History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 516: : Yu Nei Feng! Real Dragon Comes! (Important)

The anger in the city twenty days ago.

"Mirror, you read so many books, which kind of person do you think is the most sad?" Shen Lang asked.

The mirror thought for a while, saying: "Ignorance."

Shen Langdao: "Yes, ignorance."

Mirror said: "Ignorance and smugness, I thought I had mastered everything, but I was completely played with applause."

Shen Langdao: "When do you think people are the most dangerous?"

Mirror said: "When you are successful, when you are proud, especially this success seems to be particularly brilliant. The smug person forgets, looks at the sky, and does not know the trap under his feet."

After that, the mirror was embarrassed to smile and said: "Many books are written like this, and many big people are destroyed like this."

Shen Langdao: "Do you think my current situation is a success? You know everything that happens, because you can read the report every day."

Mirror said: "If you can successfully wipe out the West China Army of the Great Yan Empire and end the world war that has stopped before the outbreak, and protect the Wu Chu Yue three countries, then you are successful, and it is you. The greatest success of a lifetime, the greatest glory so far."

Shen Langdao: "Do you think I am proud of it?"

The mirror said: "You are very proud, you are always proud, but you have not forgotten."

Shen Langdao: "There is a poem that doesn't know the true face of Qiongshan. It is only in this mountain. There are many great people who fall into the abyss when they are most successful. It is because others are already in the game, but their vision is limited. It's not clear. But there is another poem that says this, not afraid of the clouds, obscuring the eyes, and being at the highest level. That is to say, when your vision is at the highest point, you don't have to worry about being confused by the illusion. "(There is no Lushan in this world)

When the mirror heard this, I couldn’t help but smile. "I remembered a sentence that was often written in your book. I want to cover my eyes this day. I want this place to bury my heart. Now think about it. This sentence is very pretentious, but the realm is not as good as the two poems you just said."

Shen Langdao: "What you want is to force it, and you can do it."

Then, Shen Lang said again: "There is another saying that you seem to have a thousand roads in front of you. In fact, there is no road. But sometimes when you have a road in front of you, the road is at your feet, even if it looks like an abyss."

"Yeah." Mirror said: "I understand, as long as you look at it clearly, even if this road is sinister again, it will be terrible and confusing, but it is still the way out."


In the final crater of the big impact, Shen Lang and the Enemy are constantly falling freely, falling, falling and falling.

This deep pit really doesn't know how deep it is, and it all says that the abyss is overwhelming, but it may have exceeded it. There really is a feeling that it is going to be deep in the heart.

Of course, this is just an illusion, but it feels too out of control when falling, so I feel that the time is especially long. Although this pit is deep, it is not so deep.

"Oh!" In the end.

The venerance detained the cave wall in advance and buffered it. When it was really in the end, there was no momentum, and it stopped easily.

Shen Lang looked up at the sky, almost could not see anything, really **** deep, and I didn’t even know how to climb up.

What is it, a deep pit in the big Gobi?

When Shen Lang explored the first pit, he only felt that he had to brighten his eyes, because it was a baby with sparkling crystals.

And this last tiankeng, there is only one thing at this time, lying quietly at the bottom of the pothole, it is the finale of this comet big impact?

An egg! An egg about one foot in diameter. It was this thing that took out a 10,000-meter deep pit.

Shen Lang touched the egg in front of him. It was cold and cold, and he could not feel any temperature. It was like ordinary stone. If it was not the texture of its surface, Shen Lang even thought that he was a big cobblestone.

But it is undoubtedly an egg, the surface of the egg shell is covered with scales, full of very special folds.

It... is the last comet of the Fire Dragon comet?

Is it... the true core of this comet?

So what is it? Dragon egg? But why is it on the comet in the sky? This is simply too strange.

Shen Lang both hands to force up, this egg is very heavy, full of dozens of pounds, but only a few pounds, it is by what knocked out the 10,000 meters deep pit, it is simply bizarre. But if it is a dragon egg, it really has to change history and change the whole world.

Shen Lang’s brain couldn’t help but think of the sound of the dragon’s revenge, which is really like the sigh of the dragon. Why is it called the dragon's regret? And these nightmare stone installations, what are the sparkling gems?

Shen Lang forcedly picked up the possible dragon egg and put it on his face. Obsessed: "We really want to change the world. We really want to make history."

"If this is a dragon egg, then its value is indeed far more than all the previous things, more than all the nightmare stones, more than all the fossils, more than all the treasures, even dozens of days before. All the treasures in the pit are not as good as one percent of it. Even I suspect that the raw material of the Dragon's Regret Strategy is its blood."

"This is a great moment, we have made history."

The voice of Shen Lang is full of obsession, as if it is a proverb, and it seems to be drunk, looking at the eyes of this egg is full of infinite fanaticism.

"It's better to change the other way, we have created history together." Suddenly, another sound was heard inside the deep pit.

In a sudden time, the face of the demon sorcerer changed dramatically. Is there another person in the pit under the 10,000 meters? And she didn't even notice it? She is so powerful, able to smell any blood, why not found at all?

Is this person so powerful?

Then, the man slowly walked out, of course, still can't see his face and figure. There are no fingers here, but the nightmare stone device of Shenlang can release the light, but still can't see this person, he seems to be hidden in the dark.

"What should I call you? My dear brother, dear teacher?" The man smiled and said: "We have met before, but once again, I know that I won the glory, the Prince of the New Kingdom, and Jiang The only passer, you can call me Jiang Wuming."

Shen Lang was quiet and silent, standing still in the same place.

"Is it frightened? My dear brother?" Win without a meditation: "This should be your most brilliant moment? You have defeated the Tianya Haige by your own strength, and will be hundreds of thousands of West China Army. What kind of great victory has people ever erased from this world? It’s just creepy. Every time I think about it, I feel that my scalp is numb. My dear brother, how are you so smart?”

Shen Lang hoarsely said: "Don't call me like this, just call my name."

Win no insult: "I used to call Jiang away from my father, so it is normal to call your brother. Is it because I am a traitor, so I have to deny my identity? Can't!"

Shen Langdao: "Call me like a wave."

"No problem, dear brother." Win no insult: "Then I have a very serious question to discuss with you, who is the real heir to Jiang Lixia? Are you still me?"

Shen Langdao: "Of course it is me."

"No, no, no." Win no insult: "Although our family betrayed Jiang from the majesty, although we killed thousands of people in the Jiang family, although we have killed countless people in order to kill you, but I I feel that I am more suitable than you to become the heir to Jiang Lixia. Can you understand this? You should be able to understand, you are so smart."

Shen Lang can certainly understand, Li Shimin launched the transformation of Xuanwumen, killed the Prince Li Jiancheng, and imprisoned his father Li Yuan. Although it was named Taishanghuang, it was only a prisoner under house arrest. Li Yuan certainly hated Li Shimin, but Li Shimin said that he is the true heir of Li Yuan’s cause. This is also true.

"My dear brother, you are too weak, although very clever, but too naive." Win no insult: "You can't inherit the career of the father and the emperor, I can. I can't because you are the pro-Gan. Son, you should be the heir to it. We are not dogs, nor horses. We must also pay attention to bloodlines. We must also talk about purebred species. The most important thing is to inherit this spirit. Is it not because of us? After betraying Jiang’s demise, he denied the identity of my heir?”

This sounds very ridiculous, but if you say it from the mouth of the wave, the guarantee is more convincing.

For example, the emperor Caesar of the Roman Empire, his biological son is the Egyptian Pharaoh Ptolemy XV, but he is indeed the son of the Roman Emperor.

Shen Lang still can't see the face and body that wins no meditation. Everywhere he walks is like falling into the darkness. It is not invisible, it is a group of black shadows, and you can't see it.

Winning the ignorance of the vengeful demon is completely blind, that is, surrounded by the bottom of this deep pit, walking around the waves.

"My dear brother, have you always been so exaggerated? Are you like big-handed?" Win without a meditation: "With a dragon's regret, Ninghan's 80,000 fleet will be completely erased from the world. Oh, no, it’s 100,000!”

The tone of winning without meditation is full of embarrassment and faint irony, because of the specific amount he certainly knows is 80,000, but Shen Lang brags into 100,000.

"I have always wanted to marry Princess Ning Han, but she always refused." Win no sigh: "Dear brother, she seems to be unwilling to have anything to do with our Jiang. Is he married to me?" Isn't it good? This represents the combination of Tianya Haige and Futu Mountain. It represents the fact that Vietnam has joined the camp of Dagan. Isn't it good? Does she not agree? I really don't know what he thinks."

"Dear brother, the Western countries are as proud as you are. Do you know what their king likes most? What is the king of the world, the king of kings." Win no insult: "Happiness is less than 20,000." People can hang them a million, and what face is called the king of kings? You are comparable on this point. You can call it a big emperor in a raging city in your district. We have the whole new The dry kingdom, thousands of miles in the vertical and horizontal, there are several affiliated countries, plus a Futu Mountain, do not dare to call the Emperor of the Great Emperor, a raging city in your district dare to claim, bragging or you, dear Brother."

The spurs of the waves have always been very good, even though the cows he blows are realized.

Winning without a Western language: "There is still your edict, it is simply domineering. No one can invade the territory of my great dynasty, or I will give a devastating blow, from this world. To wipe it out thoroughly, do you want to be so scary? Dear brother. Use the power of the dragon to launch the energy core, and blow up the Tianya Haige Library, and then claim to wipe the Tianya Haige from the world. Niubi."

"The day before yesterday, you will be even more bullish. All of a sudden, the 600,000 West Road army of the Prince of Jin Dynasty will be completely wiped out. You simply shocked my father Wang Yingguang and let Yan Jing shudder. Now the Emperor’s Majesty should have decreed. The million-strong army that surrounds the Wu, Chu and Yue countries is retreating. This world war has not yet begun to fight, and it is over."

"Dear Shenlang's younger brother, you are so terrible. You have completely eliminated the millions of troops with your own strength. Right, it is also rounding off, 650,000 will be one million, no problem. You take one person. The power to save the Wu Chu Yue three countries, miracles, is a miracle."

Winning no meditation, applauding, exclaiming, shouting.

"You are so powerful, I am proud and proud of you. Now Wu Wang, Chu Wang, Yue Wang definitely wants to worship you to the extreme, go to the fire, and do not hesitate." Win nothing: "Dear brother, you How can there be so many dragon repentances? Dozens of dragons regret, not only put the 600,000 West Road Army, oh, sorry, it completely wiped out the million army, but also turned the entire Dingyuan City into The ruins, don't you think it is too wasteful? Dingyuan City and what hate you hate? You said that there is no hatred in the world, is there a Dingyuan City in the list?"

"Speaking of no enmity in the world, is there any me on the list of your enemy wall?"

Shen Langdao: "Yes, and the ranking is still very front."

"That's good, then it's good." Win no insult: "I can be remembered by your heart, bite your teeth and hate, I will be relieved. Right, you will eliminate the dragon's repentance of the tens of thousands of troops of the prince of the Jin Dynasty. Where are you coming from? Do you have dozens of dragons?"

Shen Lang shrugged his shoulders.

Win no insults: "Isn't it like borrowed from God? God, when the meteorite falls, it's really like a dragon's regret, even the green light is exactly the same. Dear brother, you How can you brag about it? It is obvious that the comet will land and hit the world. You are hard to say that it is your credit, your power."

"After a hundred years or so, right?" Win no insult: "Dear brother, but you are still a cow, we can't calculate it so accurately, I know? Our people calculate the error for more than eight days, can't forgive But this can't blame others, because the speed of the comet in the sky has changed, although it has been once in a hundred years, but it is still very difficult to get accurate to a certain day, so you are really powerful, you are a genius mathematician. By the way, our Futu Mountain opens the super ancient ruins of the southern seas, thank you, thank you for your genius, and let us have a rapid development. The past three years have been more than a hundred years ago. The four-color theorem of your genius, maybe the ancient ruins have not yet been opened, and may not even fall into the hands of our Futu Mountain. You are a genius."

"Is this a dragon egg? Is this something in your arms a dragon egg?" Winning nothing, suddenly pointing to the things in Shen Lang’s arms and asking: "This stuff will change the world, it will create history, once inside. After the dragon hatches, can it become the emperor of the world? After all, when we say that the emperor said that it is the real dragon, the emperor without the dragon is the emperor, right?"

Winning Nothing continues: "Is the strategic value of this dragon egg more than the entire ancient ruins? Is it more than the sum of all treasures? Because in a sense, it represents the throne? I can understand this, after all, The power inside the dragon's repentance comes from the dragon."

"Dear brother, can you give me this dragon egg? After all, I found it first. I came here earlier than you." Win Nothing Reached: "Give me."

Next to it, the enemy demon pulled out the Wujin sword.

"Younger brother?" Wins no insults: "Or I should call it a demon sister. After all, are you also a daughter from Jiang's squatting? Sorry, I have been talking to my brother, Shenlang, and have left you cold. I hope you don't mind. Listen. Say that your martial arts is very, very powerful, defeated Zhu Hongxue? Powerful, powerful! In a sense, Zhu Hongxue is also the adopted son of Jiang Lixia? In the same room, the same room, Ge, sorrow, pain!

The venerable demon did not speak, and she was always concentrating the power of internal force and blood. She was more serious than ever before, and she was so dignified as ever before, and she wanted to explode all the power in the body.

All the previous battles seem to add up to this time, even though they haven't started yet. (And Sauron is the Queen of Medusa, not the demon)

Win no insults: "Then I will make my request first, I will take this dragon egg, and I will take the dear Shenlang brother. Do you agree? If you agree, nod, if you disagree, Let's fight."

"Oh, that is disagreement? That is not to discuss it? That line, start playing!" After winning the meditation, the whole body seems to blast a powerful force, there is really a small nuclear bomb in The feeling of explosion in the body.

"Chou demon sister, you have everything I have, don't forget that I am the only rumored disciple of Jiang Li, the real heir. What gold blood, what blood is changing? I have all..."


The bottom of the entire deep pit seemed to be shrouded in a terrible force, and the whole underground was shaking slightly.

"Dear brother, you are too delicate, we are afraid to tear you into pieces." Win no insult: "So when I came here, I brought you a special coffin, you Just stay inside, stay with the dragon egg and hand it to you first."

Then Shen Lang was put into the special coffin and was protected. He could not see anything and could not hear.



Winning the outside and fighting the demon in the final battle, there is no loud noise, and there is no earth-shattering, as if it is ultrasound, it is completely inaudible.

But where the power of two people passed, everything turned into powder.

This last tiankeng was pulled out by the dragon egg and turned into a hard rock. Even the knife could not move. However, under the power of two people, one inch and one inch were broken and broken.

The narrow potholes were getting bigger and bigger and bigger. More than ten square meters have become dozens of square meters, hundreds of square meters, thousands of square meters.

The crater, which was already deep, became deeper and deeper, but nothing could be felt on the ground.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Shen Lang can't hear anything in the coffin. The only thing that can be felt is that it is like a magnetic explosion. When there is a burst of electricity, the whole body bursts with numbness.

Is this the final battle of the peak? Full of devastating, but silent? Just like the big bang that was pressed silently? Great destruction?

Time has become incredibly long, as if it has been a long time, and it seems to be only a moment.

I don't know how long it took, the battle is over, and this coffin is opened.

"Dear brother, everything is over, come out." Win no innocence.

At first sight, Shen Lang saw the revenge lying on the ground, she lost.

"Nothing, she didn't get any harm." Wins no insult: "She is really strong and strong, but I said it, I am the only heir to Jiang Li, she has everything I have, and I have been practicing harder and longer, and she has nothing. I also have it."

Shen Lang looked at it for a while, then put down the dragon egg in his arms and went to the front of the enemy.

"Dear brother, do you think I should kill the enemy?"

Shen Langdao: "I don't think so."

"Look, you are innocent?" Wins no insult: "I just said that you are naive and childish, you still don't believe, do you know what to do? Do you want to kill her because she is my sister? How is it possible? The people of the royal family have killed thousands of people. Do you know what is the most disgusting thing in the world? A person who is doing something bad, suddenly repented one day, wants to put down the knife and become a Buddha, or suddenly a moment If you have a good heart attack, you will not kill."

Winning the sword, he is pulling the sword again, or is he only pulling the sword? In short, he pulled out the sword and came to the front of the enemy, and the back of her will be stabbed.

"The reason why I didn't kill her just because I want to kill her in front of you, so that you can endure pain, isn't it?" Win no insult: "Dear brother, this should be you." The second love woman? I killed it, I killed it..."

Then, the sword that won't win was slowly stabbed.

Shen Lang reached out and squeezed the blade gently, and he was careful to cut his hand.

"You can't kill her." Shen Langdao.

“Why?” Winning Nothing asked: “Give me a reason first?”

Shen Langdao: "Do you have a lot of dragon regrets in Futu Mountain?"

Win no nod and nod: "Dear brother, you have mastered this information? I can't have no secrets in Futu Mountain. Yes, we have a lot of dragon regrets!"

Shen Langdao: "But it can't be fired?"

Win no nod and nod: "Yes, it is really sad, there is a bunch of strategic big killers but can't launch. I want to shoot and can't shoot, it is probably our biggest pain."

Shen Langdao: "That's a coincidence, I can shoot."

Win no insult: "Yes, that's a coincidence, you can shoot, and you really fired, so?"

Shen Langdao: "So I can live, or else you have already smashed me."

Win no nod and nod: "Yes, being a man should be scribbling to remove roots. But with the repentance of the dragon, and can be launched at any time, then our new kingdom can maintain a strategic deterrent to the Great Yan Empire, the value of it. You know best, so my brother, you are worthless, but you must not die. This big impact, my harvest is huge, the first is the dragon egg, the second is you, dear brother ""

Shen Langdao: "So you can't kill the enemy, I am a madman, don't say kill a demon, you kill Xiao Bing, or Ning Yu, it is enough to destroy my spiritual world, you don't want me to go crazy What?"

Win no one shook his head: "I don't want to, absolutely don't want to. I want you to be good, the key moment can launch a dragon repentance for me. It is best that you have been able to support this dragon to hatch, we have a new strategic deterrent At that time, your mission is over."

Shen Langdao: "That is, from today, I was imprisoned."

Win no insult: "Yes, you are imprisoned, basically life."

Shen Langdao: "How about letting the enemy go before I was imprisoned? Otherwise I will go crazy, you want to see, you should believe that I am a complete madman."

Win no insults: "So why can't I catch her back together? Use her life to threaten you all the time?"

Shen Langdao: "What threatens me? Threatening me to launch the dragon's regret? Are you going to launch now? Or it is a way to threaten me to surrender the dragon's regret. No, my talent is the way to launch the dragon's regret. what."

Win without a meditation: "It makes sense and makes sense."

Shen Langdao: "There is another point, the enemies are so beautiful, so moving. If you take her away, what if she gets a little bit tainted? Once that, what do you think I will do?"

Win without a meditation: "Crazy, destroy the world."

Shen Langdao: "Yes, black death and extinction bombs go to the new kingdom, throw away millions, tens of millions of lives, you probably don't want to be a dead emperor? I am no doubt a madman, I I can't be hurt, not only can my body not be hurt, but my spirit can't be hurt. I love the world, but it is far less than my loved ones, my lover, even if I hurt one, I It will collapse and it will be destroyed."

Win without a meditation: "That way, I can only capture you, but let go of the enemy, right?"

Shen Langdao: "Yes."

Win no insult: "Well, I just swindled you. The enemy is my sister. How can I be willing to hurt her? You are my brother, how can I be saddened by you? Shenlang brother, that Give me the dragon egg."

Shen Lang picked up the dragon egg and placed it in the hands of winning.

Win without a meditation: "The air released by this ancient installation is limited. The air in this deep pit is running out. Let's go."

Shen Langdao: "Well, let's go."

Win no insults: "From now on, you are my prisoner. Oh, I want to stun you, do you mind?"

Shen Langdao: "Don't mind, but don't hurt, there are a lot of people outside, I hope you don't hurt them? If you hurt my loved ones, then I have to go crazy."

Win no insult: "Dear brother, you just don't trust people, I have let go of the enemy, do you still have to do it to other people? For the younger brother, you have always liked to be a hunter. I am a chess player. Now I am going to prey and become a chess piece. How do you feel?"

Shen Lang thought for a while: "It's a bit stunned, a little weird."

"It’s right to be confused. You don’t have a poem written very well? It’s only in this mountain. Besides, I tell you a word. When a person has a great brilliant success that doesn’t match his abilities, then you have to doubt this. Success is not true, because behind this great success means a huge crisis of destruction.'

After that, win no meditation on the back of the brain and gently take a shot.

Shen Lang was black in front of him and directly fainted in the past. He won the innocence and placed him with the dragon egg in the coffin. Then he looked at the ground and jumped and jumped with the coffin, and the speed was lightning fast.

After rushing out of the 10,000-meter deep pit, there was no such thing as a surging person. They were fighting and trying to sneak into the 10,000-meter deep pit near the killing.

In this way, there is no coffin in the coffin, just like ghosts, and disappear instantly without a trace.


"There is a saying in the world that seems to be desperate. In fact, there is a hidden victory."

"What is layout? Just take a step, look at two steps in advance, see three steps, four steps."

"There is still a word in the world, after you catch the oriole, but more often you can't tell the difference, who is the real oriole."

"There are a few chess players in the world, one emperor who sees the end without a tail, Xiao Jiang is away from winning, and one is my sinking wave. Why do I use it as a chess player? Can such a weak person be a chess player? Because I stand tall enough, I can see far enough to penetrate the layers of clouds and see the truth!"

"When you see it clearly enough, even if this road is sinister again, it will be terrible and confusing, but it is still the way out, even if it looks like an abyss."

A secret ordinary carriage is driving, going east, this is the direction of returning to the raging city.

Another shingle sits quietly inside, holding a box with a scaled egg inside.

Princess Dora sat opposite and respected each other. After a while, Princess Dora asked, "What is it called?"

This Shen Langdao: "You better tell me to kneel down."

Princess Dora said: "Is he okay?"

This Shen Langdao: "He said, he is fine. He is so smart, no one can stop what he wants. When he counts a person long in advance, he should be sad for that enemy."

Princess Dora said: "The madman is really a madman."


It’s hard to tell who is the real oriole.

There are several players in this world, but the Emperor of the Great, who is not seen at the end of the dragon, is always the most mysterious one.

Under the taboo of the palace, the Emperor of Great Yan is retreating. What is he doing at the retreat?

Holding a silk scarf and wiping a thing gently, a thing that is destined to completely shock the whole world and make the whole world tremble.

"Old man, the comet in the sky died, and he went directly to the Gobi Desert in the west, and annihilated the 600,000 troops of the Jin Dynasty. Shen Lang said that he had fired dozens of dragons. The sly West Road Army wiped it out completely. You said that he would brag about it?"

"There is still a win, he can't be great, he has to become a chess player."

"Hey, win wide, and the little fox of Shen Lang, will stage the Romance of the Three Kingdoms."

"Old man, almost a thousand years, now the comet in the sky is blown up, don't you wake up?" The Emperor of Great Fire gently wiped a piece of eyelids, and this eyelid was bigger than his people. .

What is he wiping? A dragon!

There is a dragon hidden under the taboo tower of the Great Yan Palace. It is a dragon that seems to be sleeping and seems to be dead. The real dragon, the dragon that makes the whole world shudder, this is the national movement of the Great Yan Empire.

Once the Shenlang questioned to the Vulcan high priest, he asked, the first fire dragon comet appeared almost a thousand years ago? The Shelley Grand priest nodded and asked him what happened?

Shen Lang said that there was nothing at the time, because when the comet appeared, it was almost the time when the Great Yan Empire was born.


Note: These two chapters are hard to write, and the brain is a bit to blow. Ask the brothers a few monthly passes, double the monthly pass is coming to an end, vote for me!

Thank you bookmate 20190320213109799 for the million coins.

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