Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 29: punish

   As midnight approached, they lifted Norbert up the marble steps in the hall and walked through the dark corridor. Go up one floor, go up another floor-even though they took shortcuts, they didn't worry at all. The little guy has been tossing in the wooden box.

   "It's almost here!" They were on the corridor one floor below the tallest tower, and Harry gasped.

   There was a sudden movement in front of them, and they almost threw away the box in their hands. They forgot that they were invisible, and quickly retreated into the shadows, looking at a place ten steps away from them, with a light on.

   "It's Professor McGonagall, let's not move, wait for him to pass first." Chronos lowered his voice.

   As the lights went away, the steep spiral staircase leading to the tower seemed to be the easiest part of the world. They have been under the cold night sky before removing the invisibility cloak on the box. How nice, finally I can breathe freely again. Hermione also did a quick step dance.

  While they waited, they chatted first. Norbert kept beating the box with his tail. Ten minutes later, four broomsticks descended from the night.

  Charlie’s friends are all cheerful people. They showed Harry and Hermione some ropes they had **** so they could hang Norbert between them. They hurriedly tied Norber to the rope safely, and then Harry and Hermione shook hands with them, and said many thankful words to them.

   Finally, Norbert left and disappeared.

   They quietly walked down the spiral staircase, and finally got rid of the heavy burden of Norbert, their mood was as light as their hands.

  Cronos followed, he had been waiting for someone. When he saw Filch, the caretaker walking out of the dark corridor, he was relieved.

   Filch led them to Professor McGonagall's study on the second floor, where they sat without saying a word. Hermione and Ron trembled. Harry quickly imagined many excuses and reasons to justify himself, and made up some lies in order to confuse him, but found that they were more untenable. Only Cronos took a leisurely look at Professor McGonagall's office.

  Professor McGonagall came back, her gaze swept over the four people. The intense anger made her unable to say a word.

   "I can't believe it's just a few of you. Filch said you're on the Astronomical Tower. Don't forget that it's one o'clock in the morning. Explain yourself."

   All looked down at the low floor, as if there was Jin Jialong on the floor.

"I'm sorry, Professor McGonagall. It's all my fault. I asked them to go to the Astronomical Tower together. I lied to them to... Make up a lie that can be seen at a glance.

   Harry and they both looked at Chronos with wide-eyed eyes. They couldn't believe that Chronos took most of the responsibility for them.

   It's really not that Cronos is a good old man, he originally came here after being punished to go to the Forbidden Forest. Punishing him alone is no different from four people. It's better to sell a good impression to three of them. It will be better used in the future.

"Very well, Mr. Slughorn. Do you really think I can offend if I'm not the Dean of Slytherin? I'm the vice-principal of Hogwarts, and I also have the right to punish you." McGonagall The professor growled. Chronos suddenly felt that Norbert was not so irritable anymore.

   "Of course I know." Cronos felt indifferent.

  Professor McGonagall looked at the four people in the office again, "Each of you has to deduct 50 points for your college."

   "Fifty points?" Harry thought it was incredible. He seemed to hear Hermione's crying.

   "Yes, fifty points per person. At the same time, we must also be confined." Professor McGonagall's voice resounded in the office.

   "Okay, now you all go back to your bed. Filch will watch you." Professor McGonagall issued an eviction order.

   Harry and Ron looked dizzy, and Hermione kept crying. On the contrary, Cronos was the one with the highest mood, which made him pretend to be a depressed face.

   Everyone parted at the entrance of the stairs.

   "Thank you today, Cronos!" Harry whispered.

   "It doesn't matter, we are friends, aren't we?" Cronos also pretended to be a pity.

   "Hurry up!" Filch's voice sounded behind him.

   "Okay, Harry. I'm leaving first, see you tomorrow."


   The next day ~www.NovelMTL.com~ When Gryffindor's classmates passed the Academy Cup score hourglass, they were surprised to find that Gryffindor was one hundred and fifty points short and took third place. Although Slytherin also deducted fifty points, he returned to the first place!

   When they learned that it was the famous Harry Potter and his two idiot classmates who had lost one hundred and fifty points, they suddenly became the target of public criticism.

   Even the students of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff didn't look good to him, because everyone had always wanted to see Slytherin lose the Academy Cup.

   Looking back at Chronos, Slytherin originally had an opinion on Chronos. As a result, there was a huge reversal in the story compiled by Draco Malfoy.

  In the air in Malfoy, Cronos spotted a trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s Gryffindor who had been unscrupulous. Cronos followed the three of them under the premise of violating school rules. Finally, Chronos at the Observatory fought the Gryffindor trio, although it was finally discovered by Professor McGonagall. But he still pulled Gryffindor from the first place with his own power.

   Chronos suddenly became the hero of Slytherin, and the version became more and more outrageous. In the end, Chronos seemed to be the great heroes who saved the world, and the three of Harry became the great monsters who did no evil. As a result, Professor Snape had a much better attitude towards him during the potions class.

  Cronos looked at Malfoy who was eloquent. I sighed in my heart: "This kid really should go to the Daily Prophet, he can definitely become a gold medal writer there."

   But it was the note that really made him happy: Your confinement starts at 11 o'clock tonight. Look for Mr. Filch in the foyer.

Professor McGonagall


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