Him and their stars

Chapter 1283 The Queen and the Silverfish

At 13:18 on July 8, 833 in the Galactic Common Calendar, the Qingqiu ultra-luxury "cruise ship" known as the "Rose Princess" on the road passed through the gravity well and arrived at the Alliance's border tourist resort, the Lotak Galaxy.

This elegant "cruise ship" with a holy silver radiance all over its body sailed elegantly towards the Lotak star in the orbit of the fourth planet. Looking at the leisurely stroll in the garden, it looks like a reserved queen patrolling her loyal territory.

This is indeed the homeland of the Lothar people. Ten years ago, or even five years ago, those Lothar separatists and the young and old of the Lothar Kingdom could be regarded as the largest source of terrorism in the Alliance. However, since this star area was built as a tourist resort and agricultural base, the planet has received large amounts of investment and many foreign immigrants, and the security of the planet has improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Now, this unruly starry sky will soon become the shape of alliance loyalty, many people believe so. At this moment when Princess Rainbow Rose is about to arrive, this trust becomes even stronger.

At this moment, the hostess of the Qingqiu is sitting in her study, reading an original copy of the Imperial Heraldry in the imperial language. This is an official imperial book that tells the history of the changes in the families of princes and lords in various places. At present, there are more than 150 volumes with more than 100 million words. Of course, this book will continue to be slowly updated before the empire falls.

Of course Yamida Senge Berenkeste knew that her ship had arrived in the Lotak system, but there were still two hours before it officially entered the star port in the planet's orbit, which was enough for her to tell the story of the Extreme Star Region. Completely finished reading this volume. ""

But just when she had read a few pages, the secretaries who were waiting outside cautiously walked in and whispered: "Miss, the news just came from Nephi, the spokesperson of the opposition alliance, Congressman Pametin has submitted a motion of no-confidence to the Acting Commander-in-Chief Marshal Iacocca to Congress, and has also proposed a third hearing inquiry for the Red-bearded Security Minister and the Borriman Police Minister."

Yamida's eyes still stayed on the book, and she just nodded inaudibly with her chin to indicate that she had heard it.

The secretary hurriedly said: "Consul Sandor of Lotak's star sector has already known that you have returned, and hopes to work with local celebrities to help you. In addition, there are some things that I also want to report to you in person... uh, in person. You discuss."

Facing the sharp look from the eldest lady who suddenly raised her head, he quickly changed his words.

Yani then smiled and said: "Tell Archon Sandor that next week, I will hold a banquet at the newly built manor to thank him and the local sages for their help. I know he is a little anxious, so before that, I also invite him Do not worry."

The secretary nodded quickly and started recording. As for who the other party's "local sages" are, they need secretaries to understand the spirit.

The secretary added: "Tomorrow, the task force composed of four God-class dreadnoughts built for the community will leave the port and officially return to the community. Marshal Iacocca will go to Turanka to participate in the departure ceremony. The on-site security of the ceremony, It has been completely handed over to the St. Clair Security Group."

"Asham's whereabouts are still unknown. The Security Bureau asked the Guerrilla Association to issue a private reward order, but they were blocked."

The eldest lady didn't speak anymore, she just lowered her head and continued to focus on the books on the desk. The secretary opposite neatly put away the folder and exited the office door backwards.

After that, no one dared to disturb him anymore. Princess Rainbow Rose finished reading half of the book in her hand before receiving the news that the ship was about to enter the low-Earth orbit star port of Lotake.

She put down the book and just stood up, but before she had time to pour herself a cup of tea, she suddenly felt a tremor in her steps, as if she had stepped on a ball of cotton.

She shook her head, drank a cup of hot tea, and then said: "Whether Lily is dead or not, it is already a quantum state issue here. Father, are you here to ask me to accuse you?"

"However, your poor old father has no such idea... In other words, when you are not afraid to judge your poor old father with the greatest malice, it is already very hurtful." Feanor Berenkeist A cheerful voice sounded in Yani's ears: "Guess dad, where am I now?"

Before his daughter could answer, he added: "Dad, I am talking to you from the Paradise Star in Tarazan using a magical conch. Hahahahaha! Who is Lily? The name sounds a bit familiar."

Princess Rainbow Rose smiled like a blooming flower and walked out of her office. She nodded to the secretary and the ship's senior officials who were waiting for her to go out, and got on the shuttle bus.

When she just sat down, she muttered in her heart: "It's cold, let Tarazan's paradise planet go bankrupt."

Feinuo's voice suddenly became more panicked: "...Wait, wait! Tarazhan's Paradise Star has shares in our Rainbow Rose Foundation!"

"Yes, so it will be easier to bankrupt Paradise Star. I will hold dad's share of the shares and give my sacred vote of approval."

"Should we at least let Paradise Star go? Le, Paradise Star is not at fault. The little girls who work hard in Paradise Star are not at fault." The head of the Belenkeist family made a sad voice. : "The heavy ion factory that Xiao Yani asked her father to help look after has been completed and will be officially put into production next month. Our progress is very fast. Dad has been busy for a whole year, why don't we just take a break? ?”

"Yes, it is indeed much faster than the initial demand. But, Dad, you should know that our progress does not depend on us, but on the other side." Yani paused: "The Empire I’ve noticed some of it.”

The voice in her mind paused for a few seconds, and then Feinuo's voice finally became more serious: "...Well, the Empire was the first to use the Colossus weapon. Do you think this is a test?"

The two people were naturally talking about the "Snake Extermination Operation" jointly carried out by the three countries. Before the war began, King Wilent of the Empire first used the Colossus weapon named the "Emperor's Staff" to conduct indiscriminate bombardments on the densely packed star systems in the Spiral Cross Nebula, forcing the snake's lair to appear.

In terms of results, his actions went very smoothly. The Snake Lair was indeed forced out, and there was an unexpected surprise - the pirate groups who "gathered in the Roaring Mountain Forest" in the Spiral Nebula either came out to die, or surrendered and were incorporated, and they also played a role in the final battle of the Snake Lair. The effect of being the king's precursor.

"Whether it's a test or not, when the empire's colossus weapon takes the lead in firing and we don't do anything, they will definitely start to doubt." Yani said with a smile: "I even doubt that when the empire formulated this strike plan, Having considered our reaction, the test began. Otherwise, why bother to mobilize so many troops? Looking for the snake's lair? The mobile fortress is in the Spiral Nebula, but there is no shortage of hidden lines with the pirates on both sides of us. We really want to find it , so how can I not find it?”

"Perhaps they just want to test the power of the Colossus?"

"It just so happens that if we have it, we would also like to test it together." Princess Rainbow Rose said: "However, I originally thought that I could hide it from the empire for at least two years, so Uncle Fenn has already made a very complete set of Plan. It’s really hard for me to imagine that in such a short time, the empire has begun to make moves.”

There was finally a hint of heaviness in Feano Berenkeste's voice: "Yani, you might as well speak more directly."

"I've said it very directly. So, when the weather gets colder, that paradise star should indeed close down immediately."

"I have said that Paradise Planet is not guilty." Feinuo said loudly: "Besides, I am not just here to play, I am here to review the program and be diligent when your Uncle Tytos comes over to play. .”

"... Your Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief, went on vacation to Paradise Star. It would be a big scandal if word spread." Yani said.

"The outside world has too many misunderstandings about this planet. There are many healthy and upright recreational activities on Paradise Planet, and there are even tour groups for children. Moreover, your uncle Titos, the commander-in-chief, deserves half his life. , you should take a good rest. The Nephi ghost place is so turbulent now. I hated it before, but now it feels even more disgusting. It is not suitable for people to rest at all." Feinuo said.

"Is Paradise Planet suitable for recuperation? I always feel that you want to kill Uncle Titos without leaving a trace."

"That's what you said. If he is still making the decision in the Azure Palace, it is possible, but now he has retired to recuperate... Uh, and, Yani, you still don't understand miserable middle-aged people like us. In fact, he has retired to recuperate... , As long as you stay away from work, the rules and regulations of society, and stay away from parents and trivial matters, even if you are busy every day, your body and mind can be fully healed." Mr. Feinuo looked like someone who has experienced it. He said in a tone that made the sad person cry.

"Don't worry, we will keep it confidential."

"That's right! The commander-in-chief went to Paradise Star for vacation and could completely hide it. The collapse of a building caused uproar in the city."

"...My daughter, your words sound like you are accusing your father of being the mastermind behind this."


"Dad, it's really not the case! Your silence just now was so hurtful!"

Yamida let out a laugh without any ups and downs in her heart.

"Ah, I was actually scorned by my own daughter. Well, I can only say that dad knows a little, but not much. It is precisely because he doesn't know much that he can't do anything now."

"Father, I actually don't know much. So, can you tell me when it can be done?" Yamida asked.


Then, the laughter that was neither yin nor yang without ups and downs appeared in her voice again: "Okay. I understand."

"You, what do you understand?"

"When necessary, I will take some necessary actions based on my own judgment. When that time comes, I hope to use your authority."

When she finished saying these words in her heart, the Qingqiu just entered the low-Earth orbit of the yellow-green planet Lotak. In the airspace not far away, a huge space city hung between the stars, emitting artificial colored light full of pyrotechnics. It quickly sent a friendly communication message, and the content even contained frightening flattery.

"Princess Rose, your presence makes Lotak shine. Please adjust the connection signal to 12-7B8 and we will guide you into the port."

"Princess Rose has received it. We will activate the anti-impact force field within 30 seconds."

Listening to the response from the ship, Yani couldn't help but sigh: "Has everyone forgotten that the official name of this ship is Qingqiu?"

Feanor murmured: "I think it will be necessary to call the Queen of Roses after a while."

In this way, the most famous "scientific research ship and private cruise ship" in the universe completed the gravitational connection with the star port and began to slowly approach. As the ship gets closer, the lights on the space station have formed a gorgeous light band, just like the colorful flags that welcome VIPs.

Compared with the nearby ships waiting to dock, the Qingqiu, which has a smooth and clear appearance like a crystal product, does indeed belong to another dimension. She strolled into the dock, as relaxed as a queen patrolling her territory.

Speaking of which, this huge space station has just been put into operation and built in the past two years. Its main designers and contractors are Polaris Group and Hearth Industries, but the reason why the Lotak Sector Government was able to come up with these expenses was through the accounting firm controlled by the Rainbow Rose Foundation and its relationship with Libra Bank. .

To the people of the Lotak Sector, aren't the Qingqiu and her master the real queen?

Anyway, in the first year of operation after the completion of the Star Port, the number of passengers going to Lotak has quadrupled, and the statistical curve is indeed in a rising state that makes people naturally optimistic.

The princess of Rainbow Rose was still sitting in the special seat of the shuttle bus, closing her eyes and concentrating, waiting for the hatch to open.

"Dad, our history is only known to us. I have always been puzzled by these closely guarded facts, and I didn't understand it until now. Strictly speaking, we are just as ugly as the Dragon King of the Empire and the Dragon King's minions. of silverfish.”

"Silverfish are a bit too much... Mainstream academic circles believe that we are the leaders of society. If you say this, it will subvert many people's views."

"Well, it's not an ugly silverfish, but a glamorous blood-sucking silverfish. The reason why we exist now is not because we are really extraordinary, but because we always have the awareness of self-purification. However, in every era, , there is always someone who needs to do sinful things."

"...Yani, dad just feels so scared right now. He can't even maintain the power to activate the magical conch."

"Then do something that won't make you panic. Father, keep yourself busy, and you can become a silverfish with some nutritional value."

"Is it still a silverfish in the end?"

"I only know that if the empire's temptation does not receive a response, they will become restless."

"Dragons are inherently restless creatures, but they are also cunning creatures.

"Yes, if the colossus's test has no results, they will slowly stretch out their claws. The gluttonous feast left by the predators is still very tempting to those dragon kings who can never have enough to eat. Father Sir, if the empire really can’t bear it any longer, how long can the people of Earth fight for us?”

"...Well, our analysis, if it was the previous community, it would take at most half a year."

"What now?"

"Ah hahahahaha, then I don't know!" Feno Berenkeist said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh hehe, I don't even know, that's a headache, isn't it?"

"The reason why I don't know is because of that boy from Earth?"

"Father, please don't shirk your responsibility."

"...Yes, I'm sorry. After dad entertains your poor Uncle Tyros, he will go to the testing base of Tarazhan for a visit. Don't worry, the biggest problem has been solved long ago, and we will catch up."

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