His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1536: A contest of two

"But my parents set it up for me. They said it had meaning and was auspicious."

The man chuckles: "Auspicious? Just call this."

"Huh?" Her big eyes were full of doubts.

How do you feel so casual?

Like, he didn't care what name she changed to, as long as she was not called Chiyo.

"Big brother, I want to know why? Why can't I be called Chiyo? Isn't it...because that woman is called Chiyo?"

She asked slowly.

A strange color flashed in the man's eyes, his fingers unconsciously used his strength, and he stayed between her eyebrows for a few seconds. When he took it away, a small mark was left.

The slight pain made her frown.

She knows, it must be.

That woman must be the person in the elder brother's heart, that's why she would mind so much.

Even if there is an overlap in other people's names, it won't work.

She thought for a while, then said: "Okay, I change my name, but my name is not Jixiang, I want to have the same surname as my elder brother."

"Whatever you want." After a lazy sentence, the man got up and left.

She pursed her lips for a moment, and got an idea: "I want to call..."

The name she just thought of has not yet been exported, and she can no longer see the man.

So depressed.

She guarded at the door until the next morning.

There was movement inside, and she immediately got up and ran to get a glass of water.

Just waking up in the morning, the first need is always water.

The door opened, and she met the man's cool face.

"Big brother, drink water."

The man just glanced lightly and asked, "Why not go to school?"

Chiyo blinked, and his curiosity became stronger, and he unconsciously murmured the thoughts in his heart: "Hey, it's the same again."

The eldest brother has returned to the way he was a few days ago, gentle and elegant, cold and noble.

Then, last night must be because of the visit of that mysterious person, it was so strange.

She answered her own questions in her heart.

Bai Mucheng didn't care about her self-talk, took the glass of water in his hand, and said lightly: "Go to school, you don't have to follow me every day."

Chiyo keeps up: "But it's already the end of the semester. I plan to go to school seriously next semester. Anyway, I have to repeat the grade, and I learn quickly, and I can keep up if I don't go often."

She smiled: "Big brother, you just believe Yu see you."

"See you in the rain? Who is it?"

"It's the name I thought of last night!" She smiled, "Because it happened to rain when we first met, so I thought of this name."

A faint doubt flashed across the man's pure eyes, and he asked casually: "Aren't you called Chiyo?"

The little girl is dumbfounded again, why have you forgotten this again?

"Yes, but, you said my name was not good last night, so you asked me to change it. Moreover, this name overlaps with that lady's name." She hesitated to explain the whole story.

"You deleted her picture, and then you don't want to hear about her..."

Before the words fell, she was startled by the man's sudden gloomy expression.

He was looking for something everywhere, and finally saw his mobile phone in the corner of the sofa. He picked it up and looked at it for a while.

His face is getting more and more ugly!

"Big brother...what's wrong with you? Didn't you delete the photos yourself?"

Bai Mucheng squeezed the phone tightly with a terrible expression.

After a long time, he made a decision, and looked at the little girl with dark eyes.

The little girl pursed her lips, her heart beating quickly.

A little scared, awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring.

"From today, your task is to supervise me."

She was puzzled again.

Bai Mucheng looked at her with deep eyes and made a decision.

Outside the house, cicadas scream loudly, and summer is really here.

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