Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 155 A great shame and humiliation

Diagon Alley, Watcher Wizard Security Shop.

The clerks had all been sent home a day ago. Although some Aurors wanted to arrest them all, Crouch's reputation had already declined a lot, and he did not dare to do such a thing that would definitely attract a lot of criticism. .

At this moment, the door of the security shop was locked, and Murphy's wanted poster was posted on the door and on the walls on both sides.

This caused the area around it to exude a desolate atmosphere where strangers were not allowed to enter, so that even the business of the shops on both sides was much lighter.

However, if you look carefully, you can find many pairs of secretly eyes watching here.

In the cafe opposite, the ice cream shop in the distance, the broom shop, etc., there are always one or two customers who linger. They seem to be selecting products, but their eyes will glance in the direction of the security store from time to time.

But somewhere they didn't notice, there were hundreds of eyes watching them.

On Charing Cross Street in London, Murphy wore a peaked cap and a loose jacket, walking on the street like a Muggle youth everywhere.

He wore an eyepatch over his right eye, tossed a gold coin casually in his left hand, and had a very special gold coin-shaped earring attached to his right ear.

"On the right, on the second floor of the cafe, there is a man in a green robe. Next to him is a woman reading a newspaper..."

"On the left, Owl Shop, on the roof. This guy used the Disguise Spell. Next to the red flag, do you see the flag that doesn't flutter in the wind? It was caught..."

"In the alley south of the ice cream shop, there is an old man selling flowers. His wand is hidden in the flower basket on the right..."

"Are they all marked?"

A voice came from the earring, "Marking completed. The wolves can move at any time. The wolves ask the wolf king for instructions, can they kill?"

"Yes, it doesn't matter life or death. But try not to involve innocent people."

"The wolves understand."

On the other side, Radwan used goblin gold coins to arrange tactics for the players.

"Team one is in charge of the cafe. Team two is in charge of the guy in the Owl Shop and takes over the high point. Team three is near the ice cream shop. Team four is in the broom shop."

"Three minutes later, launch simultaneous attacks. Check the watch!"

Soon, the reply from the team members came from the fairy gold coins, "The first team is ready, the second team is ready..."

"Repeat, our goal is to paralyze the Auror system as much as possible. It is ideal to bite them seriously without killing people. Aurors have no cure for lycanthropy."

"Try not to use firearms, but when necessary, self-protection takes priority. Do you understand?"



On the second floor of the coffee shop, Grace Carter took the completely cold coffee to her mouth for the one hundred and sixth time and glanced out of the window.

no change.

It seems that Murphy will not show up today.

He was calculating the time for his shift change, thinking that maybe he could treat Doris to the Three Broomsticks for a drink today. Their nerves had been so tense the past two days and they needed to relax.

At this time, two wizards with strange faces walked upstairs. One complained that he had encountered a dementor before, and the other talked nonsense about the Auror, saying that he was not as good as a watcher.

Huh, don’t even look at who is protecting the safety of you stupid pigs!

Grace cursed in her mind and sneered at such a guy who was easily incited by newspapers.

They were just two ignorant idlers. Grace let down her guard. Really dangerous enemies would not speak ill of Aurors so blatantly.

Two wizards sat at the next table, one looked at the menu, and the other was still chattering.

Grace tried hard not to listen to those stupid comments. She couldn't help but pay attention to the companions on the other side. Doris had only joined the Aurors not long ago. It was the time when she couldn't calm down. Don't be irritated by their gossips. What is good.

But at this moment, two strange wizards stood up in unison, each took out a needle from their clothes and stuck it into their arm, and then shouted: "Moga!"

Grace was startled and quickly left her position, grabbed her wand and pointed it at the two people. When she looked closely, she was shocked.

The bodies of the two wizards suddenly swelled to more than double, their clothes were stretched open, their hair grew, their mouths stretched, their bodies bowed, and within a few seconds, they turned into werewolves in front of everyone.

This sudden change scared the other wizards on the second floor to scream, but the werewolves ignored them, and one of them stared directly at Grace.

not good!

These guys are here for the Aurors!

Grace was frightened and confused at the same time. It was daytime now! It’s not a full moon day either! How could a transformed werewolf appear? !

But he was well trained and knew how difficult it was to deal with werewolves in their transformed form, let alone both ends. He immediately shouted: "Doris! Retreat!"

However, before he could apparate away, there was a sudden clang, and the glass window behind him seemed to be shattered by something. Before he could turn around to look, a sharp claw slammed into his waist, directly knocking him down. He flew more than two meters.

Three werewolves?

These guys actually use tactics? !

Before falling into coma, Grace was still full of doubts.

Aren't the werewolves irrational when they transform?

At the same time, the werewolf on the other side also resisted Doris' spell and bit her shoulder.

But once they met, two well-trained Aurors were successfully surprised by three werewolves.

The same scene happened everywhere else in Diagon Alley.

The originally peaceful Diagon Alley turned into a hell where werewolves were raging in an instant.

The howls of wolves came one after another, but after just over three minutes, everything calmed down. What was left to the Aurors who came to support after receiving the news was a mess, fires everywhere, and broken streets.

"Six days! Seven attacks! Nineteen Aurors were bitten by werewolves! St. Mungo's is almost full of our people!" Barty Crouch roared crazily in the office of the Director of the Department of Legal Enforcement. A newspaper was thrown at Gadwin Robards' head.

"Look how they scolded us! We were defeated! Weak and incompetent! They were running away..."

"What a shame! What a shame!"

The werewolf's repeated attacks not only made people in the wizarding world panic, but also made the Aurors lose face. Naturally, this also made Barty Crouch's already reduced reputation even worse.

Let alone the impact of this year's general election on the Minister of Magic, whether he can keep his position is a question.

"Where did these damn werewolves come from?!"

"We, we are checking..."

"We are investigating, and we were investigating yesterday!" Barty Crouch looked like he hated iron. "It's been six days, and you don't have any clues!? How did you become the director of the Auror Office?!"

"Well, those werewolves are different... they can transform at any time and turn into humans at any time. They are hard to guard against, Director..."

Barty Crouch immediately sat on the chair, covered his chest, and rubbed it for a long time.


Gadwin Robards is a loser. He has known this for a long time and should not have expected anything from him.

"Where's Murphy? Have you caught Murphy Darkholm? Don't you know anything about his whereabouts?!"

In fact, as long as you think about who benefits from attacking Aurors now, you can know that the instigator behind those werewolves must be the young dark wizard Murphy.

Although I still can't figure out how he made those werewolves obey his orders, and how he managed to make the werewolves transform at any time.

But with the intuition of a former outstanding Auror, Barty Crouch still grasped the truth at once.

"He has never appeared in those shops... Our deep divers didn't reply for some reason..."

As Gadwin Robards spoke, he suddenly noticed that his boss's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and hurriedly said: "However, a hospital has opened in Diagon Alley, and we suspect that it is controlled by Murphy..."


"Yes, it's called Jishi Wizard Hospital. They now specialize in treating lycanthropy..."

"Furthermore, Director, the injured Aurors are no longer at St. Mungo's. They have all gone to Jishi Wizarding Hospital..."

"What?" Crouch was stunned, "But you said this hospital is controlled by Murphy..."

"We just suspect...there is no evidence yet..."

Barty Crouch immediately sketched a picture in his mind: Murphy treated the Aurors who were bitten by werewolves with a face of fake compassion, and the latter were grateful to him...

His heart was pounding so hard that he almost couldn't breathe.

The poaching has reached the Auror headquarters, right? !

What a shame! What a shame!

"Let's go! Take me there quickly!"

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