A large number of civil and military officials who had come to open the early dynasty had gathered in the Qilin Hall.

Hundreds of civil and military officials formed groups of three or five, exchanging the news they knew.

They had different expressions, and there was only one person at the center of the discussion.

It is the newly born twentieth prince, Huan Chen.

The birth of the new prince yesterday was a great joy for the whole country.

But this prince is too special.

First, before the birth of the earth, it caused visions between heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth changed color, and golden points of light gathered into a vortex, which remained unchanged for a long time.

The people outside the city thought that the gods had come and bowed down one after another.

Even many people have witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

Although not as fanatical as the people, they were also greatly shocked.

The history books write that when special people are born, visions will come.

For example, the former King Wu of Zhou is said to have been born when purple qi came east, and heavenly thunder fell.

Many civil and military officials used to believe that it was the beautification of future generations.

But they didn't expect that there was really such a thing in reality, and it happened in front of them!

After this prince is born, it will be even more special.

I heard that as soon as he was born, he could talk and walk, grow teeth and eat meat, grow in the wind, and soon became a doll of five or six years old.

If this is just a rumor, at most it can be regarded as adding another layer of mysterious aura to the birth of this prince.

Unusually, His Majesty personally issued an edict, saying that his newborn son was innate divine and auspicious of Daqin.

This move of the emperor immediately made this rumor believable.

Innate sacred!

The weight of this word is extremely heavy!

If it weren't for the new prince's really outstanding performance, how could His Majesty easily use this word to describe it!

If in the future, it is just a prince with a mediocre performance, isn't that just hitting His Majesty in the face?

Then, another thing happened that shocked everyone's teeth.

That was the incident in which the eighteenth prince was violently beaten.

It is said that the one who started beating Hu Hai Gongzi was the new prince!

As soon as this news came out, Wen Wu Baiguan really doubted his ears.

The eighteenth prince Hu Hai has always been favored, and he is a little well-known among His Majesty's sons.

However, this eighteenth son is already thirteen years old, and not 05 is three years old!

How could a newborn child be beaten violently?!

This is unthinkable anyway!

I really don't know if Prince Hu Hai is too useless, or the twentieth prince is too brave.

It stands to reason that they are all His Majesty's own sons, and both of them reprimanded them when this happens.

But His Majesty actually punished the eighteenth prince, who had always been favored!

It was Hu Hai Gongzi, the victim who was beaten, who was punished!

Not only that, but even the mother concubine Hu Ji with Hu Hai's son also fell three levels in a row!

In the harem, she was also the first concubine to appear because her son was demoted three levels in a row!

When the civil and military officials got the news, they couldn't sit still.

This kind of action fully shows that His Majesty's preference for this new prince is incomparable!

It was as if he had put him in a position above other princes!

This move suddenly broke the original situation in which all princes were equal and competed for the position of crown prince together.

It became a pattern in which the twentieth prince flourished, and later prevailed, and other princes were difficult to match.

In this way, there will be many fans for the new prince, and his power will expand rapidly.

The young prince gathered a large number of resources around him, as well as the favor of the emperor.

At that time, it is inevitable that other older princes will not be dissatisfied, which will cause turmoil...

In short, His Majesty's move may have brought bloody storms among the courtiers.

At this time, the ministers saw Prime Minister Li Si, and they all came forward and asked, "Prime Minister, what should I do now?" "

Li Si did not rush to express his opinion, and asked everyone with his back hand: "What can you do?" "

The crowd was speechless.

His Majesty has always said that he really wants to support the twenty princes, and he will not listen to their opinions!

Moreover, this is His Majesty's own son, which round will get them more mouths?

Just as everyone was talking about it, Ying Zheng arrived, followed by Ying Chen.

The moment Ying Chen appeared, he attracted the attention of everyone present.

Prince's costume?

Is this child wearing a royal uniform?

The civil and military officials widened their eyes one by one.

I couldn't help but exchange a look with my colleagues.

Could it be that this is the new prince who can speak as soon as he is born?

How did it grow so big?

Can a newborn child really grow that big?

The civil and military officials did not dare to speak, and could only communicate with their colleagues with their eyes.

To be honest, they didn't want to believe that this was the Twenty Prince.

A child who was born one day will look five or six years old the next day.

Anyone who comes to see it is a fantasy!

But if you don't believe it, you can't do it.

Because everyone has seen the other princes, they all know what they look like.

Only this one is very strange.

Moreover, none of His Majesty's first nineteen princes are of this age.

The only one who is the right age is the twenty princes who have just been born.

So, those rumors are true?

Wen Wu Baiguan recalled the rumored description, imagined that picture, and couldn't help but shiver.

At this moment, the sharp-eyed person noticed what Ying Chen was holding in his hand.

That's the Heavenly Sword!

It is the symbol of the emperor of Daqin!

This fact was so amazing that he couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice, "It's Tianwen!" "

Hearing this man's exclamation, all the civil and military officials looked at it.

After seeing that it was really the Heavenly Sword, the ministers couldn't help but be horrified!

God asks what it represents, they couldn't be clearer!

It is the inviolable majesty of the king of a country, a symbol of the glory of the empire!

What does it mean that His Majesty handed over Tianwen to the Winner of Dust?!

This is a privilege that even Fusu Gongzi and Huhai Gongzi do not have!

Could it be that in His Majesty's heart, the heir of Daqin finally has a belonging?

One by one, an astonishing guess came to everyone's mind.

They can hardly maintain their calm appearance on weekdays.

And it was at this time that Ying Zheng sat down on the dragon chair and looked down on the courtiers.

Only then did the civil and military officials wake up like a dream, and they saluted one after another.

From a high position, you can see everything below.

Ying Zheng's eyes were like electricity, scanning down at everyone.

The imperial majesty could not help but spread.

Under such coercion, everyone bowed their heads one after another, not daring to look at Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng looked at the submission of the civil and military officials, and his expression became more and more serious.

He said in a deep voice: "My Great Qin swept through the Six Kingdoms, ruled the world, created immortal deeds, and brought long-term peace to the world. "

"But there are always people with bad intentions who want to make a mess out of it! For this kind of person, no matter who it is, Xu found that one kills one! "

In the end, a trace of murderous air that could not be concealed was revealed between the emperor's lips and teeth.

This terrified the listener.

Wen Wubai's head hung lower, and he did not dare to look at the first emperor.

In their hearts, layers of doubts have appeared at this time.


Who is this talking about?

Could it be the remnants of the Six Kingdoms? Or those sons and daughters?

Did they cause some turmoil again?

Why didn't they receive a little message?

Wen Wu Bai Guan is puzzled.

Ying Zheng, who was sitting in a high position, took in their expressions, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Then he nodded to a eunuch.

Immediately, a box was presented by the eunuch.

After noticing the eunuch's movements, the officials began to pay attention to his movements with their afterlight.

The box was presented to the emperor.

There was a hint of disgust on Ying Zheng's face.

He opened the box directly, and then an object was carried by him and thrown into the temple!

That thing was Zhao Gao's head!

The head gurgled and rolled to the feet of everyone.

On the blood-stained head, there was still a twisted look of fear.

It was as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world before he died.

After everyone saw that the thing thrown down by the emperor turned out to be a bloody head, they were horrified!

Military attachés who have been on the battlefield are okay, where have civilian officials seen such a posture?!

They almost sat on the ground in fright and ran backwards!

If it weren't for the last trace of reason reminding them that this was the Imperial Front, I am afraid that they would have run out screaming.

The generals were not afraid, but when they suddenly saw a person's head, their hearts were still abrupt.

They boldly stepped forward to check on the skull. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Soon, someone recognized the owner of the skull.

"Zhao Gao?!"

"It's Zhongshufu Ling Zhao Gao!"

Lees stood aside, his eyes wide.

For a while, a wave of horror was set off in his heart.

Zhao Gao? This is Zhao Gao?!

Zhao Gao actually died?!

Unlike Li Si's shock and fear, Wang Ben and other military generals were very happy.

They have long been displeased with Zhao Gao.

A gelding who used to play right and wrong in front of His Majesty.

Gain power along the way through rhetoric.

Martial generals who exchange their lives for merit are naturally unaccustomed to such villains.

But it can't stand that Zhao Gao is a person close to His Majesty, and if you want to wear small shoes for them, you only need to touch your mouth up and down.

The martial general is outside, and he is most afraid of the villain putting cold arrows behind.

Therefore, the generals hated and helplessly treated Zhao Gaona.

Huan Zheng looked at the eunuch beside him, and the eunuch agreed, and shouted: "Silence! "

The civil and military officials immediately quieted down.

Huan Zheng said coldly: "Zhao Gao, commit a crime!" Personally led the Luowang expert to trespass into the harem, intending to assassinate the prince Yingchen, the crime was extremely evil! "

"Now executed, to set an example!"

When the news was announced, Ying Zheng was still angry.

Without him, Zhao Gao's move was a great betrayal of him.

Everyone knows that in the past, Zhao Gao was a close minister by his side and followed him for nearly twenty years.

He was even willing to give his son Hu Hai to Zhao Gao.

But I never expected that it was he who looked away!

Zhao Gao, this guy, has a remnant of death!

Wen Wu Bai Guan was first shocked by the news of Zhao Gao's death.

Then, because of what the emperor said, they all gasped.

Hiss! Zhao Gao: Is this crazy?

His Majesty uses him so much! He actually led people to assassinate the prince?

Where did he have the audacity to dare to act like this?

I'm afraid that I can't get crazy?

Then the courtiers were afraid for a while.

Zhao Gao even dared to kill the prince, if he really let him succeed, then he was afraid that he would assassinate His Majesty next?!

The prince and His Majesty are not far apart!

If His Majesty is assassinated, then Daqin needless to say, I am afraid that it will be subverted immediately!

The remnants of the Six Kingdoms will definitely take advantage of the chaos, and at that time, the world will be a mess of life again...

As soon as he thought of this, Wen Wu Bai Guan felt the cold wind behind him, blowing goosebumps.

Zhao Gao's hatred is really hateful!

A gelding almost subverted the foundation of Daqin!

Fortunately, Your Majesty is wise! Crushed Zhao Gao's conspiracy.

The cold sweat on Wen Wu Baiguan's forehead slipped down his cheeks.

Coming back to their senses, they had sensed the anger in the emperor at this time.

Everyone who can stand here is a human spirit, and there are more eyes in their hearts than one.

Almost as soon as they breathed in, they understood what His Majesty was thinking.

At this time, many people also remembered the small reports that had been beaten behind the net over the years.

The hatred that had been hidden in my heart for a long time came out one by one.

Don't scold Zhao Gao at this time, when will you stay?

A Wen Chen immediately stood up and said bitterly: "Your Majesty, Zhao Gao's wolf heart and lungs have failed His Majesty's love, it is really not a pity to die!" "

One came out, others were not left behind.

"Zhao Gao plotted to kill the prince, this is not only against His Majesty, but also against Daqin! He wanted to destroy Daqin's Ten Thousand Worlds Foundation! "

"Killing the newborn little master, is this something that a human can do? Zhao Gao's dehumanization and conscience! "

"Raising a dog can still take care of the nursing home, Zhi'en Tubao, Zhao Gao is a thief, it is really not as good as an animal!"

"Such as Zhao Gao, such a rebel thief, it should be scolded by ten thousand people! Leave a stench for 10,000 years! "

While scolding Zhao Gao, some people should not forget to show their loyalty and pat the horse.

"Zhao Gao dog thief! I only hate that the ministers and others are not by His Majesty's side, sharing worries for His Majesty! "

"Fortunately, His Majesty Shengming was not deceived by that castrate, this is the luck of His Majesty, and it is also the luck of the world463!"

In short, everyone's words are different, the pattern is new,

Seeing this scene, Yingchen opened his eyes and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The ability of civil officials to see the wind and steer is high!

The wall fell and everyone pushed it, and the drum broke and threw thousands of people.

In terms of falling into the well, it has to be a civil official!

That knife mouth, I can't wait for every sentence to scrape a piece of meat from Zhao Gao's body!

Even the living Zhao Gao standing here, I am afraid that he will also be drowned by their spit stars.

On the contrary, those military generals were not so clever, and one by one they were still thinking of words there.

The generals are not not angry.

It's that they are accustomed to not moving their hands on weekdays, so they don't have such a large vocabulary, and they don't have the rich experience of fighting on Wenchen's mouth.

So when I encountered this incident, the reaction was a beat slower.

When Wang Ben and other military generals also came back to their senses, the crowd of civil officials who had already scolded was excited.

The military generals had to follow suit and join the civil officials.

"Well killed! Zhao Gao, that guy should have died a long time ago. "

"I have long seen him unpleasantly, he really deserves to kill!"

"It's too cheap for him to die, if it falls into my hands, he will definitely ask for death!"

Ying Zheng listened to the scolding of the civil and military officials, and was very satisfied.

Sometimes, when you hate someone, instead of being angry and angry, it is better to find a bunch of people to scold with you.

Seeing others angrier than you and more swearing in a variety of ways will make you feel much better.

That's how it is now.

He felt that his anger was divided among others, and he felt a lot of relief at once.

The battle lasted for a full quarter of an hour.

Finally, everyone stopped scolding and gradually quieted down.

Huan Zheng looked radiant at this time, and spoke: "In addition to the eradication of Zhao Gao, Xu has another important matter to announce. "

Saying that, he looked at Yingchen.

Windust stepped forward.

When Wen Wu Bai saw this scene, his heart jumped.

Your Majesty, it won't be to set the position of the prince, right?!

Not yet ready for them.

Huan Zheng suddenly spoke: "Recently, I feel that I am physically and mentally exhausted, and I can't handle state affairs, but fortunately, I have obtained a cultivation method, which is of great benefit to my body. "

"It has been decided to retreat from now on to cultivate the Dao and recuperate, and during this period, the twentieth prince Yingchen will serve as the supervisor of the country."

"All state affairs are handled by the prince Huan Chen, on his behalf."

This news is simply thunderous!

Once announced, overturn everyone in the hall!

The older officials stumbled and almost fell directly to the ground.

Just when they wondered if they had a problem with their ears, they found that other officials were the same as themselves.

Wen Wu and Hundred Officials looked at Yingchen, who was only five or six years old, and looked at Ying Zheng, all of them were confused.

At this moment, their inner activities are similar.

Who am I? Where am I? What did I hear?

Your Majesty wants to retreat?!

Also appointed a five- or six-year-old child as a prison country?!

His Majesty, who is in the prime of life, wants to hand over Daqin into the hands of a child?!

PS: Please book it all! Customize yourself! Ask for flowers! Thank you, Yanzu!

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