Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 50: Diagon Alley

  Draco was obviously not the first time in Knockoff Alley. He took Chronos through the winding alleys until they came to the bright sunlight. Cronos saw a familiar white marble building from a distance: Gringotts Bank.

   When Cronos came to Diagon Alley last time, he took money from Horace and had not been to Gringotts. This time he needs to go to Gringotts Bank to open an account to store his income.

There are two gates in    Gulin Pavilion:

   The first door is a shiny bronze door. At the door stands a fairy guard in a scarlet and gold uniform, bowing to them when they are alone.

   The second door is silver, and the following text is engraved on the door:

   Please come in, stranger, but you have to be careful (Enter, stranger, buttakeheed)

  What is the end of insatiable greed, (Ofwhatawaitsthesinofgreed,)

   Blindly ask for, get for nothing (Forthosewhotake, butdonotearn,)

   will be punished most severely, (Mustpaymostdearlyintheirturn,)

   So if you want to take it from our underground vault (Soifyouseekbeneathourfloors)

   A piece of wealth that never belonged to you, (Atreasure that wasneveryours,)

   Thief, you have been warned, (Thief, you have been warned, beware)

   Be careful not to invite treasure, but evil. (Offindingmorethantreasurethere.)

   entered the spacious marble hall through the second silver door. About a hundred or so fairies were sitting behind the long counter and hurriedly registering on the big ledger. Some use a balance to weigh coins, and some use eyepieces to detect gems.

  Cronos came to the front desk, and the goblin on it was obviously very old. A few hairs (maybe hairs!) on the top of the head have turned white.

   "Hello, I need to open a vault of my own in Gringotts." Cronos pressed the bell on the front desk.

   "To open the vault, you need to deposit thirty gold gallons in advance." The goblin said without looking up, he was dealing with a lot of bills.

   "Pop!" Cronos threw the bag containing thirty Jin Jialong on the table. When he was awarded the Merlin Medal, Cronos even got a lot of Jin Jialong. So 30 Jin Jialong Kronos really didn't care.

   Hearing the collision of gold coins in the bag, the eyes that were dealing with the bill raised his head and cut off at Cronos.

   It took out a piece of parchment in the cabinet next to it and gave it to Cronos. Cronos probably took a look at some ordinary information sheets such as names, addresses, and jobs. Cronos wrote the professor of Hogwarts' magic circle class on the work column.

   The goblin just took a look at it and threw the list aside. Then he turned around and shouted to a goblin next to him: "Rose, No. 232, common vault." The goblin threw a piece of what barely looked like a key to Chronos.

  The vault is located hundreds of kilometers underground in London. Pass through the door of the hall and enter the narrow stone corridor. There is a small railway below. The goblin named Rose took Chronos on a small cart driving through the maze of winding corridors. There is also an underground lake on the way, covered with huge stalactites and stalagmites.

   Ordinary customers use a small golden key to open the vault door after arriving at the designated vault, while the important vault is guarded by the fire dragon, and must be led by a fairy, and can pass through with the jingle film.

  Kronos is just an ordinary customer, and the vault is not very big. Cronos also only symbolically deposited the thirty gold gallons he used to open an account.

"I'm going to the Quidditch boutique. My father should have been waiting for me there. Cronos, how about you?" Draco couldn't help but buy his new broomstick. At that time, Cronos found that he had been fidgeting. The last two people agreed to meet at Lihen Bookstore.

   "You go first. I'm going to buy a new cauldron." Chronos refused Draco. His crucible had already been broken in the last semester because of a failure in the potions class, and Snape gave Cronos a look at it.

  Potage\'sCauldronShop (Potage\'sCauldronShop): This is the nearest shop to the broken cauldron bar. This shop sells crucibles of various models and materials. There is a gleaming sign outside the store and it says:

  Cauldrons (Crucible)

  Allsizes (all sizes)

   Copper, Brass, Pewter, Silver (pure copper, brass, tin, silver)

  Self-Stirring (Automatic Stirring)


  Cronos finally chose a brass crucible that can be stirred automatically. When he came out, there was still a witch in the store bargaining for a cauldron of 3 gold gallons.

   "Well... I need to buy some potions." Cronos touched his pocket, and the money left in it was enough for him to buy all the remaining things.

   "That's it." Cronos looked up at the sign hanging at the door. Slug & Jiggers Apothecary (Slug& Jiggers Apothecary): This potion material pharmacy is a charming place filled with all kinds of interesting things. On the ground are rows of barrels of sticky material, and against the wall are various jars of powder and herbs ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ bundles of feathers, fangs and claws are hanging from the ceiling. The whole pharmacy smells very unpleasant, it smells like a mixture of rotten eggs and rotten vegetables.

   In the end, Cronos bought some dried toad skins and the stems and leaves of the dragon beard, these are the potion raw materials needed in the second grade.

   "Cronos?" As Chronos was walking towards Lihen Bookstore, a voice stopped him.

   "Harry, Hermione. It's been a long time!" Cronos thought they should be at Lihen Bookstore at this time. Cronos also carefully discovered that Harry's face and wizard's robe had some unearthed pot ashes. Looking at the direction they came, he should have just come out of Knockdown Alley.

   "Of course it was a long time no see, when we learned from Professor McGonagall that you were taken away by Dumbledore. We thought you did something wrong." Hermione said angrily.

   "What can I make, a little wizard who has not graduated, so much that Dumbledore finds me himself?" Cronos thought it was a little funny.

   "You are not a little wizard, you are now a famous wizard in the wizarding world."

  Cronos felt her sour when she said this. Cronos had no choice but to smile helplessly.

"Your two months have been truly spectacular. The Daily Prophet published your report for a week as soon as it was connected. They said you were the most outstanding genius in the magical world, and they said you were the fourth after Dumbledore and the mysterious man. A legendary wizard. But some wizards think..." Hermione paused here.

   "What do you think?" Cronos asked.

   "Because you go to school in Slytherin, some wizards think you will be the next Dark Lord." Hermione said afterwards, only Chronos and Harry could hear her low voice.


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