Him and their stars

Chapter 1222 I am very proud

Brunhild remained silent for nearly half a minute, and then said: "I think he was mocking me again just now."

Giafel said expressionlessly: "You can get rid of the feeling."

"Hehe, forget it, he didn't mock the white-haired fox less anyway. Rounding it all off, I didn't suffer. Of course, the most important thing is that the guy finally didn't call me His Highness."

Giafel finally couldn't stand listening any more. She grabbed her master's shoulders with both hands and shook him vigorously several times: "Breen, he was really mocking you just now. Please wake up!"

"No, no, no, my dear Gilly. I have never been more awake than now. When the head of the leader of the World Serpent rolled under my sword, I could already feel the growth of the star ring. The gains brought by this battle even exceeded all the battles we experienced in the New World. Gilly, I have seen the realm of saints waving to me, and even my strange disease will not be a problem in the future. This kind of How can I not be sober, but how can I not be happy?"

Giafel was stunned for a moment, but he immediately reacted and said angrily: "Don't change the subject. You're still at the fifth ring! If you want to be a saint, you have to be me first, right?"

King Suliuka let out a low "tsk" and turned his head to the side.

Ostana Barr still wore an unwavering gentle smile and said in a very solemn tone: "Your Highness, actually, if you had been more awake, you could have taken action directly just now. He was also in a very weak state just now."

"This is not sober, but shameless." Brynhild said angrily: "Ostana, who told me that the universe was snatched, not stolen? What if I do this? If you attack an ally that you haven't broken with yet, you won't be qualified to be recognized by the Dragon of Dawn, let alone inherit the Void Crown."

"What does this have to do with the Dragon of Dawn and Crown of the Void? Isn't it your private hobby?"

Giafel turned her face to the side, her shoulders shaking slightly, as if she was having a hard time holding back her laughter. Olivia on the other side had already laughed, and then she was hit in the stomach by her good friend Wovna.

As for Nelhana, she is still studying the medical cabin left by the snake with Judge Swift Wind, as if it contains many secrets leading to the truth of the universe. they have discovered

Brunhild suddenly became angry and said: "You, you, an old woman with a little wolfhound, really have the nerve to talk about your fetishes here."

"Weichen is talking about your obsession with collecting talents. What do you think we are talking about?"

Brunhildt sighed: "As a master, I have really failed recently. That guy is just that, and you are starting to provoke me?"

Of course, as the think tank of King Suliuka, Miss Chief of Staff really knew what to do and how to stop it when it was good. She changed her expression to a formal expression: "Your Highness, I have never persuaded you to give up your plans." A sense of justice and honor. In other words, these qualities are the reason why we are willing to follow you. However, Wei Chen still feels that short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. Taking action at this time is actually a good thing for you and him. "

She paused, and her smile became a little more coquettish: "In addition, Your Highness, you have to know that occasionally acting as a bad woman can increase your charm."

The Chief of Staff looked like a well-informed and experienced carnivorous elder sister teaching silly sweet girls, but Brunhild didn't hear it at all, and just said with his hands: "Then what? The reason? Woolen cloth?"

"Let's just say that he is seriously injured, and we need to treat him properly as soon as possible." Ostana said: "There is no one else here anyway. Then when the time comes, it will be either coercion or inducement, or it will be necessary to understand people with reason and move them with emotion. Whether you want sex... or use other means, there is a lot of room for maneuver. Haha, Your Highness, what do you mean by this expression? Wei Chen never advised you to kill him. I have one thing to say, unless it is true. No way, we are indeed forced to the point where we are enemies of life and death. Otherwise, I would still be reluctant to take his life."


"Your Highness, you must be tempted, right?"

"No, I'm just wondering. It seems that the only one here who is not optimistic about the 'peace for a generation' of the Huaxu Conference is you." Brynhilt said.

"Ji Li is not optimistic either." Miss Chief of Staff smiled.

"I'm a warrior. I have a neutral attitude and only execute orders." Giafer said as if I'm a rough guy and I don't understand anything, so don't cue me.

The Chief of Staff did not take it seriously and said: "Your Highness, you are not optimistic either."

Brunhild fell into a brief silence again, and suddenly said: "By the way, what did you just say?"

"You don't like it either?"

"More forward."

"There is no one else here. We can take action and invite him back to the empire as a guest... Oh no, ask him back to heal his injuries."

"Indeed, there is no one else here." Brynhilt pretended not to have heard the next half of the sentence, and nodded slightly with a dangerous smile: "How about we try to find an opportunity to take that white... Kill the furry fox?"


"Hahaha, it's really not easy to see you unable to smile... Well, if she really dies here, the situation will be even more uncontrollable. And overall, I actually don't want to kill her directly. ." Brynhildr nodded: "Speaking of which, King Wilente must also be in the fortress. Otherwise, we might as well..."


"Oh, with that expression on your face, could it be that you are also tempted?"

"My subordinate is putting your thoughts on your face in advance. This is the duty of an excellent chief of staff!"

This is clearly the job of the court jester. Giafel next to her wanted to say this. However, before she could say anything, the stars still spreading in the space suddenly flickered. Immediately afterwards, in front of everyone, a ray of light stretched out from behind the sudden ripples in space, and abruptly carved a rift in space.

Then, Count Tatieri squeezed out of the rift in space.

To be fair, this action seems a bit embarrassing. However, the forward action of using the light spear to open the cracks in space is indeed a domineering display, and it is indeed very magnanimous to break the law with force. Coupled with the knight commander's cold face, he finally maintained his own style. .

He didn't seem surprised by the female knights present. Even Judge Swift Wind, who jumped left and right several times, only let his gaze linger for one more moment. Then, the earl gave Brunhild a meaningful look, and then knocked his breastplate with his fist.

"Your Highness, you won a vote."

"Oh?" Brunhilt raised his eyebrows and then smiled: "That's really an honor!"

In fact, she didn't feel honored at all, she just felt that she could no longer do anything in the fortress.

At the same moment, in an unknown deep space somewhere in the Snake Lair, the "Spell Breaker", who was regarded as the first person and the strongest among the Thirteen Faces, walked through the corridor with brisk steps.

The "Spell Breaker" who was always wrapped in a black robe and showed off his tall and majestic body has now lost his black robe and even some other accessories, such as power stilts that can make his body taller. of.

His actual stature is indeed not tall, no more than 1.5 meters at most. He wears a light and comfortable hoodie, baggy pants, and a pair of fancy sneakers. If his face wasn't always covered with a thin layer of mist, someone might have mistaken him for a teenager who had just entered junior high school.

There is a large transparent porthole on the other side of the corridor, which reflects the sky outside the fortress. Those distant stars are still shining like they have for hundreds of millions of years. However, at a closer place, close to the porthole, the artillery fire from the coalition fleet and the Snake Lair were still intertwined, brewing into a flame of death that devoured life and civilization.

However, what is strange is that the coalition bombing fighter planes even passed by the transparent portholes, but no one noticed that there was a corridor, and no one directly added a bomb.

Of course, it can also be seen that the artillery fire belonging to the defensive side has become increasingly sparse. Allied warships continued to tear open the armored outer walls of the Snake Lair with giant cannons, and assault landing craft loaded with marines continued to pass through the gaps in these defense circles, sending new troops to the fortress.

As one of the defense commanders of "Snake Den", "Spell Breaker" is too lazy to count how many places have been lost, let alone how far the enemy has broken through.

In fact, after the other commander "Jiang Zuo" lost contact, "Law Breaker" immediately gave up his command position.

Of course he knows. This lair, which has been run by the organization for hundreds of years, is completely irretrievable. Well, he has more important things to do now.

But what a pity! "Spell Breaker" sighed with jealousy. The leaders of the organization didn't seem to feel sad at all. It was just him, the big butler, who was mourning. Sure enough, there was something wrong with this world.

Thinking of this, his steps became heavier, and the feet wearing sneakers stepped on the ground, as if they were wearing metal and the collision between metal, suddenly seemed a lot more sonorous.

The pressure of the footsteps became stronger and stronger, rippling in the corridor, sounding as if an entire legion had arrived.

Then, at the end of the corridor in front of him, the hidden door made a gentle friction sound, the shield force field automatically closed, and the door leaf also rotated open.

"Spell Breaker" passed through several automatic gates in this way. When the starlight and gunfire outside the transparent corridor could no longer illuminate his shadow, an ordinary cabin appeared in front of him again.

This cabin is indeed unremarkable, less than ten meters long and wide. On one side of the room lie three genetic diagnosis and treatment cabins that look like iron coffins. It looks no different from the gene therapy room in any large hospital.

The "lawbreaker" is of course not the only visitor. At the other entrance to the treatment room, there is a red heraldry machine studded with solemn gold patterns. As for its driver, a young man wearing a close-fitting power suit was sitting on a medical cabin, holding a bottle of gorgeously packaged Shengzun red wine in one hand and a hand-rolled cigar in the other.

"Hey, here we come! Well, you're a little late," he said.

"I need to prepare the equipment here, prepare the boat, and find medicine to relieve the pressure." The spellbreaker said with a smile: "Aisotu Burning Blade is also an A-level guerrilla, a master who has been famous for decades. Even if it is With you attracting his attention, and with my sneak attack first, it was inevitable that he would be shocked by the backlash before his sudden death."

Having said this, he wiped his chest with lingering fear: "I will never fight the psykers of the Ottocu people again. I lost my head and only my body is left, but I can still fight back."

"If the Guerrilla Association has reached level B or above, you are eligible to learn the 'Silver Vine Nerve'. This is a technique from the Berenkeist family. The biggest bonus is vitality." The young man sneered and blew out a smoke ring.

Then, the smoke ring magically turned into a giant dragon with teeth and claws. It lingered for half a minute before gradually losing its shape.

The spellbreaker suddenly burst out laughing: "It will be quite difficult for you then. I was acting when I was the Red King, and I was also acting when I was the King of Valente. It is conceivable that I must have accumulated a lot of experience. It’s stressful. Afterwards, I finally have something to release myself from.”

Indeed, in the eyes of the world, King Wilente was the humble gentleman whose temperament, manners and personality were the model of the royal family. He had never had a dissolute side. As for bad habits like tobacco and alcohol, it is even less likely.

King Valente smiled: "We have been colleagues for so long, but we still lack understanding. I hope this will change in the future. I actually don't mind acting at all, or in other words, I enjoy it and there is no pressure at all. "

"Abnormal!" the lawbreaker sighed.

"I'm sighing now for the death of those two retainers. They were born in Pudai of the royal family of Wilente, and they were loyal to me, but they died here... Even a wicked person like me will feel a little stressed."

"What a huge pervert!" The Spellbreaker said in amazement.

King Wilente smiled nonchalantly and raised the wine bottle in his hand: "Holy Lord Plantia who has been around for 120 years, would you like some?"

"The Law Breaker" sighed, and his voice suddenly became clear and bright, like a real teenager: "Is it interesting to ask this kind of question? I am still a middle school student now."

Then, the fog covering his face gradually dissipated, and what appeared in the sight of the "Red King" was really a handsome young man with red lips and white teeth, who really looked like he was only fourteen or fifteen years old.

If you ignore that pair of eyes filled with too much malice and coldness, this is an ordinary middle school student you can see everywhere on the streets of Nephi. Of course, this combination of facial features with red lips and white teeth can indeed enter the category of a handsome boy, but it is only at the level of a bancao at best, and it is really not conspicuous in a big city.

"Every time you enter this state, it amazes me. I didn't expect that you would be in this style now." Red King smiled.

"It's just the master's mission." The spellbreaker said: "Miss Magician is going to take over as the new 'Mr. Past', and I have to give up here again. I need to lie dormant for a while to take over the handover with the new 'Ms. Past'."

"...Really? This has become the 'Ms. Past'!" The Red King showed a complicated smile and looked at the diagnosis and treatment cabin next to him. If anyone from Yu Lian or Brunhild's group were here, they would be able to see that these ordinary devices are actually the same type as those gene cabins used by the "old public" to convert the vitality of clones. of.

The spellbreaker chuckled, looked at the "little magical power" phone watch on his wrist, nodded and said, "It's almost time."

When King Wilent heard this, he jumped to the side holding his own red wine and cigar as if he would encounter something dirty. Then, one of the treatment chambers slowly opened, and then a smooth, purple-skinned man crawled out, who was none other than a young Eredar elf.

"It's great to see you." He showed a relieved smile: "I am personally very proud to have escaped from the siege of the Dragon of Dawn and the Dragon of Dawn."

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