His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1569: So handsome!

She understood, this man knew that someone was following him, and he didn't reveal it, just to attract them to the tiger's mouth!

"No! You can't do this, it's illegal to do this!" She said without thinking about it.

As soon as she finished speaking, a huge suction suddenly grabbed her whole person, and she was sucked into Kunlun's palm, and he caught her neck.

His palm is twice as big as an ordinary person, which is equivalent to the size of other people's two palms together, holding her neck like a chicken to be slaughtered.

"An eye-catching thing!"

He tightened suddenly.

Just when Qiandai thought that he had lost his life here, a faint phrase of "Bai Mucheng" came in his ear.

"Let her go."

A soft sentence, inexplicably with a deterrent force that crushes everything.

Kunlun snorted coldly, still selling his face and throwing people away.

Chiyo fell on the ground, relieved his breath, and couldn't help looking at "Bai Mucheng".

I was very puzzled, why did he protect her?

She thought it was the big brother.

Moreover, she wondered why Kunlun, such a powerful alienator, gave "Bai Mucheng" face so much?

No matter how powerful "Bai Mucheng" is, she is also an ordinary human being.

The two ignored her and walked to the door.

Kunlun waved at the wall, and a mechanism suddenly appeared, followed by a three-dimensional projection on the walls on both sides.

What you see is the situation outside.

In the cemetery, there are already many plainclothes policemen who are preparing to ambush them.

Kunlun laughed a few times and suddenly shouted: "Go, my soldiers! Turn all of them into your slaves!"

His voice is extraordinary, and he has a burly feeling of superpower.

In an instant, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and other "tombs" in the picture suddenly opened, and many aliens jumped out!

The humans lurking nearby were shocked and immediately attacked.

Chiyo looked at the picture and worried for them.

One of the aliens quickly stopped a policeman and opened his mouth to bite.

At this moment, a shining beam of light fell from the sky, causing the alienated person to stop.

A child fell from the sky and quickly rescued the policeman from the alienated man.

"What!" Kunlun snorted coldly.

"It's a robot, isn't it? Your corps can't even subdue a small robot?" "Bai Mucheng" sarcastically.

Kunlun's eyes showed a cold light, and he immediately pressed a few times on the wall's control button.

There was a buzzing sound immediately outside, and the little robot suddenly sounded an alarm.

"Hmph, see how he can resist this wave of interference!"

Sure enough, the little robot fell to the ground very quickly, and the humans fought crookedly, becoming inflexible.

The aliens continued to attack the group of policemen. For a time, five people jumped up and rushed to the group of policemen!

Chiyo's eyes widened, his hands clenched into fists unconsciously, clenched tightly!

Her heart hung in the air at the moment the aliens rushed over, and then fell fiercely.

I can only worry about them and feel a pity for them.

Just like witnessing the scene in the community just now, she was very worried and powerless.

Seeing that the dust settled, at this moment, things changed for the better!

The five alienated people who rushed over suddenly hovered in mid-air, and couldn't move forward anymore.

The group of policemen underneath escaped a catastrophe and deployed quickly without a trace of fear!

Kunlun was furious: "Who is it!"

As soon as the picture turned, I saw a beautiful woman suspended above the cemetery. Her face was solemn and cold, and her hand was slightly grasping in the direction of the five people, controlling their actions!

Just seeing her slender jade hands turned slightly, the five people slammed into the mountain like weak clowns, and they were all dizzy!

In the next second, the police stepped forward to subdue them one by one!

Looking at Tang Qianyan, Qiandai gradually showed admiration in his eyes.

Too, madam is so handsome!

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