High Priest in Japan

Chapter 955 Headache Countermeasure Room

At the same time, in the headquarters office of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasure Bureau.

Haven't you investigated the cause of the environmental change? The middle-aged man who had removed the word generation and officially became the new director of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasure Bureau asked the subordinate in charge of the relevant investigation with a serious face.

The reason has been investigated. It is due to the pollution of several spiritual vein nodes and the excessive yin caused by the miasma outbreak of unknown reasons. But specifically what caused the spiritual vein outbreak, and what caused the spiritual vein pollution Still haven't investigated clearly. The subordinate reported.

Only these? The director was dissatisfied.

That's all for now. The subordinate apologized.

Then continue the investigation! The director ordered, No matter what the price is, I must know the cause, process, and result of this matter in the shortest possible time.


In addition, strengthen your defenses against curses and forbidden ways. I don't believe that this spirit phenomenon has nothing to do with them.


Tanaka, what's the current situation? The chief who ordered the matter ignored the subordinate who had skipped the investigation, and asked another subordinate instead.

It can only be said that it is very bad. Our manpower is not enough at all. Basically, just after dealing with the anomaly at site A, there are sightings or injuries at site B, and then site C, site D... my men People are simply too busy! But the good news is that the casualties are not very large, and they are still within the tolerable range, but it is estimated that it will not last long. If it continues, there will be a large area of ​​sabotage and Back off your emotions, so you still have to solve the problem from the source. The man named Tanaka smiled wryly.

Obviously, what happened this time also confused him and his subordinates.

Speaking of the source, what is the current situation of the sealing class. The director nodded and asked another man.

All of them have been dispatched, but just like the situation encountered by the people in Tanaka, the abnormality of the spiritual vein A has just calmed down, and there will be abnormalities in the spiritual vein B or the spiritual vein C, and the enchanters of the sealing class need to go Deal with it. The subordinates have a lot of grievances, which is quite normal, but...the condition of some spiritual veins is not something we can seal if we want to.

Like the ones in the sea. There is nothing close to the coastline, and the seal can be completed with some diving equipment, but what about places far away from the coastline?

Can't we still rely on manpower?

Even the best divers in the world can't get to that kind of place.

In other words, you can dive down, but you have to stay to execute the seal...

It is estimated that I have the consciousness to be buried in the sea directly after finishing this time.

Or it may be possible to find the mermaids in the Seto Inland Sea.

But what's frustrating is that the relationship between the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Bureau and the monsters, which has just experienced the four-nation monster war, is extremely cold, even worse than the relationship between the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Bureau and the monsters. Now at this time, say that the monsters are dispatched to help deal with related problems?

I'm afraid it's not like sending the bomb directly into the enemy's hands. It would be too bad to let the monsters seize the opportunity to do another wave of things without saying anything.

You know, after the Battle of the Four Kingdoms, there is no such Dinghai Shenzhen in the Bureau of Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures like the Showa Goro!

Not to mention, the location of some problematic spirit veins is inside the resident of the monster group, and I hope they will cooperate with me and others to let the people of the sealing class pass by...

It feels almost like a dream.

This is also the reason why after so long, the problem has not been solved successfully, but it has expanded and even spread to the whole country.

Try to deal with it as much as possible. The new director who also thought about these problems also sighed with pain all over his face.

To be honest, he kind of misses the old director...

What do the shrines and extraordinary families say? After a while, the director asked the female subordinates in the meeting again.

The attitude is very positive, but he only said that he will take action to quell the ghost chaos and ensure the safety of believers and civilians. As for the others...

In other words, I do my job, and you Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Bureau does yours, expecting us to cooperate with you in your work, and even directly follow your arrangements...

Hmm... I still have something to do at home, let's talk about it later.

Is this the meaning of Jingu? The director was dissatisfied.

Naturally, the Jingu he mentioned here refers to the Ise Jingu, which can nominally manage Shinto groups across the country, and the Izumo Jingu, which has a special system-Izumo Kingdom, Susano Kazuo It is a special shrine for worship.

As for others—such as the Meiji Shrine, who are related to the imperial family, they can be directly appointed through the cabinet, but they are much more obedient than other messy shrines and Onmyoji families...

The Jingu side said that they will cooperate, but the extent to which they will cooperate is also a proposition to be determined. The woman replied with a wry smile.

These guys, what are they thinking at this time?! Is it true that the country is in chaos, and society is restored to the Heian era or the Shogunate era, when demons and ghosts are raging all over the world? Shall we cooperate? Hearing this, the director was furious, slapping the table and roaring.

But it can only be roaring, as for more...

It is estimated that it is possible to persuade the cabinet to come forward.

Okay, hurry up and maintain stability. I'm going to the cabinet. It's time for these officials and gentlemen to come forward and set an example. After a long while, the chief who saw that none of his subordinates dared to speak out waved weakly. .


Then everyone left and continued to carry out their work according to the established procedures, maintaining the general stability of the society.


Okay, I should go back. Sansumi Mikoto glanced at the time displayed on the wall watch, got up and said.

Aren't you sitting here? Eri Kazama, who smelled of alcohol and seemed a little drunk, stood up and asked.

No, if you sit any longer, you won't be able to catch the last tram. Sansumi Mikoto replied with a smile.

Stay if you can't catch up, it's not that I can't live here. Kazama Megumi said flatly without thinking.

Forget it, senior, it's too crowded. Besides, I will be very dishonest when I sleep. Senior, you don't want to be kicked to the ground by me in the middle of your sleep, right?

...You are like this, can your boyfriend bear it? Qin Heqing complained speechlessly from the side.

So I'm single now. Sansumi Mikoto rolled her eyes angrily and said.

Didn't hear that he was joking.

Thanks to you, you also look like a woman who will fall in love with you. I didn’t expect such a straight man’s brain circuit. I really don’t understand how you tricked a woman who looks exactly like me in Ayukawa.

Really? Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

What? Is there a problem? Sansumi Mikoto, who was bending over to put on her shoes at the entrance, asked back.

No, it's just that I don't believe it. A beauty like you doesn't have a boyfriend. Are everyone else blind? Qin Heqing quickly shook his head and complimented.

Who knows? Maybe the men around me really need to see their eyes. Sansumi Mikoto echoed.

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