His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1419: I won't come back, this is not my home!

At the same time, Jingcheng, Shi's family.

Tonight was Shi Chengan’s father’s birthday, so he put on a family dinner, in addition to family members, Tang Yi was also invited over.

A year ago, Lin Wenyu married into the Shi family and came in as the adopted daughter of the Tang family, so the Tang family was considered her natal family.

At this time, the banquet was over, Tang Yi and Shi Shaolin entered the study to chat.

In the past two years, the two companies have cooperated very closely. The Shi family has gradually alienated the Feng family and made choices with their feet.

In the past, several major families in China were headed by the Feng family, followed by Wan and Bai, followed by Tang and Shi. Now, with the turmoil, the Bai family has developed a general trend from vaccines and jumped up. As a partner, the Tang family has also risen steadily. Only Feng family, because Feng Xian insisted on withdrawing from the alliance, was jointly suppressed by the alliance, and his status suddenly dropped from number one to fourth.

Now, in country G, the Bai family is the biggest.

In order to form an alliance with Tang Yi, Shi Shaolin specifically cancelled the marriage contract between Shi Cheng'an and Feng Chuchu, and instead married Lin Wenyu, this trick was indeed useful.

"President Tang, I heard that Cang will hold a general meeting of shareholders tomorrow to elect a new president successor. What do you think about this matter?"

Tang Yi smiled but didn't care, and didn't care much: "Once Cang Ting lets go, the Cang clan will definitely fall into the hands of his side, and it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky if he wants to take it back again."

"I think it's a good thing to change people. The Cang clan's delay in standing in line is largely due to Cang Ting. If he retreats to the second line and let the young people call the shots, I have great confidence in bringing Cang clan in.

This hit Tang Yi's mind.

"Cang Lan? Let people choose some gifts, and when the results come out tomorrow, they will send them to congratulate her."

Shi Shaolin smiled: "In my opinion, it is better to find a time to have a meal together, let me arrange it."

Tang Yi nodded slightly, agreeing.

Not long after, Shi Shaolin and his wife escorted him to the door and watched him leave.

Seeing the car go away, the two were about to turn around and return to the house, only to see a sports car slowly stopping in front of the door.

Two young men got out of the car and nodded in greeting to them: "Uncle and aunt."

With that, he opened the back seat and helped a drunk man out.

"Angel, I'm home."

Shi Chengan waved his hand, and twisted his body into the car: "I won't come back, this is not my home!"

Shi Shaolin couldn't see him like this, so he couldn't get angry: "Buying drunk all day for a Feng Chuchu, it's a shame for me!"

Shi Chengan didn't respond, and desperately drilled into the car.

Shi Shaolin frowned and said, "Let's leave him alone and drive away!"

The two young men nodded, quickly pulled Shi Cheng'an out, closed the door, and drove away with a scream.

Shi Chengan lay on the ground, motionless, panting slightly.

The mother rushed forward to check, but was stopped by Shi Shaolin.

"Leave him alone, don't come back if you don't love it! Let him fend for himself!"

After that, he took his wife back.

The mother looked back uneasy, thinking of something, and hurried to the second floor.

The second floor is the room of Lin Wenyu and his wife.

She knocked on the door and opened it directly.

I happened to see Lin Wenyu holding a glass of water, and his hand bounced off the glass.

It seems to be scared.

"What are you doing?" Shi Mu wondered.

Lin Wenyu smiled stiffly, and her hand behind her squeezed a piece of square white paper, with fine white powder falling from it.

"It's nothing, Mom, I just want to drink a glass of water."

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