"All right, both of you. Are you ready for the next game now?"

The clerk asked kindly in front of the two players.

Then the game officially began.

"Of course!"

The two answered without hesitation.

"Well, let me explain the rules of the game.

Next, two people can draw a ball from this bucket. The type of question you want to answer will be written on the ball.

Whoever finishes answering ten questions first in the same time will win. If none of them finish, the winner will be determined by who answers more questions.

Of course, in order to make the game more fair.

You can also choose a type that you are good at.

But in this case, you need to answer five more questions than the other contestant in the same time."

This rule seems to have options, but in fact there is only one.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that.

One is ten questions selected randomly.

The other is fifteen questions selected by oneself.

It is still the same time.

The first option is definitely more advantageous.

However, Braun will still choose the second one.

If the original body was an ordinary pure-blood child,

Braun would definitely choose the first option without hesitation.

But... the original body is not normal.

Because there has been no magic riot.

In addition, he eavesdropped on his parents' conversations from time to time, which made the original body very sensitive and fragile. In addition, the memory is worse than that of a dog.

Basically, his memory is either playing or eating.

There is not much common sense that a young wizard should have.

If it weren't for Braun's time travel, this body would have been sent to the Muggle world to live with his uncle Squib.

"How about it? Have you thought about it?"

The clerk reminded the two young wizards who were thinking.

"I choose the first one!"

Malfoy said the choice that most people would make without hesitation.

Brown glanced at the type of question on the parchment and said lightly:

"I choose the second one"

"Braun! Choose the first one!"

Ron on the side pulled Braun's sleeve anxiously.

"Did you say it wrong?

If you did, I agree that you can say it again."

The clerk kindly reminded

"This is the first time I've heard of someone who can regret something."

Malfoy sneered.

Ron said anxiously:

"Brown, you must not act on your temper because of what Malfoy said."

Brown glanced at Malfoy, who was looking up with his neck raised and his nose in the air:

"No more changes.

Let's get started."

The clerk sighed.

He had originally wanted to see if Braun could win, but now it seemed hopeless.

Braun was just a kid who had never been to school.

Even if he was good at it, how good could he be?

One answered ten questions while the other answered fifteen questions in the same amount of time.

It was obvious who would win.

"Well, you can choose the type of question you want to answer first."


Brown pointed at the parchment and said.

No one was surprised.

If Fry didn't choose anything related to potions, would he choose spells?


The clerk nodded.

Then he signaled Malfoy that he could draw a question.

Malfoy reached into the box and took out a ball.

After the ball left the box, a line of words quickly appeared on it.——""Herbology"

Malfoy was a little surprised but not too scared.

Although potions were not his forte, he had read the books in advance.

Not to mention that he had a potion master, Snape, as his godfather.

Ordinary questions were not difficult for him.

Thinking of this,

Malfoy said to himself:

"I only need to answer ten questions.

Braun needs to answer fifteen.

Even if he knows more than me, he can't be faster than me.

Well, the advantage is mine."

"Very interesting. I didn't expect that the two little wizards would have the same question.

Maybe we should change the format?

How about a quick answer?

That would be more interesting?"

""Okay, I have no objection."

Braun also shrugged his shoulders to show his agreement.

Seeing that the contestants had no objections, the clerk waved his wand excitedly:

"Well, let's start now! Get ready!

No need to signal, just answer the questions when you see them!"

After that, the questions appeared on the huge parchment.

"As soon as the question came up,

Braun answered directly:

"Dittany is a plant with healing and restorative magical properties.

Eating it raw can heal superficial wounds, and extracting it into an essence has even better effects.

Chopped dittany is a material for making a stimulating potion.

Wizards have also used a mixture of dittany and silver powder to treat werewolf bites to prevent the victim from bleeding to death."

"Perfect answer! Absolutely correct.

Malfoy secretly hated himself. He was just a little late in answering. He was beaten to the punch by Brown.

And he realized that maybe answering like this didn't give him much of an advantage.

"Wait a minute! I think we should answer the questions at the same time and see who can answer faster! Otherwise, what is the advantage between my ten questions and his fifteen questions?"

After saying this, he secretly kicked Crabbe.

Crabbe was startled, but he also understood what Malfoy meant:

"That's right! This is not fair! Malfoy is right!"

The clerk hesitated.

He turned to look at Brown, wanting to see what he thought.

"I don't mind."

Braun replied:

"However, Malfoy, if you want to answer the question in a different way. This question must count."

Malfoy hesitated and nodded:

"Sure. This question is just because Master Malfoy feels sorry for you!"

Brown ignored Malfoy's fart, because he would cry later:

"I have no opinion then."

"Well, then."

As he spoke, he waved his wand again, and another piece of parchment appeared in front of Malfoy.

"Is it ok now?"

""Let's get started."

Malfoy said with satisfaction.

Malfoy's answer was"castor oil" and Brown's was"lovage". No surprise.

Both of them answered quickly.

At first, Malfoy could answer quickly.

But when it came to the sixth question, he began to stutter.

When it came to the seventh question, he became more and more hesitant.

Brown kept a fast pace. Basically , Brown answered the question as soon as the parchment finished asking it.

"The guardian tree is a magical mountain pear tree……"

"Scurvy is a herb in the magical world that can easily"cause encephalitis" and make people irritable and reckless. It is often used to make intoxicants and confusion drugs.……"

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