Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 6: Hogwarts Express

   The next day, Cronos got up at five o'clock in the morning. He was excited and nervous, and had been tossing and turning last night. He got up from the bed and finally found a Muggle suit to put on. Because there are still a lot of Muggles outside King's Cross Station, you can change wizard robes on the train anyway.

  Cronos checked the Hogwarts list over and over again to make sure everything was prepared except for the owls required above. After that, he started to walk in the room, no way he really got up too early. The snoring of Horas downstairs was like thunder.

   Two hours later, at the urging of Cronos, Horace slowly got up from the bed and started to prepare breakfast. The breakfast was very rich, and the table was filled with apple pie and a glass of pumpkin juice. But Cronos was not in the mood to taste their delicacies, his current thoughts had already drifted thousands of miles away.

   Finally at 8:10, Cronos’ luggage was moved to the taxi. Originally, Horace intended to use Apparition, but he was strongly opposed by Chronos.

   They arrived at King's Cross Station at nine ten ten. Horace put Cronos' suitcase on the trolley and helped him push the station.

   "Your platform is at the ticket gate between the ninth and tenth platforms. Just go straight in." Horace obviously didn't mean to send him in.

  Cronos nodded, and he started walking to the ticket gate, being pushed around by Muggle passengers crowding platforms 9 and 10. The closer to the ticket gate, the faster Chronos' heartbeat.

  Cronos closed his eyes, bent over and lay down on the trolley, determined to hit him up and down.

  Cronos only felt a brief deafness in his ear, and then there was a chirping voice again.

   A crimson steam locomotive parked beside a platform crowded with passengers. The sign on the train said: Hogwarts Express, 11 o'clock.

   The thick smoke of the steam locomotive wafted over the dense crowds, and cats of various colors were pierced under people's feet. Chronos' ears were filled with the buzzing voice of the crowd and the noise of dragging luggage, and even the owl was screaming above his head.

   The first few carriages are already crowded with students. Some of them leaned out of the windows to say goodbye to their families, and some squabbled in their seats.

  Cronos was not in a hurry, he slowly pushed the cart through the crowd while carefully observing everything in front of him.

  Cronos walked from the front to the rear of the car, and found an empty compartment at the rear of the car.

   "Fred, are you in the car George?"

   Cronos, who heard the sound, immediately turned his head and looked, "Could it be that twin brother?"

   Cronos found them soon, they were so discerning, red hair on one end was as hot as a flame.

   Then he saw a boy in a fluttering black Hogwarts robe walking towards them. Even at some distance, Cronos still noticed a silver letter P pinned to his chest.

   Don't ask, this is obviously their prefect brother Bossy Weasley.

   "Hey, Cronos. So you are here! I was looking for you just now, but they all said they didn't see a gray-haired boy." These words were said by Draco Malfoy. At this moment, he was struggling to squeeze from the front carriage towards Cronos.

   "Oh, hello. Draco." Cronos said hello.

   "Let's go ahead, I occupied the carriage there, so I can get a little farther away." When he said this, Draco waved his hands in disgust on his nose, as if there was some unpleasant smell here.

  Cronos smiled and spurned his shoulders. He knew that Draco Malfoy was an unwavering pure-blood supporter. He didn't want to express any opinions on this.

   opened the sliding door of the compartment, and there were already two boys sitting inside. The two looked at each other first, and then looked at Draco Malfoy together.

   "You can all introduce yourself! This is the Cronos Slughorn I mentioned last time." Draco's voice sounded in Cronos' ears.

   "Vincent Crabbe."

  Cronos nodded. Crabbe was one of Draco Malfoy's bodyguards and followed Malfoy closely. He is still a squat, short pot-bottom hairstyle, and has a pair of long gorilla-like arms.

   Then the other one is Gregory Gore, another bodyguard of Malfoy. His hair is short and stiff, his head is huge, and his arms are as long as a gorilla. But it looks like Bikram has dementia.

  Cronos even suspected that Draco's criteria for accepting a younger brother were determined by his body type. Neither of these two men looked smart.

  Cronos and Draco sat across from them, and Draco boasted without listening.

   "Our whole family graduated from Slytherin."

   "My dad still wants me to go to Armstrong school, you know. Dark magic is taught there, but my mom says it's too far."

   "Dumbledore will not let first-year students bring flying broomsticks. I should tell my dad to fire him~www.NovelMTL.com~My dad is the director of Hogwarts!"


   That's it, in Draco's three words not to leave his mother, and five words to his father. Cronos finally ushered in a woman with a lovely smile and a dimpled face.

   She opened the door of the cubicle and asked cordially: "My dear, do you want to buy some food in the car?"

   "Great, I happen to be hungry, please give me a copy of each." Cronos yelled, and Draco, who was still talking on the side, was obviously taken aback.

   "A total of eleven silver sikes and seven copper nats, dear." There was a smile on the woman's face.

  Cronos hugged a large amount of food, and suddenly fell over the empty seat.

   then took a bite of the pumpkin pie and said, "You guys can eat too. I can't eat so much by myself."

   Children’s friendship comes from such a simple, friendship with a snack. Crabbe and Gore became acquainted with Chronos, but their words were still very few.

   After a while, someone knocked on their compartment door. This time it was obviously an acquaintance who opened the door. Round-faced boy (Neville Longbottom).

   "I'm sorry," he said, "I want to ask if you saw my toad?"

   Draco visibly frowned and smacked his lips after hearing these words, without saying anything.

   And Cronos spread his hands and shook his head slightly.

   "I lost him again." Neville left here crying.

   "Toad? I bet he is still alive in the wizarding world of the last century!" Draco and his two little brothers laughed out after saying this.


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