Hinata, Stop Pretending

Chapter 302: : End of Bear Country Star Ninja Village

But it's no coincidence that I have to say that Xiaoqiang's vitality is strong.

After the water dragon bullet technique, the ninjas of other Xingnin villages all fell to the ground, dazed and dazed.

But Naruto Sakura and Neji seemed to be just out of breath.

Although he was bent over, his whole body seemed to be soaked wet, but it didn't seem to be affected much.

And Chi Xing, Death Burial, and Nighthawk seemed to be almost unscathed without knowing what means they used.

It's just a little embarrassed, but they are much better than Naruto and the others, because they don't have water stains on their bodies.

The person who released this ninjutsu is actually Yu Shiyu in Hinata's group.

After releasing this ninjutsu, there seems to be no follow-up.

Obviously, there is no intention to continue.

After all, this time they are playing real robbers. Since they are robbers, stealing other people's things is a reasonable behavior, but if they directly give them all of them, it will be horrific.

That Hinata feels that she has not yet reached that rank, and it is very likely that she will not be able to reach this rank in her lifetime.

It's not that Hinata can't make a move, but it's really embarrassing to make a move if they have no grievances with you.

Now it's good, the momentum is getting bigger, and more ninjas from Xingnin Village will be attracted,

In this way, the Kurama Wuyue, who had sneaked into the village, could be kept undetected as much as possible.

Although this is obviously a useless effort, after all, there is basically no problem for a single person to bring things out.

But idleness is idleness, isn't it?

And it seems to be really interesting now, look, Naruto and Sakura and their so-called cousin,

Gee, it's interesting.

At this time, Hinata has a kind of attitude of incarnating into the second big demon king in his heart.

Teammates, friends, my Oni-chan! Be fearful under my control!

Cough, the above is purely a joke, after all Hinata is not such a middle schooler.

At this time, Naruto Sakura Neji was still Scarlet Star, and Death Burial and Nighthawk were clearly feeling the fear.

A single ninjutsu by any one of them almost wiped them out.

Then there are still three people who haven't made a move.

At this time, everyone except Naruto should instantly understand the gap between the two sides.

Although I don't know that since the other party has such a strong strength, why didn't they directly attack Xingren Village, you must know that the garrison of Xingren Village alone can't resist this group of people.

Instead, he wanted to attract them out of nowhere, and then rearranged someone to pick up the things.

This is to make trouble like that! Shouldn't it be said that this is the powerhouse that ordinary people simply cannot understand?

Of course, Naruto is very special.

A ninjutsu from Dong Shiyu not only didn't scare Naruto, but it was like a bowl of poisonous chicken soup, which completely eliminated Naruto's disposition that could almost be said to refuse to accept everything.

Or the halo of the legendary protagonist was completely released.

The current state of performance is that he bites his teeth. Although he is very embarrassed, his behavior and language show it directly.

Although Naruto felt very uncomfortable about what happened in Xingnin Village, it did not mean that he was a good talker.

At this time, Hinata and the others had obviously angered Naruto.

So at this time, Naruto didn't care about other things, he just said some inexplicable words for some unknown reason.

"You guys, one by one, what do you think of me as Naruto Uzumaki!"

Obviously, this tone is full of resentment.

Then, in the shock of everyone's eyes, he held that fist as big as a sandbag, and rushed towards Hinata and the others.

And Hinata's response was also very timely.

This time, Hinata took a step forward and shot Naruto out again, not very deliberately.

However, Xiaoqiang is Xiaoqiang after all, and he is also Xiaoqiang with the protagonist template.

So this level of blow is too weak for Naruto.

For Naruto's behavior, Hinata actually didn't have a good solution, because he couldn't really let Naruto slap him in the face!

Does Hinata Hinata not believe in face?

But after doing this n times, Naruto crawled out of a smashed human-shaped pothole in the distance.

But this time, he didn't rush up again rashly,

This scene surprised everyone, thinking, what's wrong with Naruto, isn't it a tiger? Now it's finally getting scared.

Obviously, it can be said that this is a big mistake.

After Naruto got up, he didn't rush forward, and his original expression had disappeared.

Now it shows a look of doubt,

Then I heard Naruto say: "Who are you, I feel you are very familiar, we must have met, and we often stay together."

Hinata: Yao......

She didn't speak, it's better to speak less at this time, if something is exposed, it will be bad.

Although nothing has been revealed now, Naruto still has a certain discovery.

But Sakura shouted: "Naruto, what are you talking about! You have seen such a powerful and familiar person there."

"You idiot, come back quickly."

Hinata silently gave Sakura a thumbs up and said in her heart, "Sakura, good job, although this sudden assist was unexpected,"

But Hinata felt that she still had to call this human kindness.

Sure enough, it didn't go beyond Hinata's expectations. Naruto's stubborn temper came up, and it was useless for anyone to come.

Naruto still said stubbornly: "No, Sakura, you believe me."

At this time, it seems that the style of painting has gradually begun to leak.

Especially Naruto's firm gaze made him feel a little flustered when he looked at Hinata.

However, as a senior actor in the ninja world, Hinata, who is only one movie away from the best actor, can still hold this scene.

Then she seemed to say very seriously: "Interesting! Little guys, let me remind you, I must be someone you know."

"I can't say that we have a very good relationship on weekdays, I can't say that we are still the kind of good friends who say everything and talk about everything."

"If you think about it carefully, you can definitely remember who I am."

Is there anything wrong with what Hinata said? It doesn't seem to be, but in this case it is said,

Apart from Naruto with a confident face, Sakura and Neji were already a little angry.

Because they feel that the other party is playing tricks on them, which is actually irrelevant as ninjas, after all, they are very patient.

But the only thing that made them unacceptable was Naruto. Yes, Naruto is an idiot, obviously the other party is playing tricks on them,

Naruto became even more convinced. At this time, he even said, "Sakura, look, she has admitted it herself."

Sakura seems to be attacking her heart and mind. She feels that the sun is not hot, the cowhide is used for blowing, and the time is reversed.

For a moment, I only felt that I had really been under too much mental pressure. At this time, I could only helplessly cover my forehead with one hand, expressing that I didn't want to talk or listen to anything Naruto said.

Even Neji, who has always been calm, couldn't hold back, so he said, "Naruto, you idiot."

Hinata sighed: Alas! What should I look like.

Of course, this is just a little episode now, and it doesn't affect the current situation at all.

Regarding Hinata's strength, the three of Chixing and Naruto didn't dare to move at all.

It seems that time will pass minute by minute like this.

After all, Hinata and the others are like a big mountain pressing down here. They all know that they can only stay here at this time.

At this time, a corpse lying in a pile on the ground seemed to wake up.

With the sound of coughing, everyone saw that under the action of the water dragon bomb, Ang, who had not escaped the catastrophe, slowly started to do it from the ground.

And obviously, Ang's consciousness was still very vague at this time, and he still hadn't figured out what happened.

Or rather, the brain is temporarily forgetting.

In short, at this time, Ang became the only focus in the field.

But soon he finally realized what was going on, but it didn't seem to work.

But soon, when Ang looked at the bodies of other people lying on the ground, he was completely ignited immediately.

He is not as reckless as Naruto, but for him, who really loves his village, these are impossible to accept.

Although he resented the cowardice of the three of Chi Xing at this time, he didn't say anything.

He just glanced at Chi Xing fiercely, and then said to himself: "I don't care who you are, but please remember that since you dare to treat the ninjas of our Xingnin Village like this."

"Either you kill me now, or wait until I become stronger to get back today's humiliation."

He didn't do it, because he knew very well that he could never be someone's opponent. After all, the other party almost wiped out their existence with only one water escape ninjutsu.

It doesn't matter if you are weak, but you still need to fight for your dignity.

For his complaints, Hinata just smiled and ignored the other party.

Hey, I'm doing the same thing as the villain, I'm just something, I didn't kill anyone, I didn't destroy your property,

Although it is indeed too much to rob something, if you don't take this thing yourself, in the end, it's actually just a funeral for a dead person.

If that's the case, then it's better to give it to yourself and let this thing play its real role in your own hands.

At this time, behind Chi Xing and the others, that is, in the two directions of Xing Nin Village, a person slowly walked over.

In the eyes of Naruto and the others, the same black robe, the same mysterious temperament as Hinata and the others, obviously, this person has been considered by Sakura and the others as a group with Hinata and the others.

But of course, it is true.

The man in black robe was naturally the saddled horse Wuyue who went to the village to go to the meteorite. At this time, the saddled horse Wuyue saw the situation in the field.

She was obviously a little surprised, because she found that there were still people who didn't fall to the ground,

After looking at Hinata again.

He didn't pay any attention to Naruto and the others, but walked towards Hinata on his own.

At the same time, he also said, "Success!"

Hinata nodded, and it was understandable. After all, Xingnin Village, a small Ninja village, is basically already here.

Others, if Saddle Horse Wuyue was willing, no one would be able to find out.

But when the pommel Ma Wuyue spoke,

The originally calm Chi Xing was a little anxious. He heard that the meteorite had been obtained by Kurama Wuyue.

How could this be possible? This is something he planned for an unknown period of time. How could it be taken away at will?

At this point, his head was hot, and without any hesitation, he rushed towards the saddle Ma Wuyue,

Apparently, he was caught off guard because he said that the saddle Ma Wuyue was unprepared.

But when he was less than a palm away from Kurama Wuyue, the figure of Kurama Wuyue, who was walking forward on his own, just faded away like an illusion.

So Chi Xing could only flutter in the air.

And the pommel horse Wuyue, who had disappeared, seems to have come out of a dream at this time. I don't know when she has come to Hina Tian~www.NovelMTL.com~ She glanced at Chixing with some doubts, it's too stupid , I haven't seen through such a simple illusion, so what are you doing so solemnly?

For Chi Xing's rude behavior, Hinata just glanced at him,

And it was just this look that didn't know how terrifying it was, so Chi Xing suddenly shuddered.

However, that's it, Hinata didn't plan to continue mixing. When she took the meteorite from Kurama Wuyue, the system had already prompted her to complete the task.

At the same time, the meteorite disappeared the moment she held it in her hand.

Obviously, this has been recovered by the system. Of course, other people don't know it. They just thought that Hinata used some rare ninjutsu to collect the meteorite.

After all this was done, Hinata, who was going to be busy to receive the quest reward, really didn't have time to spend any more time here.

So at the next moment, he turned around and walked away, and said to Naruto at the same time, "I wish you all a good time, my friends."

At the same time, I was thinking in my heart, these things are basically done, and now it is almost time to return to Konoha.

After all, it took a little too long to come out this time.

Well, having made a decision, she does not plan to return to the headquarters of the Dawn Organization,

Instead, I intend to directly use the rewards of the system, the two special character summons, and the reward points plus the ones in my own inventory.

It can be summoned three times,

This is definitely going to be added up next. Speaking of which, this should be the most profitable one!

She felt that she, Hinata Hinata, was giving them some time from now on, and they would really soar to the sky and go side by side with Kaguya Otsutsuki.

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