Of course, Dumbledore had never thought of killing Murphy.

It's just that this kind of simple and direct violence doesn't fit his character well, and Murphy is not killed so easily.

"He is already in the same position as us," Dumbledore said. "It will be difficult for me to kill him."

"So, you're here, aren't you?" Grindelwald said.

Dumbledore was silent. Indeed, if Grindelwald was added, the probability of killing Murphy would be greatly increased if the two of them joined forces.

But this suddenly made him doubt. Could Grindelwald say such words just to escape?

"Oh, Albus." Grindelwald made a hurt expression, "Are you doubting me?"

"Sorry, Gellert, I couldn't help it." Dumbledore smiled bitterly.

Suspicion has long been rooted in his character, and he began to doubt Grindelwald's motives just now.

Grindelwald had foreseen his arrival, and perhaps he had also foreseen the purpose of his coming.

Then of course he is likely to use this to escape from here.

And based on his understanding of Grindelwald, he also had sufficient reasons and motivations to do so.

"If you are really worried, I can continue to stay here for a while." Grindelwald said, "I have lived here for fifty years. Although it is indeed very boring, I have begun to get used to it. Again It’s okay to stay for a while, probably not for a few years anyway.”

Although this may have been Grindelwald's words, Dumbledore still felt a little guilty.

Finally, he took out his wand and murmured a few spells. Suddenly, the surrounding scenery changed, the room took on an illusory color, and a red chain appeared from the floor, with the other end firmly attached. The ground penetrated Grindelwald's chest.

"The Soul Prisoner's Lock."

Grindelwald looked at the chain with a complicated expression.

This chain not only imprisoned him on the top of the tower, but also firmly imprisoned his magic, making him just like an ordinary Muggle for fifty years.

To him, this was almost humiliating.

He glanced at Dumbledore and said, "Don't you need me to make a few unbreakable vows?"

"We all know that's useless," Dumbledore said.

Grindelwald shrugged.

Well, at least they tried back then.

Dumbledore clicked his wand on the chain, and after reciting the last few spells, there was a "click" sound, and the chain broke from the middle, and then collapsed to both ends at a very fast speed.

After a few moments, Grindelwald was free.

He slowly straightened his back, and the long-lost magic power filled his body again, making him unable to control it for a moment. The magic power all over his body shone brightly, and his eyes and facial features radiated dazzling light.

After a while, the shock of magic finally subsided, and Grindelwald let out a sigh of relief. He stood in front of Dumbledore, his appearance remained unchanged, but his whole person seemed completely different.

"Fifty years..." Grindelwald took steps in the room. He was no longer lame, and his temperament had become elegant and confident. "There is not a moment when I don't miss magic."

"Do you know what is the cruelest thing you have ever done to me, Albus?"

"You actually took away my power to use magic and made me as incompetent as a Muggle..."

"I really should let you have a taste of that."

Dumbledore frowned and tightened his grip on his wand.

"Of course, you have the Elder Wand now," Grindelwald glanced at the weapon in the opponent's hand, "But don't you think that after all these years, I really haven't been prepared at all?"

As he spoke, he actually pulled out a wand from his robe, "Only you can open the Soul Lock, so no one can release me from here, but it's not that difficult to give me some small gifts." .”

"I'm thinking, maybe we should have another duel." Grindelwald said, "Of course, it doesn't have to be now. I will gather my partners again and wait until I regain my strength... Oh, that Murphy Darkholm , I suddenly felt that it might not be impossible to absorb him. When the time comes, it will be two against one. Albus, even if you have the Elder Wand, you have no chance of winning."

He raised his wand as he spoke, "What do you think of my plan?"

"Very convincing," Dumbledore said. "To be honest, I already regret letting you go."

"Oh, you should at least learn to check if the guy across from you has a wand first."

Dumbledore said nothing.

Grindelwald was silent for a while, then suddenly narrowed his eyes, "Did you notice?"

"Then you dare to release me?"

Dumbledore was noncommittal, but said, "I am just ready to accept all the consequences of releasing you."

"What if I want to kill you?" Grindelwald raised his wand in front of Dumbledore.

"Of course that's something you might do," Dumbledore said flatly, "but to me, that's not a too bad ending."

The look on Grindelwald's face was like someone had slapped him.

The next moment, a surge of rage made his wand tremble, "You locked me here and tortured me for fifty years! Because of your ridiculous responsibility! Because of your cowardice! Because you are afraid of making mistakes again!"

"Fifty years!" Grindelwald's eyes were like a fire burning, "I should kill you! Kill everyone! I should destroy everything you want to protect! Burn this damn ridiculous utopia. Into ashes!”

Dumbledore looked at him calmly, "I know."

"Do you think I'm reluctant to kill you? Or do you think I'm afraid of you and don't dare to do it?"

"No, I know you can."

Dumbledore's calm expression seemed to irritate Grindelwald. He clenched the wand tightly with his fingers. Suddenly, a dazzling flash of light flashed between the wands.

"Boom!" The wall on the top floor of Nurmengard was suddenly shattered by the huge magic power. An entire stone wall was blown away, but the spell missed by two inches, and Dumbledore was unscathed.

The two were silent for a while.

"Okay." Grindelwald suddenly withdrew his wand, as if what he just did was a performance, "This is also one of the plans. But it seems that it has no effect. I thought you would be more Scared."

"I said, I can accept all the consequences of releasing you."

"Oh, forget it." Grindelwald stepped forward, "Didn't you feel scared for a moment?"


"You're getting even more boring, Albus."

"Maybe I've always been a boring person."

"I regret a little. I should have used a curse on you just now. A dancing spell would be good. I really want to see you do a funny dance with this face on your face. It must be very interesting. How about we do it again?"


"Okay, okay," Grindelwald came to the broken hole, "Let's go do some business, there is someone waiting for us to kill."

As he spoke, he took a step forward and fell straight down.

Dumbledore was startled, and when he came to the breach, he heard Grindelwald's curse from below, "Stop the earthquake and slow down!"

He breathed a sigh of relief, but not as exaggeratedly as the other party. Instead, he walked down the stairs just as he had come.

Grindelwald was waiting for him outside the spire, but what made Dumbledore frown was that there was more than one person waiting for him.

A man wearing a black robe, a hemp rope tied around his waist, and a crown of thorns on his head was standing barefoot opposite Grindelwald, holding something covered with black cloth in his arms. .

"Is this yours? Albus?" Grindelwald asked.

Dumbledore shook his head.

At this moment, the man raised his head as if he heard something. Then he took a step forward and lifted the black cloth in his arms, revealing a blank picture frame.

"The Holy Mother wants to speak to you," the man said.

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