Obviously, Fumi Nakagawa was shocked by the experience in the past period, and the three views were obviously impacted!

At the same time, I became more and more in awe of the boss sitting behind the desk——

Even Qin Heqing, who can subdue a witch like Kitami Lihua and use it for her own use, is more terrifying than Kitami Lihua who can easily change her personality orientation and make herself addicted to making mistakes in terms of means?

It's no wonder that his massage techniques are so special, which can help people lose weight, body, beauty, plump and so on.

It turned out that all the methods used were abnormal.

Anxin, with me here, she wouldn't dare to do anything to you. Qin Heqing, who took Nakagawa Fumi's shock as fear, comforted him with a smile.

Thank you, boss. I don't know why you called me, boss... Nakagawa Fumi adjusted her mood, looked at Qin Heqing again and said cautiously.

She hadn't forgotten what she did to harm Qin Heqing's interests when she was controlled by Kitami Lihua.

I want to know about the operation and revenue of the club during the time I left. By the way, and the follow-up results of what I asked you to do, please tell me about it. Qin Heqing restrained his expression, He glanced at Kitami Lihuadao who was at the side.

Yes. Nakagawa Fumi's heart sank when she heard the words, took a deep breath, and told Qin Heqing everything she knew, including what Kitami Lihua asked her to do when she was under control.

There is no concealment.

Of course, she didn't have the guts to hide it.

As far as the things she did, even if there was no reason for Beijian Lihua, it was enough to make her die once, or she would be put out of prison directly.

Not to mention, judging from the current situation, those things can't be hidden at all - I haven't seen what Kitami Lihua looks like now, so even if I want to hide it, I guess it's for survival or whatever. Will confide in everything he has done in exchange for leniency.

So for the sake of my own life, it is better to report truthfully.

Perhaps Qin Heqing would see that he had been conscientious in the past, and spared himself once, saving himself from the danger of life and prison.

...In addition, the task of purchasing properties around the shrine has been completed. Except for a few people who have other plans, other properties and land have been transferred to the name of the club. Boss, you need me to Are those contracts given to you? Nakagawa Fumi asked.

The content was similar to what Qin Heqing expected and knew, so he nodded and ordered casually, Bring it here.


Then Nakagawa Fumi turned and left, reserving the space for Qin Heqing, Ayukawa and Kitami Lihua.

Come here. Qin and Qing rushed to Beijian Lihua who stayed in the house and said.

The latter didn't hesitate when he arrived, and after taking a look at him, he walked to Qin Heqing's side.

Sit here. Qin Heqing patted his thigh and said.

Kitami Lihua still didn't object, she turned around and sat down.

Face me.

Beijian Lihua paused, changed from reclining to straddling, and put her waist into Qin Heqing's hands.

Then Qin Heqing put his hand on her forehead, and Beijian Lihua gave a completely different feeling. From the original queen, the strong woman became an ordinary woman with a less strong temperament, but a little weak.

For the next month, you will be in control of your body. Qin Heqing said, looking at Imari Walnut in front of him.

Is it only one month... Hu Tao was a little surprised, but also unwilling and disappointed.

After all, this body is hers. If Kitami Lihua hadn't taken over the dove's nest, how could Kitami Lihua use her image to run amok outside and do whatever she wanted?

Can you control Kitami Lihua's black magic association? Qin Heqing asked with a smile as he looked at Hu Tao, who had finally won a month of free time.

...I can try. Hu Tao thought for a while.

She is not a pure white girl who knows nothing. During the period when Reika Kitami was sealed by Hiroko Takashiro, she also experienced severe beatings from the society, and climbed to the captain of the Special Event Investigation Section under the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasure Bureau by virtue of her own skills. The people in the position, in terms of skill and quality, are no worse than Kitami Lihua, who created the black magic association single-handedly.

The difference is only in the experience of managing people.

It's not impossible to learn.

Then try it. If it works, I don't mind letting Kitami Lihua stay in the small black room forever. Qin Heqing patted Hu Tao's buttocks.

Okay! I will definitely not disappoint you. Imari Walnut said with bright eyes.

Okay, tell me now, Beijian Lihua is hiding something from me. Qin Heqing said with a smile.

Did you hide it from you... There are really two things. One is that she once sent someone to investigate the matter of the forbidden way, but it seemed that there was no result, so she gave up this action after a period of time. The other is that she arranged Many people have infiltrated the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Bureau, and it seems to be successful. But I don’t know who it is.” After a pause, Imari Walnut added, “After all, my strength is much weaker than hers. , so in many cases, I can't clearly know what she has done.

That's okay. Don't forget, you are the head of the family now. As you want to know this, I think it must be no more difficult than using a bank card to withdraw money from an ATM.


Then investigate clearly. To be honest, I am also very interested in the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Bureau. Qin He smiled lightly.

Then there was a knock on the door again, and Fumi Nakagawa, who had left earlier, returned to the office with a pile of contract documents.


After dealing with the affairs of the clubhouse, Qin Heqing didn't stay there any longer, and continued to let Fumi Nakagawa manage the operation of the clubhouse, and the Walnut, who had completely recovered as Imari Walnut, took over as guard and accepted Kitami Reika's black magic association. So I left the clubhouse and went to the general bookstore in Shinjuku to start a new round of purchases.

What to buy?

Naturally, learning materials!

From various historical documents to textbooks and tutoring materials needed by high school students, as well as extracurricular exercise booklets, Qin and Qing didn't let go of anything that could increase academic performance and increase the deviation value of test-taking.

Besides, Qin and Qing also bought a large number of textbooks on physics, books on electromagnetism, and systematic mathematics study manuals to satisfy the learning desire of Kanbei Kuroda in the pot world.

Beyond that are all kinds of magazines, comics and messy things, adding entertainment materials to the people in the world in the pot, so that they can pass the boring time.

So after buying books in the bookstore that ordinary people would never buy in their lifetime, Qin Heqing moved to Akihabara, where he bought electronic products——

Qin and Qing also didn't let go of PS game consoles, computers, mobile phones, generators, etc.


How do you say generate electricity?

Have you already bought a generator?

Although it makes a lot of noise and burns oil when using it, there is no problem in meeting the needs temporarily.

What's more, Qin and Qing will rebuild a power system in the pot world in the future, so there is no need to worry about the use of these electrical equipment, just use it with peace of mind.

Thanks to the book friend Book Friends 2018...5805 for the reward.

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