History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 470: : The will of the emperor! Destiny Fury City! (Seeking a monthly pass)


The bells of the Angry City continued to ring, and the remnant fleet of Yan’s hard flight entered the port with awkwardness.

The defeat was too fierce. The 150,000 navy, more than 1,100 ships, came back less than one-tenth, and the rest were annihilated by the waves.

At this time, Yan is difficult to fly, and even the sad mood is gone. There is only one idea in the brain. How to keep the anger city next.

However, when he had just boarded the Ferry City Pier, he saw several people.

Yue Guoyin Yuanhui Shu Tingyu, his father Shu Bozhen is still the owner of the Yue State Secret Society, but basically has little control, resident in Yanjing, Shu Tingyu has become the speaker of the Yueguo Yinyuan .

The deputy ambassador of the Privy Council of the Republic of China and the Governor of the Tiannan Province, Zhu Xi.

It’s a bit strange, Zhu Xi’s son Zhu Hongxue is the pride of the sky. He led the Blood Soul Army within a few days to destroy the 100,000 army, and also defeated the hundreds of thousands of troops of Jun Jun, even Ning Yi It is said that the knot is not good for the red snow. At this time, the Tianya Haige has already surpassed the Yue King’s room.

As a father of Zhu Hongxue, Zhu Xi still served as the governor of the province of Tiannan, and everyone else was promoted, but he still did not move.

This is also the flagship of the Zhu family. I wish the Lord as the prime minister of the Vietnamese cabinet. The forces in the interior are completely obscured because he fully represents the will of the Great Yan Empire. However, in this way, Zhu Xi’s status is somewhat embarrassing.

He must inherit the position of Zhu Hongzhu and become the prime minister of the cabinet. But if you enter the cabinet now, the scene will be too ugly. People will say that the family of the Zhu family is too ugly. The Vietnamese cabinet has a total of four seats, and your father and son will occupy two.

However, there was no suitable position in the interior, so he continued to hold the previous position. The governor of the province of Tiannan, this position can be Wenkewu, so he occupied a position in the Privy Council.

However, the Privy Council should not be left for a long time, and it will soon be abolished. Before the Shangshutai and the Privy Council were juxtaposed, but after the reform, the cabinet was the largest, and one of the military commanders would enter the cabinet.

After the abolition of the Privy Council, the Ministry of Military Affairs may become the highest military command. However, the Ministry of Military Affairs can not enter the cabinet, and the cabinet will have a deputy special department. I wish to go to the Privy Council at this time, which is considered to be the position of the vice-phase who indirectly occupied the future. After Zhu Hong’s abdication, he naturally took it.

Therefore, the Yueguo Privy Council has become a place where Zhu Rong cultivates qualifications. After he enters the cabinet, the Privy Council will naturally be laid off.

Followed by Zhu Xi, there is also the Tang Jun of the Nujiang County, and the Zhuo Zhaoyan of the Earl of Wu’an.

There is also a big man, the son of the elders of Futu Mountain.

It was the voice that screamed and screamed at the brothers and brothers, but the knives of the knives were behind him.

These five people come together to pick up Yan.

" Lost?" Zhu Xi asked.

Yan is difficult to fly and worships: "Los, Yan is guilty! The 150,000 sailors are almost destroyed by the whole army, and there is no one."

Zhu Xi shocked: "Shenlang's fleet is so powerful?"

Several people were full of horror, but not as shocked as they were.

Perhaps the impression that Shen Lang had created a miracle before them was too deep, so they instinctively felt that Shen Lang returned, and it was normal to be so strong.

"Go, go in and say!"

Yan is difficult to fly and nodded.

Then, he found that the entire anger city is densely packed with the army, and it should be brought by Zhu Xi.


Yan Nanfei used a whole hour to tell the battle process, especially the detailed description of the Shenlang artillery.

"This weapon is naturally used to fight the sea, and it can play more than two miles." Yan difficult to fly: "The number of fleets I have left is numerous, but it has fallen behind the entire era."

However, Zhu Xi did not express his horror, but asked: "Can this kind of weapon of Shen Lang be used to attack the city? Please answer it carefully after careful consideration."

Yan Yanfei thought for a while, then shook his head: "This kind of weapon is very strong in sea battles, and even wild/war is very strong, killing countless people. But for siege, it is not very useful."

His judgment is correct. Before the birth of the large-caliber howitzer, it was difficult for the artillery to directly break through the siege.

During World War II, the artillery was already very strong at that time. When the devil attacked our gold/lingry city, they used an artillery of a division, plus a dozen tanks, and countless engineers could not directly blast the wall. In the end, with the indiscriminate bombing of the aircraft, the city’s gates were captured with more amazing aviation bombs.

Yan is difficult to fly: "On the other side of Yanjing, what can I do?"

Zhu Yu shook his head, and even if there was a will on Yanjing, it would not be so fast.

Yan is difficult to fly: "Miss Zhuo, have you gone to the End of the World? What instructions? I wish the Red Blood Master's Blood Soul Army can come back in the shortest time?"

Where did Red Snow lead the powerful Blood Soul Army?

To conquer the countries of the Western Regions, especially the power of the cruel temple.

How to describe the fighting power of the Blood Soul Army?

In three days, the 100,000-strong army was destroyed, and in a short period of time, the hundreds of thousands of coalition forces of Jun Jun were defeated.

Next, he was ordered to lead a 10,000 blood soul army to destroy the Western countries and go to the robbery temple.

The news of this war is blocked, and no one knows what the situation is. However, Yan Feifei is a high-rise after all, and it has no relationship with Futu Mountain, so he knows the progress of the war in the Western Region.

In just a few months, I wished that the red snow would kill countless countries, and only 10,000 blood souls, probably destroyed 13 countries.

Under the call of the Dalai Temple, the countries of the Western Regions are gathering millions of coalition forces to block the red snow. This war should still be going on, and there may be results soon.

This blood soul army has nothing to do with the country. He is completely the army of the Tianya Haige, and it is only the experimental army of the Tianya Haige. However, the detachment of the army has a reputation for being unsatisfactory, so it is anchored in the name of Vietnam, so it is now apparent that the country is going to attack the countries of the Western Regions.

Why does Tianya Haige attack the Western countries? Is it to destroy the robbery temple?

Absolutely not, Tianya Haige did not put the big robbery temple in its eyes, and it would not be a big fan to eliminate it.

Yan Yanfei has a speculation that Tianya Haige wants to get through the road to the vast desert, they have a big plan.

Zhuo Zhaoyan shook his head and said: "No! Tianya Haige has something to do at this time, and it can't manage the small things that come back from Shenlang."

cut! This is too much to say.

Yan Yanfei asked Wu: "Which is the Buddhism Mountain? Can you send a martial arts corps? Your Hell Legion is a full-fledged tens of thousands of people, enough to sweep the millions of troops in the Chu, Vietnam and Wu countries. Times! Even if I send 10,000 people to help me eliminate the waves? Even 5,000 people can do it!"

Wu must shake his head and say: "Yan is difficult to fly, you don't want to talk nonsense. Our Futu Mountain is a detached force. There is no Hell Legion at all. This is simply a rumor."

Yan is difficult to fly and sneer, why do you have to cover up at this time, look at the people's homes and seas, the blood soul army has already appeared, only 10,000 people will destroy the cockroaches, destroy the 矜君, and destroy More than a dozen countries in the Western Region.

Besides, the Hell Legion of your Futu Mountain can be anchored in the name of the Chu State.

Yan’s difficulty in flying to Futu Mountain was very complicated at this time. On the one hand, he could not completely escape the support of Futu Mountain. On the other hand, he also hated that Futu Mountain occupied the Nanzhou Islands and occupied the South China Sea Swords.

Even in order to dominate the vast seas of the southern seas, it did not hesitate to create several large earthquakes and large tsunami.

what does this mean?

Obviously it is necessary to turn the entire southern sea into a restricted area, and no ship will dare to enter.

So to a certain extent, the Xue family is not destroyed, but the Futu Mountain is destroyed.

And Zhuo Zhaoyan's sentence is very pretentious, but it is true.

The ancient ruins found on the Black Rock Island in Futu Mountain are very large, so large that they can't imagine it. The thousands of miles are the ruins of ancient civilizations, and they are still being explored and discovered.

What makes people think of this? Is the Devil's Triangle?

After the destruction of ancient civilizations, countless kingdoms and city-states sank into the sea and underground.

The so-called ancient ruins found may be just a building, or a complete city, or even the entire ancient empire.

But the larger the ancient ruins found, the greater the harvest.

This time, Futu Mountain did not hesitate to use the cost of wiping off the Xue family to dominate the southern Wanli sea area and the archipelago. How great is this ancient relic?

Tianya Haige and Futu Mountain are the detachment forces of the two competitive relations. Now the Futu Mountain has such a huge harvest. How can Tianya Haige sit on it?

To **** the ancient ruins of the Futu Mountain? This is impossible!

For example, today’s Yahaige dispatched the Blood Soul Army to conquer the Western Regions. It is very likely that traces of ancient ruins were discovered under the vast desert.

In the eyes of Tianya Haige and Futu Mountain, each other is the biggest competitor. As for the returning waves, it is not a big deal for the time being.

Yan is difficult to tremble and tremble: "Don't you be afraid of sitting in the waves? You are still very weak, and it is still too much to force him to wipe out."

Wu was silent for a moment: "Unless the emperor's decree is placed, Buddhism Mountain will not cross the border. Our sphere of influence is the kingdom of the country, the country of Liang Guo, and the country is the sphere of influence of the Tianya Haige."

Zhuo Zhaoyan said: "The left cabinet owner of Tianya Haige is not there, Ning Han Princess is not there, and Zhu Hongxue is not there."

Governor of the province of Tiannan, Zhu Xidao said: "I have brought in 70,000 troops, have already entered the anger city, how many people are there?"

Yan difficult to fly: "20,000!"

The 150,000 people died with only 20,000 left. It really fell out of the army.

Shu Tingyu said: "I brought a thousand people, the new army of the hidden yuan, although it is not comparable to the secret army of Futu Mountain and Tianya Haige. But the combat power is no less than the first and second Nirvana Army of Shenlang. Even stronger. Because they are also transformed with blank zero blood vessels, and our modified agents are more powerful than Shen Lang."

The new army of the hidden yuan will also become a hidden army in the interior.

The establishment of this army is also full of blood and tears. According to the will of the emperor, the hidden yuan will not have a large-scale private army. However, Shen Lang used the black death to kill tens of thousands of people in the entire city. The hidden elders used these tens of thousands of lives to ask the emperor to kneel down. This has the new army of the hidden yuan.

The emperor decreed that Futura Mountain and Tianya Haige helped to improve the formula of the blood-transformation of the hidden yuan.

These two have a little shot, and they have different responses.

Shenlang's blood-retrogenizing agent is made by using the golden blood vein and the floating stag beetle. It only stimulates the power of the blank zero blood vessels, making them strong, but it does not change the character, so the Nirvana Army is still focused. Also sensitive.

However, after the transformation of Futu Mountain and Tianya Haige, this Nirvana potion became more fierce and overbearing. After injecting this medicine, the strength and agility of the blank zero blood pulse has been amazingly improved, and it is indeed greater than the increase of the Shenlang Nirvana Army. But at the cost of this group of zero blood vessels, after being transformed, they basically lived forty years old.

Under the smashing of the waves, this group of zero blood vessels Nirvana is a normal warrior. In the hidden yuan, this iron-blooded army became a killing machine, extremely violent and fierce.

Shu Tingyu waved his hand.

This new eternal squad will appear in the streets on the streets.

In an instant, the amazing bloodthirsty murder was shrouded in all the places within a few square miles. The places where they passed, the hairs were erected and felt very uncomfortable.

The movement of 10,000 people is neat, this is exactly the same as the Nirvana Army of Shen Lang.

Only the breath that comes out of them, like a beast, makes people shudder.

"This is the new version of the hidden new army, Shen Lang Nie Jun army!" Shu Tingyu ordered the next: "The first army of iron and blood, dispatched!"

Suddenly, 5,000 iron-blooded troops violently pulled out a super-knife of more than one hundred kilograms and slammed down.

One cut and two cuts, one cut and two broken!

These five thousand people, like the torrent of steel, have crushed the past, and no matter what they encountered along the way, all of them are smashed. Whether it is a house or a wall, the two hundred pounds of swords are cut down and all collapse.

"The second army of iron and blood, dispatched!"

Another 5,000 people slammed their bows and arrows. Everyone’s bow was the same as the second Nirvana Army of Shenlang. They were both strong stones and even used to show that they were stronger. They used two stone and a half super strong bows. .


Shu Tingyu gave an order.

The 5,000-year-old second army arrow rain bursts wildly, and the amazing arrows of the beads, each arrow weighs eight or two.

In a sudden time, the arrow that was shot was like a storm, destroying everything!

The target they shot in front was the house, the sturdy house, although it was a wooden pillar, but the thighs were thick.

As a result, the house of the second Iron Army was shot into ruins, riddled with holes and collapsed directly.


Shu Tingyu made another order.

The second iron army of the hidden yuan will aim at the target of the dummy three hundred meters away.


Once again, like a storm, thousands of dummy people three hundred meters away were shot and killed.

This can be completely faked out of wood, solid and incomparable.

It was actually torn by the arrow rain three hundred meters apart. This lethality is amazing.

Shu Tingyu said: "My 10,000 iron army is completely built according to the thoughts of the Shen Lang Nie Jun army. I want to thank the emperor's grace and thank the Tianya Haige and Futu Mountain for their great help. Although the combat power is not as good as the two detached The secret army of the forces, but far more than the Nirvana Army of Shen Lang."

"Yan is difficult to fly adults, there are my hidden yuan will be the iron-and-blood army, are you sure you are holding the anger city?"

Shu Tingyu closed his eyes and imagined the fighting power of the party.

Very strong, especially in the battle of the sea, it is desperate. But is the navy used to attack the city? impossible!

This group of pirates is suitable for combat at sea and is not necessarily suitable for combat on land.

And on the simple personal combat power, the hidden yuan will be stronger.

What's more, he has a strong and sturdy big castle in hand, and the castle has not fallen before.

I wish the 70,000-strong army, the 20,000-strong army that Yan Yan can’t fly, and the 10,000-strong army of the hidden yuan.

The 100,000-strong army defensive anger city, there is a strong castle in hand, can't you still hold it?

Yan is difficult to fly and absolutely does not believe.

At this time, Wutu Mountain Wu appeared.

Take out an arrow, a special arrow.

"Bring it up!" With a command, a dozen captives appeared three hundred meters away.

Wu definitely bends his bow and shoots it.


The arrow crossed an arc and blasted open in the air three hundred meters away. A group of green dense fog slammed and shrouded a dozen square meters of area. More than 10 million locusts swelled fiercely. Pounce on the body of these dozens of captives.


A burst of screams, these dozens of prisoners directly became pus, completely dead without a whole body.

The flesh and blood of the whole body were gone, leaving only the forest bones, and it turned into a terrible green.

This power is so amazing that in just a few seconds, people are turned into pus.

Wu said: "Before giving you the second grade carrage locust of the Xue family, but because of the sale of Wu Xiezi, Shen Lang learned the defense formula and created a defensive agent, so the Xue family battle Your second-grade carrion mites are obviously killer scorpions, but they have not played a role. They have not been able to kill the Nirvana Army. But now we have a three-level carrage locust in this arrow, and Wu Shunzi has no defense formula. There is no such thing as Shen Lang."

"Hidden Yuanhui Iron and Steel Second Army's archery is amazing, you can shoot in the target three hundred meters away. And this three-level carrion mites completely ignore any defense, any armor, after an arrow burst, the locust can shroud A range of more than ten square meters can kill any powerful army, including the army of Shen Lang."

Yan is difficult to fly and said: "Wu is an adult, this worm arrow, how much can you provide?"

"Ten thousand, is it enough?" Wu is a dead end.

"Enough, enough, it is enough." Yan is difficult to fly.

After an arrow broke open, the slaughter range was more than ten square meters. According to the amazing shooting of the second army of the hidden yuan, the 30,000 arrows were enough to kill 200,000 people.

And how many troops did Shen Lang attack the city of Angry City? At best, it will not exceed 20,000 or 30,000.

He Yan Feifei has 100,000 troops, has 30,000 locust arrows, has 10,000 powerful iron and blood soldiers, has a strong castle in hand, if he can't win the Shenlang, then he has no face to live in this world. It is.

Zhu Xi asked: "Yan is difficult to fly adults, can you win now?"

"Can!" Yan is difficult to fly: "I am willing to make a military order, if the battle of the Angry City can not win the Shen Lang, if the army of Shen Lang can not be destroyed, I am willing to die."

In fact, there is no need to establish a military order. If Yan is difficult to fly, if there is no anger, there will be no way to live.

I wish you a saying: "Well, Yan Daren has this kind of heart. But please remember that there is nothing to return from the roots. You are only destroying a pirate in the Western world, in the name of Shen Lang. Already dead, understand?"

Time, Yan difficult to fly to understand.

Shen Lang returned to report such a big thing, there seems to be no reaction, let alone Yan Jing, even Wang Ning Shao did not have any intentions.

That's it!

Because the return of Shen Lang has already been a bit of a face.

More than two years ago, the emperor decreed that half of the world’s army would encircle the waves, but it was said that the annihilation of **** was away from all the embers. Now that Shen Lang has returned, what does the world think?

What happened? Didn’t the last big battle have killed the waves?

So this time, the waves have already returned, but they still have to think that nothing has happened, and publicly declared that it is not a strait, but a daring imposter.

Let Yan die and kill the silent waves silently, and then nothing happens.

Suddenly Yan Yanfei knows, and there will be no intentions in the future. No matter whether it is the eyes or the king, there is no purpose.

Zhu said: "Yan is difficult to fly adults, although this time the Tianya Haige did not send troops, but we do not give you support for your support, the strength of your hands at this time is unprecedented, dozens of times more than Shen Lang. His fleet even if Strong, but also can not get on the land. His pirates are even stronger, can not capture the castle. Therefore, the anger city must not fall into the hands of Shen Lang, understand?"

"Understand." Yan is difficult to fly.

I wish you a saying: "But in order to completely eliminate the sinking waves, the cost of paying more is worth it. Do you understand?"

"Understand!" Yan is difficult to fly.

I wish you a clap, and thirty people appeared in front of Yan’s flight.

"These are all strong martial arts strongmen, each one is not weaker than the master class." Zhu said: "The 30 top masters are also handed over to you for command, only one purpose, killing the army of the waves, killing the waves ""

"If you succeed in destroying the waves, then you will be promoted directly to the Marquis. But if you fail, then..." I wish you not to finish the words, and you don't have to finish.

Yan is difficult to fly: "Yan has already set up a military order."

Zhu said: "I am still in Tiannan City, Tang Yun is still in Nujiang County, Zhu Wenhua is still in Xuanwu City, we are not moving. The Duke of Ning Yi is still in Tianyue City, and the king is still in the palace, we don't know anything at all. There is nothing to return from the waves. Everything comes to you, to the raging city? Do you understand?"

"Yan knows."

Zhu said: "You can know that once the anger city falls, Shen Lang will attack the Xuanwu Marquis House in the next step. At that time, Miss Zhuo Zhaoyan will of course lose the castle that has just been obtained, and the most crucial thing is the return of Shen Lang. You can no longer block it. You should know how many despicable people in the world are missing Jiang Li? How much turmoil will this cause? How bad is the impact?"

Yan is difficult to fly: "I wish you an adult, Yanmou really understands."

Zhu said: "So, don't let Shen Lang land on the land, don't let the entire Eastern world know his return, understand? Don't force the Tianya Haige and Futu Mountain to do it, and never let Yan Jing do it. After all, Jiang Licai let the inflammation Beijing shot, and extinguished it in one fell swoop. If the area is dark, let Yan Jing go twice, how should the people in the world look at Yanjing? How do you see Yanjing in the world? This is the key moment for the emperor to unite the world. There must be no trouble in politics/government."

"If you let Shen Lang board the land and stage what the king is returning, then you are naturally dead and dead, and we have to be unlucky."

Then, Zhu Yiyi arched the hand: "So, the battle here is to ask the count of Yan, you are martial arts, and the field is fierce, the war is handed over to you, we are assured. You 30 people, absolutely obey the orders of Yan Feifei adults. ,do you know?"

"Yes!" Thirty masters of the ranks were in good condition.

In time, 30 amazing swords are soaring.

"Then, I wish a certain resignation, waiting for you to completely eliminate the good news of Shen Lang." Zhu said.

"Farewell!" Wu said: "The things in the south are very busy. I really can't get away for a while."

Zhuo Zhaoyan said: "Yan Daren, Jinshan Island has a huge iron mine, you, me, Tang Daren three equally divided. And Xuanwu Marquis Palace is now occupied by my family, if you lost the city, Jinshan Island also guard I can't live, my Earl's House has to be lost, and Xuanwu City and Nujiang County will all fall. If we can sit at home without worry, we will rely entirely on Yan Daren."

Yan is difficult to fly and sneer: "Do not worry, my Yan is difficult to fly on the gambling is life."

"Farewell." Zhuo Zhaoyan said: "Then I will return to the Xuanwu Marquis House, no, it is the news of the victory of Yan Daren in the Earl of Wu'an. If you smash the first level of Shen Lang, please let me take a look and let I spit him a slobber."

Yan is difficult to fly: "Miss Zhuo is so busy? Why not join the war in the city of anger?"

Zhuo Zhaoyan smiled and said: "I am just a weak woman, I will not add chaos to Yan Daren. You and my life are in this battle, please Yan Yan must be careful, your strength is dozens of times than Shen Lang, you will be able to bring him Do your best."

The final farewell is the Nujiang County Taishou Tang Yun.

"Yan is difficult to fly adults, this is not only your battle of destiny, but also related to my destiny. If you can eliminate the waves in the raging city, then you can eliminate all influences without silence." Tang Yundao: "If you let Shen When the waves break into the Xuanwu City, the paper can't hold the fire. At that time, countless people in the world will shout for the return of the King of the Waves. The bad effects caused by that time are not what you and I can bear."

"So this battle of fate is pleased, I am waiting for your good news in Nujiang County." Tang Yundao: "I am a civil servant, I will not leave you in the presence to give you a mess, leave!"


Five people have left, leaving Yan Wanfei with 100,000 troops, 30 masters, and 30,000 locusts.

Yan Yanfei suddenly has a high morale.

Shen Lang, come on! Come and attack the raging city. This is the foundation of the Kim family. Come and take it back.

I don't believe that your fleet can land on land. I don't believe you can remove these guns from the ship and push them to land. The strength gap between us is not diminished, but it has become even more disparity!

If you come, you will completely sleep in the anger city, and everything will end in the raging city!

Return your king, stop here!


Time is like water, three days have passed!

A hundred battleships of Shenlang appeared in the waters of the Angry City.

Yan difficult to fly in the big castle to see the fleet of Shen Lang, still issued an incredible marvel.

Shen Lang, a madman, really only brought 20,000 navies to attack the anger city?

Shen Lang stood at the bow and looked at the familiar city.

The tidal city is not only the foundation of the Jin family, but also the hard work of his swell, but also the starting point of his sweeping Eastern dynasty, his roots.

Can not take the wrath of the city, the so-called world of no hatred is also impossible to talk about.

So how many troops are used to attack the raging city?

Ten thousand people, up to 10,000 people.

However, there are 100,000 defenders in Yan’s flight, and there are 30 masters, 10,000 hidden yuan, and 30,000 worms.

But he not only has to take the raging city, but also has to reduce the casualties to a minimum.

Shen Lang looked at the huge and sturdy castle and sighed deeply: "Rage City, I am coming!"


Note: Today is more than 15,000 words! I will try to update it tomorrow, I wish you a good night tonight! The monthly ticket is the best sleep aid, please come to everyone!

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