His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1067: East and west fireworks

Fengxian only said: "Take victory for a walk."

"Huh? Aren't you at home?"

"I have something."

"But I..."

Wei Wu tugged at the corner of his clothes: "It's okay, I want to see victory too."

Feng Can smiled immediately: "Okay, then we will go now."

Turning his head to look at Fengxian, "Brother, what are you going to do?"

Fengxian's expression was indifferent: "Official business."

"I'm still busy with official business on the big weekend..." Feng Can took Wei Wu towards the dog house with a spit.

Feng Xian turned and sat down, picked up the Xiuguang Jade Bowl Knife and continued his work.

A layer of wood debris fell on the ground, and many debris still fell from his hands at this time. In his hand he holds an almost completed woodcarving artwork of a character. The mahogany substrate is bright in color. Although it is a woodcarving, the eyes of the character are bright, vivid and full of aura.

After more than ten minutes, the man lowered his head and took a breath, and finally a bit of sawdust flew away from the statue to finish.

He put down the carving knife, and after looking at it left and right, he put it in a precious gift box and covered it.

At this time, Qian Miao was answering the phone.

Since this morning, she has been answering calls non-stop.

Friends from all walks of life called her to congratulate her, one for her birthday, and the other for the college entrance examination champion. Heiji said that the room was filled with gifts, and he waited for him to open it when he was tired of collecting them.

After answering the call, Qian Miao's mouth was dry, and he was about to go out for a drink when suddenly he called again.

It's a big white.

"Eleventh, happy birthday."

"Well, thanks, didn't you come here last time?"

"Oh, I'm very busy with official business. I probably won't be able to pass it today. I have already sent the gift over there. Remember to read it."

Qian Mi looked down, thinking about something.

After a few seconds, she answered and put down the phone.

In the evening, the party began.

Everyone is organizing to play games, and there is a lot of excitement everywhere.

Qianmiao nestled on the sofa and glanced at his phone from time to time.

Feng Can smiled and crossed his face: "Look for my brother?"

Tired of dancing, Lu Wanyu sat down and said, "Yes, why didn't you see Brother Fengxian, he didn't show up on such an important day?"

A guilty conscience flashed over the corner of Feng Can's eyes, and then he said, "Maybe it's something to be busy. He has a lot of business today. I walked the dog with Xiaowen today, right?"

Qian Mian didn't speak, but a touch of sorrow appeared between her eyebrows, perhaps even she didn't notice it.

At this moment, there was a sound from outside!

"Wow-so beautiful!"

"Is the firework show?! It's really beautiful!"

Feng Can smiled: "Let's go, let's go take a look too."

Qian Mian was dragged up by Wei Wu and Lu Wanyu and dragged out to watch.

Outside the house, everyone gathered together and looked up at the night sky covered with gorgeous fireworks. The fireworks bloomed in clusters, and they were brilliant and beautiful.

Suddenly, the flashing bright fireworks showed a few words: Happy birthday, ethereal.

Everyone cast their envy toward Qian Mian, and Feng Can smiled happily and said: "Sister Miao, please be happy now, my brother doesn't remember your birthday, he has been working on this all day long!"

At this time, the sky on the other side showed brilliant fireworks at the same time.

Both east and west are in full bloom.

Everyone only regards this as part of the surprise. However, the insider Feng Can was suspicious: "When will it be there?"

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