Biquge, the latest chapter of the East Bed will be updated as soon as possible!

Xiao Gu ’s really did not eat well or sleep well recently, because Qi Qi went to the palace more and more often.

The resentment deepened in my heart, so she also hated Shen Ziqiao, who indirectly made Qi Yan better.

Today, she is watching all the female members with status and status in Beijing. She deliberately said the words of mother-in-law Shenzi Qiaoke and mother-in-law Kuke, making Shenziqiao ’s reputation of being precarious even more unsound. She wants Shenziqiao to never marry Going out can only stay in the Shen family and be old and lonely, so as to dispel her anger.

I didn't expect the neon county host to protect Shen Ziqiao, didn't it mean that since the Pan's death, the neon county host and the Shen family have gradually disappeared?

What I hate most is Shen Ziqiao's sharp mouth! She scolded her in front of everyone.

If it wasn't for the Neon County Lord who finally sent Shen Ziqiao to the mud, she would not let go of that cheap hoof.

Shen Ziqiao was pulled by Luo Zhao huā to sit at the table on the other side. This table was filled with young girls. Sheng Peiyin and Beitang Zhenjing were here.

"Is it okay?" Sheng Peiyin asked with concern after Shen Ziqiao sat down, but she was secretly pleased, and she could not wait for the Gu Gu to scold Shen Ziqiao for a few more words.

Xiao Gu's dislike of Shen Ziqiao so much, he would definitely not want to marry her daughter-in-law.

Shen Ziqiao nodded expressionlessly and did not answer her.

Beitang Zhenjing took a silk sip and pursed her lips, and said softly, "Master Qi was unconscious, but Mrs. Qi did not care about his attitude to others, but now it is different. Most of An Guogong's son ... Master Qi, you added her block, no wonder she said you in front of everyone. "

"Qi Ye is not stupid about me, and I don't owe their family." Shen Ziqiao hated his teeth itchingly. Don't let her encounter this asshole.

It was nothing good to meet him.

Luo Zhao huā patted the back of her hand "" Don't be angry, no matter what Mrs. Qi said, no one would believe it. "

"Little huā, you are such a good person." She has said in front of so many people that she is a mother-in-law and a mother-in-law.

"Forbearance for a while is calm, and revenge in person is not good for you." You, just stupid. "Luo Zhao huā earned Shen Ziqiao under the table, and whispered in her ear." "You should just be pitiful, crying and let my mother decide for you, to gain sympathy, quarrel with Xiao Gu's in person, only It feels like you're too much. "

I rub! Why didn't you expect it! She should have pretend to be a little white huā just now, and then all kinds of innocents and all kinds of pitiful, really ..., it was too bad.

"Little huā" you are too dark. Shen Ziqiao looked at Luo Zhao with bright eyes, sister paper, you are not a fellow.

"What and what is black?" Luo Zhao asked in confusion.

Shen Ziqiao laughed hey, "I praise you for being smart."

Luo Zhao huā gave her a glance "I all look at it in the palace, you don't know, those damsels were born into the millennium, and they are all very fine."

"When will you show me insights?" Shen Ziqiao said.

"Okay, but only if my mother agrees ..."

The two little girls were biting their ears in a low voice. The eyes of Beitang Zhenjing and Sheng Peiyin looked like sword lightsabers. "The other girls at the table could not sit still.

"Eat nothing," Beitang Zhenjing said lightly.

Luo Zhao huā and Shen Ziqiao looked at each other, and sat down and ate their heads.

Sheng Peiyin poked her lips and looked at the young Gu's talking to the neon county master.

After the meeting, Luo Zhao huā, Ding Zhuo Shen Ziqiao often came to her to play, only to get Shen Ziqiao's agreement, before sending her to the carriage.

Beitang Zhenjing left with Mrs. Beitang.

"Qiao Jiao, let's go together." Sheng Peiyin followed Shen Ziqiao's carriage,

With a smile, he said, "It was only for the people at Shicai's house that he knew that the carriage had crashed on the road."

Is Sheng Jia just a carriage ...

Shen Ziqiao crooked on the couch, squinting with sleepy eyes. "Sister Sheng's home really wants to follow me."

"I'm going to Shang Pin Lou." Sheng Peiyan said.

Shen Ziqiao did not answer. She knew that Sheng Peiyin was definitely anxious to say that she would follow.

"Waiting for a long time" Sheng Peiyin didn't wait for Shen Zi to say that she would go to Shangpinlou. She hated her heart and smiled softly. "In the past two days, Shangpinlou has invited a new cook, and her sauce elbow is top-notch. Many customers They all said that it was almost the same as the royal dining room. "

"Is it easy to eat the sauce elbow in the royal dining room?" Shen Ziqiao asked in surprise, otherwise how would he know that the dining room was almost the same.

Sheng Peiyin said angrily, "I just use an analogy. "

Oh, Shen Ziqiao.

Xu Xun, Sheng Peiyin seemed to inadvertently mention "right" Qi Cai Qi also seemed to be in Rong'an Hou's home, and Jiu Wangye was also. "

Shen Ziqiao sat upright and straightened up. "Be vigilant, beware that Sheng Peiyin will come and test her again." "Master Qi Da and Jiu Wangye have nothing to do with me at Luo's house."

Sheng Peiyin sighed. "Don't you worry that Lord Jiu Wang knows you met Master Qi in Zhuangzi?"

"What about Lord Nine?" Shen Ziqiao asked curiously. Who is she? Who did she meet to have a dime relationship with him?

"You" this bale "" In case Lord Nine misunderstood you.

Shen Ziqiao looked sadly and desperately out the window "I don't care anymore."

Seeing her like this, Sheng Peiyin was satisfied. As long as Shen Ziqiao still had Lord Nine, she would have a way to control the straw bag.

Shangpinlou arrived soon, and was full of brightly-dressed customers, and it really looked like business was booming.

"I'll ask the shopkeeper to prepare two sauce elbows for you to take home." Sheng Peiyin said with a smile.

The sentiment was difficult. Shen Ziqiao got out of the car. She actually wanted to know what Sheng Peiyin wanted to do.

At the back of the so-called VIP area, Sheng Peiyin smiled softer and whispered softly. She walked with a graceful appointment and saw Shen Ziqiao's back chilling.

"Miss Sheng San, I didn't expect to see you here." From the other side of the huā garden, came a young man wearing a sapphire dark purple moire group huā straight, the man did not look very good, It was the embarrassing expression when looking at Sheng Peiyin that was more impressive.

"Master Wang Er, why are you here?" Sheng Peiyin replied with a smile.

"Here comes with Lord Nine, alas, they came out." Master Wang Er pointed to the west facing the huā garden, and several well-dressed young men came out, and in front of them was Lord Nine.

Shen Ziqiao's eyes flickered a little, she saw Qi Yan's expression of embarrassment standing in the middle of those people.

Sheng Peiyin also saw Qi Yun behind Lord Jiu Wang. She glanced back at Shen Ziqiao and said pretentiously, "" Why, how is Lord Jiu Wang with Master Qi Da? I don't know if Master Qi Da would say something to Lord Jiu Wang. "

What are they doing over there? Shen Ziqiao Qiao Xiu's eyebrows frowned, so she looked in Sheng Peiyin's eyes, but thought she was worried that Qi Ye told Jiu Wangye that they were in Zhuangzi.

"Master Wang Er shouted aloud" "Master Nine, and Miss Sheng San also came. "

Hearing the voice of Master Wang Er, Lord Jiu's mouth bent, his eyes glanced up at Sheng Peiyin, and the joy and love in his eyes were not hidden at all, but when he saw Shen Ziqiao behind the beloved woman, that feminine face Immediately sank.

Isn't she a demon monster, seeing her as for this expression? Shen Ziqiao thought depressively.

Sheng Peiyin took Shen Ziqiao's hand and walked over, smiling with the King Nine and blessed them with happiness. "The King Nine is so interested today. Did n’t you drink enough wine at Rong Anhou? "

Lord Nine looked greedily at her beautiful face, and even spared the light from the corner of her eyes to Shen Zibei. Shen Ziqiao didn't care about this huā peacock, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Qi Yan.

Just as Qi Yan's dark eyes looked at her.

Someone said with a smile, "Everyone heard that Master Qi Da is not stupid. Everyone helps him congratulate him. Master Zhu Liu Shi just listened to Master Qi Liu said that he had practiced a few times before and came out to do two moves with him. "

Master Wang Er said lightly, "That's because Master Qi Da doesn't know a few characters, so he can't fight with him."

Shen Ziqiao understood that these people were deliberately entertaining.

They didn't believe in Qi Xi's recovery at all, so they were trying to find a way to test Qi Qi, in fact, they were just having fun.

These dregs flickered in the eyes of Shen Ziqiao.

Qi Yan looked at the disdain in her eyes, and her thin lips rose without leaving any traces. This little girl really was different from the rumors.

She has never looked at Lord Nine from just now.

If she was really affectionate to Lord Nine, how could she focus on others.

"Master Qi, let's talk about it a few times." Master Zhu Liu drank some wine, flushed his face, rolled up his sleeves, and wanted to do something with Qi Qi.

Qi Yan stood tall and straight like a pine. He wore a sapphire blue crow and a plum ball. He wore silk silk, and the bun was fixed with a ladle of jade fat. It was both mature and not expensive. Those around you are comparable.

Shen Ziqiao suppressed the envelope in his heart, and looked forward to Qi Xi's waiting for this dry man to become a pig.

Finally, the nine kings were also fattened, and the huā peacock was flattened into a pheasant.


Shen Ziqiao watched dumbly as Qi Yan was lying on the ground by the second goods named Master Zhu Liuli.

What a joke! But she has seen Qi Di's messenger appear in her carriage, such a skill can not even beat a second cargo?

"Are you okay?" Shen Ziqiao saw that no one was there in the past to help Qi Qi, busy walked over to look at him, don't be stupid.

Lord Nine King came with a calm face and scolded Master Zhu Liu "" How did Zhu Liu get so heavy? Master Qi Da finally managed to heal. You should be merciful. " "

Sheng Peiyin's eyes looked at Qi Feng from fiery to coldness. It turned out that Qi Yan looked good, but in fact it was useless.

"That's right, don't make Master Qi Da idiot again." I wonder who laughed out loud.

Shen Ziqiao calmly looked down at Qi Qi, who was silent, and didn't understand what he thought.

Sheng Peiyin stopped paying attention to Qi Qi, and smiled and invited the nine kings and others to continue drinking in the cabin.

(For a pink ticket ~~~)

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