Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 325: : leave after all

Wuzhu immediately became extremely gigantic again,

If it weren't for this situation, this situation is too solemn, and I would have slipped away first if I couldn't say enough.

At the same time, he will explain, "I'm sorry, I don't know this guy, you can do whatever you want."

Compared to Wuzhu, the rest of the Konoha ninja looked at each other in dismay.

However, soon, as the censor continued to perform.

They also felt that this guy was procrastinating, and he was playing tricks on them.

Now they don't have time to waste any more time here.

The movement just now was too great, and they wanted to confirm, where would they continue to delay here.

At the same time, an Anbu ninja beckoned to his companions, meaning that the two stayed behind to entangle Yushi and Wuzhu.

For the rest, go around first.

But as the others understood what he meant, it was time to act.

The Censor, who was still showing off something, suddenly turned cold:

Immediately, flying sand and stone, with a wave of his hand, the countless black sand and iron around them, directly like locusts crossing the border,

Gathered from all directions,

Then, surround him.

He said in a cold tone, "Damn, you don't give me face like this."

Then, with a wave of his hand, the sand iron immediately turned into many long whips and smashed at the Anbu ninja.

Seeing this, Anbu Ninja frowned, "Magnetic escape,"

Immediately, Anbu exclaimed,

But at this time, of course, I can't handle that much anymore.

They all began to avoid or block the long whip coming from this attack.

And seeing that Anbu was in a hurry,

Censor's ninjutsu didn't stop, but the cold expression on his face disappeared.

So he smiled again: "Is that right? How bad is it to fight and kill."

"With this kung fu, wouldn't it be interesting to learn to dance?"

But even though he said that, the long whip made of sand iron not only did not decrease in power, on the contrary, it became more violent.

All of a sudden, these people are really a little more miserable.

And after the winter rain standing on the Hokage Rock temporarily blocked the gathering of Konoha ninjas with powerful ninjutsu,

Following Hinata's quest for the original explosion, these people immediately retreated wisely.

And these winter rains did not continue to fight with these ninjas,

Instead, watching the movements of Konoha in all directions,

Now she is the absolute commanding height of Konoha,

So standing here, everything that happened to Konoha is all in his eyes.

Anyway, as long as the direction leading to Hinata is basically a non-stop battle,

And standing here, you can clearly see that a certain place is completely frozen, obviously this is the handwriting of Shui Wu Yue Leng.

Somewhere is the sand and iron gathered in the sky,

Naturally, this is the Yushi and Wuzhu's side.

Although there is nothing unusual in the other direction, there are loud noises coming from time to time, and needless to say, it must be the movement of the Chief Secretary Wu.

She looked again, in another direction, where is the direction of Kurama Muzuki and Uchiha Sora,

But there is no need to worry about them. Dong Shiyu believes in these people, so after she made sure that the group of Konoha ninjas didn't plan to step forward temporarily,

Directly used the technique of paper escape and crane wings.

Behind her, a pair of wings formed by countless pieces of white paper. The wings took her directly into the sky, and then went in one direction.

And she did it for a reason,

Because just now, after she glanced in the direction of Hinata, she suddenly noticed a red signal flare rising.

This was clearly confirmed at their previous meeting, and the red signal represented a retreat signal.

And I have the ability to fly, and I also have the ability to fly with other people,

So after she saw this signal, her part-time job at this time was to pick up members of the Dawn Organization scattered in various places in Konoha.

Soon she came first, on the side of Shui Wuyue Leng, looking at the thick ice and snow on the field, as well as Shui Wuyue Leng who was still battling with Kakashi.

Directly using paper escape ninjutsu and forcibly inserting it, Kakashi had to retreat, and this temporarily solved the entanglement between the two.

Shui Wuyue Leng did not hesitate, and jumped directly to a paper plane made by Yu Shiyu's ninjutsu,

Silently exchanged glances with Kakashi, and then the two immediately went in other directions.

Kakashi didn't chase after him. Looking at the back of the leaving, Kakashi's eyes were very complicated, and he sighed inwardly, "Knoha, Konoha."

Afterwards, they picked up Chief Takeshi, Yushi, and Muzhu in turn, and finally arrived at Kurama Muzuki and Uchiha Sora.

For the contest between Uchiha Sora and Sarutobi Asma's fire ninjutsu, because of the appearance of several people, the battle had to be temporarily terminated.

But Asma didn't plan to leave because of the crowd.

Instead, he silently came to Kurenai Yuhi, and looked at these powerful ninjas with great vigilance who couldn't see any plans in the end.

They didn't do anything immediately in the winter rain.

After all, at this time, Kurama Muzuki was still competing with Yuhihika.

As for illusions, especially the Kurama Wuyue who has the control of the five senses and the boundaries of blood, they really don't know how to disturb them.

If there is one mistake, it will cause trouble.

Although Kurama Muzuki seemed to be painting without distractions at this time, and Yuhika also stood there dumbfounded.

But in fact, their confrontation is also extremely dangerous.

In the world of illusion, Hong Yuhi looked at the girl sitting there drawing, and clearly watched the other person draw a lightning bolt on the sky on the drawing board.

Immediately, the top of her own head, the lightning bolt, fell directly.

Hong Yuhi's complexion remained the same, and there was no movement, but with the lightning strike, Hong Yuhi miraculously turned into an ancient tree.

On the side of the original Kurama Wuyue, there were ripples in the space.

He saw Yuhihika rushed out with a handful of Kuwu in his hand, and Kuwu directly stabbed towards Kurama Muyuki.

Pommel Ma Wuyue frowned, and drew a stroke on the drawing board,

Originally, the distance between her and Yuhika immediately became a gap.

And this gap directly blocked Yuhi Hiro's continued attack.

Then the brushes were continuously exported,

Immediately, what meteorite, gust of wind, volcanic eruption! All kinds of terrifying natural disasters are sweeping towards Yuhihong,

And Kurenai Yuhi naturally didn't dare to sit still,

Looking at these things, she took a deep breath. Although these things were illusions,

But she knew that these things were displayed in the hands of ninjas with five senses of manipulation.

If you are really hit by these. Then it will definitely manifest in reality.

That means that if he died here, then he really died.

Hong Yuhi has a good strength. Among all the ninjas in Konoha today,

The illusion ability is also the top.

However, this is compared with the pommel horse Wuyue, who has the control of the five senses and the boundaries of the blood.

It's really just a little tricky.

In this world of illusion, the opponent's attack is also really implemented, then you may really die,

But if you hit the opponent by yourself, at most, you will actually let the opponent contact this state, or after contacting this fantasy world, the will may be a little depressed,

Other things will not happen,

But it was precisely because of the price that both parties paid that they did not want to wait, which made Yuhihi Hong very embarrassed.

But waiting to die is not Yuhika's style. Since he has no other choice, he can only try to break this fantasy world.

But after such a short time, he has completely improved the opponent's body. In terms of illusion, the power of this blood-based limit that manipulates the five senses is really terrifying.

And because of Yuhika's cautiousness and her own high talent for illusions,

Therefore, at this time, she was not directly hit by Sacramento Moon's attack.

Although it may be too embarrassing, there is absolutely no danger.

And for such a situation, Kurama Wuyue is naturally very dissatisfied.

So she frowned slightly and turned a page directly on the paper on the drawing board.

Then started a new painting.

And this time, as she started to write, the ground began to shake,

This piece of land turned directly into pieces of broken boulders.

Then the surrounding illusion also changed instantly. Immediately dimmed, looked up again,

As if this place is already in the starry sky,

But in this beautiful and unknown mysterious starry sky, it seems that there are many great horrors hidden.

And at this time, Kurenai Yuhi heard only a loud noise. She turned her head and saw that it seemed to be the sound of a planet exploding, and then,

The aftermath swept in directly, and took Hong Yuhi to an unknown direction and continued to move forward.

And then, she saw many terrifying creatures that made her tremble.

And in such a fantasy, Yuhika also seems to be subject to some restrictions.

At this time, she was on a boulder, and looking at these terrifying creatures that seemed to be eager to try, Hong Yuhi frowned but was not afraid.

Although it looks ferocious, it is an illusion after all, and no matter how strong it is, there is a limit.

And he naturally has some ways to deal with it, but at this time an accident happened,

Originally when she focused on those terrifying creatures.

Unexpectedly, the boulder she stepped on actually festered.

Without a place to relay, he could only fall downwards,

And this kind of feeling of falling from high altitude is really uncomfortable, especially where I can't even see any relay, I can't even see a bit of light,

That was very uncomfortable.

Kurenai Yuhi persisted, as if one minute, two minutes had passed,

Next, time seems to be really immeasurable, as if several moments, days, even years, decades have passed. Hundreds of years,

Originally, her calm expression turned into panic immediately, and then she became confused later.

Then when she was completely numb, the sky seemed to light up all at once.

In the original bottomless abyss, a chain appeared inexplicably in a certain direction, and then locked the old man Yuhi.

Then he was dragged by this chain towards a more unknown direction.

But after a long time, she suddenly saw the white sky,

And such a face that is close in front of me, but seems to be very familiar,

After thinking about it carefully, the confused eyes became a little more sober again, and he whispered a little: "Asma."

Asma, who had originally held Kurenai Yuhi in her arms, saw Kurenai Yuhi wake up, and was immediately relieved.

At this time, Kurama Muzuki seemed to be in a good mood with a smile. After finishing the drawing board, she seemed to be about to leave.

At this time, the Censor couldn't hold back and muttered: "It's so terrifying to laugh, it really is the most poisonous to a woman's heart."

And hearing this sentence, the face of Kurama Wuyue with a smile on his face suddenly froze.

She seemed to want to do something, but at this time Dong Shiyu said, "Okay, this is over for now."

Only then did Kurama Wuyue glared at the Censor fiercely,

Then I jumped to another paper airplane, and the winter rain was just a printed print.

Immediately, the paper plane and the winter rain went directly towards Hinata,

At this time, after Hinata decided to retreat again, she quickly sent a signal.

She also began to wait,

In fact, she had already prepared for this scene in advance. After all, everyone was an adult, and she was actually thinking about some things.

And because of the establishment of his Dawn Organization, he might leave Konoha, but he really didn't expect it to be so soon.

And he left Konoha in such a way, what should I say?

Actually, there is still some reluctance. After all, after staying here for so long, if there is no emotion, then it is a fake.

But this is a doomed fact, so there is no need to refute anything.

Soon~www.NovelMTL.com~ She waited for the Winter Rain and the others. At this time, they did not know when they would be replaced by the unified servants belonging to the Dawn Organization.

And Hinata was the same at this time.

And with the winter rain, it is a kind of Tsunade who took the lead, many Konoha ninjas,

Although there is still some distance between the two sides, they can see the other side clearly.

Hinata didn't even look back, and was lifted directly to the sky by an invisible force.

They stood together with Winter Rain.

Hinata glanced at Tsunade again and waved, "Let's go,"

After speaking, I immediately thought of flying outside the village.

When Hinata left, it didn't seem as if a few people suddenly appeared as expected, crying with snot and tears, calling Hinata not to leave.

And although a lot of ninjas have come here, to be honest, they really have a good relationship with Hinata, and there are almost none here.

The only one here is Sakura alone.

But Sakura didn't say anything, she just felt lost.

At the same time, he sighed inwardly, and whispered in his mouth, "Did Hinata also choose to leave? I've lost another companion."

At this time, there was a commotion in the crowd, and it seemed that some people wanted to do something at this time, but Tsunade knew the thoughts of these people for a long time, raised his hand, and directly suppressed them.

: . :

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