His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 967: Waistcoat

He stepped forward and walked towards the next door, leaving his parents behind.

Feng Tan held Qiao Shiwan's hand and said, "Axian is right. If we do this rashly, the sloppy will have psychological pressure, let them handle it by themselves."

Qiao Shiwan worried: "I don't know why, I always feel uneasy."

Feng Sheng sighed: "It was Achan's last time that made you feel that way. Don't think too much. This time is different. Bai Mucheng is not in control."

Last time...

Qiao Shiwan's eyes flashed past Feng Can's dying appearance.

Bai Mucheng was there at the time, could save him, and promised to save him on the phone. But in the end, I chose that car of cold high-tech products.

If Feng Xuan didn't give up, they would have never seen Feng Can grow into what he is now.

Qiao Shiwan's face was cold: "Don't mention him, I don't want to see him again for the rest of my life."

Late at night, Shi Yuqi received a call. The caller is her good partner in the secret network, the information review team.

"It's so late, why do you think of looking for me?" She lay on the bed, holding the phone in one hand and resting the other on the keyboard of the laptop.

The other party's voice was excited: "Guess what I found? It's definitely big news!"

"Guess what, just say it."

"Hey, aren't you looking for that hunt before? Some news!"

Shi Yuqi sat up all of a sudden, her eyes widened: "Say quickly."

"That's it. I just reviewed the new post and found a post that broke the news. Now I stopped it."

"What are you doing to stop it? I don't know if everyone is looking for it? Lingjiu was slapped a few days ago about this, and he was so funny."

"Listen to me first. The other party broke the news that the hunt was the female high school that I complained to me last time, Tang Qianmen! That is the person who is quite famous on the Internet recently, Bai Mi!"

Shi Yuqi's head was almost exploded by this message, and she couldn't make a sound for a long time.

"No, I saw that these two people were connected, so I wanted to talk to them before posting the post."

"Don't!" Shi Yuqi regained consciousness suddenly, walking around the room, her confused mind quickly sorted out, and said: "Don't, wait for me to think about it, wait for me to think about it."

The friend said: "That's OK, I'll just put it aside, and then I'll get in touch with me later."

Shi Yuqi hung up the phone and stayed by the bed for a long time. It took about half an hour before she called her friend back.

"Give me the information of the person who broke the news, and I will check with him. If it is true, it will be fun."

The friend laughed: "Listen to that, do you want to play?"

"Of course, how can you miss such a good opportunity."

Not long after, the other party gave her the post's information.

When she saw it, she suddenly felt strange that the address was actually on the training team's side.

Could it be that Tang Qianyan broke the news himself?

Upon closer inspection, it was a man, dispelling this concern.

She was not in a hurry to contact me, first read the evidence in the post and listened to the recording.

It was actually a recording by Lin Zifan and Tang Qianyan!

In this way, you are right.

But why should this person target Tang Qianyan?

If it is to be targeted, why has it been postponed until now?

In order to figure this out, she still decided to talk to herself.

The next day, she took the initiative to find Qin Mingyu and planned to talk to him in detail.

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