“Then… I guess you are in trouble.” Ye Ting thought for a moment and suddenly laughed,”And it is related to brewing magic potions.”

“That’s right.” George slapped his thigh,”We want to try to make the burping candy from Zonko’s Joke Shop. We guess that the burping effect comes from a ‘burping potion’, but we have tried many times but failed.”

As he said, he took a candy from his pocket and threw it into his mouth, and his face immediately wrinkled into a ball

“It’s really…too bitter…hiccup……”

As soon as he finished speaking, he began to burp continuously, and each burp was crisp and loud.

Fred also ate a candy, but after trying for a long time, he could only hold back a very small burp.

“That’s it,” he nodded to Ye Ting,”the candy we made either tasted too strong of medicine or was too ineffective.”

Ye Ting understood,”It does take constant experimentation and adjustment to develop new products. You’ve made a lot of progress, don’t lose heart.”

“You’re right…hiccup…brother!” George patted Ye Ting on the shoulder, glad that he understood,”But the only…hiccup…problem is…hiccup…the boiling time of the potion is…hiccup…too long, and each new…hiccup…formula……”

Seeing that George was burping so hard that he couldn’t speak clearly, Ye Ting didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He took out his magic wand and pointed it at George.

“”Stop the hiccups!”

The spell worked immediately, and George’s hiccups stopped abruptly.

“……Phew, I feel much better. Thank you very much!”George breathed a sigh of relief.

“You actually know this spell,” Fred was shocked.”I remember that this spell was not learned until the fourth grade.”

“I have already learned the fourth grade textbook.”Ye Ting shrugged.

“Awesome, you are worthy of being a top student in Ravenclaw!” The twins praised in unison.

“Let’s get back to the point,” George continued,”Anyway, using a pewter crucible to boil the hiccup potion takes a whole day, which is too slow for us to study hiccup candy.”

Fred took over the conversation:”So when we heard that your crucible could save several times the time, we thought of borrowing it from you.”

“If you agree, we will owe you a favor. If you need help in the future, we will never be stingy.”George vowed.

“It seems that you want to borrow it for a long time,” Ye Ting heard it and shook his head in embarrassment,”Sorry, if that’s the reason, I may not be able to lend you the crucible, I need it myself.”

Ye Ting also has a lot of magic potion research projects, how could he lend the crucible to others

“So that’s it”

“”Sorry to bother you.”

Seeing the twins’ disappointed look, Ye Ting’s heart moved, and he suddenly remembered the teleportation anchor point blueprint he got last night.

He looked at the twins again, and he had a plan in mind.

He smiled slightly and said:”……Actually, I bought this cauldron in the Muggle world. If you need it, I can buy it for you this weekend.”

He glanced at the twins,”As long as you have a way to leave Hogwarts.”

As soon as he said this, Fred and George’s eyes lit up again.

“Of course, we certainly have a way to get you out of Hogwarts!” Fred said eagerly,”I know there are several secret passages in Hogwarts that lead directly to Hogsmeade.”

“That’s no problem.”

Ye Ting nodded,”Then I’ll help you go there on the weekend.”

“Awesome! You are our lifesaver!”

“Thank you, buddy!”

The two happily high-fived each other and thanked each other repeatedly.

“It’s nothing, we just traded with each other.” Ye Ting waved his hand, smiled calmly, and then said,”You said that you owe me a favor for this matter, does that still count?”

“Of course it counts!”Fred patted his chest and promised

“Everyone knows that we two brothers are the most loyal.” George also said solemnly.

Ye Ting smiled slightly and took the opportunity to put forward his request:”That’s just right, I also need your help here”

“I need some very precious magic materials, which are currently only available in Professor Snape’s medicine cabinet.”

Only then did Ye Ting reveal his true purpose,”I plan to sneak into the Potions classroom tonight to get some, but I’m not sure I can avoid Snape.”

As he said that, he looked at the twins,”I heard that you know Hogwarts very well, even better than Professor Dumbledore! So, can you do me this favor?”

Fred burst into laughter when he heard this, and almost choked.

George smiled and said,”Haha, Ye Ting, you are exaggerating. If we stay in Hogwarts for a few more years, we might reach this level, but we don’t dare to do it now.”

Fred blinked and said,”We are still learning humbly.”

“However, helping you sneak into the Potions classroom is more than enough for us.”George changed the subject, full of confidence.

“So, what should I do?”Ye Ting looked at the two of them expectantly.

Fred pointed upstairs and said,”At twelve o’clock tonight, go to the statue at the end of the corridor on the eighth floor.”

“All you have to do is move the statue and you’ll find a hidden entrance.” George explained.

“A secret passage?”Ye Ting was stunned. He did have a lot of information about the secret passage in Hogwarts in his memory, but he had no impression of this one.

“It was probably developed by Ravenclaw for the convenience of having a midnight snack.”Fred guessed

“Anyway, you just need to get in, and we will meet below!” George finally reminded.

The PY transaction between the two parties was concluded.

Then, they separated.

“I didn’t expect that you’ve made so many friends in just one week at Hogwarts.”When Ye Ting returned to the long table of Ravenclaw, Zhang Qiu said with some envy.

As a Chinese, although she had many suitors, she didn’t make many friends – although racial discrimination was not serious in the wizarding world, subtle barriers still existed.

By the way, the reason why racial discrimination was not serious in the wizarding world was because everyone discriminated against blood.

In the face of the conflict between purebloods and muckbloods, race was nothing.

“If I tell you that we just met, would you believe me?”

“They are really interesting people.” Zhang Qiu laughed dryly.

This might be the unique enthusiasm of the Weasley family. As long as they have similar tastes, they can quickly get closer.


Throughout the rest of the night, Ye Ting behaved as usual: he had dinner as usual, went to the library to read until closing time as usual, and went back to the dormitory to sleep as usual, as if the conversation with the Weasley brothers had never happened.

Until… at 11:50 p.m., he opened his eyes from the bed.

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