Wen Ning stood alone in the venue, surrounded by cakes and snacks, which were exquisite and beautiful, but the price was high, she dared not touch anything.

The people around are people who are famous in the business world. Even if they have no friendship before, they still know each other.

Everyone smiled and greeted politely, and Wen Ning stood alone in the middle, which seemed out of place.

Jiang Shu was not by her side, she didn't even have anyone to talk to, so she simply stood in the far corner of the venue.

She has no friends since she was a child, and has adapted to being alone.

The little girl lowered her head and waited quietly for more than an hour. When she looked up again, Jiang Shu was nowhere to be seen.

People were leaving one after another, and the venue was empty with only a few staff left. She panicked, but she still couldn't find Jiang Shu.

Seeing this, the hotel manager walked up to Wen Ning, bowed politely, and made a gesture of invitation with both hands to the right: "Hello, Miss, the elevator entrance is here, I need to bring Did you go?"

Wen Ning was most afraid of troublesome people in her life, she waved her hand with a timid smile, and walked towards the exit.

The elevator went all the way down to the bottom floor, she walked out of the hotel lobby, but did not find the car that Jiang Shu was in when she came.

Time passes by, the night is getting darker, and the traffic on the road is gradually sparse.

She has been standing on high heels for a few hours, and then she couldn't stand it anymore. She found a step by the flower bed next to the hotel door and sat down. She was obedient and waited until ten o'clock, but still didn't Jiang Shu.

She looked at the neon lights of the cold city at night from flickering to extinguishing, and smiled as if resigned.

Jiang Shu left without a word. He probably didn't remember taking her with him tonight, or maybe he remembered it, but it didn't matter.

Tonight was the first time she attended such an event, and she was inevitably nervous. After changing her dress, her wallet and mobile phone were all left in the bedroom, and she couldn't even make a phone call.

However, on second thought, even with her mobile phone, she dared not call Jiang Shu, because he didn't know how much an insignificant phone call would disturb him, so he left her behind, How could he take the time to look back for her?

Whether the city can find the way back to Yuganwan, I have no idea.

This hotel is built in a villa in the suburbs. People who come and go here are either rich or expensive. Most of them are picked up by private cars, so the nearest bus station is also three kilometers away.

Wen Ning took off her high heels and walked barefoot on the asphalt. The surroundings were dark, and occasionally there were carts galloping by her side. It was impossible not to be afraid.

It was nearly eleven o'clock when Jiang Shu arrived home. He subconsciously walked to the guest room where Wen Ning was staying. Seeing no one was inside, he went straight to the second master bedroom.

Tonight, he was also a little tired. He just got the smell of cigarettes in the clubhouse, and simply turned into the bathroom to take a shower.

The man took a bath quickly and came out wearing a large bathrobe after a while.

He holds the ice floating flower bracelet brought back from the auction tonight, and intends to put it in a place where Wen Ning can see it when she wakes up early tomorrow.

It was only when he walked to the small sofa where she often slept that he realized through the moonlight that there was no familiar little figure on the sofa.

Jiang Shu frowned slightly, and hurried back to the bedroom door to pick up her mobile phone. There was no password for the 400-dollar candy bar. Jiang Shu easily unlocked it, except for a few missed calls. , even unread the text message I sent her earlier.

Step downstairs.

Wen Ning walked barefoot with high heels for about ten minutes before it started to rain. She had nowhere to hide, her dress was wet, the little girl wiped the rain on her face and bit her Lip continued to run to the bus stop a few kilometers away.

I managed to get to the station, but missed the time for the last bus.

Behind her, a bright gray sports car got off the elevated and followed her. She stopped beside her and honked the horn several times. Lane on the other side.

Finally met at the bus stop.

Wen Ning really had no way to go home. Seeing this, she thought that the other party was a taxi, weighed her tight savings, and carefully bent over to ask: "Hello, may I ask the royal family? Dry Bay, how much is it? I came out tonight without my wallet, can I go in and get it for you?"

"Yuganwan?" Zhou Ziheng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed, "I won't charge you, I'm not a dick, just drop by, get in the car, it's raining too much. already."

Wen Ning was simple-minded and did not take much precautions. She got into the car and couldn't stop thanking her.

Zhou Ziheng looked ahead, took off his suit jacket and handed it to her: "Draped."

She took the coat, glanced at the wet dress on her body, and apologized: "I'm sorry, I got your car wet, I'm really sorry, a while-"

"The air conditioner is on in the car, and you get caught in the rain. It's easy to catch a cold if you don't wear a coat."

Wen Ning was stunned for a moment, no one had ever thought it was something worth noting that she had a cold.

"Thank you."

The man hummed lightly: "Do you live in Yuganwan?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

Zhou Ziheng raised his eyebrows and glanced at her: "It's nothing, a friend of mine also lives there."

He paused, then asked inadvertently, "Why didn't your husband come to pick you up? He's not worried about this black light, thunder and rain?"

Wen Ning didn't realize how Zhou Ziheng knew she had a husband, a trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes, and then he covered it up, smiled stupidly, and pretended that nothing happened: "He is busy Well."

The sports car was very fast, and it only took more than half an hour to reach Yuganwan. When the car stopped in front of the villa, Jiang Shu just arrived in front of the courtyard.

Some guesses.

Jiang Shu frowned, staring at the gray sports car in front of the door.

The next second, Wen Ning got off the co-pilot, bent down and smiled and thanked the man in the car, Zhou Ziheng took the black umbrella and followed her.

Jiang Shu's palm clenched subconsciously, his fingers pinched the flower bracelet that he didn't have time to put down, and the outline of the gift box was about to be deformed.

The black umbrella covered the rain falling over her head. Wen Ning had her head lowered and her hands folded in front of her forehead. Suddenly there was no rain. She looked around in surprise and hurriedly He waved his hand: "Sir, thank you, don't bother, I'm already here, don't delay your business..."

But seeing him at this moment is not good in my heart.

Jiang Shu has a deep understanding in his eyes, his expression is slightly restrained, but there is a coldness all over his body.

Zhou Ziheng chuckled suddenly, never thought that one day he would see such childish possessiveness of Prince Hancheng.

Zhou Ziheng originally laughed casually, but after hearing this, his light smile faded away: "Do you remember that your wife fell outside?"

Jiang Shu's face was very ugly.

Zhou Ziheng sneered calmly: "I don't think a person who is big enough to leave his wife outside and let her walk barefoot for a few kilometers in the thunderstorm to find a bus home Men, how much can you value your wife?"

The speaker has no intention of the listener, the little girl's nose suddenly sour, and her heart is uncomfortable for no reason. She is actually a person who will be wronged.

The man took Wen Ning's hand and added a little more strength, tightened his back molars, and the jaw line was cold and hard, adding a little anger: "What identity does Zhou Shao use to control others? housework?"

Zhou Ziheng chuckled lightly, spread his hands, and turned back to the car.

The top of the gray sports car was shattered like goose feathers by the rain, and disappeared into the night in an instant.

"You just get into another man's car at night, so you're not afraid of being sold?"

Wen Ning was so nervous that she didn't dare to make a sound, she didn't dare to look up at him, her heart was pounding, she seemed to be waiting for her hair to fall, and her expression was very tense.


He sneered and turned away, his eyes stayed on the gift box in his hand, for the first time he felt ridiculous.

A few hours ago, he was thinking of buying some gifts to make her happy. He made a few calls and she didn't answer, so he rushed back from the club absentmindedly. For the first time, he knew how to return early, who knows As soon as she got home, she gave him such a big surprise.

Come back with other men, talking and laughing.

Thinking about it, the moment he gave the divorce agreement, he should have known that one day, this freedom was originally given by him.

But for some reason, as long as he remembered Wen Ningchong and Zhou Ziheng, bending his eyes and smiling, a nameless fire immediately ignited in his chest, making him unable to think.

He didn't know what was going on with this feeling, he just felt that the gift box in his hand was annoying and useless, which was his ridiculous testimony.

Jiang Shu casually raised his expression, and the gift box fell on the Roman column in front of the villa.

Jade is so precious, how can it stand up to such a tossing, and it shattered into pieces in an instant.

Wen Ning was startled, followed the sound to look over, and recognized that it was the item at the auction at night, hurriedly left under the umbrella, trotted over in the rain, squatted on the ground and picked it up piece by piece.

The rain hit her small body, Jiang Shu's heart tightened, and he frowned and said coldly: "No matter how broken things are, they can't be repaired, so what are you picking up?"

I don't know if I said this to her or to myself.

For the first time, Wen Ning kept picking up in the heavy rain disobediently. The jade was picked up again in the box little by little, and her face was finally dyed with a smile again.

After picking up the last small piece, the little girl squatted on the ground and raised her head, holding the gift box in her hand to him. It didn't stop her from smiling softly: "I picked it up and wrapped it up with silk thread, it looks good too..."

Jiang Shu's cold and hard heart seemed to be suddenly smashed softly by something, he stepped forward a few steps, suddenly grabbed Wen Ning's wrist, pulled the person up from the ground, and moved towards Go upstairs.

The man's footsteps are fast and his breathing is not very calm.

"What, what are you doing..." Wen Ning was held by his hand in a daze, so she had to walk quickly with her, but she felt uneasy for no reason.

Jiang Shu's voice was deep, and after a while he said, "You."

The author has something to say:What? ? What are you talking about? ?

Jiang Shu: Please do not disturb.

Wen Ning: Help woo woo

Hey, one didn't pay attention, and let him have a good meal? Not far from the road.

Reader: Hahaha every chapter of Jiang Gou's murderous behavior was written down in a small notebook

Jiang Shu: How much can I delete?

Reader: Take away Ningning and sleep with me at night!

Jiang Shu: Ren Tiangao, do it, and don't leave a hole.

Notice: I will update the chapter tomorrow, at 9:00 tomorrow morning

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