Him and their stars

Chapter 983 A big event that suddenly started and ended suddenly

The person the eldest lady was talking to was a handsome and majestic middle-aged man projected from the communication terminal. He was wearing a moon-white uniform of a general of the Alliance Internal Guard Force. He was none other than General Finn Berenkes, the Director of Alliance Military Intelligence. Of course He is also the uncle of this eldest lady.

When the latter heard his niece's complaint, he just shrugged and smiled: "Since you want the war to continue, why did you ask the Belmont boy to send things over? And you alerted the old man? Yanni, isn't this all? Where is your design?”

"Uncle, what you are saying is that I expected that the Snake of the World would use a large starry sky magic array to set up defenses, that Yu Lian would personally participate in the strategy, and even came to Miss Prophet and Ms. Future. May appear at the scene. So I gave Yu Lian the pages of the Sun God's book that engraved the seal disintegration array and the void anchor point. In the end, the coalition forces on the front line successfully broke through the predators' defense line, and we hardly suffered any damage and gained what we wanted. I want it. All of this is my plan, right?" Yamida showed a surprised expression.

Is not it? Finn Berenkeist nodded expressionlessly. He knew that this sounded very unscientific, but when it came to his niece, who was so wise and almost evil, he felt that everything made sense.

"So, is there such a possibility? Although I know that it is more beneficial to us if this war can continue, I also guess that when the empire uses one-third of the country's mobile power, it will even begin to be limited. Mobilize. After all, the resistance of the predators cannot last long, so why not just resort to tricks?"

"Is that so?" Admiral Finn Berenkeist showed a shocked expression.

Yani said angrily: "Uncle, your acting skills are not as good as Miss Selena Mayo."

Well, it's really only half acting at best. Mr. Director thought to himself.

"There is no way, who told the lunatics of the World Snake to come out and jump around? If they don't show up, or if they restrain their stink a little, I won't take action. This war will definitely end with The way that is good for everyone will continue." The eldest lady of the Bei family said in a matter-of-fact tone, completely ignoring whether there was any suspicion of reverse causation.

"I can't help it. After all, Miss Prophet is the opponent I have been eyeing for a long time..."

"I think it would be more appropriate to use prey at this time." Admiral Finn muttered.

Miss Bei pretended that she didn't hear anything and continued: "As for 'Ms. Now', haha, if you don't ask the old man to take action, do you have to ask my unreasonable father? I don't know if that old pervert will get along with you." 'Ms. Now' has rekindled the old love!"

"Yes, my brother is an emotional supporter of the arts after all! There is still the possibility of the old relationship rekindling. If so, it will be the earth boy who is embarrassed. You are reluctant to let go." Admiral Finn said with a smile .

Yamida looked at her uncle, clapped her mouth with her hand, and let out a dry laugh: "Ah ha ha ha ha, speaking of it, uncle, the recent accounts done by the Military Intelligence Department are really too rough. . The Thunderbird armored vehicle you ordered from the Advancement Group is only 30% higher than the market price, but even the teacups have to be purchased from Zixinhui, a light luxury model with silver patterns, and one costs 500 Xinxing. Isn’t this true? Is it too much?"

"Ah? How do you know? Oh no, yes, I'm sorry, it was my uncle who was wrong." The director of military intelligence quickly expressed his mistake frankly.

Yamada chuckled: "If you want to apologize, you must show sincerity. I do know that many domestic congressmen and companies are pushing for an end to the war as soon as possible, sending larger-scale military aid to the front lines of the New World, and even preparing to promote the mercenary bill. Yeah. How about you send out the special service team and kill them all?"

"Ah ha ha ha ha, Yani, your sense of humor has really improved since your days in the empire. Ha ha ha... uh, you can't be serious, can you?" Your Excellency, the intelligence chief looked at his niece who had a solemn look on her face, and said no more I couldn't stop laughing.

Then, Yani suddenly put away her solemn expression and laughed: "Uncle, you are also a mature intelligence chief, shouldn't you be able to understand some common sense? Our alliance is a democratic republic that respects the rule of law. I How can a civilian have the right to use a special service team? In other words, the Alliance is actually a political system that emphasizes fairness, law, and systems. There should be no such special service team that can do private work."

Admiral Fenn Berenkeist no longer knew what expression she should make. Before she could speak again, her niece said again: "But no matter what, since the outcome of the war has been determined, we must Another choice has been made. So, not only the United Development Company, but also the Torch Exploration Group, let them go. If they can make a lot of money in this new star area established by the empire and the community, we will naturally send it to them. Blessings. But of course it would be better if you can suffer some hardships."

"Don't blame them, Yani." The intelligence director's smile seemed to have a hint of gloom: "They are businessmen, but there are some things that businessmen can do better than our official departments. As you said, We cannot decide the course and length of the war now, but the changes in the situation after the war cannot be ignored."

Miss Bei blinked her eyes, held her face, and said angrily: "Uncle, what are you going to say to ordinary innocent people? I really don't understand what you are saying."

Mr. Director felt that this girl not only had a good sense of humor, but also had a shameless way of pretending to be stupid. This was really unlike his arrogant niece's usual style, and he immediately felt very pleased.

He then sent another document: "This is the information you want about Dr. Warren. This is all the information that can be collected so far."

"Thank you, uncle. It arrived two days earlier than I expected."

...Are you complimenting me? Okay, let me take it as a compliment. Mr. Director thought.

At this time, Yamida had already quickly scanned the document: "It's a perfect resume. I participated in four Boy Scout summer camps in middle school, participated in a short-term training course for the Navy, and was admitted to Kajal University of Technology. I am a university master with both civil and military skills." Well. After graduation, he served as the technical director of the Propulsion Group. After resigning, he started his own business but went bankrupt and owed a debt of one billion Xinxing. In order to avoid debts, he sneaked across the empire but was intercepted by predators, and then disappeared. Haha , it is very reasonable for such a technical talent to become an advisor to the Marauder Warlord."

"Of course it is reasonable." Admiral Berenkeist said.

"So, such an outstanding person is actually an informant of the Standard Shipping Association?"

"No matter how outstanding a talent is, after you owe him one billion, you can treat him as a consumable."

"Uncle, even the spirit of the universe cannot save the souls of the capitalists of the Standard Shipping Association!"

"... Yani, I have also heard about the book you have read recently. Someone is lobbying Congress to ban that book. Also, I have to remind you that the current president of the Standard Shipping Association is your father and I. Your biological uncle, your biological uncle and grandpa."

"Yes, so if my great-uncle knew that even the spirit of the universe could not save his soul, he would definitely be ecstatic."

The so-called Standard Shipping Association originated from the Free Galaxy Alliance and is almost the largest industry association in the universe. It coordinates and manages the exploration industry, shipping industry, shipbuilding industry and even the industry standards and postgraduate entrance examination directions derived from metallurgy, machinery, energy, chemical industry and other related industries in most of the universe.

Even the empire, which has always scorned the alliance's so-called industry standards and technological level, actually cooperates with the Standard Shipping Association in many directions.

Such an organization naturally supports free trade and free shipping, and naturally hates pirates and plunderers who disrupt smooth shipping.

To say that such an organization can actually place informants among the predators... is indeed quite reasonable.

In fact, there are not only informants, but also many middlemen.

"Captain Shahei is also an alternate director of the Standard Shipping Association. He should know Dr. Warren's identity. That's why he was allowed to board the ship in the New World." Admiral Berenkeist said.

"Not only did I get on the ship, but I became the second engineer captain in just two months," Yani said.

The director sent another piece of information.

"The special teams you applied for will arrive tomorrow. They are Group 4 and Group 6. This is their member list."

"It's no longer needed." Yamida Senge Berenkeist continued to review Dr. Warren's information while saying in a casual tone: "They are a few days late, so they really don't need it."

"No need?"

"Yeah, it's really no longer needed. I originally hoped to invite them to entertain Dr. Warren who boarded the Kalila in the New World, but a swarm of wasps suddenly emerged from his stomach, and The laser isolation net of the Poseidon ship hit the ship and caused blood and flesh to fly, and also took away Captain Sha Hei." She sighed quietly: "He is an excellent captain, but we need to find another candidate."

"...I think you have omitted too many processes." The director said.

"Please don't look at me like that, uncle. Although I don't like Captain Shahei very much, I won't kill him. This is really just a coincidence." Yamida Senge Belenkeist squeezed He made an innocent expression.

"I don't know anything about such a big thing?" The director frowned, and he was already thinking about cleaning up the department.

"It's not your fault. In fact, it was just beginning when you called me."


At this time, the Rose Princess, together with the temporary fleet composed of Poseidon Fleet No. 2, had passed through the alliance's border star field and arrived at Turan, the gate of the community's central star area and one of the busiest transportation thoroughfares in the alliance. Card galaxy. This is an extremely common stable galaxy in its prime, with one habitable planet and two Earth-like planets that have been successfully transformed.

In addition, there are four stable gravity well passages in the galaxy, one leads directly to the central star area where the alliance capital Nephi is located, and the other three also point to the core star area of ​​the alliance, including the location of the star gate.

The Rose Princess and the performance ship of the Frontline Consolation Group will pass through the "Avenue de la Repubblica" route and return to the capital Nephi. The Poseidon ship Kalila will remain in place for maintenance for a period of time.

We all know that the captain of the Poseidon ship, especially on an ordinary ship, is better said to be the chief executive of a large or medium-sized city. And this "chief executive" is not elected through election, but climbs up bit by bit through the company system and accumulated seniority. Naturally, he is also a boss with high emotional intelligence.

Since he is a master with high emotional intelligence, Captain Shahei should of course pay a visit to the dignified "Princess of the Alliance" before parting, even if it is just to say hello. Maybe it won't do any good, but it certainly won't do any harm.

Not only did the captain take action on his own, but he even brought along all the senior officials on the ship, including Dr. Warren, the temporary second engineer commander he appointed.

To be honest, everyone on the Poseidon ship was not very satisfied with this person who had just boarded the ship in the New World. However, anyone involved in long-distance space shipping knows that it is common sense for people to board and disembark, and the captain also has the power to arrange temporary positions. In addition, Dr. Warren is indeed very capable, so he slowly accepted it. This new "senior".

Although Miss Yamida always habitually regards people with lower IQs than herself as echinoderms, she still has the emotional intelligence that should be shown, so she simply invited these high-level crew members and people from the entertainment industry to express their condolences to Princess Rose. There was a farewell party on board.

The "Princess of the Alliance" appeared at the beginning of the party. After dealing with the situation, she went straight back to her room.

Although Miss Bei only appeared for less than five minutes in total, everyone felt that she had given them enough face, and they all thanked her profusely.

Later, after three rounds of wine and five dishes, the atmosphere became more and more lively. Some crew members were still eating and drinking, some began to flirt with the actors in the troupe, and some simply went to the lounge. Those who are more elegant will, of course, walk to the dome garden on the ship to sober up.

You know, Miss Amida Senge Berenkeist is not a stingy person. They are still willing to open most of the leisure facilities on the Rose Princess to their guests.

Captain Shahei and Dr. Warren said that they were a little older, but they couldn't play like young people, or even if they could play, they couldn't play in front of so many people. After they discussed it, they were going to take a walk in the park to refresh themselves. Then, they met the "Elf of Stardust" - Miss Selina Mayo, who was practicing her voice deep in the park.

"Selena is a good girl. She definitely wants to perform the theme song called "Dark Side" at her best. She is also planning to add this song to her concert next year. She has been practicing during this period. ." Miss Bei smiled and said: "Who doesn't like a hard-working child? I invited her to live on the boat and agreed to let her use my garden."

The director thought to himself, do you think I don’t know that your garden on the ship is actually your ecological testing ground? Many of them are precious spiritual medicinal materials, and many of them even have the effect of absorbing, storing, and amplifying psychic phenomena. ?

This is actually quite reasonable. Animals with psionic nature exist, and certainly plants also exist.

Then, Dr. Warren, who heard the singing, howled in pain on the spot, and within half a minute he exploded a bunch of bugs, which also affected Captain Shahei beside him. Then, the bugs and their corpses were completely burned by the lasers of the guard robots that came over.

The above thing actually happened just ten minutes ago. Up to now, the epidemic prevention and research personnel on the Rose Princess are still busy in the sealed garden. All the crew members on the Kalila and even the consolation group were temporarily left on their own ships.

All messages are of course blocked.

As a result, even a well-informed intelligence chief like General Finn Berenkeist did not know that such a major event had occurred.

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