Hagrid looked at the surprised expressions of the little wizards and felt very satisfied. This was his favorite program every year.

Then, he walked to the ferry where the boats were moored and shouted,”Okay, kids, now we have to take a boat to cross this big lake. Remember, each boat can only carry four people at most!”

Of course, Hagrid’s words were only for the size of the little wizards.

A big guy like him could only take a boat by himself, and his huge body curled up in the boat, as if an elephant was stuffed into a refrigerator.

Ye Ting picked a boat at random, and Hermione and Neville quickly followed.

After what happened just now, the talented girl with glasses seemed to have identified Ye Ting and became his follower, and she also got on.

“Are you all ready? Let’s go!”

Although the boat has no oars or sails, it seems to have life and shuttles freely in the water. The waves splash on the little wizards from time to time, bringing bursts of coolness.

Neville was a little seasick, leaning on the edge of the boat and muttering:”Why do we have to take a boat? Do we have to do this when we enter school in the future?”

Hermione, the humanoid self-propelled encyclopedia, explained in a low voice:”It is said in”Hogwarts, a School History” that the freshmen crossing the lake is a traditional ceremony of Hogwarts…ah chirp…Every year when the first-year students arrive at school, they must…ah chirp…must take a boat to cross the lake. This is to…ah chirp…in order to imitate the four great wizards who first founded the school…ah chirp……”

Before Hermione could finish her words, she sneezed four times, her petite body shivering in the cold wind.

“Here, hold this and you’ll be warmer.”

Ye Ting took out a red rabbit doll from his hat and stuffed it into Hermione’s arms.

The little girl held the doll and felt like she was holding a small stove, which continuously gave off heat.

“”Wow, so warm, is this… for me?” The little girl said with emotion.

However, she found that Ye Ting looked at her a little strangely.

“Well, this is the alchemy doll I tried to make… If you want to keep Count Bunny… that’s fine too”

“Great, I will hug it every day… I mean, I will put the Count Rabbit by my bed.”

Hermione had always been humiliated by Ye Ting, and now she suddenly received his gift. She was so moved that she almost couldn’t maintain her image.

She didn’t notice that the boy looked at her even more strangely.

Who would sleep with an explosive every day?

Ye Ting thought about it and finally gave up telling the girl the truth.

Anyway, the Count Rabbit is very safe. As long as he doesn’t start it, there is no possibility of explosion.

Otherwise, Amber herself wouldn’t hold it all day.

The boat quickly crossed the lake and approached the cliff where the castle was.

At this time, the castle seemed to tower over their heads.

“”Keep your head down!” Hagrid shouted as the first boat approached the cliff.

Everyone followed his lead.

But in fact, that was just Hagrid’s judgment based on his own experience. Most little wizards wouldn’t hit their heads even if they stood on the boat, so there was no need to do that.

They then passed through a dark tunnel and finally arrived at a place that looked like an underground dock.

Everyone got off the boat, walked up a cobblestone path along the slope, and finally came to an open and moist meadow.

Climbing up the ancient stone steps, everyone came to a huge oak door.

Hagrid swung his sandbag-sized fist and knocked on the door three times.

The door slowly opened, and Professor McGonagall, dressed in an emerald green robe, stood at the door.

Her stern aura made many freshmen feel a sense of oppression, and even their breathing became cautious.

“Professor McGonagall, all the first-year students are here.”Hagrid said respectfully

“”Thank you, Hagrid, let me take over next.” Professor McGonagall responded politely, and then turned to the little wizards,”Children, follow me.”

The little wizards followed Professor McGonagall into the castle, and Ye Ting finally got a glimpse of the interior of Hogwarts.

The architectural style of the castle is simple and elegant, a typical medieval castle style.

The dome is Greek, and the tall square drum is surrounded by seven Roman-style Corinthian columns, which are covered with lifelike reliefs.

The spacious hall is as bright as day under the huge skylight, and the torches by the window are burning, and the flames are jumping happily on the gray-white marble floor.

However, Ye Ting didn’t have time to appreciate it for too long. Professor McGonagall led everyone through the winding corridors and finally came to a dim little house.

Everyone rushed in, rubbing shoulders with each other, and looked at their future Transfiguration professor nervously and curiously.

“The opening banquet is about to begin, but before that, you need to be sorted to determine which house you will belong to.”Professor McGonagall introduced the little wizards.

The children were whispering and talking, but Professor McGonagall just glanced at them coldly, and her majestic gaze immediately made the hut silent.

After explaining the four major colleges and the college system, Professor McGonagall left the room.

Her departure seemed to lift a certain seal, and the room suddenly exploded.

The little wizards who were holding back excitedly discussed the upcoming Sorting Ceremony.

Deliberately concealing the Sorting Ceremony is a tradition of Hogwarts. Even children from wizard families cannot get much inside information from their parents.

“”By the way, how did the school assign us to different colleges so accurately?” someone suddenly asked.

As soon as this question came out, the surroundings suddenly became much quieter, and everyone was stumped by this question.

“Maybe we need to pass some kind of test?” Ron began to show off his inside information,”I heard from Fred that the test is very harmful to us.”

Whether the sorting ceremony is really harmful or not is not the point, but this statement really shocked everyone.

For a moment, everyone was in danger, as if they were about to face some disaster.

“That’s right, my cousin also said that we have to perform a magic trick in front of everyone.”A tall and thin boy immediately agreed

“You are simply talking nonsense!” Hearing this, Malfoy began to refute in a hoarse voice,”My father is one of the directors of Hogwarts. He told me that the sorting ceremony is to see if you have magical talent. Only those pure-blood wizards with extraordinary talents can enter Slytherin.……”

Testing talent?

A picture suddenly appeared in Ye Ting’s mind: the boy walked to the test magic stone tablet and put his hand on it. Five big words suddenly lit up on the stone tablet:

Magic Power, Stage 3!

The boy had a blank expression on his face, with a hint of self-mockery on the corner of his mouth. He clenched his palms tightly, and because he used too much force, his nails pierced into his palms, bringing waves of piercing pain…

Then, the young wizards were divided into three factions, arguing fiercely.

The pure-blooded wizards headed by Malfoy insisted that bloodline and talent must be checked for admission; while those Muggle-born wizards would rather believe that there will be an entrance examination.

As for the others, they thought that the school would let them deal with a monster as a test. As for what kind of monster it was, there were different opinions, from giants to griffins, and there were all kinds of guesses.

The gifted girl with glasses had tears in her eyes and her voice was crying:”What will they let us deal with? They won’t really take my life… I want to go home!”

“Don’t worry,” Hermione comforted softly,”This is a school after all. If the test was too dangerous, why would the school allow everyone to participate?”

“I guess, maybe they just want us to recite a spell or show a little magic or something like that.”

Obviously, Hermione was still thinking about her guess when she entered the station.

“I have memorized all the first-year spells by heart, and secretly learned one or two magics.” Hermione said proudly,”Of course, I hope these can be used.”

Hermione’s comfort backfired, and the little girl cried even more sadly.

“I can’t even recite a single word, and everyone will laugh at me.”

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