High Priest in Japan

Chapter 94 The difference between death

Is there something wrong with the amulet? Qin Heqing's expression remained unchanged, but he glanced at the amulet on the coffee table that had obviously been attacked by the evil spirit, and asked Kazama Eri back.

You said that this amulet was made by you, so Heqing Jun must know its efficacy. Eri Kazama was not annoyed, and said again, still staring at Qin Heqing's hard-to-read eyes.

An attitude of never giving up without asking clearly.

I know. Qin Heqing nodded slightly, expressing his affirmation.

It's glowing. Eri Kazama said in a deep voice with her eyes moving.

It shines, when and where? Qin Heqing asked as if I already knew everything.

In the place where I work, after a certain autopsy, it suddenly became hot and glowed...can you tell me why? Kazama Eri took a deep breath, and roughly described the situation at that time, Then asked.

Before I answer your question, I also have a question for you, Sister Huili.

What? Eri Kazama asked suspiciously.

Sister Huili, do you believe that there are ghosts in this world? Qin Heqing asked seriously.

... All of a sudden, Eri Kazama fell silent, and her expression gradually became weird.

As a mature adult who has entered the society, how could she fail to understand what Qin Heqing's question wanted to convey to her? Clearly, this should be an important question related to the glow of the amulet!

Coupled with the effect of the amulet itself, Eri Kazama had a clear association almost instantly——

There are ghosts in this world! The reason why the amulet glows is because I met a ghost, or came into contact with something related to a ghost.

what would that be

The answer is obviously, it is a corpse! The corpse that she personally touched and dissected that day.

It seems that Sister Huili already understands what I'm going to say. Qin Heqing smiled and said, Yes, ghosts do exist, and the reason why the amulet in your hand, Sister Huili, glows is precisely because it has come into contact with the unique yin of ghosts. Resentment! Or to explain it in a more scientific way, it is in contact with negative energy.

Ghosts, resentment, negative energy... don't talk about it yet, let me take it easy. Eri Kazama lowered her head, held her forehead with her hands, and stopped her with a troubled and painful expression.

I know it's difficult for you to accept it for a while, and you feel that your world view has been impacted, but the fact is that some things cannot be seen and touched by ordinary people. Accept, let's move on.

While talking, Qin Heqing picked up the kettle on the coffee table and filled up the tea cup that Eri Kazama had bottomed out again.

By the way, was it because of ghosts that you gave me the amulet back then? Suddenly, Eri Kazama, who suddenly remembered why Qin Heqing gave her amulet, asked anxiously, And it was also because of the influence of ghosts. In those few days, will you often suffer from insomnia and nightmares and not sleep well?

It's not that serious. At that time, Sister Huili, you were simply affected by Yin Qi. Even if you didn't have the amulet I gave you, you can recover to normal after a good rest for two days and exposure to the sun. Qin Heqing smiled and explained with a light smile .

The Yin Qi...is probably because of the corpse. Eri Kazama patted her cheek, made a soft papa, then regained her spirit, and confirmed to Qin Heqing.

Yes. Qin Heqing affirmed.

Then why were you okay before? Kazama Eri asked in confusion.

That's because not every human being will turn into a ghost after death. Not every corpse will have a strong Yin Qi left on it, enough to affect human life and health. Qin Heqing explained.

That is to say, what I encountered these two times are special cases? Eri Kazama asked thoughtfully.


Then under what circumstances would a dead body leave behind Yin Qi that is strong enough to affect a person's health, or even make the amulet react?

There are generally two situations. One is being killed by someone during life, and the soul becomes a ghost due to obsession and hatred during life, and then when the soul leaves the body, it leaves a yin energy on the corpse that can affect ordinary people. Two, people who died because of ghosts doing evil and seeking revenge, their bodies will have a lot of yin energy left by ghosts when they killed people, which is also the main situation that the amulets are aimed at. After a pause, Qin Heqing added Said, Besides, there are some situations that will leave a lot of Yin Qi on the body of the deceased, but those situations are relatively rare, so I won't explain them one by one.

For example? However, Eri Kazama did not let it go so easily, staring at Qin Heqing and asked.

Um... In addition to the two points mentioned above, some people who died by drowning and those who died in special places will also leave excessive Yin energy on their bodies. Qin Heqing was stunned, but he didn't hide it at all, and simply put the other Some special circumstances of death are described.

Are there any characteristics? Eri Kazama frowned and continued to ask.

I don't know about this. After all, I'm not a forensic doctor, and I can't summarize the characteristics of death like Sister Huili and you. I can only determine the state of those people after death or the way of death through direct observation through spiritual vision. Qin Heqing shook his head and explained helplessly.

Do you have time today? Eri Kazama was silent, and asked seriously after a while.

I'm not sure yet, I need to call to confirm. What?

If I have time, I would like to take you to the place where I work to see the corpse that made it glow. Eri Kazama answered without hesitation, picking up the amulet on the table.

This, it's not very good. Qin Heqing said with a dry smile, with a somewhat unnatural expression.

The corpse, whether it was in his previous life or in this life, he hadn't seen it directly. So even if he was trained by Yue'er to look directly at all kinds of tragic ghost images and remain indifferent, there is still no way to guarantee that he will not change his face when confronted with corpses.

After all, corpses are different from ghosts. The latter are the products of alienation after death. They are no longer human beings, so it is not a problem for Qin and Qing to see or kill them. But corpses... as dead bodies of the same kind, Qin Heqing said that he really couldn't calm down.

It's not for you to do an autopsy. Eri Kazama rolled her eyes and said.

Okay then. Qin Heqing hesitated for a while, and finally agreed based on his inner curiosity about forensic work and the condition of the corpse that could trigger the amulet reaction.

Then Qin Heqing took out his phone, found Kato Megumi's number and called.

The beautiful music sounded, and after a while, Megumi Kato's voice came from the opposite side.

I'm Megumi Kato.

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