Ye Ting’s praise made Hermione blush.

No matter how proud she was, she would not dare to think that she was on par with Ye Ting.

But Mrs. Granger was very happy to hear that. She couldn’t stop laughing:”Haha, yes, Hermione has an amazing memory. She even remembers the recipes in my cookbooks by heart. Every time I cook, I miss her very much.”

However, a trace of regret flashed across Mr. Granger’s face:”Well, to be honest, she had the opportunity to go to Westminster School. Now that the neighbors ask about it, I don’t know how to answer.”

“I had to tell those curious neighbors that she passed the early admissions exam and was specially recruited into a school that ordinary people dare not even think about.”Mrs. Granger spread her hands helplessly.

Ye Ting took a lot of effort not to tell them.

Your daughter is the most talented witch of this generation, the rising star of Hogwarts!

One day, the only reason history will remember you is because you are her parents!

Such a thing has already happened in the original book.

Next, Ye Ting cleverly brought up the topic of currency exchange.

His original plan was to ask the Grangers to help and purchase precious metals on his behalf, but now it has become asking them to provide relevant documents and let him go to the bank to exchange silver himself.

“We are quite interested in economic laws and want to have a preliminary understanding of them. Maybe we can even write a social survey!”

Ye Ting imitated the innocent tone of Hermione’s voice when she spoke to her parents and pleaded with him. He looked so skilled that he was a master at pretending to be a good child.

Unexpectedly, the effect of pretending to be a good child was surprisingly good. Mr. Granger readily expressed his willingness to provide identity guarantees and generously expressed his willingness to provide some funding so that Ye Ting could practice, as long as they didn’t use the money to buy too much candy.

Obviously, Hermione did not tell her parents about their”small business” at Hogwarts.

So, the next day, Ye Ting and Hermione stepped into the door of Gringotts together.

“Time is money, my friend – welcome to Gringotts!”

In the lobby of Gringotts, the goblin Sherlock who had handled the exchange for Ye Ting received them.

“Ah, I recognize you, honorable wizard. Thank you for bringing this wise saying to Gringotts, which has now become our motto here… So, what service do you want us to provide when you come here today?”

“I just want to confirm whether the Galleons provided by Gringotts are really made of pure gold.”

As soon as these words came out, Sherlock’s face flashed with displeasure, and his sharp teeth were faintly visible.

“Mr. Ye Ting, are you questioning the credibility of Gringotts?”

“Of course not.”

Ye Ting waved his hand and explained,”Mr. Sherlock, I have no such intention. I am just curious about your financial system. What I want to ask is, in general, are gold galleons really made of pure gold?”

“Of course, yes.” Sherlock answered affirmatively.

Ye Ting nodded and continued to ask:”Then, will the face value of these coins be higher than the value of the gold used to cast them?”

Sherlock widened his eyes and looked at Ye Ting.

He was confused by this question.

“In other words, if I come here with a ton of silver, are you willing to exchange it for an equal weight of one ton of silver Sickles?”Ye Ting tried to explain his question in a more popular way.

“Of course, a certain minting fee will be charged.”、

There was a shrewd gleam in Sherlock’s eyes,”Yes, the cost is indispensable. However, I’m curious, where on earth did you get such a ton of silver?”

Ye Ting chuckled and explained,”I’m just making an analogy. So, if calculated as a proportion of the total weight, how much is the minting fee?” Sherlock frowned. He didn’t like Ye Ting’s current eyes, as if Gringotts was a piece of cake waiting to be cut, and the other party was a greedy eater.

Obviously, it was just a little wizard…

His expression became alert, like a dragon guarding a treasure:”Huh, I need to ask my superiors… This is not something I can reveal casually.”

“Oh, just say whatever you want. I won’t use this to ask Gringotts to pay this fee.”Ye Ting waved his hand, looking nonchalant, as if he was just chatting, not exploring Gringotts’s secrets.

Hearing this, Sherlock nodded:”Okay… Actually, this is just an unwritten rule, because it is rarely implemented. In short, one-fiftieth of the metal is enough to pay the coinage fee… I used this price to exchange Galleons for you last time.”

“Thank you very much, Mr. Sherlock.”Ye Ting nodded, with a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes.

He had already obtained the information he wanted, and now it was time to start his plan.

He immediately took Hermione out of Gringotts, and on the way out, he said:

“If it is one-fiftieth of the coinage fee, then we still have a profit. Now we have to melt all my gold Galleons into gold, and then exchange them for silver in the Muggle world, and a round of arbitrage trading will be completed.”

In fact, Ye Ting’s words are still conservative.

One gold Galleon can be exchanged for seventeen silver Sickles in the wizarding world, but considering that the volume of gold Galleons is larger than that of silver Sickles, and the density of gold is higher than that of silver, in fact, in the wizarding world, the exchange rate of gold for silver is about one Sickle.

In the Muggle world, the exchange rate of gold to silver is almost one to one hundred!

In fact, compared with silver, the gold-copper spread between the Muggle world and the wizarding world is more terrifying, but considering that gold and silver have special significance in alchemy – just based on this point, gold and silver have basic value in the wizarding world – and copper does not, so out of caution, Ye Ting still chose to use silver for arbitrage transactions.

“To be honest, I don’t think any gold shop would be happy to accept two children, even if we have our parents’ national insurance certificates in our hands.” On the way to the London gold shop, Hermione reminded with some worry.

British people don’t have ID cards, so if they want to prove their identity, they need birth certificates, marriage certificates, driver’s licenses and other documents – the most effective one is the national insurance certificate

“We can find a way to look less small.”Ye Ting tried to dispel her concerns.

“Do I need to emphasize this again? We are not allowed to use magic outside of school!” Hermione’s voice unconsciously rose a few degrees.

“No, it’s you who can’t use magic now, but I’m different. I can completely bypass that trace and use my magic.” Ye Ting was full of confidence.

Hermione rolled her eyes helplessly.

I hate these cheats the most.

“Moreover, we don’t necessarily have to rely on magic. We can try the polyjuice potion. Just add your parents’ hair and their insurance certificate and go to the gold shop to trade. I guarantee that no one will find out the flaw.”Ye Ting continued to make suggestions.

“”You can make Polyjuice Potion now?” Hermione pointed out sharply,”I remember that this potion needs a whole month to brew. Where do you get the time?”

“Hehe, it won’t take a month.”

Ye Ting waved his hand, looking proud,”I have a big pot of Polyjuice Potion on hand, which is the spoils from the previous encounter with Voldemort… Didn’t I mention it to you before, he was still pretending to be Snape at that time?”

“No… No way.” Hearing this, Hermione shook her head like a rattle,”I don’t want to use the polyjuice potion brewed by the… You-Know-Who.”

“Why?”Ye Ting looked confused.

“That was a potion prepared by a mysterious person. Who knows what strange curse is hidden in it?”

Hermione said seriously,”Every professor (cgde) repeatedly emphasized that you should be awed by unknown spells and not cast them lightly; if you find something dangerous, don’t make it public; if you come across any unfamiliar potions, don’t touch them at all!” At that moment, Ye Ting actually felt that the person standing in front of him was not Hermione, but Professor McGonagall. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It’s worthy of being Little McGonagall.

Ye Ting opened his mouth and wanted to tell Hermione that he had tasted a drop of this potion, and according to the hint of the God’s Tongue, there was absolutely no additive in it.

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back and nodded helplessly:

“……”Okay, okay, you’re right, just don’t drink it.”

Somehow, after hearing what Hermione said, he also felt a little disgusted.

Now the Polyjuice Potion will be sold in Diagon Alley. Maybe someone won’t care about this masterpiece of Voldemort.

“Fortunately, I have a backup plan.”Ye Ting changed the subject and said,”The aging agent can make us older in a short period of time and turn us into adults, but in this case, our appearance will not match the photo on the ID card.”

“It doesn’t matter, I have a way to make up for it.”Hermione said as she took out a bunch of”magic weapons” from her bag.”——Eyebrow pencils, eye shadow sticks, powder puffs, and a few other makeup gadgets that Ye Ting couldn’t name.

“What’s this?”

“You don’t understand, this is a girl’s magic,” Hermione shook her eyebrow pencil proudly,”thank you for giving me this bag, so I can carry a lot of it with me.”

In order to avoid the Grangers finding out, they did not return to Hermione’s house, but found a place where no one was. Ye Ting showed his skills and brewed a pot of aging agent on the spot.

He carefully divided it into two small cups of aging agent, each containing an amount that can make a person”grow” fifteen years in an instant.

“Let me show you how to do it first!”

Ye Ting drank one of the cups without hesitation.

Soon, his shoulders began to relax, and his body seemed to be stretched by an invisible force. Fortunately, Ye Ting reacted quickly and performed the Transfiguration in time. The robe also became loose, perfectly adapting to his new body shape.[]

“How are you, Ye Ting? Are you feeling unwell?……”Hermione’s concerned words just came out of her mouth, but suddenly she got stuck.

At this moment, her eyes seemed to be attracted by a magnet, staring straight at Ye Ting’s face, and the whole person was a little dazed.

Although the twelve-year-old Ye Ting was not inferior to his adult appearance, as expected, a twelve-year-old child was still too childish. Such childishness is undoubtedly more attractive to older women, and can easily inspire their maternal brilliance – but relatively speaking, the lethality to younger women is much lower. However

, Ye Ting in his twenties is different. His face as an adult is more masculine, which is most attractive to girls of Hermione’s age.

Hermione’s silence made Ye Ting a little dissatisfied, and he teased:”Hey, what are you looking at, Minmin? Your saliva is about to flow down.……”

“Really? Slurp……”

Hearing this, Hermione hurriedly licked the corner of her mouth subconsciously, fearing that she would lose her composure in front of her idol.

However, she found that there was no saliva at all, and she was completely fooled by Ye Ting.

“You’ve grown up, but you’re still so annoying!” Hermione finally came to her senses and elbowed Ye Ting in the stomach,”I told you, don’t call me Minmin!”

The girl’s attack didn’t hurt the teenager, but Ye Ting could clearly feel that the aging agent not only made his appearance mature, but also gave him some adult physical qualities.

However, the increase did not seem to be obvious, perhaps because Ye Ting’s body had already been strengthened.

Next, Hermione pulled Ye Ting, who had grown a lot taller, and asked him to sit down obediently, while she worked on his face, muttering to herself:”Really, you guy, why are you so good-looking?……”

Not long after, she took out a mirror and asked Ye Ting to take a good look at her current appearance.

“You are right, a girl’s magic is also magic.” Ye Ting looked at himself in the mirror and was surprised to find that his appearance had become much more ordinary.

Although his features were still handsome, he was no longer���It’s shocking.

I didn’t expect Hermione’s makeup skills are quite good. You can’t tell from her previous performance.

“Of course, this way, you won’t get into unnecessary trouble when you go out.” Hermione nodded with satisfaction.”……Otherwise, I seriously doubt you’ll be spotted by a talent scout or something.”

“You are praising me for being handsome, right?”Ye Ting raised his eyebrows at the girl, looking very proud.

“Humph, so conceited!”The girl crossed her arms and turned her head away, but she couldn’t help but smile.

Ye Ting ignored the girl’s arrogance and urged:”Then it’s your turn now, drink the aging agent quickly.”

Hermione took the aging potion and drank it all in one gulp with confidence.

However, Ye Ting soon realized that he seemed a little reckless.

After drinking the aging potion, Hermione not only grew taller, but her figure also became more curvy. Her robe kept widening as her chest expanded.

He wanted to use Transfiguration on Hermione’s clothes, but then he thought it was a bit impolite to rashly touch a girl’s clothes.

This thought was a step late.

Then Ye Ting began to be glad that he stopped this idea in time.

At the same time, Hermione had an ominous premonition.

Her shorts and panties were just ordinary clothes. How could they withstand the drastic changes in her waist and hips caused by growth?

Her belt was like a tight string, almost suffocating her.

Finally, with a”snap”, like a bucket breaking the iron hoop that bound it, her pants completely collapsed and turned into a pile of torn strips of cloth.

The picture shows Hermione.

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