High Priest in Japan

Chapter 96 Dating

Hui, it's me, Heqing. Regarding the matter mentioned yesterday...

Is it time? Do you have any? Are you in a hurry?

I guess there may be other things to deal with in the afternoon, so if possible...can you come out now? Qin Heqing glanced at Eri Kazama who was waiting for his reply, and said.

Now? It's a bit early...but it's okay. After a pause, Megumi Kato continued, Have you decided where to meet?

I'm not very familiar with this aspect, it's up to you to decide.

Then it's right there in front of Exit A of Platform A of Ikebukuro Station. Megumi Kato thought for a while, and replied, It happens to be near the Ikebukuro Commercial Street, so it's very convenient whether you want to buy clothes or other things.

The most important thing is that it is not far from his and her home.

Okay, then shall we see you in half an hour? Qin Heqing asked, looking up at the time displayed on the wall watch decorated in the room.


Then Qin Heqing and Kato Hui both cut off the phone and ended the call.

You also saw Sister Huili. I have an appointment in the morning, so I can only go to your work place with you in the afternoon to inspect the corpse. Qin Heqing spread his hands and looked helplessly at the opposite Kazama Huili said.

Okay, I'm not an unreasonable person. But is one morning enough? Do I have to wait until you're coming with me tomorrow? Eri Kazama shook her head and said a little funny.

I'm going to my friend's sister's wedding tomorrow.

Then it seems that the time I chose is really not the right time. Eri Kazama smiled wryly.

I didn't expect things to come together.

Then Qin Heqing chatted with Eri Katoma for a few more words, and Eri Kazama took her leave consciously and let Qin Heqing go to Kato Megumi's date.

Yue'er, you can come too. After a while, Qin and Qing, who were about to go out, said to Yue'er who reappeared in the room.

What am I going to do, eat your dog food? Yue'er glanced at her, and said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Your tone, why does it sound weird to me? Are you jealous? Qin Heqing turned around and looked at Yue'er in the room who was playing with her phone again with a strange expression.

He really never thought that Yue'er would be jealous.

After all, the image of Yue'er is there - she looks like an eleven or twelve-year-old girl, it is really difficult for people to associate her with a mature woman.

Even if she has actually existed for hundreds of years, it is more than enough for him to be the grandmother of Qin Heqing's grandma...

Jealous? Only you human women do such boring things, why should I be jealous? In terms of relationship, I am your Shikigami, unless you die, or you don't want me, otherwise we will be together forever , can those women you like? Even if they can, how long can they stay with you? Twenty years? Thirty years? Forty years? In terms of shelf life, as long as there are no accidents, I will keep my current appearance for the rest of my life, can they?

Not to mention that I can still help you in battle, study and life, why should I be jealous of a group of women who want nothing but looks? Yue'er retorted rather angrily. .

Are you still saying that you are jealous? Otherwise, you would say these things? Qin Heqing stared at her for a while with increasingly weird eyes, shook his head, and laughed. Then he turned around and went back to the room, walked to Yue'er, reached out and grabbed her cell phone, and pulled her up from the chair.

Okay, stop making trouble, I need to hear your opinion later on.

Then without any explanation, she pulled Yue'er to the door, put on her shoes, opened the door and left the room.



Yue'er gave him a dissatisfied look, snorted coldly, and disappeared on her own, so as not to cause trouble for Qin Heqing.


Ten minutes later, Qin and Qing appeared on the street outside Exit A of Ikebukuro Station.

At this time, Kato Megumi had not arrived yet, so he found a place to stand aside, out of the way, and waited.

And the time didn't make him wait long, in about five or six minutes, Megumi Kato, dressed in a white lace skirt and a red sweater coat, appeared in front of Qin Heqing, with light pink hair on her hair. A near-white beret, white knee-high silk stockings wrapped around her legs, and short neck-length hair make her look cute and full of the unique atmosphere of a young and beautiful girl.

Sorry for the waitting.

Where, I just arrived not long ago. Qin Heqing put away his mobile phone, straightened up, and smiled at Megumi Kato, who was well-dressed in front of him.

Then we go directly to buy clothes? Kato Megumi inquired.


Then the two left Exit A and moved towards the nearby commercial street together.

Ikebukuro, after Shinjuku and Shibuya, is another representative commercial center and transportation hub within the Tokyo metropolitan area. Ikebukuro Station is the center, and extending from the east and west exits, you can see streets full of commercial and cultural facilities such as department stores, electrical appliances stores, fashion stores, movie theaters, Tokyo Art Theatre, Metropolitan Hotel, and Rikkyo University.

There are a lot of young people around, and a large number of Chinese living in the surrounding area, which makes Ikebukuro become more prosperous and fashionable, and at the same time makes Ikebukuro feel like a little Yokohama. For Qin Heqing, who has a Chinese soul, it feels quite cordial and habitual.

With a clear purpose, Qin Heqing and Kato Megumi came directly to the fashion store not far from Exit A, and started today's shopping trip.

Heqing-jun, go and try this dress. After a while, Kato Megumi picked out a rather fashionable men's casual outfit from the hanger and said to Qin Heqing who was beside him.

Okay. Qin Heqing took it, turned around and walked into the dressing room, closed the curtain, quickly took off his clothes and changed into the clothes chosen by Megumi Kato.

How is it? After a while, Qin Heqing opened the curtain and asked Megumi Kato who was waiting outside.

Well, I feel a little too old-fashioned. Wait... After finishing speaking, Kato Megumi didn't wait for Qin Heqing to answer, then turned around and walked quickly to the nearby hanger, and quickly picked out a few other clothes from the hanger and trousers were sent to Qin Heqing.

Try this and this together. Kato Megumi asked.

Okay. Qin Heqing didn't object, and nodded in agreement.

But he never thought that this would be the beginning of his suffering.


Naturally, it was because of the terror and torment caused by the temper of the woman shopping!

Although Megumi Kato is not a woman, at least not a mature woman, but as a young girl who pursues fashion, like ordinary women, she has a special aesthetic and idea of ​​clothing, so she expects to order three or five pieces of clothes What to choose next, or think about it!

If you don’t change another seventeen or eight sets, you can go to another three or five or eight, and don’t even think about buying things.

Thanks to Xiao Yi for the reward of 500 coins.

PS: I originally wanted to do more updates, but today the bear came to the house, and then I made all kinds of troubles, didn't sleep well, and now I feel sleepy, I think it would be good to stick to the second update, as for the third update... I guess I have to think about it .

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