Him and their stars

Chapter 873 I copied your homework

The imperial cruiser that was approaching the silver ancient ship was surrounded by a curtain wall that seemed to be made of mist, which continuously absorbed a steady stream of light arrows into it, and then annihilated them in infinity. Behind the advancing golden-red battleship, the shadow of a golden-armored god with eight arms holding a shield seemed to rise vaguely.

The red light rushing towards the ancient ship has turned into a sword energy that cuts through the void, as if it has gathered the stars in the sky, and tempered an indestructible blade. Immediately afterwards, as the blade circulated, a bright blue halo seemed to unfold, as if the flares of blue stars formed wings.

What kind of sword light was that? It was clearly a black bird standing proudly in the sky.

Yu Lian obviously feels that the immersive experience in this era of cosmic hegemony is quite good. The giant steel ship that covers the sky and the sun travels across the galaxy, and the blazing light of the orbital cannon and the light spear cannon tears apart the sky. What a majestic yet high-tech scene it is! However, at every critical moment, these people who are about to reach the truth always try to twist the whole world to the other side.

Yu Lian looked at Yuan Ting Yue Zhi's golden-armored god and the flying black bird through Yuyan's screen, his eyes blurred, and he sincerely wanted to complain.

Earl Black Moon, who was sitting in the back row, smiled and said: "Don't be envious, little brother Yu Lian, I thought that you might be able to stand side by side with these beings within ten years. You have such potential."

The premise is that this operation can really achieve something. I mean the harvest that can lift the sky beyond. If we can't complete the sequence after "balance", the upper limit of our bucket number is seven rings.

Yu Lian thought about it and asked with great interest: "You should be able to do the same thing."

"Oh, why do you say that?" the other party laughed.

"...This, I just have this feeling." Yu Liandao. After all, he is an "immortal demon" whose standby time is even longer than that of the emperor. If you think about it normally, you might think that this is an old monster with nine rings. Anyway, more than one person believes so firmly. Of course, it is also possible that the count is just an immortal who has a special affection for the earth. Anyway, he has never appeared in the past few centuries since his debut, so I really can’t tell what type he is.

"Hahaha, I'm just a shameless thief who cheats with his little qualifications. But he can't compare to a swordsman who can kill a person in ten steps and a knight who never retreats." Earl Black Moon shrugged and said. An old-fashioned laugh.

"However, in such an environment, Lao Chan's abilities should be more useful. So, little brother Yu Lian, can we set off?"

"Of course." Yu Lian also smiled, driving the iron hand of the heraldry machine that was thicker than a bear's paw, and pushed the joystick deftly.

Soon, the scene outside Swift's porthole changed from the hangar of the Throne to a sky full of stars. If you have no driving experience, when you first see this scene, you will definitely be so shocked by the sudden magnificence and the heart-stopping deep space that you lose the ability to think, and you can't even find your direction in an instant.

Fortunately, although Yu Lian was not a professional pilot, he had a lot of driving experience. Relying on the dynamic vision and reaction nerves of a five-ring psyker, he found the target direction without any pause and accelerated to fly there.

Behind him, six fighter planes and eighteen drones from two combat formations also followed.

What followed this time was the Phantom D-type fighter, which was a special fighter with enhanced drone control, not the White Devil equipped with light wings.

Indeed, in this case, a White Ghost with light wing parts really doesn't make much sense.

Lieutenant Colonel Dutt's voice sounded in the middle-aged headset: "The drones are all shield-shaped, and we will use a ladder-shaped cover formation."

"I know." Yu Lianda said: "Tell everyone, just follow that big bird!"

At the same time... It should be said that on the Snowstorm a few minutes ago, Soback looked at the mysterious golden-armored giant enveloping the Spring Rain in the distance, and his mind went completely blank.

He believed that he was not the only one who was blank at the scene, but his colleagues on the friendly ships next to him should also be in a state of collapse.

"We shouldn't be able to intervene in such a battlefield, right?" Soback couldn't help but look at Hongshan for help.

What the hell are you asking me? Isn't this kind of scene a matter for your knights? Ask me a mortal?

Captain Hongshan said helplessly: "Well, at least if Mr. Lan's blow just now hits our ship, we will have to abandon ship at this time."

Nonsense, Soback couldn't help but roll his eyes. We are just a cruiser. If we are really hit by the main gun of the dreadnought, we will have to abandon the ship without using the psyker bonus, right?

At this time, Captain Hongshan said in a consultative tone: "However, since you are ready, you can try to use space to soak the torpedoes to try to cover it?"

How to cover it? Where should I throw it? And why do you think that space bubble torpedoes can penetrate that antique turtle shell?

Soback looked again at the phantom of the golden-armored godman dancing faintly behind the Spring Rain. He is now in the third ring after all, and he has been trained by his cheap teacher for such a long time. Of course he knows that Duke Sadolan is the "Orderer" of the eighth ring of the "Throne" and has reached the point where he can use the war compass of the spiritual world. affect the realm of reality. The 10,000-foot-tall golden-armored god is the crystallization of his spirit, but in a sense it can also be directly understood as a derivative of his body, and can naturally withstand the bombardment of the ancient ship.

However, this move is actually very energy-consuming. And my cheap master doesn't look like a type with strong battery life.

Once the physical strength cannot keep up, all the light arrows bombarding the golden armored god are equivalent to bombarding the Duke.

No matter what, we can't let the remote teacher die there. Fortunately, he had already ordered the Duke's adjutant, Colonel Lascaux, to put the old man into a lifeboat and abandon the ship once the Duke's strength was exhausted. I don't know why, but a senior military veteran like Colonel Lascaux, who has a perfect resume and is capable of doing things, , I have been particularly friendly to myself recently and am willing to accept or even listen to my own opinions.

Soback looked at the hemispherical silver giant ship in the distance with fearful eyes. He felt that he really didn't dare to fire on that thing, but if he got closer and accepted a lifeboat or something, it should be no problem.

"Accelerate one gear to prepare for the approach." Soback ordered.

Captain Hongshan nodded and obeyed.

However, when Blizzard had just accelerated away from the fleet formation, the communications officer said: "Sir, Lieutenant Colonel Serlu Selatin requested communications."

Soback was startled for a moment, then stretched out two fingers to pinch the bridge of his nose with a headache on his face.

What appeared on the Blizzard's projection was a young beauty with a straight oval face, bright orange eyes, and short gray-blue ear-length hair. She is not the strongest knight on this fleet (except for Duke Sartolan), but she is the knight with the highest title, a noble daughter named Viscount Sellu Seretin.

Of course, the title of this eldest lady is a sword-wielding title that is only passed down to one generation, but if her father suddenly dies suddenly and her two brothers and one eldest sister have not awakened their spiritual powers, she can be called "Marquis of Gray Spring" immediately. Now, he has officially become an old hereditary prince who is qualified to sit on equal terms with the Privy Council's chatter and laughter.

This eldest lady is 22 years old this year. She is only a "nursing officer" of the "pure" second ring, but she has just graduated from the San Sullo Medical University. By the way, she also obtained the Marine Warfare Command Department and the Naval Warfare Department from the Royal Knights College. A super talented student with two degrees in ship command. Play the role of psychic medic and combat advisor in the Knights of this fleet. Even if her background is put aside, she is definitely a genius with a bright future.

...If it weren't for the fact that "Pure" couldn't fight, maybe he could have run for a seat in the new generation of Four Heavenly Kings of the Knights (youth group).

All in all, this is a very realistic eldest lady, the type who no matter who gets married does not have to think about the future.

All in all, this is a beautiful woman with a heroic appearance and a very neutral beauty, which is actually in line with many people's XP. So there is no question of sacrificing lifelong sexual happiness in order to achieve lifelong happiness.

In addition, for Yeager Soback, whose biggest ambition is to marry a rich woman to revive his family business, this eldest lady actually meets his requirements in all aspects.

But even so, Soback felt a headache when he looked at the other person's dignified and beautiful face. He finally restrained himself from pressing his temples with his fingers.

"Lieutenant Colonel Seretin." Soback said, "Excuse me..."

"Sir!" The female knight saluted Sobek with a military salute: "Duke Sadolan is fighting alone."

"... He is not alone." Even if he is alone, he is asking for it. When a person of his age is still so arrogant, shouldn't he consider his own identity? Don't you think about how embarrassed and broken I, a cheap disciple, am now?

"So, are you going to go alone to support me?"

Me, I was just wondering if I could accept a lifeboat or something!

"The Duke of Sadolan has said that once you enter the battlefield, the command will be automatically transferred to you. Now, we should find a way to enter the battlefield and give effective support to His Excellency the Duke. Everyone is waiting for your order. I think , you should not abandon your position as commander at this time and show off your courage!"

No matter from the expression in her eyes or her tone of voice, there is nothing yin and yang in the Marquis’s daughter. But the more this happened, the more headache Soback felt.

So, what exactly do you expect from me?

Moreover, wasn't it obviously the Duke himself who showed off his courage in the first place? If he can do it, can't I? What a double standard!

While mumbling in his mind, Soback held his chin and tried his best to show a thoughtful expression, and then said with a solemn expression: "I, I think so... No matter what, the Duke cannot be allowed to fight alone. However, entering rashly The battlefield of demigods may only disturb them. We must choose other ways to intervene on the battlefield. Use the method we are good at..."

Well, so, what method should be used? What I am best at is indeed flying kites over long distances! But the problem is, the Blizzard's main cannon can't fire!

The eldest lady was startled for a moment, then showed a sudden expression: "I understand."

What do you understand?

"There are a total of twenty knights on the Blizzard and the Singer. There are also four lance-type landing ships on the Singer. What we are best at is indeed jumping into groups to land! We must land on that ancient ship, from Disintegrate its functions internally. Is this what you mean?"

I never meant it!

"However, the outer wall of that ancient ship is too strong. Even with a lance-level disintegration force field, it is difficult to break through." The daughter of Marquis Serlu tilted her head and looked at Soback, revealing Suspicious look.

Soback breathed a sigh of relief, but was a little restless by the eldest lady, so he hurriedly said: "In any case, Your Majesty the Marshal has diverted the attention of the ancient ship for us. We can always take the opportunity to go around to an empty place. For the next round of bombardment..."

Serlu suddenly nodded: "So, is that why you brought the space bubble torpedo?"

Soback said bravely: "In any case, we don't have Titans and Dreadnoughts here. This is the most powerful offensive weapon we can carry."

"I see." Serlu nodded and said: "Then, let this ship carry out the main attack with you! The two Aegis-class ships will provide cover. The two Aegis-class destroyers and the Bakvi destroyers should not intervene in the battlefield for the time being. As a reserve."

It seems that the Marquis's daughter does not trust the Bakvi people's fighting power too much. The so-called "reserve" here does not mean the combat reserve team, but the meaning of being ready to accept everyone's rescue capsule and then escape on the spot.

However, the main attack? The Singer is just a light mothership, but in a literal sense it has a thin skin and a big filling, even crispier than the Clear Sky.

"The Singer at least has magnetic ejectors and six space bubble torpedoes." The Marquis's daughter looked at Soback's confused expression, lowered her eyelids a little, and explained: "This is what I heard. After you chose to carry this equipment, you also convinced the captain to do so."


"Sorry, I copied your homework." The eldest lady showed an embarrassed smile for the first time, but still said solemnly: "It's just that, facing such an enemy, I don't think our space bubble can penetrate the opponent's shield. , so we can only use low-speed travel. This tactic has worked before. However, in this way... we must shorten the distance with the enemy ship as much as possible. This is why you just asked the Blizzard to accelerate Is that the reason?"

At this point, she finally showed an expression of admiration: "...You are indeed a disciple of the Duke, and you are worthy of being one of the Four Heavenly Kings. But, sir, I am also a knight, and there are also knights on this Singer. There’s no reason for you to take risks alone! Hey, there’s no reason for you to stand out alone!”

Did she...didn't she think so just now? Soback felt that such an expression on her body was too contrasting, but somehow it felt very harmonious.

"Then, please reorganize your formation. The twenty knights on the Singer will stay with you until death!"

So, as a daughter of a Marquis, can you please stop burning things so casually?

Just as Soback was about to say something, the other party had already cut off the communication without any explanation. Immediately afterwards, the Singer aircraft carrier also entered a state of acceleration.

"Top students and elites are indeed not easy to fool." Captain Hongshan said with a smile.

"I, I didn't plan to fool her."

I just felt like I was being fooled by the spirit of the universe.

"In terms of ability, of course you don't have to fool her. I'm worried that it's a matter of mentality." The captain shrugged and smiled, pondered for a moment, and then said: "However, you should be the type who can't die. If you keep doing this for a few more times, This time, I naturally became brave."

Then I guess you will be quite disappointed. Now I am only thinking about my future life path! After this battle, I must find a way to transfer to the logistics or human resources department! Really, if you really can’t do it, you can just run the military band! When I was in middle school, I also served as conductor and chief organist in the school choir!

Fortunately, Soback still underestimated his cheap teacher. When the Snowstorm and the Singer jointly began to speed up the outflanking, the golden-armored godman still stood firm, and the black bird still fluttered its wings and soared into the sky.

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