History Live Broadcast: Show Zulong At The Beginning Of Hu Hai's Usurpation Of The Throne

Chapter 074. Gunpowder Bombarded Xiang Yu! Zulong Is Excited, Artifact!

With a loud noise, a blood dance exploded from Xiang Yu's body!

It made the surrounding audience all look dumbfounded!

I saw that Xiang Yu's head was covered with blood at this time, one arm was directly blown off, and half of his body was stained red and burnt with blood, and while he was bleeding continuously, he was still emitting a faint white smoke!

Xiang Yu widened his eyes and looked at the arm that was blown away, because the explosion happened too fast, his body couldn't react at all, and he didn't feel the pain yet, he just felt that his original left arm was suddenly gone!

He looked at himself in bewilderment, his wide eyes filled with disbelief!

At the same time, my brain felt blank again, and my ears were buzzing!

"This!!! What the hell is going on here?"

"Master Fu Su threw that thing, and it exploded?"

"The loud noise just now shocked me! The assassin who assassinated His Majesty seems to have been seriously injured?"

The onlookers looked at Xiang Yu, who was covered in wounds but stood resolutely, in panic, and trembled!

All the officials and ministers guarding in front of Ying Zheng stared at Xiang Yu who was standing there in disbelief with wide-eyed eyes, discussing one after another,

"Is this the explosive produced by using the method provided by Wonderland?"

"Xiang Yu is still standing? It seems that explosives are quite powerful, but their power... seems to be stronger than imagined?"

"Is it because the explosive dose of this explosive bag is not enough?"

Wang Ben and Meng Tian crossed their swords in front of Ying Zheng again to prevent Xiang Yu from rushing up again!

All the officials and ministers turned their heads to look at Ying Zheng and Fu Su!

Ying Zheng also frowned. After all, one of the cannonballs made of gunpowder seen in the fairyland video can kill a whole bunch of people!

Although this feather was blown off with one arm, why does it seem that it is still alive and standing upright?

Fusu opened his mouth, looked at the few remaining dynamite packets,

As the person who made these explosive kits by himself, Fusu naturally knew where the problem was, so he couldn't help saying to himself,

"If I had known that Xiang Yu, a reckless man, would hide and not hide, and would just catch the explosive pack with my hands, I should have taken a bigger dose of explosive pack! But Xiang Yu is really awesome! Just that explosive pack, that is A strong bull should have been blown to death on the spot!"

In fact, how did they know that Xiang Yu was only relying on his extraordinary perseverance and the last breath left to forcefully support his body so that he did not fall down!

In other words, Xiang Yu's brain didn't have time to react to what happened!

Just like some people in the later generations encountered a disaster that happened so suddenly and quickly, the brain had no time to react, the body didn't feel the pain at all, and the person was actually gone!

At this time, Xiang Liang, who was in shock and had been staring at Xiang Yu with wide eyes, shouted loudly,

"Yuer! How are you, Yuer?"

Xiang Liang yelled, throwing away the sword in his hand, and rushed over to check Xiang Yu's injury!

And Xiang Yu was also awakened by Xiang Liang's yelling, with a pair of bull's eyes, he slowly turned his head to look at Xiang Liang, and said,

"Uncle......Uncle! Yu'er's hand... is gone! Pfft`「!"

As Xiang Yu said, he took a mouthful of fresh noodles!

His body went limp, his eyes widened, and he fell to the ground straight up!

"Yuer! Yuer!"

Xiang Liang lifted Xiang Yu's body up, crying with snot and tears,

"My Yu'er! Uncle, I'm sorry! It's all my uncle's fault for not stopping you!"

Xiang Yu spat out blood, looked at Xiang Liang with bulging eyes, and gasped,

"Uncle! Yu'er can't do it anymore! You...you go away! Yu'er recognized it. The thing just now is the explosive they prepared with the [Gunpowder Formula] rewarded by the fairyland! Unexpectedly... .They made gunpowder so quickly!"

Xiang Liang naturally heard about the power of gunpowder from Xiang Yu!

I thought it was impossible for Daqin to create such a powerful weapon from the fairyland so quickly, but I never thought...

Xiang Liang hugged the dying Xiang Yu and cried loudly,

"Yu'er! You can't die! If you die, who can't restore Chu in the future?"

Xiang Yu coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood again, and said,

"Uncle! Go away! As long as you are still alive, as long as the tyrant hasn't concocted the real elixir of life, there will always be hope for the restoration of Great Chu! Cough cough!"

Listening to the words of the two, and looking at Xiang Yu who was lying in Xiang Liang's arms and vomited blood continuously, with only his last breath left, Ying Zheng snorted coldly,

"Hmph! So you came to assassinate me because I was worried that I would make the elixir of life? I'm afraid you don't know yet? I have already made the elixir of life and took it! You want to restore the state of Chu? It's a joke !"

Hearing Ying Zheng's words, both Xiang Yu and Xiang Liang's eyes widened, with disbelief on their faces!

Especially Xiang Yu, who stared at Ying Zheng with disdain, his face flushed with anger, his mouth kept rising and falling, and he shouted,

"Tyrant! Tyrant! Wow!"

Xiang Yu coughed up a mouthful of blood with a wow!

Finally, he didn't come up in one breath, kicked his legs hard, and died with his eyes puffed out!

This can be described as death in peace!

Xiang Liang looked at the dead Xiang Yu in his arms, looked at the sky with great compassion, and cursed,

"The heavens have failed me! The heavens have failed me! If the tyrant hadn't obtained the formula of the elixir of life from the fairyland, how could my Yu'er be here today?"

Xiang Liang sighed, then raised the sword on the ground, and glared at Ying Zheng angrily!

Meng Tian and Wang Ben are about to swing their swords to win the government!

At this time, the imperial guards from Wangcheng also rushed over, drew their weapons, and surrounded Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu!

Xiang Liang knew that he would never have another chance to kill Ying Zheng, nor could he break out of the encirclement and escape, so he immediately wiped his neck with the horizontal sword!


The blood suddenly soared all over the ground!

Seeing the two die tragically on the spot, Ying Zheng shook his head, turned to look at Fu Sudao,

"My son is really smart! I was able to use a dynamite bag to blow up Xiang Yu unexpectedly! The widow is very pleased! But unfortunately, the dynamite bag just now seems to be insufficient? The widow is not very satisfied with its power. The power of the cannonballs I saw is too different!"

Hearing Ying Zheng's sigh, Fu Su hurriedly said,

"Father! My son can show you the true power of this explosive!"

Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, and he said,

"Oh? Show it to the widows!"

All the officials and ministers looked at Fusu. Fusu immediately picked out the biggest explosive package from the ground, pointed to a hilltop dozens of steps away, and said to several gunpowder factory workers,

"Bring me this dynamite pack and blow up that hill for me!"

Several gunpowder factory workers immediately led the order excitedly!

All the officials and ministers were surprised and puzzled when they heard the words, and said one after another,

"No way, no way? This explosive bag is not much bigger than the explosive bag that killed Xiang Yu just now. Can it blow up such a big mountain?"

"Ahem! Xiang Yu is full of blood and fierce! But he still couldn't resist the power of the pack of explosives just now! In my opinion, that mountain might really be blown up!

Just as the officials and ministers were discussing, several workers from the gunpowder factory quickly arrived at the top of the mountain, buried the explosives, ignited them, and ran towards this side quickly, shouting as they ran,

"It's going to explode! It's going to explode!"

Yingzheng and all the officials and officials were all focused on looking at the mountain!

The people watching outside the city also talked excitedly, saying,

"`"Damn it! The dynamite invented by the imperial court can't really blow up such a big mountain, can it?"

"I think it's okay! Didn't you hear what they said? This explosive is made with [Gunpowder Formula] from Wonderland! Where is Wonderland? Are there any treasures there?"

Without waiting for the people to say more, an explosion sounded even more deafening than the previous two sounds, and suddenly sounded from a distant mountain!

Everyone was so frightened that they quickly covered their faces and ears, trembling with fear!

When I looked at the past again, I saw that a huge mountain top had exploded suddenly following the huge noise, and the broken stones were flying, as if it had been flattened by the explosion just now!

All the officials and ministers were stunned!

They all swallowed hard, and said wonderfully,

"Wow! Is this the real power of explosives? Such outrageous things as breaking mountains and cracking rocks have actually come true!"

"Fuck, the sound of the explosion just now scared me to death! But the flattened mountain in front of me is even more unbelievable! If this explosive bag was used to blow up Xiang Yu just now, even a fierce man like Xiang Yu would have Was it blown to pieces?"

"Damn! Let alone Xiang Yu! Even we who are so far away from Xiang Yu will definitely be affected by the power of the explosion!"

"As expected, it is an explosive made with the recipe rewarded by the fairyland! If this thing is used on the battlefield and thrown into the enemy's camp, wouldn't it be able to kill and injure a large number of people?"

"A god! This explosive is really a god! If it is used in frontier defenses and used in conjunction with trebuchets, we Daqin, why would we suffer from the Huns?"

"There are explosives! Waiting for the Huns to invade? In my opinion, our Great Qin can easily destroy the Huns with explosives and the previous steel weapons!"

"Yes! Destroy the Huns! Destroy the Huns!"

Ying Zheng smiled and looked at the excited officials and ministers, Taoists,

"Dear dears! Now Daqin has such powerful explosives! It is imperative to destroy the Xiongnu! But before that, we must manufacture more explosives and more steel weapons for our Daqin soldiers Let's equip!

At the same time, we have to wait for sweet potatoes and potatoes to be successfully promoted to the whole of Daqin! Only when the food problem of Daqin is truly solved can we fight against the Xiongnu and fight fiercely in all directions!"

Hearing Yingzheng's plans for the future of Great Qin, all the officials and ministers agree!

Ying Zheng looked up at the sky and sighed,

"Just by entering the fairyland a few times before, I have obtained so many treasures that have brought great changes to Daqin! The widow really wants to hurry up and go to the fairyland again with a few lovers! I don't know what unexpected things I will get next time What about rewards?"

All the officials and ministers heard the words, and they all yearned to enter the fairyland!

And at this time, the leader of the Black Ice Terrace has brought Han Xin back to Xianyang!.

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