History Live Broadcast: Show Zulong At The Beginning Of Hu Hai's Usurpation Of The Throne

Chapter 098. The Turks Facing The Wei River! The Horn Of Attack Is On!

When Jieli Khan led the army to march towards Weishui, Li Shimin was standing on the city wall, looking at the other side of Weishui with Li Yuan, Changsun Wugou, Princess Changle, Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui and other ministers.

Nearly a thousand soldiers had already buried explosives on the bank of the opposite bank of the Weishui River at this time, and four dead men responsible for igniting the explosives were hidden in the four corners of the southeast, northwest, respectively!

As long as the Turkic army arrives and Li Shimin gives an order on the city wall, these four dead soldiers will risk their lives and ignite the fuse of the explosives!

Explosives connected by lead wires are buried under the entire other side of the Weishui River!

Therefore, after Tang Jun detonated the explosives, it is entirely conceivable what the Weishui River will look like!

"Father, can explosives really withstand the 200,000 Turkic army?"

At this time, the 200,000 Turkic army had not yet arrived. Chang Le looked at the other side of the Wei River curiously and asked Li Shimin.

Li Shimin shook his head at Changle with a smile on his face, and said,

"Daughter, before you tested explosives, you didn't see the power of explosives! A section of the city wall more than three feet thick was blown up! Now there are many times more explosives buried under the opposite bank than on the day of the test, 200,000 The Turkic army is coming, and they will definitely be blown up by my Tang Dynasty's explosive array, and they will suffer heavy losses!"

Hearing what Li Shimin said, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Wei Zheng and other ministers all nodded in agreement.

Grandson Wugou also said,

"Yes, daughter! You have to trust the things your father brought back from the fairyland! If the Turkic people dare to come, my Great Tang will make them unable to eat!"

Chang Le nodded ignorantly and said,

"Oh! Daughter has never thought before that there really is a fairyland in this world! There are immortals in the fairyland! Father, please tell my daughter again, is the fairy in the fairyland very good-looking? Daughter I really want to go to the fairyland to see the demeanor of the immortals!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin smiled and shook his head, thinking that there was nothing he could do with his daughter!

But youdao is which daughter does not have a spring?

Changle is also getting older, it seems that it is time to find a good husband for Changle!

Fang Xuanling on the side smiled and said to Changle,

"Princess! That fairy in the fairyland is really handsome and handsome! It can be said that there is no man who is as handsome and handsome as that fairy..."

Princess Changle stared at Fang Xuanling with bright eyes when she heard the words, and Shen Han's appearance was automatically imagined in her mind...

Changsun Wugou sighed and shook his head, saying,

"Daughter! She is a majestic fairy! You are in the fairyland again. Although you are the princess of the Tang Dynasty, the difference in status is still too big! You should give up your thoughts as soon as possible~!

Hearing what Changsun Wugou said, Princess Changle blushed slightly, and said arrogantly to Changsun Wugou,

"Mother, what nonsense are you talking about? My daughter is just curious about that fairy! My daughter has never seen a fairy when she grows up! Who said that my daughter has unreasonable thoughts about a fairy?

Li Shimin laughed,

"Okay, okay! Let's put this matter aside for the time being! Daughter, you must know that unless you are chosen by the immortals, you will not be able to enter the fairyland! However, after the Turkic army is defeated, I will ask the painter to draw a picture Immortal picture sent to you, how about daughter Yiyin?"

As soon as Li Shimin said that he wanted to find a painter to draw a picture of a fairy for himself, Changle was so happy that he jumped up and down and clapped his hands again and again.

"Okay, okay! Father! You must remember to promise your daughter!"

At this time Li Yuan snorted angrily and said,

"It's nonsense! The enemy is in front of me, and I still have the mood to play here!"

Seeing Li Yuan's serious face, Chang Le quickly stopped his hands, blushed, and lowered his head.

Although Li Yuan has withdrawn from the power center, he is still Li Shimin's father anyway, so Li Shimin naturally can't say anything, and the scene is a little embarrassing for a while!

But at this moment, several soldiers appeared on the opposite bank on bicycles, and rode towards the city quickly!

Obviously Li Shimin sent out a spy to investigate the enemy's situation!

"Wow! Is that the bicycle my father brought back from Wonderland?"

Chang Le's eyes lit up when he saw the bicycle, and he forgot Li Yuan's lecture just now, and shouted.

Li Shimin nodded and said,

"Exactly! If my daughter likes it, I'll give you one as a gift!"

Li Yuan on the side blew his beard angrily, and said,

"Hmph! Didn't you say you would give me a bicycle before? Didn't you just turn around and forget about it!"

Seeing that Li Yuan's tone was a little slow, and he also actively expressed that he wanted a bicycle, Li Shimin felt a little happy immediately, and bowed to Li Yuan with a smile on his face,

"When the Turkic army retreats, I will immediately get a bicycle and give it to my father!"

Li Yuan looked away angrily.

At this time, a spy who had entered the city quickly climbed up the tower, worshiped Li Shimin,

"Your Majesty! The Turkic army has appeared thirty miles away, and it is estimated that they will reach the Weishui River within an hour!"

Hearing the news brought back by the spies, all the officials were refreshed, and Li Shimin's eyes lit up even more, saying,

"Okay! Tell the soldiers to prepare the magic arm ballista! When the explosives go off, all the magic arm ballistas will be fired at the Turkic army together!"


Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Wei Zheng and other ministers are all excited, a big battle is coming!

If Datang can successfully win this war and injure Turks severely, it will give Datang a long period of time to develop!

Li Shimin ordered someone to move some chairs, and sat safely on the tower with Li Yuan and Changsun Wugou. Behind him stood Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Changsun Wuji and other famous officials!

Li Yuan, Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou served tea in Changle.


Li Shimin, who had been staring at the opposite bank, his pupils shrank slightly!

Turkic soldiers and horses appeared in the field of vision, and rushed towards the Wei River!

At a glance, there is really a big area of ​​Wuyangyang, and there is no end in sight!

"The Turkic army is coming! Close the city gate!"

Changsun Wuji shouted, and the soldiers pulled up the drawbridge on the moat and closed the city gate!

On the other side of the river, Jieli Khan, who took the lead, saw the Tang army closing the city gate from a distance, smiled and said to Ashdev who was beside him,

"Hahaha! The army of labor and capital has come here. Why are they still closing the city gate? Are they still planning to stick to it?"

Ashdev didn't frowned and said,

"Khan! I always feel that we are going too smoothly this way! Now Chang'an City is in front of me, but my heart is jumping and jumping for no reason..."

Jieli Khan interrupted,

"Huh? Ashdev didn't take a sip! I think you are suspicious! The Tang army is inherently weak, and has suffered defeats from us year after year! Facing our 200,000 army, it's normal not to dare to fight to the death!

In front of you is Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty! As long as we capture Chang'an, the entire Central Plains of Xia will be ours! You can't let me lose the chain at this critical moment!"

Hearing what Jieli Khan said, Ashidwu didn't take a sip and didn't think about it anymore, he bowed to Jieli Khan and said,

"Yes! After entering Chang'an, the last general will personally capture the Emperor of Tang before the Khan!"

Jieli Khan smiled and nodded, saying,

"Okay! Send the order down! Tell the army to speed up! Rush to the banks of the Weishui River and prepare to attack the city!"

Following the order of Jieli Khan, the Turkic army accelerated its march!

Li Shimin took off the binoculars, he was both excited and nervous, but he still pretended to be at leisure, handed the binoculars to Chang Le and said,

"Daughter, look at this! This is another treasure brought back from the fairyland by me and the princes! You can clearly see the scenery in the distance!"

Hearing this, Chang Le took it curiously, imitating what Li Shimin did just now, and looked at the Turkic army with binoculars!

At this time, the Turkic army was only 3 miles away from the Weishui River!

Chang Le took off the binoculars in surprise and sighed,

"Wow! Father! This binoculars are so easy to use! From such a distance, you can see the expressions on people's faces clearly with this binoculars! Grandpa, please try it too!"

Li Yuan snorted softly, took the telescope handed by Chang Le, tried it, his eyes lit up immediately, nodded and said,

"Hmm! It's really a good baby! It's good to enjoy the scenery~!"

Li Shimindao,

"Since father likes it! Then give this telescope to father!"

Changle heard the words,

"Father 503 Father! My daughter wants one too!"

Li Shimin looked distressed and said,

"My dear daughter, there are only two pairs of binoculars, and they were given to me by Da Qin Zulong! The other binoculars, I plan to use for my Tang army! My Tang army has such a binoculars, spying on the enemy's intelligence will be very beneficial... ...."

Hearing that there were only two pairs, Chang Le pouted in disappointment.

Li Yuan snorted, threw the telescope in his hand to Chang Le, and said,

"Good granddaughter! If he doesn't give it to you, your grandfather will give it to you! Come! Take it!"

Chang Le joyfully caught the telescope thrown by Li Yuan, and said,

"Thank you Grandpa the Supreme Emperor!"

After all, I used the binoculars to look towards the other side!

At this time, Jieli Khan and Ashi Dewu had led the army to the edge of the Wei River, and stopped, looking at the tower of Chang'an City across the Wei River!

"The one on the tower is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty? Why don't you open the city gate quickly and welcome my million troops into the city?"

Jieli Khan laughed and shouted arrogantly to Li Shimin on the tower.

The officials behind Li Shimin suddenly showed anger, and at the same time they were confused, looking at the Turkic army on the other side!

have said,

"What army of millions? Where did the army of millions come from? Could it be that our information is wrong? Impossible!"

Li Shimin must have felt that Jieli Khan was too humiliating, but now Li Shimin is already prepared!

So facing Jieli Khan's disrespectful words and the tens of millions of troops threatening, Li Shimin smiled calmly, stood up, and shouted at Jieli Khan on the other side,

"I made a face-to-face peace agreement with Khan, but you broke the agreement today! How dare you send troops to invade our Tang Dynasty, enter our capital, and even boast that you have a million troops! Today, I will call you a 200,000-strong army!"

After Li Shimin finished speaking, he immediately waved his hand!

On the city tower, sound the horn of attack immediately!

On the other side, Jie Li Khan and Ash Dewu didn't take a sip, they were both puzzled by Li Shimin's calm attitude. When they heard the attack horn sound from the tower, they were shocked!

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