anchor points outside the school and realize free travel inside and outside the school.[]

After getting started, Ye Ting discovered that the teleportation anchor was indeed a rather complicated magic item. It was more difficult to make it than he had imagined, and it took much longer than expected.

Fortunately, Ye Ting obtained the Eye of God from Sucrose, and his alchemical talent was greatly enhanced, which avoided the result of failure.

Even so, he rushed and managed to successfully make the first batch of five teleportation anchors before Sunday night.

The anchors are tall, about two meters high, as thick as a bowl, and quite similar to the image in the game.

Such a large thing is too obvious to be placed.

Therefore, Ye Ting had to carefully select the location and place one of them at home.���, and the other was hidden near the Leaky Cauldron.

To ensure safety, he also used magic to hide them one by one underground or in pillars, and set up a lot of reinforcement, expulsion and alarm magic around them.

In his plan, he also planned to put a teleportation anchor in Hogwarts.

As for the remaining two, they were kept as backup in case of emergency.

After everything was arranged, Ye Ting couldn’t wait to try the effect of the teleportation anchor…….

How to say it?

The feeling of teleportation is much more comfortable than Apparition.

Teleportation can carry items that do not exceed its own weight capacity, and the magic power consumed is also negligible.

However, this method is not perfect.

The spell using the teleportation anchor takes about ten seconds to brew. Once it is interrupted during this period, the teleportation will fail.

Therefore, in a fierce battle, this method is obviously not suitable for emergency transfer.

This is exactly the same as the setting in the game.

After finishing everything, Ye Ting finally returned to Hogwarts before the end of dinner and successfully had a hot meal.

However, when he stepped into the hall, he found that most people had already finished eating and left. There were not many little wizards left there, and he did not meet any acquaintances.

Ye Ting did not care about it and enjoyed the food with the hungry Linnet.

He did not notice that at the Slytherin table, a little wizard suddenly left in a hurry after seeing him.

After dinner, Ye Ting walked straight to the Ravenclaw tower.

In order to quickly create an anchor point, Ye Ting has greatly compressed his eating and sleeping time in the past two days. Now he doesn’t want to think about anything. He just wants to return to the soft four-poster bed, cover himself with a velvet quilt, and have a good sleep.

Although fatigue has reduced Ye Ting’s concentration, Linnet still maintains a keen perception.

When they were about to reach the stairs of the Ravenclaw Tower, Linnet, who was walking in front, suddenly arched her back, stuck out her butt, kept shaking her tail, posing an attacking posture, and made a whining warning sound from her mouth.

Ye Ting, who had a tacit understanding with Linnet, immediately understood what she meant.

He immediately looked in that direction and shouted loudly:”Who is it!”

However, there was no movement in front, as if Linnet had made a mistake.

But after Linnet’s reminder, Ye Ting regained his vigilance. Relying on the detection ability given by Amber, he soon felt the faint breathing coming from that direction.

Moreover, there was more than one

“Don’t hide it.” Ye Ting snorted coldly and deliberately exaggerated,”Your breathing is as loud as a bellows, how could you hide it from me?”

Ye Ting’s fried fish was effective immediately.

As soon as he finished speaking, a familiar sharp voice came from the corner:”Crab, didn’t I tell you to hold your breath before! ?”

Then a rough voice said:”But if you hold your breath all the time, I will suffocate to death”

“You are such an idiot!”

As this conversation went on, Malfoy, an old acquaintance of Ye Ting, walked out from the darkness leisurely, with a smug look on his face:

“Hey, Ye Ting, you…coward!” Malfoy said in that drawling way,”I told you long ago that I would make you pay.”

In fact, he never said that.

Whether on the train or after the sorting ceremony, every time, he fled in embarrassment without even saying a harsh word.

Crabbe and Goyle followed Malfoy like two loyal bodyguards. Behind them, there was a group of young wizards in Slytherin uniforms, including some senior students.

They rushed forward one after another, forming an arc-shaped encirclement, blocking Ye Ting’s way back to the dormitory.

Malfoy 1.4 looked around and was obviously quite satisfied with the scene.

There were so many young wizards gathered around him, while the other party was alone. He was intoxicated by the feeling of commanding everyone.

“I don’t know where you got the news and hid in advance.”

Malfoy raised his chin and said something incoherent,”You are indeed cunning enough to make us look for you for a whole weekend. But your little cleverness can’t escape my eyes after all.”

At this point, he smiled triumphantly, with a look that saw through your tricks:”I have already calculated it – no matter where you hide, you have to go back to the dormitory to sleep at night, right? So we ambushed here early – humph, this time, let’s see how you escape! ?”

“Draco, wasn’t this idea inspired by Daphne?” Malfoy’s silly follower thought that his boss had made a mistake and couldn’t help but interrupt and remind him.

“”Shut up, Crabbe!” Malfoy glared at his follower fiercely, then turned his gaze to Ye Ting again,”It doesn’t matter whose idea it was, anyway, you can’t escape this time.”

“I didn’t think……”

“Come on, stop making excuses.

As soon as Ye Ting opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Malfoy.

“I have always been generous and magnanimous,” Malfoy said slowly with a smug smile on his face,”If you are willing to be my follower and let us beat you up, I might consider letting you go. How about it? Isn’t this a good condition?”

Listening to the other party’s smug words, Ye Ting sighed softly.

“It sounds tempting, but I refuse.”

He crossed his arms over his chest, with a look of sarcasm on his face,”I, Ye Ting, just like to say no to those self-righteous people!”

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