Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 324 Let’s settle this matter today

The white cliffs of Old Harry Rock.

White cliffs with neat cross-sections stand in the sea.

This fragile land is made of chalk formed from the skeletons and corpses of plankton 66 million years ago.

Murphy looked down at the scene from the air, and then threw a Muggle expulsion spell downwards.

In the magic vision, a ripple spread out in all directions, and at a place on the coast, where there was no one in the optical field of vision, two huge groups of magic power were as obvious as bonfires in the night.

The Disillusionment Spell can distort light and erase people or objects from the background, but the magic fluctuations of the spell itself will not disappear.

"What a surprise." Murphy smiled.

Sending a few Lightning Crows to monitor Nurmengard was actually a move made by Murphy before. If the Wizards Federation still refused to let go, he planned to try to release Grindelwald and cause them some trouble.

But now the Wizards' Federation no longer poses any threat to Murphy, but because of this small move, he discovered the cooperation between Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

The Lightning Crow was too far away at that time, and he didn't know what was said between the two, but seeing the magical colors of the two here and now, he knew their purpose.

But, where is the Holy Mother?

Under the tower, they clearly saw a guy who looked like an ascetic priest. He should obviously be from the Holy Mother, but he did not appear here.

In other words, the Holy Mother is not planning to do it herself?

It's a pity that we can't catch them all in one go.

He contacted Mrs. Yaga through the spiritual network, "Madam, please tell the Queen that the time has come and I need to borrow that thing."

After receiving the answer, he immediately turned into a bolt of lightning and fell to the ground, revealing his body.

He walked a few steps on the grass and cast a Primordial Manifestation Spell. Sure enough, nothing happened.

But at this moment, two figures apparated and appeared beside him, and then one of them pointed at the ground with his wand, "Anchor of Space!"

This anti-Apparition spell immediately sealed the surrounding space, turning this place into an area where space movement was impossible, just like Hogwarts, Nurmengard and other places.

Dumbledore's Space Anchor was extremely powerful, and Murphy could feel that even the "Lightning Crow Teleportation" he had just mastered was banned.

But he didn't feel panic at all. Not only could he turn into lightning and leave, but he could also quickly get out of the battle simply by relying on his flying skills. It was difficult to surround and kill him with only space blockade.

"Professor," Murphy turned around, "Long time no see."

"Murphy." Dumbledore looked at him with a complicated expression, "Long time no see."

Murphy looked at Grindelwald on the other side, "Mr. Gellert Grindelwald, it's nice to meet you. I actually wanted to release you for a while, so that you could cause some trouble for the Wizards' Federation. Secondly, I think you might be able to understand my approach.”

"Oh?" Grindelwald looked at him and asked curiously, "Then why didn't you do that?"

"On the one hand, my messenger has observed the magic that imprisoned you and found that it is a ritual spell. To remove it without killing you, you must either have magic power that far exceeds that of the caster, or you need a specific secret key. , I think it might be difficult for me to liberate you unharmed."

"On the other hand, I actually have some doubts about your position."

"Facts have proven that this doubt is not unfounded." Murphy said, glancing at the two of them. "After all, the so-called positions and standards are reserved for people who don't care."

"If you ask me, this boy is very eloquent." Grindelwald said, "No wonder you can't beat him, Albus."

"Murphy, stop." Dumbledore said.

More than a year has passed since the last meeting, and Dumbledore is far from the calmness he once had. At that time, he could still observe and evaluate Murphy to his best ability, but now, he has been forced to use Pure violence will solve the problem.

He seemed very tired.

"Didn't we already discuss this issue, professor?" Murphy still smiled, "You didn't convince me."

"Breaking the Wizarding Statute of Secrecy is very dangerous, Murphy. I'm not being alarmist, and this danger is not only related to Muggles." Dumbledore said, "You are about to break an established balance, and our world is likely to change as a result. Facing destruction.”

"If you really want to convince me, you'd better come up with solid evidence instead of continuing to talk vaguely." Murphy said, "To be honest, I really hate the Riddler. You'd better make it clear. Then What exactly is the so-called danger?”


"Tell him, Albus." Grindelwald said, "There is no need for you to bear this responsibility yourself."

Dumbledore hesitated for a long time, but finally sighed, "No, I can't take this risk."

Grindelwald frowned and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, "Then, it seems that is the only way."

Seeing the killing intent bursting out of Grindelwald's eyes, Murphy smiled and said, "Don't worry yet. I know you are planning to kill me, but don't worry yet."

"You know?" Grindelwald was stunned.

"It's not difficult to guess. If it were Professor Dumbledore himself, it would probably be difficult for him to reach this point. He is not a person who is prone to extreme measures. But Mr. Grindelwald, with you here, I believe the professor can understand What is 'for the greater good'."

"In that case, why don't you run away?" Grindelwald asked.

"Why are you running away?" Murphy still smiled, "It's not easy for you two to find me, and it's not easy for me to find Professor Dumbledore. We've already come, so let's get over it today. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Dumbledore suddenly looked up and saw a figure riding on a giant eagle suddenly appear in mid-air after the dazzling flash of lightning.

Immediately afterwards, a brilliance like a water curtain suddenly spread out to the sky from the raised hands of the figure, and then formed a nearly transparent lid-like hemisphere.

The next moment, the ray of light extended to the sea, and with a "boom", a piece of chalk rock was cut off and fell into the sea.

"What is this..." Grindelwald was stunned.

"St. Peter's Wall!" Dumbledore looked at the huge barrier connecting the sky and the sea in astonishment, his eyes filled with disbelief. "They said you have a close relationship with the wizards of the Soviet Union, but... you can actually borrow them This treasure?"

"Who made me the protector shaman of Alkaim?" Murphy said.

"However, even with the Queen's guarantee, I can only borrow this thing for an hour. Time is tight, let's get started quickly."

As he spoke, he raised his head and said in the air, "Great Shaman Maxim, please block the magic in this area!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure riding on the back of a giant eagle fell from the sky. He murmured a long spell in his mouth, and then the war drums beat.

The feeling of being cut off from magic that Murphy had experienced when fighting Alexey reappeared.

In this space, the power of the spell is greatly weakened.

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