Wang Wanwan could never have imagined that she had been thinking about sleeping clothes for several gold owners, and wanted to ask the other party to help create a chance for her to meet, but in the end she was a man who could only be seen in financial newspapers. Appears here in this way.

She had long heard that the prince of Hancheng was cold, rebellious and rebellious, and his style of doing things was strange, which made it difficult to understand. She did not think that two little-known little transparent quarrels were worth it. Disturbed by this person herself, she couldn't tell whether President Jiang was just talking casually while passing by, or really wanted to stand up for Wen Ning.

They are wasting here, but if the latter...

Wang Wanwan's face was so frightened that her face turned **** instantly. She never thought that the little palace maid who had been following her obediently for the past few days could have such an unshakable backer, and even spread rumors indiscriminately in her. At that time, they all believed that a little girl like Wen Ning would be blank even in love, not to mention Jiang Shao in Hancheng, who was difficult to meet with many people.

However, what she didn't know was that if it weren't for the blessing of Tuo Wenning, everyone present would never have a chance to meet Jiang Shu in this life.

Wang Wanwan widened her eyes and stared at the man who walked in carelessly. She saw him pull the lounge chair beside him and sit on it lazily. The ruffian's arrogance, just like a play-watching attitude.

The assistant director immediately made a cup of tea diligently and brought it to Jiang Shu respectfully. He didn't even bother to lift his eyelids, he didn't even give him any eyes, and his thoughts were all on Wen Ning's tight grip. On the trembling little hands, the man's face sank, his thin lips parted lightly, and the military voice was muffled with a bit of magnetism: "Let's put everything at hand, and call back those who are on the set and not on the set, good things, let's go together. It's good to share."

The corners of Jiang Shu's lips tickled, and his cold eyes swept to Wang Wanwan, frowning in disgust: "By the way, to your king...Wang, make a phone call and come over to have a look. , let him also evaluate the evaluation, how his performance is."

Even Wen Ning saw it with her own eyes, but she still took a gamble, but Jiang Shu was not, he didn't have to think about whether what Wen Ning said was true, let alone think If it's true, did the recorder take a video? She Wang Wanwan dared to slander the person he couldn't even coax even if she wanted to, even if her dirty things never happened, he could do it one by one Arrange for her clearly.

Wang Wanwan panicked, she still remembered the unbearable that morning, even if she cooperated closely at the time, she couldn't help but feel greasy and disgusting in retrospect, let alone open it to everyone In front of him, even if he is debauched on weekdays, he cannot accept it.

"By the way, I heard that your boss Wang is quite jealous. I heard about one of his appointments earlier, and there was a cocktail party with a little male star. , when he went back, he was tossed into incontinence, and he was sent to the hospital that night. Later, it seemed that he never heard about her again. How amazing, the actress who was still very popular back then disappeared in an instant." Jiang Shu seems to be talking about nothing. The important old things, the expression is sparse and ordinary, without the slightest emotion, "Hey, I heard that you specially grabbed someone else's role to come to the crew this time, because of an actor? Tsk, if you let President Wang know about this. , what do you think he will do to you?"

Wang Wanwan has lost her soul completely. She has heard about this from her colleagues. At that time, someone persuaded her to hug her other thighs. Mr. Wang is a pervert, ruthless, easy-going Still don't get close, but at that time she was all about climbing up and didn't think too much about it.

Wang Wanwan fell to the ground, and in front of the whole crew, she couldn't take any face, and all her previous arrogance and domineering were trampled back under her feet: "President Jiang, this is not the case, I beg you help me…"

Jiang Shu smiled suddenly, but the smile was cold: "I save you? What dirty water did you pour on the little girl? In front of everyone, he said, oh, no "He paused, then turned his head to look at Ren Tiangao, "Call all the reporters that Hancheng can write about, Miss Wang, you have to take advantage of this rare opportunity, that is, today, there are still so many reporters shooting you. ."

Jiang Shu's words are worthy of being ruthless in the legend, with a strong sense of ridicule, Wang Wanwan couldn't stop her tears, but if she really smeared her colleagues in front of so many reporters Speaking of the matter, she is afraid that her career in the entertainment industry will be ruined for the rest of her life.

She stared at Jiang Shuqiu with red eyes, she suddenly understood something, and hurriedly turned around and rushed in front of Wen Ning: "I didn't mean to talk about you, I apologize to you, can you talk to President Jiang? Tell me, don't let reporters take pictures, let alone tell President Wang about it..."

She doesn't care how the people present will react when they hear this.

A rebellion, for herself and for many other people like her, if it weren't for her today, it would be someone else.

Mantou was hungry, and when he saw Wen Ning, his eyes couldn't hide his envy.

Wen Ning greeted her and asked her what she was playing. The young lady had red eyes and smiled: "Dead corpse, forty yuan a day, I don't even know how to play it. How many years of dead corpses, unique experience."

Wen Ning raised her expression, bit her lip, and learned to be ruthless: "Sorry, I'm not familiar with President Jiang, so I can't help you."

After she said this, she pulled back her skirt and wanted to leave.

Jiang Shu was really **** off this time. He took the lead for her, and was so angry at him: "Ning... Wen Ning."

Seeing this, the assistant director hurriedly said, "Wen Ning, President Jiang called you."

This silly girl, President Jiang clearly has a bit of interest in her, she rushed to talk about unfamiliarity and pushed people out, but at this moment she wanted to run like this:

Jiang Shu frowned slightly, and glanced coldly at the assistant's hand: "Release."

The assistant director looked down and suddenly realized that he was pulling Wen Ning's narrow Qing Dynasty sleeves.

Jiang Shu's eyes were colder than he had just taught Wang Wanwan, and he immediately let go, scared to death, he really raised a Buddha tribute in the crew.

The assistant director let go, and Wen Ning left.

Jiang Shu's thoughts were all on her. As soon as she left, he immediately got up and followed out.

Wang Wanwan didn't know what was wrong, and suddenly broke the can and shouted at Jiang Shu: "Mr. Jiang! Wen Ning is not a good thing, she has deep thoughts! If she hadn't hooked up with the director, how could she be a country girl? The opportunity to enter the crew is usually timid towards men, and you may be more slutty on the bed in private, so don't be fooled by her and get dirty!"

The man stopped suddenly, swept the back molar with the tip of his tongue, and turned around with a look like Satan descended: "If you dare to say a word to her again, I will let you open your mouth forever. Don't open your mouth."


Jiang Shu searched for a long time on the set, and finally saw her under the rockery in the back garden.

The little actor stayed by her side, patted Wen Ning's back, and said admiringly: "Ning Ning, you were really cool just now, that Wang Wanwan was particularly bad, the one I was there before. In the crew, she also made troubles. At that time, she robbed a young lady for her role, and even robbed her boyfriend. The two even joined forces to convince the young lady and deceived her all the salary she had saved for many years. Terrible."

Wen Ning's lips were a little pale, and she didn't speak. For a long time, her eyes suddenly became wet, and she hugged her legs and cried.

The little actor stopped her from crying and panicked, and hugged her to comfort her: "What's the matter? Why are you still crying, don't worry, when President Jiang came out just now, no one would dare to believe Wang Wanwan in the future. What nonsense."

Wen Ning pursed her lips, and the tears couldn't stop falling: "I'm scared to death, I've never quarreled with anyone before..."

Continue acting? Then she doesn't have to go back to acting as a corpse... that's great."

Jiang Shu, who was by the flower bed not far away, looked somber, and his heart was pulled to pieces by Wen Ning's tears, but he couldn't press it into his arms to coax him.

He was jealous of the little actor at the moment, how could she hug her, but he couldn't.

There is an inexplicable sour smell in the air, which is getting stronger and stronger.

The little actor looked up and saw Jiang Shu by chance, and shrank in fright, remembering that when he was on the set just now, President Jiang was protecting Wen Ning. Staring at Wen Ning with no intention of leaving, she thought for a while, and wisely made an excuse to leave.

After a while, the man walked up to her.

The tall silhouette shrouded the little girl, Wen Ning seemed to feel something, and slowly raised her eyes, facing Shang Jiangshu's condescending eyes.

Jiang Shu hooked his lips: "Why are you crying, little palace maid, it was not very powerful in it just now."

He stretched out his hand to wipe her tears, but she turned his head away, the man raised his eyebrows and smiled helplessly.

He sat lazily next to Wen Ning on the stone pier of the rockery, Wen Ning wiped her tears and moved a bit to the side.

Jiang Shu's long legs were so open, and Wen Ning shrank pitifully into a ball, looking even more petite.

"I heard what you said earlier."

Wen Ning said nothing.

Jiang Shu continued: "Don't ask me what?"

Wen Ning took a breath and didn't want to talk.

Jiang Shu chuckled: "Okay, don't ask if you don't ask. You just said that if you want to sleep, you're not just a little palace maid."

Wen Ning's delicate brows wrinkled slightly.

Wen Ning tilted her head and glared at him: "What do you mean? What's the difference between me and Wang Wanwan when you say that?"

Jiang Shu is rarely serious: "I didn't mean that, we sleep legally."

Wen Ning didn't turn her face away from looking at him, her voice was muffled with the nasal voice of just crying: "We are no longer legal..."

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