Him and their stars

Chapter 1216 Most people are realists

Yu Lian was amazed when he saw it.

Is Brünnhilt now a third or fourth ring? But no matter what, he is still at the level of a hardcore psychic. To put it bluntly, the leader of a four-man combat unit of the Astral Knights is about this level.

Such a true knight of the Astral Knights can ride a thousand horses on the battlefield, can become a "child of others" in the upper class, can add another piece of history to the long-standing imperial family, and even extend it for several more generations. man's honor. However, in front of such a famous old devil as "Mr. Past", he is nothing more than a miscellaneous soldier.

The female heroes who came with her were not future imperial ministers from another timeline, but also "miscellaneous soldiers" who were still growing. Logically speaking, they can't get this high-level version.

Under normal circumstances, the "past" would have used at least nine methods to kill the young Dragon King and her best friends within three minutes, thus ending a glorious era for the empire.

At least nine kinds!

However, this eredar elf who had experienced countless storms and waves flinched. He stood there, looking uncertainly at King Suliuka, who was wearing dragon flames. Even the spiritual power that had just overflowed into the entire space began to shrink.

"I really never thought that the one who really wanted to push me into a desperate situation would be the young Dragon King. I never even thought that I would meet you today... It's not easy! Your Highness Brunhilt, you You should be remembered as you are now." He sighed with emotion, his tone was calm, but the content was profound, as if it contained unknown poison.

Then, he glanced at Yu Lian again: "Your Excellency Yu Lian, she is a member of the Chenxi royal family, and she is destined to burn the world. Are you sure you are really on his side?"

Yu Lian pretended not to hear anything and had already taken out an old knife from the storage compartment and took a sip of herbal tea. He said that after just a few rounds of offense and defense, and finally using the Soul Burial Ritual, even this hero, who has great endurance, has indeed reached his limit.

If people want to admit that they are human, they must admit that they have limits.

Of course, because Yu Lian was used to hearing what his "past father-in-law" said today, he was able to regard these words as nonsense, but Brunhild here seemed to have experienced for the first time the opponent's poisonous words, and he was angry. The spirit and fighting spirit are flowing in her toned body.

The young Emperor Chosen opened his hands, and the flames that were even brighter than Linguang condensed, as if he had grabbed a fragment of the sun out of the void.

"You disgusting cosmic plague!" She shouted like a dragon.

Yu Lian knew that it was the "Heavenly Spear Ruiyan", one of the most important treasures of the imperial family, which had been the symbol of the contemporary King Suliuka for thousands of years. Linguang was just the work of Emperor Eliasel when he was young, but "Rui Yan" was an artifact made by the founding emperor of the Dawn Royal Family in his later years, so there was a huge gap in mystery.

At the edge of the battlefield, Ms. Ostana Barr seemed to have just accepted the order from her master. She firmly nailed the several-meter-long flagpole into the alloy floor and held it firmly with one hand.

With this hand, Ostana, who has always had a warm smile, and has always looked like an elegant literary girl, actually has a graceful appearance.

She began to sing loudly using the spirit of Rui Wen from the ancient empire: "Have you heard the screams of evil spirits? Have you felt that the abyss and hell are falling apart? You will definitely tear the conspirators' laughter into pieces! You will call upon the Saint of the Stars. With the advent of the church, children will laugh again, friends will sing loudly, and our home will be glorious!"

I always feel like you are burying someone! Yu Lian couldn't help but think so.

But at this time, on the flagpole, the flag condensed with holy light began to ripple in the wind. Billions of starlight seemed to be swaying from the flag, passing through the shackles of space and spilling on the ground, and of course also on the halos spread out by Giafel and Nelhana.

The fighting spirit aura and protective aura were enhanced by starlight, as if they were lifted up by a dimension in an instant. Under the bonus of the infinite halo, the female knights began to approach the "Past Male". The Lion King's battle flag behind Giafel has turned into part of the starry sky, and the crystal spear in her hand has become so bright that it can't be seen directly with the naked eye, as if it can really ignite the air at any time, emitting an energy that is not inferior to Tatier's just now. The Knight Commander's twilight breath.

She strode forward, hiding her murderous intent under the dragon flames unfolded by her master. Her whole body seemed to have turned into a volcano that was ready to explode.

At the same moment, Nelhana, Olivia and Wovna also showed their weapons. The light energy passed through the shields of the three people and turned into ripples like a curtain, pressing on the "Past Master" in the center from all directions. Hundreds of flying blade-like instruments hid behind the light curtain, amplifying the starlight falling on them and turning it into dazzling energy bombardments, constantly bombarding the gloomy black mist.

Looking at that scene, they didn't look like soldiers going to deliver heads to the big devil at all. They were clearly like a group of lionesses hunting a bull.

Well, I have to admit that even if the girls are temporarily weak in strength, it is impossible for the treasures obtained from Krypton to be useless.

How do you say something? The Liver Emperor cannot defeat the technical geek, and the technical geek cannot survive the European Emperor. But in front of Krypton Man, all the above are just clouds. As expected, you are sincere and don’t deceive me!

Yu Lian suddenly felt a lot more relieved. Anyway, looking at it like this, even if the tough girls of the Empire can't surround the "past man" to death on the spot, they can still hold on for a long time.

So, he simply dragged his exhausted body back to the edge of the battlefield. He decided to seize the time to regain his physical fitness and strength as soon as possible, so that he could go up and help when necessary.

However, when he passed directly through the realm shrouded in the starlight of the banner, he suddenly felt that his physical and spiritual energy were recovering more than an order of magnitude faster, and even the hidden wounds in his body were beginning to heal.

While holding the flag in a dignified manner, Ostana also handed over a peach as big as a baby's fist. The whole body was glowing with silver, as if it were made of mercury. It looked good-looking, but it really couldn't trigger anything. appetite.


"Your Highness has left it especially for you."

Yu Lian was a little touched, but he still couldn't help but said: "So His Highness has been thinking carefully and has anticipated everything?"

"There are some things that you don't need to think too carefully about. Simply accepting the kindness of others will make you feel much healthier." Miss Chief of Staff smiled and said: "Go and tease her. The master of our family is very willful, but I look forward to working with you." I’ve been looking forward to the feeling of fighting side by side for a long time.”

The so-called "Jiaguo" is of course the translation of Earth's Xindaya. This is actually a spiritual fruit that the empire spent great efforts on cultivating on the home planet of Tiriro, which has been nourished by spiritual energy for many years. Its function is roughly equivalent to the fairy beans in a certain bead. Although the effect is not so immediate, the therapeutic effect is still very gratifying.

In fact, on the battlefield, even if the effect is only one-tenth of the fairy beans, it is still a valuable treasure that can change the situation. And even with the empire's accumulation in alchemy and mystical biology, the annual output of Jiaguo is only double digits.

Yu Lian swallowed the silver peach in one gulp, letting the spiritual energy linger in his limbs. He took a breath and simply pushed behind the compressor pipe at the end of the aisle, and then saw Mr. Xunfeng lying dead.

Yu Lian looked at the former judge's painful expression and knew that he was fighting some disharmonious factors in his brain. What King Suruka left to the Kolan people, although it can inhibit the occurrence of the Lord's transformation, it cannot completely dispel it.

Yu Lian knew that the so-called degradation was actually of the same nature as the mental pollution caused to him by those indescribable giant beasts in the virtual realm. To fight against them, we rely on mental strength and vitality. In a sense, it is the same as the body's own immunity against viruses.

He saw the other person's tentacles protruding from under his feathers and then being retracted, and the black energy emanating from him. He thought of his beloved relatives and friends who died in unspeakable misery, and he felt a surge of sympathy for him.

He took a deep breath, reached out his hand, and used the "Touch of Life" to begin to repair the hidden wounds caused during the process of resisting corruption.

In an instant, the Kuolan man himself became the one fighting against the corruption, and instead the two of them joined forces, and his soul, which represented reason, suddenly gained the upper hand. It feels like being in an absolutely balanced battle situation. If one side suddenly gains a new force, it will have an earth-shaking effect.

Within two or three minutes, Judge Xunfeng, who was on the verge of collapse just now, opened his eyes. Although he was as weak as if he had just recovered from a serious illness, his eyes were bright and full of gratitude and emotion.

"I owe you my life," he said.

"After all, he can be regarded as my book friend." Yu Lian said with a smile: "Although I think your reason is just random. After all, "Yuan Lun" has only been written a year, and your multi-faceted spy has been working as a spy for many years. ”

"Hahaha, but I did listen to your "I Have a Dream", and I did read "Yuan Lun" this year, and I was greatly shocked." Judge Xunfeng said.

"Shocked" is a neutral word, and if the contextual voice is involved, it may still be a derogatory word. Yu Lian responded with a business smile.

"What's more, General Yu, my attitude has always been true." He added.

This is not surprising. If his attitude was really all staged, it should be impossible to hide it from the bosses of World Snake.

Yu Liandao: "With your merits, if you are a human, you are indeed qualified to enter the decision-making body of the Tribunal, and at last you can serve as the deputy governor in charge of public security in a central prosperous sector. You are indeed qualified to hate the empire's human supremacy. I hate this glass ceiling that is placed over all non-human races.”

"However, my loyalty to His Highness Brünnhilt is also real." He smiled: "I know that this current situation has been created by such a long history, and it can only be solved through history. However, for a worthy person The loyalty of the master who follows is the pursuit of the current reality."

"You are a complex and real person, but you are also a strong-willed man who deserves admiration." Yu Lian glanced at the other person: "But why are you saying this to me?"

It seems like we don't know each other very well.

"General, I am indeed a reader of "Yuan Lun", and I do admire your and Mr. Qi's works. We have seen a kingdom of heaven that may truly come to the world. However, because of this, I want to tell you, In the empire, there are actually many realists like me who can only work hard for this life."

He trembled the feathers covering his cheeks, then slowly stood up, and once again took out the two magic-modified spiral impact crutches.

"Thank you for your help. I have recovered at least half of my physical strength now. Absorber, it's time to help your master and enjoy the fun of killing the Lord of Time."

Yu Lian smiled: "You go ahead. I'll eat gua here... and hold on to you all here!"

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