Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 82 Swollen into big pig’s trotters

Harry's view of 'time is of the essence' convinced Ron and Hermione, and they agreed to write a reply to Roland the next morning after notifying Hagrid.

However, the next morning, before dawn, several people encountered a big trouble - Ron's right hand swelled into a big pig's trotter.

Robin suggested going to the school hospital, but Ron was worried that Madam Pomfrey would reveal the signs of his teeth, so Harry had to take out the medical bag and give him a simple anti-inflammatory and sterilizing bandage.

Afterwards, Robin, Harry and Hermione ran to the hunting lodge as agreed before.

Hagrid was stunned for a long time after reading the letter. Finally, he hugged Charmander's neck and said softly: "Noble, mom can only stay with you for four more days. You have arrived in a new place and have a new mother dragon." , don’t forget me, mother will never forget Norbert.”

"Hagrid, so you agree to send Norbert to Cornwall?" Robin asked in a low voice.

Hagrid nodded, "The adoption conditions mentioned in the letter make it difficult to think of a reason to refuse. No matter how spiritual Noble is, he is still a dragon. He needs an adult female dragon to teach him various survival skills. "

After saying that, he started twitching again.

Compared with Hagrid's sadness, Norbert seemed to have a bigger heart. He twisted his tail, struggled to escape from the arms of Mother Dragon, picked up the bouquet of dogtail grass on the low table, and plunged into Robin's arms. .

Today is Wednesday, there is no class in the first period in the morning, so Luo Bin played with Norbert for a long time.

He fed Norbert flaming snacks, slapped him on the butt, threw Frisbees for him to pick up, and used the foxtail grass he gave him to braid a little bunny and tie it to his horn bumps.

In the end, the three of them left the hut before the bell rang for the second period. Norbert, lying at the window, shaking the rabbit on his horns, watched them walk towards the castle.

For several people, like Hagrid, they only had four days left to play with Norbert. They had planned to skip their nap and go to the hunting lodge again.

However, just after lunch, Ron raised his right hand and complained of pain. Harry wanted to untie the bandage and see what was going on inside, but he found that he was too anxious in the morning and tied the knot on his roommate.

When he was wondering what to do, Luo Bin found a pair of small scissors, clicked a few times, and untied the bandage.

"Well, my hands, Hagrid never told me, Norbert's teeth are poisonous."

Ron looked at his shit-green, pig-foot-like right hand and said in disbelief.

"If you don't want to be amputated, you'd better go find Madam Pomfrey immediately." Robin said quietly.

So, several people temporarily changed their plan to see Noble and accompanied Ron to the campus hospital.

Madam Pomfrey said that the matter was a bit tricky and that it would take some research before she could prepare an antidote. To prevent the injury from worsening, she prescribed some potions that inhibited the spread of the toxin.

After Ron fell asleep after taking the medicine, she urged the three of them to leave on the grounds that the patient needed rest, and promised to give them one hour a day to visit their friends.

On Friday morning, after Potions class, Robin, Harry, and Hermione went to the school hospital to visit Ron as usual.


Luo Bin opened the curtain of the public ward and saw Ron staring angrily at the ceiling. There was a large paper package on the bedside table next to his hospital bed. He stepped forward and took a look. As expected, the paper package was full. Chicken leg bones.

"Who's been here?" Harry asked.

"Draco Malfoy!" Ron gritted his teeth.

"Malfoy told the school nurse that he wanted to borrow a book from me. The school nurse believed his lie and let him in."

"After he came in, he mocked me as a hapless person, a poor man, and a pig's trotter. He also threatened to tell Madam Pomfrey and Headmaster McGonagall about 'Hagrid raised a dragon and Norbert bit people.'"

"I was so angry that I wanted to punch him, but my right hand was still swollen. After he snatched one of my books, he walked away."

"Damn it, my favorite book is "Collection of Interesting Facts about Idiot Wizards". I have only read a third of it. When I am discharged from the hospital, I will definitely beat him until he returns the book."

"Don't worry too much about running out of books to read. Here, I also brought you two books, "Secrets of the Elf Rebellion" and "The History of the Creation of the Ministry of Magic." If you read these two books thoroughly, you don't have to worry about the history of magic. It’s exam time.”

"Um, thank you, I don't need it, take it back and see for yourself!"

"Watch it whether you like it or not. Anyway, I'm not the one who failed the exam."

Hermione picked up two books and sat on a stool to study by herself. Harry rushed to the bedside and asked anxiously: "Is it the one with a bald head and two standing figures with white spots on their chests on the title page?" "A Collection of Funny Facts about Idiot Wizards" by Asiatic Black Bear?"

"Well, it seems there is, right, Luo Bin? The book was the one you brought for me to read for entertainment yesterday."

"Well, that's right. I was bored and drew something on the title page. Harry, are there any questions?"

"Robin, when you wrote a reply to Roland the day before yesterday, you handed me the note that Big Fatty brought back. I tucked it into the "Collection of Interesting Facts about Idiot Wizards"."

"So Malfoy knows everything about the time and place we sent Norbert away?" Robin asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm afraid so, unless he doesn't open the book," Harry said wearily.

"When he shows off his record to Crabbe and Goyle, he will definitely open that book. The best way is to change the plan, but tomorrow is Saturday. Then send an owl to Roland and say that he wants to change the plan. Noble's date is obviously too late. So, we have to bet that Malfoy doesn't know about the existence of the Invisibility Cloak."

Hermione closed "Secrets of the Elf Rebellion" and stood up to suggest.

"Of course he doesn't know that Harry has an invisibility cloak, but can the invisibility cloak cover us and Norbert?" Robin asked doubtfully.

"It should be fine, I mean, with Norbert's long tail folded up."

"Leave the matter of the tail to me."

Coercion and inducement, if not afraid of Norbert, he will do it.

After confirming not to change the original plan, the three of them chatted for a while, and then quickly left the school hospital before the school doctor came to the ward to rush people.

The next day, at eleven o'clock in the evening, Robin, Harry and Hermione, protected by the invisibility cloak, sneaked out of the castle and came to the hunting lodge.

Hagrid prepared a crate (a box with a gap between the fingerboards). In the crate, he put some dead mice, brandy, and a dirty teddy bear. He was going to put Norbert in it too. When he entered, Luo Bin stopped him.

"Hagrid, the box you prepared is too big. Don't forget, the agreed handover location is at the Astronomy Tower."

"I just want Norbert to be more spacious, so what do you think we should do?"

After Luo Bin took a rough look at the furniture in the room, he pointed to the four-legged stool next to the low table and said, "That's it!!"

"Use a stool to hold Norbert?"

Harry was quite puzzled by this idea.

"No, that's not a stool."

Luo Bin walked to Hagrid's big bed, took out ten wooden boards from under the bed, found the tool box, clicked a few times, and restored the four-legged stool into a crate.

"If you guessed it correctly, it was used to hold apples before, right?"

Hagrid shook his beard and said in disbelief: "Are all young wizards today smart enough to be private detectives?"

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