History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 389: : Langye miracle! The big act! The monarch wakes up (the new sin sin)

(Congratulations of sin is the new ally of this book, thank you)

At this time, the already tired and tired of the waves suddenly became very incomparable.

He quickly scanned while scanning quickly.

This gem is really an antiquity, and very bizarre, it turned out to be... useful things.

Many tribes of ancient civilizations wear this thing, some as a brooch, and some as a hairpin.

What is its purpose?

Strengthen the nerves and strengthen the brain.

This gemstone can release a very special energy wave that can strongly stimulate the human nerves.

After a long period of stimulation, the neural response of ancient humans will become faster and mental thinking will become more acute.

This is a bit strange.

Modern Earth also has electric shock therapy, but most of it is for mental illness.

This is somewhat similar to exercising muscles.

Going to the gym for high-intensity training involves tearing the old muscle tissue and then reorganizing it to make it stronger.

Tianya Haige gave this special gem to Ning Yuanxian through Prince Ning Yi, of course not to make his nerves and thinking stronger.

The ancient human body is much stronger than this world person. Look at Mulan Baby.

Therefore, this thing can strengthen the brain and nerves of ancient humans, but for Ning Yuanxian, it is basically a devastating blow, making his entire nerve instantly paralyzed.

It is like a current overload and the computer goes down.

Of course, the computer may burn directly.

The brain of Ning Yuanxian, Shen Langzi carefully examined, no obvious trauma.

Perhaps the energy released by this gem is only a moment. If it is a little longer, Ning Yuanxian’s entire brain is basically completely destroyed.

In this classic, the name of this gem is called the Nightmare Stone.

Because many ancient humans used it to stimulate nerves and brains, one of the sequelae is easy to cause nightmares.

So over time, its original name is not used, named the Nightmare Stone.

With regard to this nightmare stone, this classical book is written in four or five thousand words, and there are hundreds of light pictures.

But Shen Lang wants to find the way to save,

Also read tens of thousands of words of material.

In the end, Shen Lang came up with two options.

The first option strengthens Ning Yuanxian itself so that he can wake up with his own strength.

For example, if this nightmare stone gives Mulan, it is not a bad thing, but it can make her stronger.

However, Shen Lang could not make Ning Yuanxian stronger.

First of all, he could not find a second wash.

Second, even if he can find it, Ning Yuanxian is not a **** metamorphosis.

What is blood transmutation?

It is almost a kind of returning to the ancestors, that is, certain blood features of human beings in this world show some characteristics of ancient humans.

Wu Xiezi is, Mulan is also.

But Ning Yuanxian is definitely not.

Therefore, the washing of the marrow essence is completely ineffective against Ning Yuanxian.

The second option.

Still making a fuss about this nightmare stone.

First of all, it is a good thing. In the ancient world it was created to strengthen thinking and nerves.

Moreover, it has evolved into a lot of things.

For example, memory cutting.

Another example is brain treatment.

Many people suffer from strong trauma, or the lack of oxygen in the brain, causing the brain to lose consciousness, that is, vegetative.

This is an absolute problem in modern medicine.

Although television and newspapers often report on the awakening of many vegetative people, they are also called miracles.

But the reason why the miracle is called a miracle is too rare.

In fact, most vegetative people can't wake up, and modern medicine is almost blank in the treatment of vegetative people.

There is absolutely nothing to do.

But ancient humans used this nightmare stone to treat vegetative people.

There are usually miracles.

In other words, this nightmare stone is a device that can be modified and adjusted.

He can release powerful energy waves, and instantly the nerves and brains are paralyzed.

It can also release another kind of energy wave to strengthen the human nerve.

It can even release a very sharp and small range of energy waves for memory cutting in a certain brain area.

It can also be transformed into an energy wave that stimulates planters to wake up.

In short, in this classic, there are more than fifteen different attributes recorded.

Doesn't it look like an electronic device?

However, it is not at all, there is no sci-fi taste in it.

All of the gems that make up this nightmare stone installation are hundreds of special metal pieces.

This is a thing full of fantasy.

In other words, if Shen Lang wants to save Ning Yuanxian, he must first transform this nightmare stone.

Shen Lang has tried to open violence.

As a result, almost every time it triggers its self-destruct mechanism.

However, this is clearly written in the classical books.

First of all, the opening of this nightmare stone needs to be carried out in a special environment.

What is a special environment?

It is a special magnetic field, and many people know that there is a magnetic field in either the earth or the world.

But it is not the environment to open this nightmare stone.

According to the records of the classical books, there is only one place that can open it.

That is the ancient ruins, where the magnetic field is different from the outside world.

And it can't be forced to open, otherwise it will trigger the self-destruct mechanism.

Need to be opened in a special way.

For example, a special current stimulus will automatically turn on in some part of it.

But where is the current in the world?

Frictional electrification?

This static electricity is not enough.

Leading lightning?

This current is too big.

However, this is not a problem for Shen Lang, and it is even easy.

Potato chips can be made from copper, iron, copper, and cooked potatoes.

Of course, if there are no potatoes, sweet potatoes will do.


When Jun Jun once again saw Shen Lang, he could not help but stay a little.

I have never seen such a deep wave, my uncle, my hair, my eyes, and my eyes.

The previous Shenlang is always very delicate.

I still remember that when he went to Nanzhao and Yijun to negotiate, he was not only spotless, but also wore a parasol and wiped homemade sunscreen.

The current Shen Lang is probably the most unbearable moment of personal image.

"I want a few cooked sweet potatoes." Shen Langdao: "In addition, go to the ancient ruins under the Wansuo Cave."

Jun Jun said: "I am going to get the key."

“No.” Shen Langdao: “On the outside of the gate, you don’t have to go inside. I need the special magnetic field environment of the ancient ruins.”

"Okay." Jun Jun said: "Are you sure you will not go in? I really want you to go in and see."

Shen Langdao: "Next time, there is really no time for this time."


After an hour!

Shen Lang and Yi Jun once again appeared before the gates of the ancient ruins under the Wanzi Cave.

Before Shen Lang did not deliberately understand, now I can feel that the air and magnetic fields here are very special, there is a feeling of calming water.

"I am waiting for you at the end of the bridge."

Shen Langdao: "No, this process may be observed by the brothers. This will have a deeper understanding of the ancient civilization."

"it is good!"

Next, Shen Lang began to surface magic.

He made the sweet potato battery as fast as he could.

Then use metal probes to stimulate several points of this nightmare stone.

The order of stimulation of these points must not be wrong, otherwise it will not only open, but also cause self-destruction devices.

This is equivalent to the opening password of the Nightmare Stone.

In the classical books, hundreds of kinds of nightmare stones are introduced, and the opening passwords of each type are different.

Here, the waves will be prayed. The opening password of this nightmare stone should not be changed privately. It is best to use the public version password, otherwise it will be abandoned.

The prayers of Shen Lang were fulfilled.

A slight noise.

This nightmare stone automatically opened, and finally revealed the structure inside.

It is dense and beautiful, yet complicated.

When Jun Jun saw this scene, he could not help but be a little shocked.

This gem is less than one inch in diameter, and it is so delicate and complicated inside?

Shen Lang is also amazing.

Because he used to be unable to scan the interior of this nightmare stone with x-rays, just like an ordinary ruby.

Otherwise, Shen Lang has long discovered that this thing has ghosts.

In this nightmare stone, there are more than one hundred different kinds of gemstones, which are then connected with various metal pieces.

The most is the metal piece of gold and platinum.

Shen Lang took a deep breath, opened the box and took out a homemade microscope from inside.

Although the multiple is not as good as the modern earth microscope, it is enough for the moment.

Put on gloves and use a special wooden tweezers to start transforming this nightmare stone.

This nightmare stone was used by ancient humans to strengthen nerves and thinking.

Shen Lang wants to transform him into a healing geek, stimulating the healing nightmare stone that awakens the brain.

The whole process is not difficult.

It is about 789 operations.

Every step can't go wrong.

There are many pieces of metal inside, and the gemstones are only millimeters in size.

Fortunately, Shen Lang is a brilliant doctor, and many of the operations he has done are more detailed than this.

Transforming this nightmare stone is at least much simpler than suturing the nerve.

Jun Jun held his breath and watched the whole process of Shen Lang.

It’s amazing.

This is simply a practice in the snails.

The waves that did not sleep for a few days and nights did not tremble.

After three hours!

Shen Lang completed the transformation of this nightmare stone.

"Oh brother, should you not read the classics?" Shen Langdao.

Jun Jundao: "Jiang Li has read hundreds of volumes, and most of the rest have not been interpreted. For my big South country, it is only necessary to digest the classics that Jiang has read from the shackles."

Shen Langdao: "I have read a lot. When I have time, I will form him in words and patterns and send it to you."

"Thank you."

After the transformation, Shen Lang reassembled the therapeutic nightmare stone.

It once again returned to being a complete gem.

Yan Jun took a closer look in his hand, but he did not find a little crack.

"Jiang's ideal is to liberate the wisdom of the people of the world, to liberate the productivity of the people of the world, and to develop the ancient civilization, so that all the people of the world will live a better life." Jun Jun said: "But some people are firmly blocked, ignorant The people of the world, the people who want the whole world are still primitive people who are drinking blood."


Back to the Great Southern Kingdom.

Shen Langdao: "Hey brother, do you have such a patient here? He is still alive, has a heartbeat and breath, but he can never wake up, sleep day after day."

Jun Jun nodded: "Yes!"

After a while, a person appeared in front of Shen Lang.

Shen Lang can't help but see, so magnificent?

Of course, he was already very skinny at this time, almost skinny.

Because I slept too long, my muscles flinched.

But his skeleton is amazingly big, and his height is almost no more than a stupid.

Another super giant.

"His name is Sha Chao. Once the first warrior of the Western Regions, he was the king of the slaves. He killed countless tiger leopards and wolves in the duel. He could continue to glorify, but one day his body suddenly changed. And collapsed, muscles and tendons are twisted, they can't fight at all, and they are ugly."

Is this scene somewhat familiar?

That's right, it's like a bitterness.

"Then he was expelled, he was degraded, and he was extremely miserable, but he could not die. After that he was discovered by the sand-drinking division and healed the strange disease on him and became the first savage of my majesty. "Jun Jun said: "Although he is not as strong as your brother, but on the battlefield is also not far behind. However, more than two years ago, in order to prevent the enemy's penetration, he was besieged by dozens of masters and was seriously injured. The national division once again saved him, but never woke up again."

"Planter." Shen Langdao.

Jun Jun said: "The word is very precise."

Shen Langdao: "Who is the person who infiltrated the sneak attack?"

Jun Jundao: "Blackwater Taiwan and the Nanhai Swordsman."


This is awkward.

More than two years ago, Ning Yuanxian was trying his best to assassinate Jun Jun.

Once again, dozens of masters were dispatched, and the results were almost destroyed by the whole army.

So this chaos became a vegetative, to some extent the pot of Ning Yuanxian.

Shen Langdao: "This person is also a special bloodline of Jiang Lixia, and is the same as Blue Storm, Bitter Head, Tu Da and Tu Er."

Jun Jun nodded and said: "Ginger is not there, but he is like a star. After the fallen, the fragments scattered in this world are treasures."

Shen Langdao: "Next, I will use this transformed nightmare stone to rescue the chaos."

If successful, it means that Ning Yuanxian should be able to be rescued.

If it fails...

Shen Langdao: "Hey, you have to pierce these silver needles into his hindbrain."

Jun Jun martial arts is also very high, and it is easy to directly penetrate.

Shen Lang could not help but look at him.

Are you so martial? I didn’t see it at all.

"The blood is changing."

Sure enough.

Several silver needles were inserted behind the hindbrain of the vegetative chaotic.

Shen Lang will transform the nightmare stone on top of the silver needle and then stimulate it with electricity.


The nightmare stone lit up.

Yan Jun instinctively shrinks his eyes.

Because his perception is very sharp, the distance is so close, as if the pores were burned.

The transformed Nightmare Stone releases a special wave of energy that penetrates into the brains of the vegetative chaos.

The vegetative giant's eyelids trembled fiercely.

Then, nothing happened anymore.



However, only half a minute later.

The vegetative giant slammed up.

"Hey, hey!"

Shen Lang and Yu Jun are extremely surprised.

Is it so amazing?

Not a little buffer?

Just awake? Just created a miracle?

This ancient nightmare stone is really arrogant.

"Sword King predecessors, gone, gone!"

After waking up this giant vegetative, Shen Lang had no time to share the joy with the sand drinker and quickly left.

Time is very tight.

Shen Lang has been away for half a month, and there may be drastic changes at any time in the capital city of Vietnam.

Shen Lang sat on the wicker chair, and the sword king Li Qianqiu was going to carry the swell of the waves.

As a result, a sand barbarian strong man was rushed from the side, and the rattan chair carrying the swell of the waves rushed north.

Shen Lang screamed directly on the wicker chair.

The Shaman strong man ran for thirty miles and then stopped.

Here, there is another Shaman strongman waiting for it, and relaying the wicker chair to the north.

In this way, without stopping, in just two days, he left the territory of the Great South and entered the country.

The whole process of the wave did not even wake up.

When he woke up again, he was already in a big carriage.

The body has been bathed, the beard has been scraped clean, and the hair has been combed.

Next to Wu Liedao: "The son, the rice is already good, hurry to eat."

Outside the thousands of national iron rides to protect the carriage of Shen Lang in the middle, crazy in the direction of the country.


In the kingdom palace of the kingdom, the election of the king will enter the absurd scene.

"Ning Zheng, Ning Zheng, Ning Yu, Ning Yu, Ning Zheng..."

Some people in the whole place are afraid to breathe.

Is this the result?

Has Ning Zheng been looking for someone to connect in advance?

Absolutely not.

Then why is this so?

Didn’t all the civil and military ministers support Ning Yi before?

The last time Ning Yuanxian publicly asked the Vietnamese national ministers, supported Ning Zheng or Ning Yu, more than 80% of the ministers supported Ning Yu.

The reason is simple.

Most of the silence.

There are more than a hundred people in the entire court, and only one tenth of them can stand up and speak.

The officials of Zhu’s and Zhu’s officials are not concealed in the pilgrimage, but they can truly become a one-party party, and only one class of officials is only a high-ranking official.

Most of the remaining officials, even if they are attached to Zhu’s and Shi’s, are not shackles.

If they are placed before, they will still support Ning.

But what happened recently has touched them too much. First of all, Ning Zheng’s two miracles have won.

The most important thing is that the monarch Ning Yuanxian suddenly fell.

Of course, these officials actually feel bad about the monarch and even have hatred.

Ning Yuanxian, the monarch, is indeed mean and ruthless to the courtiers.

But he is a king after all.

It’s amazement that Jun Jun killed his father.

Emotionally, the ministers couldn't stand this, so at the anonymous presidential election, most of the silent people chose Ning Zheng.

With the progress of the ticket, the face of the imperial prince, queen Zhu, Zhu Hong, Xiang E, Xue Che and so on became very ugly.

Great, great!

I thought that the election of the king would be ten, and the result turned out to be such a situation.

The consequences of murdering Ning Yuanxian are more serious than imagined.

The situation is a little better.

The greater the official position, the more people are elected, because the interests of the two are completely tied together.

The face of Ning Yu is still as cold as a mountain.

The face of the imperial prince is so dark that it seems to drip out the water.

This is not going to work.

Now Ning Zheng has too many leading votes.

Although the larger the official position, the number of tickets for Ning Yu is increasing.

But can't take risks. The final result reveals that there are more votes in Ningzheng. What should I do?

Is it self-drying and overthrowing the results?

Suddenly, the Prince of Empires patted the chair gently, which was a signal.

In order to express absolute fairness, the singer is not a party, not a party, but an official sent by the Empire.

After getting the signal of the Prince of Lian, there was something falling in his sleeve.

After picking up the ticket, once you write the name of Ning Yu, it will remain unchanged.

But once the name of Ning Zheng was written, the thing in his hand was lightly crossed, and the name on the paper disappeared, becoming a blank ticket for abstaining.

"Ning 岐, abstain, abstain, ning..."

The situation is too strange.

There are more and more votes abstaining.

Officials at the Yueguo Chaotang could not help but whisper.

what happened?

I haven’t had so many abstention blanks just now, so suddenly it’s coming out?

Zhang Wei’s son, Zhang Wei, said: "Why are there so many abstentions coming out at once? This is obviously not normal."

As soon as this was said, officials at a lower level in the church expressed surprise.

This must have a ghost. I have not abstained from the blank ticket. Now I have so much out of it?

Is this funny?

Zhang Weidao: "Ning Qi Wang Shu, I think it is necessary to send two ministers to supervise the process of singing tickets."

The official of the empire said coldly: "Do you have no trust in the integrity of the official?"

Zhang Weidao: "It is for the reputation of the grown-up, for the reputation of the empire, so it is necessary to conduct on-site supervision."

Ning Qi Wang Shuzhen said: "Lian prince, I think this is reasonable."

The prince of the imperial dynasty stood up fiercely, coldly whispered: "What are the meanings of the surviving ministers of the country? What is the meaning of choosing the king? Why do you abstain from power, is this contempt for the king? Is this dissatisfied with the empire? ?"

"The election of the king, this is to let the Minister of Culture and Civilization to recommend a new king, as a result, you have all given up, so there is any objection to the election of the king?"

"With so many abstentions, even if a new prince is elected, it is not fair."

"I announced that the result of this election will be nullified. Three days later, the re-election will be resumed. No one can abstain from voting at that time, everyone must be responsible for their choice, so no longer vote by secret ballot, three days. On the subsequent tickets, the names and official positions of the officials will be written and distributed to you, one vote per person."

When the words came out, the audience was shocked.

This... Is this completely rude?

This is a complete threat.

Seeing that Ning Zheng will win, even the result is invalid?

Moreover, the rules and regulations of the election of the Wanghui will be changed.

Once it is a registered vote, who dares to vote for Ning Zheng, is not afraid of retaliation?

This kind of act, there is no bottom line!

The prince of the imperial prince looked at the queen and looked at him.

Zhu Shidao: "I am a woman, there is no opinion, what do you think of Shangshutai and the Privy Council?"

Zhu Hong said: "The old minister thinks that since it is the election of the king, the ministers should be responsible for their choice."

Kind of E Road: "Chen also feels so."

Several prime ministers in Shangshutai, several deputy ambassadors of the Privy Council, fell to the ground for the plan of the Imperial Prince.

Ning Qi is a person who can't go to heaven.

Therefore, the DPRK decided that the election of the king would be void.

After three days, start again.

Is this scene familiar?

Quite a few years ago Yuan Shikai style.

The selected results are not in line with my thoughts.

Then keep choosing, and choose to be satisfied.

Sending troops and rogues to surround the House, all members go out to leave, not allowed to eat, not allowed to sleep.

Then, I finally got the satisfactory result of President Yuan.


What happened in the next three days? unknown!

But almost every official of Vietnam has been visited.

A special person from Heishuitai and Shangshutai visited.

Talk about work, talk about your family, talk about your family.

The words were very kind, but I heard people sweating and cold sweats.

Then, the Privy Council and Shangshutai held several meetings.

The book is a sacred book for the king.

In the end, the imperial ambassador of the Imperial Lian dynasty also met with representatives of the ministers of the Vietnamese state.

Especially those who have chosen Ning Zheng.

The sacredness of the emperor of the imperial prince, the prince of the book, is concerned about the country.

The relationship between the empire and the Vietnam and so on.

There is no threat, but it is enough to make countless officials wake up in their sleep.

This is very clear.

The next election will be, if you write again, it may be to die the whole family.

In order to save the rich, in order to keep the family, in order to save your life, you are best to stand in the same position as the Empire.


Three days are flying fast.

The sacred election will begin again.

Sure enough, every official received his own unique ticket, which clearly stated their names, words, official positions and places of origin.

I wrote the name of Ning Yu for them.

If anyone wants to write the name of Ning Zheng, he will ensure that he will be directly pursued.

The prince of the imperial prince said: "There is not much to say, how sacred this election will be in your heart. This person will lead the country to prosperity, peace, and prosperity, and every ticket of yours will be heavy."

"let's start!"

With the imperial prince of the imperial order.

The civil and military officials of the Yue State Hall are filled with incomparable humiliation and wrote the same name on the vote of the king.

Ning Hao!

That's right.


Hurry up!

The hoof is like a thunder.

Under the protection of a cavalry, Shenlang's carriage quickly rushed into the gate of Suzaku and entered the capital.

Fly along the Suzaku Avenue and go straight into the palace.




Entering the palace, wherever the waves pass, everyone will retreat.

Li Gong’s father-in-law quickly greeted him.

Shen Lang said that he was given a month, but now he only came back after twenty-three days.

Li Wei is overjoyed.

Because only success, Shen Lang will come back in advance.

"The son, the theater is playing a big show."

Did you, Grandpa Lie, call my son?

A little unbearable.

"Let's play, let's play, now it's over the fire, and the more exciting it will be, the more you will face." Shen Lang laughed.

He has already heard that it is actually the election of the king.

So advanced, curious.

And if you don't choose Ning Yi, the election will not end.

This is really a signboard.

After this time, the empire was lost within the country and the country.

Even the reputations of Ning Yu, Zhu Hong and others have been lost.

This is equivalent to pressing the neck of the Vietnamese national civil and military officer to the inside of the basin, shouting: "Quick, eat."

But all of them are cockroaches, how to eat?

Shen Lang has begun to think about it, once Ning Yuanxian wakes up, how cool it will be to face.

It is best to choose Ning Yi as a Prince.

Then, the monarch Ning Yuanxian vetoed.

It’s so cool to fly.


Shen Lang rushed into the ward of Ning Yuanxian.

He still remained motionless, his breathing was weak, his heartbeat was weak, but there was no sign of life and death.

"Lemu Gonggong, piercing the silver needle into the back of his arm!"

Shen Lang put the picture in front of Li Mu.

Li Mu took out five silver needles, and lightning generally penetrated the back of the monarch Ning Yuanxian.

Shen Lang took out the therapeutic nightmare stone after the transformation.

Li Wei, Li Mu, and others were surprised.

This, is this ruby?

It is this thing that is so damaging that life and death are not clear.

But no one has an opening. In the matter of creating miracles, Shen Lang is an absolute authority.

Shen Lang took a deep breath.

It will be effective, and it will be successful in the Great South. This time it will certainly be successful.

"Get up!"

Shenlang activated the transformation of the nightmare stone.


The nightmare stone lights up again.

A special wave of energy was suddenly released, and it was drilled into the back of the monarch Ning Yuanxian.

Ning Yuanxian’s eyelids trembled fiercely.

The body trembled.

Then he opened his eyes directly.

"The oligarchy is a prince!"

The first time I woke up, Ning Yuanxian shouted this sentence.


Note: Going to the insurance company today, going to the hospital to help sleep medicine, so the update is late. But still more than 15,000! Are you an adult and a monthly pass? Give me ok?

Thank you for getting lost, cocoa kt of 30,000 yuan every day.

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