Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 313: ;fighting

And this continuous change seems to have finally completely annoyed Shennong.

Although he looked like there was no change in his expression, in fact, his heart was beginning to be filled with flames.

Seeing that among the ruins of the wall, through the thick smoke, a person slowly began to walk out.

With the sword on his body, the sword was immediately crossed, unrestrained and expressionless, Sasuke, who had no emotion, slowly walked out of it.

Shennong turned his attention to Sasuke.

After Sasuke came here, he first looked aside for himself, his eyes stopped on Sakura and Naruto for a while.

Especially in Naruto.

Shennong said calmly, "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

Sasuke turned his head and looked at Shen Nong, who was silent at first, and then said as if he had remembered something, "My Orochimaru asked me to come to you to get some things."

"You are also very clear about what it is. If you give me something, I promise not to interfere in the affairs here."

At this time, neither Sakura nor Naruto could actually react.

They began to rub their eyes, thinking in their hearts, "This is Sasuke."

Perhaps after so many years, the person who really changed the fastest should actually be Sasuke.

When Shennong heard Sasuke's words, he couldn't help but burst into laughter and said, "What kind of thing is her Orochimaru? Don't say it, I didn't plan to give it to him."

Not to mention your current attitude, remember, Orochimaru is looking for me for something, but I am not a tool that Orochimaru wants to use.

Shen Nong said to himself: "Remember one sentence, boy, I'm not that easy to deal with."

"Otherwise, it's been so long, why haven't I seen Orochimaru to deal with me."

Sasuke said with an expressionless face, "These have nothing to do with me. No matter what happens to you or Orochimaru, I just want to complete my mission today."

Sasuke said.

At this time, Naruto couldn't hold it anymore, and he shouted out of common sense, "Sasuke,"

Sasuke turned his head and glanced at Naruto. This look really seemed to be one of Mo De's feelings.

However, in the depths of his eyes, there were still many ripples that gradually began to spread.

Sakura didn't speak at this time, but that look already said everything.

Hinata sat at the air vent and watched the scene below, and suddenly felt a little dull, what's going on? It started, why didn't it start?

"Is it possible that you are still thinking about the development trend of dog blood romance?"

Hinata muttered to herself.

Shen Nong looked at Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura, and suddenly said with a smile, "So you know each other, they're from the same group."

"Then there's no need to put it on here!"

Although Shennong's words may sound harsh, it seems to be true.

No, maybe this is a fact of the past, a fact of the future, but it is definitely not a fact of the present,

Sasuke continued: "Give me the things, and I will never care about them."

"If I don't give it, then I can only do it myself."

When he said this, he slowly started to draw a long sword from behind.

When Shen Nong saw this, his pupils condensed slightly.

Said: "Boy, then let me see how talented the students handed over by Orochimaru are!"

When he said this, Shennong suddenly rushed towards Sasuke,

Naruto and Sakura, who had already suffered losses from Shennong, immediately said, "Be careful, Sasuke."

Sasuke doesn't have time to deal with Naruto and Sakura.

Instead, he turned his head to look ahead, without looking sideways, holding a long sword in his hand. The point of the sword is pointing down.

At a certain moment, Sasuke finally had a new movement. The long sword turned slightly, and a reflective light appeared on the long sword. Then, Sasuke turned around and raised the sword to make a cross-cut.

And originally there should be no one in that position, but at this moment, Shen Nong suddenly appeared in that position, without any hesitation,

She also squatted down swiftly.

The sword edge rubbed Shennong's nostrils directly,

After the fight this time, Shennong was secretly shocked,

If I didn't react quickly, I guessed that after this time, there would be no such person at all!

Actually, that's right, in a powerful body, as long as it is cut in half by a knife, it is also a complete goodbye to this world.

Shen Nong didn't want to be such a person, so at this time, he immediately put away his contempt for Sasuke,

This is an opponent worthy of serious consideration.

And Sasuke didn't get discouraged at all when he missed a hit.

Slowly put down the knife and looked at Shennong, "I'm talking about it once."

Shen Nong sneered: "Impossible."

Then the battle broke out suddenly.

And all this seems to have nothing to do with Naruto and Sakura for the time being.

They can only be bystanders in this battle.

At this moment, Sakura also started to treat herself without any hesitation, and after the treatment, she went to treat Naruto again.

Then they did not intervene rashly, but began to gradually recover.

The battle between Shennong and Sasuke, at this time, seems to be a battle between a warrior and a swordsman.

The battle between the two has become a level that ordinary ninjas cannot understand at all.

At this time, it seemed that Naruto Sakura could only watch silently.

If it is said that what Shennong showed at this time was savage, then what Sasuke showed was more skill.

Sasuke is very powerful, this is really powerful, it can be seen from his calm and unchanging expression.

Naruto didn't speak. He felt that his companion seemed to be a little bit unexpected.

Even Sakura unknowingly whispered, "Sasuke is really amazing."

But unfortunately, Sasuke is still human after all. At this time, Sasuke is facing Shennong, although he will definitely fight Shennong for a while and back and forth,

But at this time, Shennong's state can be restored without restriction.

As long as Sasuke takes a little longer, then Sasuke's state will obviously decline.

Sasuke didn't want to say more. After a while, he was almost hit by Shennong's fist because of a mistake.

But he also avoided Shennong's fist in that instant.

Then there was a continuous retreat. Shennong seemed to be quite happy.

Said: "What's the matter, can this not work?"

In fact, to be honest, Shennong is indeed a bit of a waste.

No, maybe although Shennong is a ninja, he is not good at fighting, because what he focuses on is actually research.

Otherwise, how could he have developed the forbidden technique of physical activation.

For this reason, he rarely shoots himself, so his combat experience is not very high.

What's more, for so many years, he still needs to study and learn medical knowledge seriously, and it is okay to have some deficiencies in some aspects.

When Sasuke heard this, he said coldly, "Trash,"

Indeed, in Sasuke's opinion, this is indeed a bit of a waste. He could hardly take care of him at first, but the other party even mocked him,

He also said something in his heart, give me all the power of your voice, and you can be sentenced to death long ago.

But Sasuke also knows that this kind of power is obviously abnormal, and although he can accept this kind of abnormal power, it doesn't mean he likes it.

Besides, although Shennong at this time seemed to be on the top score temporarily, Sasuke didn't use his trump card.

At the same time thinking of this, he unconsciously gave Naruto a glance, because he knew that Naruto had nine tails in his body, and if he really angered Naruto,

Maybe Naruto was enough to demolish this place directly.

Sasuke is very cold, he doesn't want to answer,

At this time, Naruto and Sakura naturally saw the current situation clearly. So he got up without hesitation,

Facing Shennong.

Seeing Naruto and Sakura's actions, Shennong laughed: "Can you all come to threaten me with just a bunch of bugs?"

This sentence is very ugly. No matter it is Sakura, Sasuke, or Naruto, neither of them said anything.

In fact, right now, perhaps the only way for them is to take advantage of this moment to directly deal with Yuliu, who is the real carrier.

Only after Yuliu is solved directly can this matter be completely solved at the true root cause.

Naruto and Sakura naturally knew it, but Sasuke just arrived, so his attention was naturally on Shennong, so he didn't pay much attention to Yuliu.

And if Sasuke knew the role of Yu Liu, he would definitely do it without hesitation.

In fact, in such an environment, it seems that giving Yu Liu a pleasure is the best choice.

Because when he was lost, he was picked up by Shennong, thinking that he was flying very high,

It is indeed very high.

It reached an unbelievable level.

However, at this very moment, she was slapped directly by the person who flew her so high, and this time it was not a cliff that she fell into.

But the bottomless abyss.

And in this way, he is naturally a little unacceptable to an ordinary person who is only in his teens.

Perhaps even if this incident can be resolved, Yuliu may have a really hard time recovering.

At this time, the three-on-one battle began. After all, the three of them really grew up a lot, although the three of them did not join forces during this time.

However, this is really not the same as it was a few years ago.

Naruto is mainly responsible for fighting against Shennong.

Sasuke delivers the fatal blow, and Sakura is responsible for the harassment.

With the tacit cooperation of the three, Shen Nong, who was directly pressing down, couldn't lift his head for a moment.

At this time, Shen Nong also naturally realized his lack of combat experience.

Because facing the siege of three people, he was really played passively.

As he continued like this, he immediately realized that he couldn't, because if he was not careful, he might really be planted here.

So taking advantage of the opportunity the three of them pushed away again, Shennong suddenly let out a roar.

Then he raised his head, raised his fist, and suddenly hit the floor with a punch. In an instant, the ground composed of mysterious stones began to spread some cracks.

Immediately, it collapsed directly. After the collapse, this piece of dust directly rose.

Then the dust covered the sight of Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke.

At this time, Shen Nong suddenly came directly to the corner at an extremely fast speed.

Then he grabbed Yu Liu and rushed directly into the door on the other side.

It disappeared in an instant.

And the dust gradually dissipated, Naruto and Sakura saw Yuliu also being taken away, and they were also anxious at the moment,

In the good and order camp, they immediately chased after them without even thinking about it.

But Sasuke didn't leave right away.

Instead, he glanced indifferently in one direction.

Then he left immediately.

Hinata squatted in the vent, looked at the direction Naruto and the others were leaving, and showed a smile.

Did Sasuke find me? Pretty good!

Hinata thought, since the big show here is over, shouldn't she be going to the next venue too, but it seems like it shouldn't be!

But she thought about it, and it seemed that she appeared by herself, and there seemed to be no problem! Is it weird to appear here as long as you don't expose your abilities?

So she also directly reopened the fence of the vent duct.

Then he jumped directly to the ground from inside, looked at the collapsed ground,

He looked at it in the past, not directly opening a hole with what he imagined.

But there is also a layer of space below it.

Just don't know where it leads.

Then she opened her eyes directly, locked the direction where the few people were leaving, and chased after them.

In fact, the little thing Hinata still doesn't understand is, just now, Naruto, who can be directly knocked down by Shennong with just two punches.

After Sasuke came, it turned out to be fine after being hammered so many times. Hinata said that he could not accept it.

Perhaps the only 5 explanation is that the arrival of Sasuke directly added a layer of super halo to Naruto~www.NovelMTL.com~ The state is infinitely bursting, so he can resist.

Although Shennong was still flying around, he was really just experiencing the trapeze for free.

After smashing and flying out, he gave a very friendly back-to-back hug to the wall.

Sliding to the ground and shaking his head, he was able to get up again in full condition and continue to join the battle.

Hinata showed a hint of contemplation.

While thinking about it, Shennong had come to a dark room, although it was very dark.

But there are many mysterious instruments here, and the green liquid continues to glow.

Because of Shennong's speed and the opportunity, he came here directly ahead of Naruto and the others.

He casually threw Yu Liu into a container full of green liquid.

Then he started to operate in front of an instrument that looked very fancy and complicated.

And as he continued to operate, something seemed to be released from Yu Liu.

Then this released thing begins to take on its true form outside the container.

Like earthworms, there is also a character at the link representing zero.

And this monster looks very disgusting.

Shen Nong seemed to turn a deaf ear to all of this, but instead showed a look of joy.

: . :

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