Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 38: Wisengama

  Cronos tidyed his hair, he didn't dare to stay here. He was afraid that Dumbledore would come out to look for him. .

   But fortunately, Dumbledore and the others talked long enough that when Cronos came back, the door of the minister's office was still closed as if they had never come out.

   "Where have you been? Chronos." Dumbledore's voice came from behind Chronos.

   Chronos was frightened and shivered. He turned around and saw Dumbledore standing behind, looking at him.

   "Um...Professor. I didn't feel well just now, so I went to the toilet." Cronos said the reason he had thought on the road.

   "Oh. But the bathroom of the Ministry of Magic is hard to find. When I first came, I went in a big circle." Dumbledore said intentionally or unconsciously.

   "It is indeed, Professor. I also asked the staff working in the main hall and found it at the left corner of the second basement floor." Chronos calmly offset Dumbledore's temptation. It's also a shame that he kept an eye on him, and he really went to the bathroom before returning.

   "Dumbledore controls people too much. He likes to keep everything firmly in his own hands. It's like everything in the wizarding world is his pawn."

  Cronos was also dissatisfied with Dumbledore's inaction on many things in the magical world. (For example, he advocated that everyone is equal in the magical world and opposed the power of dark wizards. However, he did not attempt to change the privileged status of "pure-blooded nobles" in a practical sense, nor did he attack the soil where dark power breeds (such as Knock Down Alley, Magic Ministry and certain interest groups at Hogwarts).)

   "We should go now, Connelly is already waiting for us in the tenth courtroom." Dumbledore's voice interrupted Cronos's thinking.

  The courtroom is located on the tenth floor of the basement of the Ministry of Magic, and there are a total of ten courtrooms in it. It was created to try criminals who violated the regulations of the Ministry of Magic. Harry was also tried for releasing the patron saint curse in front of Dali.

   The trial organization is a management organization called Wisengamao. Wizengamo is an organization that predates the Ministry of Magic and is now a combination of court and council. Composed of about fifty members, the highest officer is known as the chief magician of Wisengamao (Dumbledore served as Wisengama's chief magician for a long time). The members of Wisengamao are all wearing purple-red robes, with a delicate silver "W" embroidered on their left chest.

   "Professor, why are you going to the courtroom?" Cronos didn't understand.

"I persuaded Connelly to summon all the wizards of Wissengarmo. If the magic circle you created is really recognized, then they will have to witness it sooner or later." Dumbledore never looked back. explain. .

"And I consider that your magic circle is too powerful. The courtroom was originally used to judge those dark wizards, so the walls of the courtroom are all built with forbidden magic stones. It is the carrier of your magic circle. He is a good magic absorber."

  Cronos nodded, admitting that Dumbledore had considered it well. And the wizards of Wisengamao can also be said to be the actual power holders of the Ministry of Magic.

   "Here." This time the elevator has dropped for about five minutes, and its depth can be seen.

   Dumbledore held Cronos's hand intimately: "Follow me, boy."

   The courtroom is not very big. In the middle is a chair. Opposite it is the sofa of the presiding judge, on which a stout little man is sitting. The surrounding walls were extremely dark, and the light from the torches was dim and gloomy. On both sides of it is a row of gradually rising empty benches, which surround the middle chair in a semicircle shape.

   "It seems that Connelly has not told them the purpose of coming." Dumbledore smiled, and then took Cronos into it.

   Dumbledore's appearance eliminated the sound in the room. Everyone turned their attention to Dumbledore and Chronos.

   Okay, Cronos admits that he can't bear it. They looked like they were about to strip Chronos, even in the previous life, Chronos had not violated the law, let alone entered the courtroom.

   Dumbledore pulled Cronos to the middle chair. Cronos saw the armrest of the chair with a chain from the left to the right. Cronos was sitting on it, and Dumbledore was standing behind Cronos. This made Cronos feel much better.

   On the sofa in the middle of the row of benches in front, sits the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge. This was the first time Chronos saw the Minister of Magic. Fudge was a big fat man with a dark yellow-green yar top hat and a smile on his face.

   "Very good, it's all here," Fudge said. Then he got up and looked around. "Dumbledore came to me today and told me that they were freshmen at Hogwarts..."

   "Kronos Slughorn ~www.NovelMTL.com~Minister." Dumbledore reminded him from behind.

   "Oh, yes. Mr. Cronos Slughorn, created a magic item that is stronger than a magic wand. So let us verify it together."

   After Cornelius Fudge sat down with a smile, Chronos saw it clearly this time. What kind of smile is this, obviously a mockery of contempt.

   As soon as Fudge's words fell, the surrounding wizards screamed.

   "Cough cough cough!" Dumbledore cleared his throat, and the noise around him stopped immediately. All eyes fell below.

"Everyone, I have brought people here. Why don't you let him test it out for us? Instead, there will be a blind quarrel." It can be seen that Dumbledore has a great voice, and he finished his words. Later. The wizards present collectively turned their heads to Cornelius Fudge who was lying on the sofa.

   Fudge straightened up and stared at Cronos for a while. "Then listen to Mr. Dumbledore and let Ke..."

   "Kronos Slughorn, Minister." Dumbledore seemed to have endless patience.

   "Yes, Cronos Slughorn will cover it up."


   No surprise, no sigh, only the sound of falling walls. When Chronos released the magic circle and summoned the majestic Vulcan to smash at Cornelius Fudge. Our Minister of Magic appeared calm and sat motionless on the comfortable sofa. Had it not been for Dumbledore to use Apparition to pull him away, maybe Chronos would have seen a wizard who could resist the Volcanumtellus magic circle.


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