High Priest in Japan

Chapter 929 Mining

With the assistance of the Nine Ghost Pirates and the mixed knights headed by Gepana Lulutes, the strategy of the small Shima Kingdom will no longer be a problem...

Of course, even without their assistance, Niwa Nagahide's troops alone would be enough to recover Shima Country.

So in just a little more than a day, the entire Shima Kingdom became the land under the jurisdiction of Niwa Chohide, and the miscellaneous congregants were dispersed, arrested, detained, awaiting trial and further processing, and at the same time fleeing abroad Zahe Sunshi, the leader of Zahezhong, sent a message - if you don't want Zahezhong to have problems, then don't mess around, otherwise we don't mind killing people and retaliation.

So although Zahe Sunshi was very aggrieved, he still didn't make any more troubles in the end. After a few days of stability, he left for Hanoi. The main temple of the cat temple is going to hide there for a while, or just become a monk...

Because in the concept of the island country, as long as you become a monk, you will be separated from the worldly affairs, and the past sins will not be punished, and the future affairs will not be questioned. It is a very good trick to escape death.

Loved by nobles and wealthy families of all periods——

The reason is also very simple, just because in this way they can also join Buddhism when they are desperate, thus avoiding death.

I have to say, this rule is a bit painful.

But Qin and Qing couldn't say anything.

Because the original origin of this rule comes from China, from the customs of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, so if you really want to get to the bottom of it, the entire island country Buddhism cannot escape the responsibility.

The magnitude of the matter is far beyond what he, a person who has no intention of living in this era for a long time, or a yin and yang head can interfere with.

So after receiving Zahe Sunshi's movements, Qin Heqing didn't bother to trouble that guy anymore, and continued to prepare his own affairs instead.

As for the ultimate goal of this battle, Kazuyoshi Takigawa?

I don't know if I feel that I have nowhere to go, or I feel that there is nothing wrong with surrendering. When I broke through Shima Kingdom and wiped out Zahezhong, I was captured by Niwa Changhide's men, and then stayed in the Niwa Changhide's subordinates can be regarded as returning to their original roots and becoming members of the Oda family again.

So far, the southern countries south of the mountain city have been pacified, and there are no threatening forces at all, and they are being guarded by the new Echizen Kingdom, Oda Nobuna, Akechi Mitsuhide, the lord of Akechi Castle, and Settsu Kingdom, guarding Shibata Katsuie The crusade against the northern forces, and the entire surrounding area of ​​Gyeonggi have all been brought under the control of the Imagawa shogunate!

In addition, the Shikoku region that has all fallen into the hands of Chang Zonggabu Yuanqin, Kyushu that has all fallen into the hands of those related to Qin and Qing—Otomo Zonglin, Sagara Yoshiyo, and Shimadzu Yoshihiro, and those in Takeda Among the six Kanto countries surrounded by the four families of Azumi, Uesugi, Hojo, and Yida, only the power of the Azumo Mori clan is left worthy of attention!

And it's just worth paying attention to.

After all, the left side of the Mori family is the Ouchi family of Zhou Fangguo, and the leader was replaced by the Ouchi family inherited by the adoptive children of the Otomo family. They have a very close relationship with the Ouchi family innately.

Not to mention, the joint power of the three Otomo families that unified Kyushu itself is not something Mori can underestimate, and the resistance forces of the Nizi family that exist on the right—that is, Shikanosuke Yamanaka and Shibata Katsuya who are in the Pingdingshan Yin Kingdom With the Imagawa army, it can be said that they are facing the enemy. Basically, as long as there are no accidents, I believe that it will not take long before they will follow the footsteps of other disobedients, be eliminated, suppressed, and finally surrender to Imagawa Yoshimoto in order to preserve the family line. Hand over the table and bow your head.

So after taking care of some trivial matters, Qin Heqing called Kagura, took Yue'er and Ayukawa who had been with him all the time, and left the island country on Kagura's feathered flying boat, heading towards the mainland in the Western Pacific. ——Australia is flying away.

What are you going to do? Naturally, taking advantage of the fact that there is no one there now—there is no foreign colonization, only local aborigines exist, to dig Australia's resources!

Such as gold, silver, copper and iron... to complete the work of collecting the gold of the five elements that is missing from the demon refining pot.


After more than seven hours, Qin Heqing and others finally arrived at the destination before evening in the feather airship - the western part of the northern part of Australia, which is the Kalumburu area of ​​later generations.

After a little trimming, we continued to go deeper into the interior.

Sure enough, as described in the information I found at the beginning, the iron ore in Australia can be seen directly on the surface. After a long time, Qin Heqing, who finally flew over a barren beach next door, let out a sigh of relief. , said happily with a relaxed face.

And this is the reason why he dared to call his own small group to mine here in Australia without bringing anyone with him.

Otherwise, no matter how confident he is and how many spells he has, he would not dare to travel thousands of miles across the sea to the barren land of Australia without even looking for a professional prospector!

Time is not so wasted.

Okay. Let's go down. Then, Qin Heqing said to Kagura who didn't understand what he was going to do.

Immediately, Kagura pressed down on the flying boat, landed above the area where a large area of ​​surface iron ore was found, then jumped off and put away the flying boat.

In this way, apart from Ayukawa staying with me to deal with emergencies, Yue'er, take Kagura and retreat a little first. I don't know how long this operation will take, but it may take a while to end. Qin Heqing bent down and grabbed a piece of exposed iron ore from the ground, threw it twice, then swallowed it with the demon refining pot, then turned his head and said to Yue'er beside him.

Okay, I know what to do now, don't worry. Yue'er glanced at him and nodded in response.

Then I'll start work. Qin Heqing nodded, and without hesitation, he lay flat on the ground under Kagura's inexplicable gaze, and then closed his eyes, a strange depression appeared suddenly under Qin Heqing's body come out...

At first it was very small - about the same height and width as Qin and Qing, but then it expanded.

The surrounding soil surged quickly, as if being pulled by something, it rolled into the depression under Qin Heqing's body, and then disappeared near Qin Heqing under Kagura's inexplicable eyes.

My lord, this is... Kagura asked Yue'er who seemed to know something.

Mining. Yue'er said calmly, Okay, let's not get in the way here, let's go over there and set up the camp first.

Kagura looked at her and nodded, then left the Gobi, stopped at a place about a kilometer away from Qin and Qing, and helped Yue'er use magic to build a camp for them to stay.

Then the scene fell silent, only the strange sound effects produced by the rolling of sand and stones and the air being pulled away rang in the wilderness, telling everything that was happening here.

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