His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1612: Speak out in the name of my god

She thought for a moment, and thought of the Dark Alliance.

Now that it is so dangerous there, the ordinary staff will not take the risk, but under the reward, there must be a brave man, and the dark alliance will never be instigated.

Moreover, the people in the dark alliance have been strictly trained, and it is easier to adapt than ordinary people when they go there.

She quickly contacted the black chicken and asked him to arrange the matter.

Ten minutes later, the black chicken reported a very serious news——

"Boss, beep! They think of the dark alliance faster than us, and they used the power of the dark alliance on F continent!"

Qianmiao squeezed the phone tightly, and a bit of fierce enthusiasm rose in his eyes: "They are all the masters who recognize money but not people. Let me go out in the name of my God, and recruit 500 people for the special rescue team, and 50 people for the special rescue team. For the first team, the price is up to them. There is no upper limit on the bounty, but it must be the top one."

"I see!" Heiji hung up the phone hurriedly.

In the evening, Feng Xian came back from the company and heard her talk about it.

He didn't think much about it, and directly issued a reward in the name of Baiju to promote in the dark alliance.

This incident set off stormy waves within the dark alliance, which directly shocked the current seven heads.

Every head is in charge of the affairs within his own jurisdiction, and he would not interfere with the other side's affairs indiscriminately. However, as soon as this matter came out, the seven heads quickly assembled for a meeting. A disturbance will affect the unity within the alliance.

Here, the meeting hasn't had a result yet, and there is news coming from the bottom.

That said, the top five hundred warriors in the league were all attracted to the past by a lot of money, or they just rushed to the prestige of Atractylodes and Fushen, willing to sacrifice their lives.

From recruiting to the end, it took less than a day!

In addition to them, there are some loyal fans of Baiju who are willing to follow for free, and they have followed the past and worked hard.

During this process, no civil strife was caused.

At this point, the seven heads were relieved, and the meeting adjourned, each going back to each house.

After the special rescue team assembled, Qian Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

She continued to stay at home "obediently" and raise her baby at ease.

On the other side, in a dimly lit room, a phone call made Kunlun extremely irritable.

The sound he made frightened Lin Wenyu, who was doing chores in the outer room.

At first she thought that she was not doing well, and was reprimanded by him, and quickly bent over and wiped the floor hard.

After a while, I waited for a while, only to realize that no one else came out at all. It turned out that they were talking on the phone——

"Is your Bai family short of money? Give me some cash! My plan can't be disturbed!"

"The group of desperate desperadoes in the dark alliance only recognizes money. Now you let me break this road. They will definitely be misappropriated by Fengxian. What do you think?!"

"In short, I don't care how much you lose, F continent must win!"

Hearing this, Lin Wenyu slowly loosened her shoulders.

She guessed that it was the person from the Bai family who was talking to him on the phone.

The matter, probably something went wrong with the hiring of the dark alliance, that's why he was so angry.

After thinking about it, she put down the rag, took a cup of coffee and walked to the door to knock.

There was only a dim yellow light in it, which was very dim. The man wore a large and thick black robe and stood under the disc lamp, covering most of the light, making the whole room very cold and strange. He turned his head abruptly when he heard the sound, and the hideous mask also faced her once, causing her to shiver in a daze.

The coffee in the cup almost shook out.

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